My husband wants to leave my for a girl in another country that he met online, what do I do?

Wait. He hates YOU?! :woman_facepalming:t2: Honey, get out of this horrible relationship and when he figures out heā€™s been played DO NOT TAKE HIM BACK!! The best thing you can do is be independent and show him how much he was holding you back.


Girl. Let him go. Wish him well. I know itā€™s easier said than done but you donā€™t deserve someone like that.

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Let that deckhand go . Get his shit out of the house :house: move on .

Tell him donā€™t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!! You donā€™t need a cheater! You deserve betterā€¦

Go speak to an Attorney make sure you have money out of the account his name is on to make it on if he leaves you can get him for abandon you and kids file for child support or tell him since he has another woman he better be prepared to do shared parenting allot of guys do not want that either

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Get some jumper cables, and while heā€™s sleeping hook them up to his testicles and the other end to the 220a line of the clothes dryer. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Make a plan for you and your children. Then, get him OUT!

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Let him go!! And donā€™t take him back!!!


You kick him out and tell him to have a nice life with this other girl. Throw his shit out on the lawn if you have to.

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Wish him the best and kick his cheating ass to the curb

Ship the bastatd to her then. Fuck him

Throw his shit on the lawn.

I agree with all the ones above! If heā€™s done this with this one whose to say he ainā€™t with others already and if he leaves just say see ya wouldnā€™t want to be ya!

Let him go. You got this. You can do this.

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Its a citizenship scam one way or the other, you should imediately sheild assets for you and your children and if he does goā€” never let the kids go to visit him outside U S borders


Good riddance to bad rubbish. And donā€™t look back


Let him go. And trust me he will regret his stupidity for the rest of his miserable life!

Let him go. When he calls crying and saying he made a mistake let that call go to voicemail. Tell him get out your house now, donā€™t let him stay until heā€™s leaving for the plane

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If he did that to youā€¦ you donā€™t want him anyways!

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  1. If yā€™all have a joint account go there a make a huge withdrawal. Keep the money hidden somewhere safe. I would say open a new account but that will be brought up during the divorce. You need to get to that money before he does.
  2. File for divorce, FULL custody and any type support that youā€™re entitled to.
  3. Send his a** packing.
  4. Just remember the way the other woman got him is the way she will lose him. Hell for all he knows she conning him. Thatā€™s another reason you should check your account. That :clown_face: is probably sending her money.

Pack his bags for him


Get a laywer. Get all money sorted out. Get court orders sorted for visitation so he canā€™t leave the Country with the kids. Let him go but he can go without screwing your life up further.
Donā€™t let your kids over boarders or countries with him because you risk them not being returned


You can do this, you donā€™t need him. That being said I really hope he was catfished. And he gets there to the whole other country and boom! He realizes it


Look into this women because what if sheā€™s a catfish.?? Seriously do you want to end things for some one who donā€™t exist? Itā€™s up to you.

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I too vote to let him go and fuck up his own life. Heā€™s her problem now!! This is more than a small mistake. If he wasnā€™t leaving you weā€™d be telling you to leave him.

Tell him to get the f$&@ out and donā€™t ever come back!!


Let him freaking leave not worth the time.

I hope she is a catfish and ghosts him when he gets there and he is stranded. When he calls crying saying he made a mistake DONT DO ANYTHING! He made his bed and he can lay in it and rot :woman_shrugging:t2:


Tell him to go and good riddance. Donā€™t take him back when it turns out his online girl is actually a 400 pound man from India or Asia. That happens about 85% of the time when ā€œtheyā€™ve never met beforeā€! They use other peopleā€™s pics and videos. They are very convincing too. I hope thatā€™s the case here. Serves him right for being a cheater.


Burn his damn clothes and kick him to the curb.

Get rid of his sad ass he no good

Take pics of the messages and get a lawyer


Move on hun I know itā€™s easier said then done but, you and your children deserve better then that trashā€¦ let her have him so he can just go do the same thing to her and hopefully he ends up alone in the end it will look good on him karma is a bitch. You will meet a man that cares about you and your children and treats you right.

Well heā€™s an idiot :woman_facepalming: Iā€™d tell him to just leave now donā€™tā€‹:woman_shrugging:let his ā€œbest friendā€ deal with his shit.

Show him the door and say go and have fun with your girlfriend just remember thereā€™s no comming back herer

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Help him pack and donā€™t let him back in after he realizes heā€™s been catfished.

He probably actually talking to a dude and is going to get scammed out of a lot of money. Leave now!

Pack his shit and wave from the window

he would have been gone the day he told me he hates me and were done

Let him goā€¦ Say bye ā€¦ Dont look back and. Never take him backā€¦ He looking for anyone he can go to so he can leave you. People meet on line ā€¦ It never works out so he deserves to be alone with that relationship fails

Let him gooooooooooooo

Her problem nowā€¦ Let him leave girlā€¦ Dont act like it bothers u even tho it does! U dont wanna be with a cheater anyways

Drive him to the Airport and make sure he doesnā€™t leave anything behind. Seriously, you have too ask that question :roll_eyes:.

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Empty the bank accounts unless he already sent it all to his online scammer

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So sorry you are going through this. Stay strong. Hold your head high. Do what you need to for yourself @ your kids.
Maybe heā€™s being catfished. Then youā€™ll get last laugh.
In the meantime I hope your heart heals.

Run. Let him go. Donā€™t take him back!!


You lose them the same way you get themā€¦ He will do the same to her. Let him go you deserve better.

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Beg him to stay, heā€™s everything you have!!!

Just kidding. Yeet him right out the window, preferably with it still closed


Tell him bye and donā€™t forget to send child support every month


Hold the door open for him you deserve better


Let him go. Heā€™ll find out the hard way.


