My husband wants to leave my for a girl in another country that he met online, what do I do?

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Let him go. Then sit back and laugh as she scams him!!!


You can’t force someone to stay with you. No matter how much it hurts you have to let him go. Chances are he’ll regret it and want to come back but then the ball will be in your court. I’m sorry this is happening to you.


Let him go and heal yourself so he see what he missing. Don’t hold on to man or nobody who don’t want to be held on to


As hard as it will be, hold your head up high and help him pack his stuff. That situation would be almost impossible to repair, you’ll never be able to trust again and always wonder.


Wait. What? Is this a serious question.

100% fake profile. Scammer from Ghana


Let him go, save your dignity… Plus you are way better off without a scumbag as him…


Pack his bag for him.


Peace the fuk out !! Bye Let him go he’s not worth it i’m sure she’s going probably take him for money than you can sit back and laugh

Be sure to freeze you bank account so he can’t leave you without any way to keep your children and yourself going until you are able to do it on your own. prays that things get easier as you learn how to Survive alone


feel for you he is actually cheating on you its called micro cheating and he has been for a while by the sounds of it

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Wow his willingness to throw away a marriage and kids for something he has not seen😳 leave him, let him go. You heal and don’t take him back.


Let him be a dumb ass and leave. I predict she won’t want him anymore after he has to pay child support for 3 kids

Don’t ask the ‘puplic’ get a lawyer and sue his ass off

Let him go… he will realize his loss one day. You can’t force him to live you. Hopefully she ends up being a man lol :joy:


Let him go…o tlo itshola

Let him go and if karma serves him right, it’ll be some middle aged man living in his mama’s basement. You deserve better.


What a dick ! Poison his food a little every day . Make him suffer slowly to the point he wants to die .
But that’s just me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Silly Man, you can do way better.


So sorry but let him go, and dont take him back when he realizes and meets the real her in person! Cant force him to stay when clearly he already has been talking and planning shit with another bitch. The hurt will go away and gets easier. He is selfish and not even thinking of his kids to do that shit!

Help him pack but make sure to tell him there is no returning once he leaves


What a epic moron! I would be happy his dumb butt was gone!

Let him go because he will come back a fool. Most likely he is being catfished! What a loser. I am so sorry you are going through this. Good luck! When he comes back crying slam the door in his face.


Let him go. Take everything from him. Don’t look back! Apparently he doesn’t care enough to do this to you .


I’d pack his bags and pay for the flights using his credit card…I’d also treat myself and the kids whilst I’m at it…he obviously doesn’t respect you or the kids X


Kick his ass out and let him make his own mistakes

Watch the “best friend” be a shemale :smile:

Put him on catfish the tv show lol


Let him go and ruin his own life. Love your own beautiful life without a cheating dog. And teach your kids how not to accept poor treatment by another


Show him the door and tell him to fuck off and have a good life.
Make sure you save your arse and have everything backed up behind you

He sounds like an immature a$$hole, protect your assets and dump him and don’t take him back

Sounds devastating! He’s not thinking straight! It’s all fun and games in the beginning. He’s most like infatuated with her. He’s never met her and she lives in a whole other country? Geeze your husband needs to get his head out his azz. Tell him BYE. He’ll be sorry

Divorce him take half or more and never take him back honey. You don’t need that in your life. I’m sorry. You will be happy.


Hold the door open when he leaves and slam it shut after he goes


Kick him out you and your kids deserve so much better xx

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You move on. Your relationship is over. Find someone better.


Yuck, I hate him. And him trying to put the blame on you :nauseated_face: hope you’re doing okay :two_hearts:

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Mine did the same after 17 years so i gave them the boot . They came crawling back very quickly. We are roommates now. Screw that move on you will be much happier.


Charlie he will get karma, that same girl will leave him for someone else

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Pack his bags,and tell see you later. You will be better off without him.

I hope it’s a catfish


He doesn’t deserve you and there is someone who will appreciate and treat you for your worth keep your head up

Lol Its Probly a catfish let him go :rofl:


Help him pack & change the locks as he heads up the road :raising_hand_woman:t3:
He thinks the grass in greener on the other side. Sometimes it is; mostly it’s dead & expensive to maintain :wink::upside_down_face:
Enjoy your new life after you get over grieving. Yes, your dreams have gone but there’s no reason why you can’t create new ones.


It would be bye bye one way ticket and no return. You deserve someone who treats you right.

