My husband was going to buy a gun without my consent: Advice?

and now I’m not anti-gun

I was uneasy about having a gun in my house because we have 4 kids i kept telling him no. But i thought about it and i told him as long as it is a safe and locked up i could be okay with that. Relationship are about compromise you cant put you feeling above the other person. Now we have a safe and the gun is locked up and i am looking foward to learning how to shoot at a range.

Sounds like you have a control issue. Maybe you need to talk to someone !

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I feel like communication is key, and this would be a purchased that is discussed. However, as much as I wouldn’t like it, I don’t think I could tell my man what he can and cannot buy. But since it will be in the home you share, a discussion and compromise should be had.

If your feelings are constantly overlooked, I’d look into the deeper issue of that.

Firearms are an American right and in my opinion a necessity. It only took the cops 45 minutes to show up to our house when we called them for something one time. You need to be able to protect yourself too, so he should be able to no matter where he is cause that is his right. Plus he’s a man. That’s kinda what men do and that’s okay. It’s part of their nature to protect. If that makes him feel like he can better do so, than he should go for it.
It’s like any other weapon, it should always be handled with responsibility.

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I think you guys are missing the point. It’s not about the gun, it’s about the fact that she told him not to do something and he still did it. That she’s extremely uncomfortable with it but he still did it. And it doesn’t seem like the first time


Sounds to me like you would just be better off compromising next time instead of telling a grown man what he can and can do in his house also. You didn’t care about his stand on the issue so why would he care about yours.

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In this day and age I think homeowners should have at least one gun in the home but it has to be a decision both partners agree to if one doesn’t agree the other needs to listen and explain their feelings on it if your in a relationship where you live together it should be a joint decision I personally didn’t have a problem when my husband said we are getting a gun I agreed our teenage daughters are learning because we want them to be able to protect themselves when they move out on their own! I feel much safer when my husband is gone over night knowing I have a gun if needed but every person has their own opinions

Unless hes violent towards you and the gun scares tou that way… Than chill… Wayy over reacting if no harm is intended. If he is abusive and such then kick his ass out…

I have grew up around guns and so has my other half so to me when he buys guns he usually buys one for him then next time turns around and buys one for me the next time so I don’t really see anything wrong with it. I think maybe you are overactive a little bit.

I don’t know where you live and what the culture is so I can’t speak on that cause everywhere is different. That being said I live in the heart of Missouri. We’ve grown up around guns, hunting season is an annual holiday for us and we love shootin clay pigeon targets for fun. Growing up around guns however they were always locked up in a gun safe unless I was doing target practice with my dad or brothers. We were taught at a VERY young age about gun safety and now with my kids we’ve continued this and keep our guns in a safe. I get that guns are a tough subject in other areas but they can be safe if you teach and guide and even learn yourselves more about gun safety.

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Your husband doesn’t need your consent.
You have control issues. Your husband doesn’t need your consent on anything! He’s an adult not your child.
You are over reacting. They have tons of Security Options for weapons now. They have retinol and fingerprint scan safes, classic lock & key. Drop lock boxes, storage cases, built in units, ammunition boxes and locks. The list goes on.
You’re over reacting. If he can legally buy one he can get one.
Get over it?


Maybe you could flip the script a little? Tell him you’d like to join him at a shooting range and be taught the proper way of handling it? Then together, purchase some nice accessories like a safe, etc. maybe being involved would make you less fearful and you’d find it wasn’t so bad?


Every relationship needs compromise. Are you in Canada? Does he have his gun courses? A cabinet with a lock on it? There’s tons of ways to bring a gun in your home safely. Maybe sitting down and figuring out what you would be comfortable with after gun is purchased. Happy spouses happy houses.

Guns are not bad… its the person behind the gun that decides what to do. If hes responsible and not buying a gun with your life savings why not? Make sure to have it locked in the safe (separate from the ammo). Teach your kids about gun safety. I own guns for hunting and i grew up with guns.

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I dont feel like you’re overreacting… A gun misfired and shot me in the face and I cant stand to be near them now. They make me extremely uncomfortable so if my husband went and bought one without even talking to me I’d be extremely upset. All the people saying you’re overreacting makes no sense to me. He basically said “your feelings arent valid I’m going to do what I want” and that’s not okay in any marriage.

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I used to be against having a gun in our home. We live in a pretty good neighborhood, know all out neighbors. The night I had my son, someone broke into our home. Luckily my husband and dog were home.
It got me thinking. What if my husband is not home and someone breaks in? Can I truly protect my child? Can I fight someone off while keeping my baby safe? No, I cannot. I’m not scary. But a gun is. I have been through all the classes. I know when/how to use it. It stays locked up, but I fell 1,000,000% better knowing I can keep my son safe if something happens.
For me the fear was not knowing how to properly handle a weapon.


You sound like a control freak. My dad had guns in the house when I was growing up but you never would’ve known because his gun case was in a secluded part of his room and was kept locked at all times. Those guns were for our protection and for his hunting use. As long as it’s put away safely and he’s got the proper permits then I don’t know what you’re griping about.

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What happens when you need to defend yourself??? Dont bother calling the cops… remember they have guns and you dont want them in your house… not the smartest idea announcing you are unarmed on social media…just saying…

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Lord my husband never asks me, he is grown… that a childish thing to expect. Grown adults don’t need permission, do you ask when you buy something? If he doesn’t take money needed by the family for necessary things, leave that poor man alone


What happens if someone breaks into your home?