Let him go. He may be surprised.

Heā€™s an idiot!! Let him go.


Heā€™s being catfished. Is there someone he trusts that might get through to him?

Shut the door behind him

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Separate everything from him and let him go. You deserve better.

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He is using her as an excuse. If you want to keep him and her so be it but if she is to remain in the picture tough shiy

Once a cheater. Always a cheater. Run like hell!


Heā€™s probably being Catfished like a mf too and itā€™ll end up being a man in real life . Let him go


Even if he is being cat fished thats on him. I understand how heart breaking and hard it is to start over but even if he decided to stay you need to leave. This will continue and you will just be settling for him and you are more than that. Your kids deserve to see you happy and respected so they know how they should treat and be treated by others. Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with this its going to take some time to not be devastated anymore. Eventually you will feel so much better without him


Pack his bags and tell him you leave donā€™t look back!!!

Decide if you deserve better treatment than what you are getting from him. If you decide that you are better than put a. And walk away with your children

Let that idiot go! And hope it turns out to be a 50 year old man!


Tell him see ya and I wouldnā€™t wanna be ya

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Let him go he is emotionally abusing you and if not her it will be someone else itā€™s not fair or healthy for you or your kids you are in a toxic relationship and your kids should come 1st they deserve better than seeing dad treat mom like that

Let him go!You and your kids deserve better!!


Let the loser go shes prolly some old dude living his mommas basement you dont need his ass hes shown his true colors and he will regret what hes doing to you i promise

What a chopā€¦someone he doesnā€™t even noā€¦I no of a real case like thisā€¦she divorced her hubbyā€¦want over to UKā€¦met this man a few times then married him and brought him back hereā€¦ended up being a lazy bastardā€¦and still is

Make sure you empty any joint bank accounts because if you donā€™t she willā€¦

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What should you do? Laugh.

Let him go. Get a divorce, custody of children, the house. Build yourself back up. And watch as karma does as she always does.


What do you do? You walk his ass out the door. Heā€™s made his choice. Now you make yours. You donā€™t need him. You do what you gotta do to take care of you and your kids.

Hope he is being catfished!! Take your dignity and go! Donā€™t look back


Send him packing but make sure to secure the finances before you do. Heā€™s probably getting scammed.

Yes, I know this from experience.


Heā€™s being scammed. Put a hold on your bank accounts or move your half of assets to your name only. ā€œSheā€ will want money for ā€œairfare,ā€ to ā€œbring her family to meet himā€ or whatever, which he can kiss goodbye. If he goes to ā€œherā€ theyā€™ll hold him for ransom and kill him when the money runs out. Or it is a real woman (and possibly whole family) who just want green cards and will dump him once they donā€™t need him. Heā€™s a fool and an idiot. Donā€™t you be.


You donā€™t do anything other than tell him to get the fuck out. Heā€™s choosing a girl whom heā€™s never met over you and his family. Tell him good riddance, donā€™t need his ass, donā€™t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Sue his ass for child support and move on. Find someone who deserves you and those children.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re devastated. What a terrible person would do this. Unfortunately Iā€™m not sure much can be done to stop it. File separation and child support. Spousal support depending on state. Get a good attorney if u can. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this. What a jerk.

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Shit he wanna go thereā€™s the door if he can just up and leave his kids like that shows what kind of POS he is to begin with

How heartbreaking. You have to decide whether you want to fight or let the cheater leave. Thatā€™s harsh but true. Itā€™s up to you. I know how I would feel but Iā€™d never give you adverse advice. Iā€™ll follow you to see the outcome

Let him go. He will find out that his ā€œbest friendā€ is a 40 year old creepy male playing video games online.

If someone can just up and leave their family let them. 9x out of 10 they end up trying to crawl back because they stuffed up . Donā€™t let him back in.


what do you do??? Oh honey, take half of of his bank, if you can, See a lawyer real quick , so if he has a pension plan, IRAā€™s 401ā€™s, so he canā€™t touch them until you get halfā€¦oh & let his ass go, heā€™s not worth it. As for him leaving the county, not too sure if you can get child support, But if you guys own a house, your lawyer can get that for you

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Get his SS number for child support and show him the door. Donā€™t beg anyone to stick around.


Let- him-go. Child Support. Divorce. Move on.

I damn sure wouldnā€™t let him stay after that. I know itā€™s hard cause you have kids and you probably still love him. But he doesnā€™t even respect you. I know itā€™d scary to be alone but you got this

Let him go he will do it again but make sure he will never b able to afford toilet paper to wipe his ass

throw his shit out on the lawn lol once a cheat always a cheat

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Ha Ha see ya dude !!! Hes probably getting got by this chick and I hope so for his sake :joy:


Divorce. Go ahead and start up that child support too so he can be held responsible for them while heā€™s visiting his new boo. Have a safe place to go for you and the kids and look up emergency resources in your state. Withdraw whatever money you can before he blocks you from it


Tell him to p!ss off! Sounds like a dickheadā€¦

Make him sign everything over to you and bid him good riddance. Someone who can ā€œfall in loveā€ with someone overseas heā€™s never met isnā€™t worth it!!


I hope he is being cat-fished, clearly you deserve so much better.


Let him go meet his Nigerian boyfriendā€¦lmao


Hire a lawyer. Get divorced. And go find happiness!


Let him go. If he is willing to throw away your relationship for some random person he found online that he hasnā€™t even met you donā€™t want him.


Let him go be with her.Heal and start over with your babies.


If thatā€™s all it took, let him go lose all of his money to some dude in another country lol you deserve better. Fuck that noise

Let him go. He clearly has no respect for you.


Send him on his was. It is his loss not yours.

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No advice but I hope he meets her and she has a penis.

Leave once a cheater always a cheater

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