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Hahahahahaha let the bloody fool go, we all know how this ends :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Let him make his own mistakes and you can make a new life for yourself

Yuck, let him go and slam the door behind him. I feel for you be strong :heart:


Take him for everything he has

Tell him to leave. Tell him goodbye. Smile the whole time. Don’t take him back. Be happy. Your free from his crap…


You cant make him stay he will be miserable in a marriage he doesn’t want to be in , so let him leave and you move on with the kids

Tell him to go. Get yourself a lawyer and file immediately for the minimum of legal separation if not divorce. Do not believe him when he says he will send money to help support the kids. Won’t happen. Protect yourself and your kids. You can’t hold onto him when he doesn’t want to stay if they do stay when they don’t want to…you will never trust him. FIRST GET A LAWYER. Depending on what state you live in until there is a legal document he can run up all kinds of debt that you will be responsible for and if he’s in another country they won’t go after him, they will come after you for the money.


She is probably a man. Let him go and figure it out. He will be trying to run back to you in no time. You and your kids deserve better.


Nothing you can do and why would you want to try to hold on to someone like that? Cut your losses and move on.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband wants to leave my for a girl in another country that he met online, what do I do?

Set up an account and transfer most of joint money in there. Send him on his way! Buy a one way ticket, let him take what he has on. Everyone I know that fell in love with someone over the internet in another country…. Is being catfished. He has probably sent her money. By the time he leaves, you won’t have money to pay bills.


Let him leave!!! Bye :v:t3: file for divorce. Just don’t take him back!! He will try to guilt trip you when she isn’t who she said she was.


Buy him a ticket , pack his bags she’s his problem now lol and when he gets there and has been cat fished by a giant dude hopefully the child support he would have to pay will have kicked in so he can’t afford to come back lol


Omg sounds like my first marriage pack up and get out it will save u heart ache many therapy sessions more alcohol than u know why u drunk … and yr body children and people who really love u will make sure u are ok …

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I’m so sorry Girl. I couldn’t imagine the shocking pain. Listen to these ladies up in here, but I just want to hug you


Let him go and when he realises this “woman” is a 58 year old man… well… he’s just made his bed and he can lie in it!

But although it’s heartbreaking now, you can’t stay with someone who has expressed so much negativity towards you. You can’t take those kind of words back.
You’ll find someone worthy of you and the children and he’ll be the best thing that has ever happened to you.


Let him go. It really depends on the state as far as child support and alimony and the repercussions of not paying those. Your first battle is being able to get them. If you file on the basis adultery, then you must have proof to get everything you can from him. Southern states are typically harsher on the support given to the one who was cheated on. Since there sounds like there hasn’t been any “physical” cheating, you may need to go the abandonment route. Get him to tell you he’s leaving in text message or in writing somehow. Him leaving the house and you and the kids to go be with someone else shows abandonment and you won’t have to work as hard to get all that you can in order to take care of your family on your own.

Prayers for you and your family during this difficult time!


Say goodbye and do your best to support your kiddos. In the end they are what matters. You will survive this. I promise. It will be hard but you deserve more than what he’s giving by choosing her over y’all.


:joy: help him pack his bags and drive his ass to the airport… If that man’s going to sit in your home and cheat on you every night , then gaslight you , you better just throw the whole thing away and be happy with your kids and the house. You will get through this ,you will get stronger, you will laugh in his face when he shows up at your door because it didn’t work out. Just breathe and start to packing Mama :heart:


Pack his bags put them on the front porch, change your locks and file for divorce, be sure to include child support. Clean out the bank account before you do any of this. You’ll need that money more than he does. Report his credit cards as stolen (if you’re authorized to do so) and take your name off of any vehicle he will be taking with him when he goes. You and your kids will be fine. It takes time but you will all get through it. He is going to have it rough and he will regret this decision for the rest of his days.


Let him leave. You deserve someone that loves you and your children. Don’t try and force an unloving relationship, that’s so unhealthy.


Throw the whole man away :woman_shrugging::wastebasket:


Let him go and tell him don’t come back. Go file for divorce mad get custody of your kids. He left the minute he started talking to another woman. Well, not a woman - a woman wouldn’t be with a married man. She is a low life. So is he. Say “See ya, bye! Hope the door hits ya!” You’re better off without him. Now you’re free. Throw all stuff on the curb.

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He was looking for an excuse to say you two were done.

Move on with your life.

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Ladies stop begging for men to stay. Yes I understand you love your man but the pain isn’t worth it…


Let him go and learn the hard way and when he comes back don’t take him back that’s my advice you deserve better


Let that mangoe (hahaha) nah but really, there is a chance it’s a catfish and he’ll get beat up out there. Let him go. You gave birth 3 times! You really don’t have to deal with this crock of bum shit.

