Let him go! It’s probably a dude that’s chat him up anyways. He’s probably send it her money to
Gi to divorce lawyer and get your child support and alimony and house if you own…but also kno it hurts but try to remember he cheated and don’t take him back. They never change…and you will find someone who will wipe away the pain…good luck
Guaranteed that’s not the only girl he’s messaging… do yourself a favor and your kids, move on from this toxic environment
Your angel showed you that msg. Don’t ignore it
Send him packing with the understanding that he’s to sign everything over to you now and he’s not too come back if he gets there and it’s not what he expected.
Hollie Kimbrell Fortner Whatcha think?
Let him go, girl. Why would you want him to stay? I’m sure you’ve got more self respect than to beg him. You can laugh your arse off when it all goes to hell for him and he tries to come home to you . You got this.
Karma is a bitch! Let him leave… It will get easier with time
He’s getting scammed. Secure as many assets as you can so the scammer doesn’t end up with them (no guarantee that it’s actually a female). And don’t take his poor, sad, crying ass back when it all goes badly.
Damn he’s childish and foolish. He has no idea what he’s giving up. He won’t know until it is too late. He needs a wake up call. There’s nothing that can be done, this is his decision to make and its a stupid one. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through.
Let him. He’s probably being catfished anyway.
He will get his karma! You have to move on! So sad for the children
LET HIM GO! He will find that she only wants him to get over here! Let him find out the hard way!
I would get a divorce and laugh at him the whole time.
what do you mean what do you do you leave or if there’s any hope go to counseling and work on re creating a bond
Definitely leave him and I’d try to contact her and tell her he cheated on you with her.
Why would you want him if he wants someone else? Obviously he is not who you thought he was.
Don’t be somebodies second choice. If he goes there and she rejects him, don’t ever take him back
Let him go…he will fall flat on his face.
Love yourself first… there’s someone better for you
Kick him out.Get a good lawyer.Do not take him back when he crawls back.
Young one - send him to that country - you got the kids - you keep the house - you can not make anyone love you - let him go and don’t take him back. Your kids are your priority and they are watching you.
let him go ur better of with out him
Drain your bank account and pack his bags, let her take him. My ex left a week before christmas to runaway with a woman he met on fcbk after 17 yrs of marriage, we had 4 kids, my babygirl was only 4 months old, he drained our bank account, quit his job and moved to Bolivia for 6 months, so please do not wait for him to something similar, protect yourself and your kids.
I didn’t read the paragraph. The answer to your question is divorce. And self healing from said divorce. That is the only option. Unless, of course, you are not opposed to some jail time? Then my answer would be different. Pm me for more information.
Let him go karma will catch up like Sidney said could be catfished
Let him go!! Then when he realizes quickly she wasn’t what he wanted … tries to come crawling back . Do NOT take him back !! You and your Kids can and will be happy without him . You deserve so much more than that !!
Pack his bags and say bye!
Let him learn the hard way
I’d say he made his bed let him lay in it. Hell it can be a man for all he knows. I’d focus on myself and move on.
Send him Packing, with a hefty Child Support Bill!
Let him go. It’ll hurt you more in the long run just trying to hold on and forget about it. I’m sorry this is happening to you I send you love and strength to move on past this
Let him go. Hopefully she’s a troll and takes him for all he’s got while u divorce him and take the rest of what he has left. He’s a POS. U deserve better.
Just let him go, he has a fantasy you cannot fulfill, let him learn his own mistakes, don’t take him back, get your child support in place first, then move on with your life, don’t let your feelings interfere as he’s made his mind up already.
Sorry for this . There are so many reasons to let him go…you deserve better
He may take all the money
The kids dont need to witness this
He will regret it one day… let him go
Let him go if he wants to go over there
Him go
Nothing for you to do. You don’t want someone who you have to beg to stay. Let him go and find yourself before you find a partner.
Yeah let him go ahead and TRY and see how that works out cuz trust me girl it won’t and you take your kids and move on you can do it screw him he sounds like a weirrdoo for that and not like a real man at all
Let him go. Karma will get him. He will do the same to her or she will do.it to him
Let him leave. His loss
Let him go… he’ll learn it’s probably a man in his mamas basement
That dude needs a reality check.
I know it might be hard but let him go girl
Pack his bag and throw the whole man away.
He’s a piece of shit. Let him go. You can handle your own hopefully when he gets to this other country he finds out this " woman " he been talking to happens to be a Man. Then when he tries coming back stand your ground. DONT. TAKE. HIM. BACK!
Let him go. His “fantasy” probably won’t work the way he wants anyway. Don’t let him come crawling back
Let him go. Don’t take him back!!
She’s probably a 400 lb man.
Let him go to her. Hope she has a dick
Let him go and don’t let him back. Make sure u get child support and alimony for u and the kids.
Hell, buy his ticket and make lots of popcorn for the inevitable shit show.
You let that pathetic man go and restart your life for the better
D I V O R C E. Peace out, homie. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
When he comes back too reality & realizes he fucked up.