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The grass is not always greener on the other side , let him move on you will find a man that will love you .Never look back when he realize it will be to late .Stay humble focus on you and the kids .


Ask if he needs help packing his bags and focus on loving yourself! That way when missy gets what she wants from him he can’t crawl back to you!


Know your worth and let him go. When he realizes this girl is most likely in it for the money and possibly a green card, he will realize he fu*ked up and i hope you don’t take him back

Ask yourself this…do you want to be with a man who says he hates you? Do you want to be with a man who wants another woman more than you? Once you answer those questions, you will know what to do (I believe you already know, you just need some reassurance from others, which is completely normal). Best of luck to you, you deserve way better.


These is nothing you can do as far as keeping him goes. But as others have said, withdraw some of the money from your joint account if you have one. Make your preparations. Find ways to enjoy your life and slowly begin the process of moving on. I know it seems unfathomable now but this will come back to bite him in the you-know-what in the fullness of time.
I noticed you said that he told you he hates you. In truth, he just did you the biggest favor. Imagine spending years and decades with someone who secretly felt that way. It would turn into bitterness and resentment without you ever knowing why.
But yes, let him go. The grass is rarely ever greener on the other side. The problem with men is they get complacent and he has certain expectations that he’s come to acquire over the years with you. Things in the cyber world come with sugar-coating. I give him and the new girl six months to a year TOPS.
I hope by that time you’re healing, that you’ve released him, that you’re getting child support, alimony and dating someone new (if you so desire).
Just remember, one moment at a time. Good luck.

Strike first so you can lock him into child support quick. Absolute tool. Recommend you look up Narcissist sites. Two really good ones on Instagram. I’m sure what they say will be very familiar and very helpful to your psyche❤️


You let him go and he most likely is going to meet some middle aged fat man. Lmao but get a divorce first. So he can’t come back and try and work things out.

if your husband is entertaining other women emotionally and romantically online you have already lost him. your two options are talk to him and seek counselling if there is room to fix it or leave. personally i would pack and leave

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This actually happened to my best friend, she was the daughter though. Regardless of what happened,he up left and moved to America. And now has limited contact with the family in Australia. If the house is in your name only pur his stuff out and hanger the locks if not, grab your stuff n the kids stuff and go to a family or friends and try to start reliving your life

Remove the money from accounts and file for divorce. If he gets threatening go file a protection order. Let him go. He’s likely sending her money so get him outta there quickly so you have enough for you and your kids


Hope he finds out its a man he has been chatting to all this time​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Good riddens! You and the kids deserve betters. Just make sure he buys a one way ticket!

Let him go but make sure you get something filed in courts that he can’t take your kids out of the country.

Let his sorry but go when he sees it’s a scammer then he pays child support less Tim er with his kids and u can have a good life with someone who loves you not hates you

Where I’m from the guys get locked up for 6 months at a time for not paying child support

Let him go​:clap: and don’t let him comeback when it ends up being a catfish :joy:

On a real note, keep your head up for you and your babies, I’m sure it’s a rough situation :heart:


You really don’t have any choice as to what to do. You can’t lock him in the house and make him stay. You get a divorce and you move on with your life. You make sure the kids are put first.

If he’s willing to leave over someone he’s never met in person let his ass go! I mean the chances of it actually working are slim, (calm down I know many happy people meet online :v:t2:), hopefully you’ll be long over him when you tries to crawl back because he has realized it was a huge mistake :kissing_heart:

Pack his bags! There is so much life out there. Like the George Strait song says, let yourself go!

Let him go. You and the kids should ever be a second choice. Serve him papers, and don’t change the locks (that’s against the law in some states since he legally resides there). Stand your ground and surround yourself with your main supporters, and consider going to counseling. It helped me get through my nasty divorce. It will get better, mama❤️

Help him pack. Have him sign legal paperwork that says he has no claim to anything y’all have together then change the locks!

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Let him go. I know is hard but if he’s doing it now, he will do it again. And it’s a never ending game.

Those ones over seas are usually out for certain things…free ride here…or send money send money.abdblirs time it is make it female doing it…so karma will probably bite him in ass anyways…

I don’t have an answer for you. But stay strong and no matter what you decide, you got this!

Ask him if he needs a ride to the airport :joy: send him on his merry fuckin way. You’re better off without him!


Clean out your bank account, then throw his shit to the curb.


Help him pack his bags. BYE!