Pack his bags to go and let him meet his catfish
Kiss his ass goodbye
Let him go sweetheart. Pray to the Karma police that she lives in Afghanistan.
Its over anyway, let him leave
You tell her she can have him!
Let him go, but not with any of his money!!!
Get even, let her have him.
Talk to a lawyer now! Make sure you get child support for your kids and enjoy watching how this “girl” scams him
Get a killer attorney
Edwina Healy
She or he is probably a scammer…let him go
Let him go. He will eventually come crawling back. I guarantee the grass isn’t greener on the other side and he will regret it. But if he leaves never take him back.
Get rid of him and don’t take him back when he realizes what a damn fool he is!!
Girl, let him go…
I’ll help you pack his bags.
Buy him a ticket and move on with your life. He’s a dirt bag.
It’s probably a man he’s talking too
Let him go he will get ripped off
Let him go he’ll find her out and he’ll want you back don’t take him back that’ll cook his goose he’ll see what he had at home
His girlfriend in that other country might turn out to be a 300 pound bruiser with a long beard Wouldnt that be poetic justice Plant your foot in his butt and send him out the door
Time to move on.get every thing secured for you and the kids get up and get to a lawyer and make him pay for every thing.what a low life
Let his ass go!! Honestly. I hope he leave and Karma comes back on his ass smh
Bye boy
Get your ass immediately to court and get started on divorce and child support preceedings. He can leave but he still has a responsibility to his children and the life you built with him. Once there’s a plan in place for how he’s going to provide that let him go, you deserve better than that shit.
Open the door for him, you won’t be able to trust him ever again
Bid him farewell and good luck because he’ll need it. She’s from another country(could even be a he) and he’s too dumb to know he’s being scammed!
Let him go! and when he comes sprawling back don’t take him back
Let him go. Don’t let him come back in 2 weeks when “she” turns out to be a greasy old man.
Nothing to worry about it’s Probably a foreign Man tryin to scam him, jokes on him .
Let him go let him go oh lord let him go
Let him go. It’s a scam. I’m so sorry for your hurt and for your children. You will and can do better even if you are alone. Love yourself enough.
He’s being catfished. Let him go. If he wants to ruin a 7 year marriage for a fictional woman, let him be the fool.
Buy him a one way ticket and get the popcorn ready to watch his story on catfish
You deserve better, take your 3 children and leave his cheating ass. It may not be physical but it is still cheating. You deserve someone who loves you and treats you like the queen you are. You are teaching your children that this is ok to be treated like this. You should always be number 1.
Divorce him now. I went through that. He is playing so many women right now. Girl ditch the witch. God has someone way better already waiting . Gods got you hun.
Get proof, let him go, file fore divorce for infidelity, and be happy.
Say “bye Felicia” and don’t look back.
Let him go trust and believe me never end my ex kid’s father we had 3 kid’s together he did the same thing but see I went on the messages on his game seen this female he was talking sexually to her wishing he was with her blah and blah so on I took his game busted it off the road I paid for it he was so mad he acted like was ok she live in a different county my dumbass let it go forgave him well than he met a girl at work behind my back got her pregnant after I stayed with him was a big mistake couldn’t trust him no more I slowly stop loving him I knew he would do it again like that ladies telling u he will Try to come back didn’t work out he will do it again and again that’s what Cheaters do all because u have kid’s together doesn’t mean should be together hurting your kid’s more than it’s hurting you find someone who will cherish you and your kid’s like I did don’t stick around leave his ass
Ugh I’m so sorry that happened to you. Let him go. If he’s seriously that stupid he didn’t deserve you to begin with.
It’s so easy to say let him go , leave him when you you have 3 kids and have been married for 7 years. In this case she is in other country so assuming no physical contact (cheating ) had happened. If you love him , you can try to talk to him and if he gets his mind cleared and see what he is doing you both will need to see a counselor . He is in confusing stage and his mind is clouded and you can try to fight for your love, family and husband
Leave him because he isn’t worth your tears. You don’t see it now because you’ve spent so long with him. Let him leave he’ll regret his choice and don’t let him back in because the cheating will never stop
Girl if he never met her let him go. He will want to come back soon enough but don’t do it. And he mad cause he got caught. If I went thru his phone it wouldnt matter he hiding stuff. And u have a right to know. Std’s r real and u should have the choice to have fun and get it ur self not someone bringing it to u that u love.
It’s most likely a scam, so let him go sis. Let him go and make him pay you alimony, at least until the “girl” het me let online drains his bank account.
Let him go girl. He’ll learn the hard way and coming crawling back. I pray by then you’ll be strong enough not to take that back.
I would divorce him.he will do it again.
Push him out and close and lock the door.
Let him leave. He honestly doesn’t respect you.
Yo never know as well. It could be someone pretending to be a person. Let him go you deserve better.
Let him go and move on with hopes that this new girl is really a big hairy dude named carl