There are several different kind of weapons you can use to protect yourself it doesn’t just have to be a gun but if y’all are living in the same damn house and no i do not think you’re a control freak because of it. Y’all are missing the point. She said she didn’t want a gun in the house, he said he would not do it. He didnt fight her on it he said okay and moved on but even after telling her he wouldn’t get one he went and tried to get one. This is the problem. Y’all on here hollering about how she is a control freak but COMPLETELY skipping over the part where he said Okay i wont get one and tried to get one anyways. He could have stood his ground then. He did not. He said Okay. That is where he is in the wrong. Just because you have a gun in your home doesn’t mean you are above people who choose not to have one. Anything can be a weapon. He chose to say okay hunny I wont and turned right back around and did the opposite. If you asked your man not to talk to someone and he said okay I wont and then talked to her, y’all would lose your gosh darn minds. Women or guns. They told you they would not and then they did.

Yes you’re overreacting


Yes you are over reacting. If thats the only issue in your relationship then WOW.

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Not sure…I don’t mind guns…we have several rifles and hand guns we keep them in a locked safe except 2 pistols they have a lock box but are kept close…we have let/taught our oldest boys 7 and 10 how to properly hold and the safety of the rifles…my oldest went on his first hunting trip with the boys…guns don’t have to be scary…if it’s something he is in to and it’s an issue for your relationship maybe give it a try and find a way your both comfy…he gets a gun but it stays unloaded and in a lock box put up…with each of you having a key…take gun safety courses so you know how to properly hold…discharge…and break down and assemble a gun…get training and educated before you decide they are bad…guns can be a way to protect you they don’t have to be scary…heck maybe you too can do a course for safety and a shooting class together show him your willing to learn and then decide…I grew up with guns and don’t mind teaching my kids about guns…but that’s my choice…I’d rather them know and decide not to then not be educated and not know how IF they ever really needed to use a gun. Guns and hunting is a thing our family does together…maybe be willing to learn before throwing out the idea or being against it…iv known plenty of people that were against guns and then when they shot them…esp one friend she did so well at her permit for a hand gun concealment she did so well on the shooting she got even more excited at how well she did…again guns don’t have to be scary…I’d advise learning and becoming educated in reading and personally before ruling it out as a big deff no…

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Guns are not bad. I wouldn’t feel comfortable without a gun in my home. With that being said, if your husband is unstable or won’t practice gun safety then I can understand why you would be apprehensive.

My boy friend did the same thing lol but i was in the military i have shot many guns in my life i like hunting and all that so im confortable with it… But tell your SO to get a gun safe with a key to make it safer for if there are children around

The fact is, you told him your thoughts about this and he was going to do it anyways.
I have had this conversation with my SO multiple times. I’ve told him how I don’t want a gun in our home. Even if it was in a safe.

Why if her husband has ever been abusive towards her? A fit of rage and that gun could end up being used for ill purposes.

I just don’t know how to shoot and nobody will teach me. So if I can’t shoot, we aren’t having one. I don’t care. There needs to be a middle ground here. Whether he makes the purchase and stores it in a safe at a family members house that only HE has the code to… or agree to teach you to shoot of you don’t know how, or don’t fucking get one.
He absolutely has a right to own one as long as he mentally and emotionally stable etc but you also have a right. Ask him to take you shooting.
Some people just are not comfortable with firearms. And that’s okay too

Everyone today needs protection. One day u might be glad he bought it.


I wouldn’t be to upset about a gun. If anything I would feel safer having one in my home, BUT I understand how frustrating it is to not be heard. I literally would tell me ex no to thinks so then he would A. Either bring the things home anyways or B. Wouldn’t even tell me about it. He would just show up with it. One time he came home with a motorcycle. I wasn’t mad about the motorcycle, I was mad that he didn’t bother talking to me about it. Knowing our truck payment was already $1000 and I was the only one paying it.

My first husband had guns and I do not allow guns in my house now because he threatened me with guns and knives. So many times I had to run for my life. He actually one day after coming home drunk grabbed the shells and the clip and handed them to me and said “better hide them good so I can’t find them” things like this never leave your mind even when you are with a really good guy. These days people are crazy and can change in an instance.

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I would not be upset about a gun. My husband and I both have them. I feel safer having them. I also carry when out and about. This is a crazy world we live in and I have to make sure my children and I are safe.


It’s not even about the gun that’s the issue, it’s him going behind your back and not consulting you first. If you feel like he’s went behind your back too many times and totally disregards your feelings then maybe it is time to leave. If he’s not going to be your partner and think about how you both live under the same roof then how are you ever going to be truly happy.

Whats wrong with him having a gun in your house? Maybe he wants it to keep you and your children safe in this crazy world. I wasn’t too thrilled about my SO having guns, but his guns are put up to where our son can’t reach and doesn’t know where they are. As long as they are put up in a safe spot, there shouldn’t be a problem with him having a gun to protect yall.

As long as he has it up so if there are children in the home they can’t get it then I see no problem. Also as long as you guys have the funds to buy it without hurting yourself in finances. In this day and time I would advise to let him buy one.

My husband has just gotten his permit and I’m thankful he wants to protect us.

If your bills are paid up or not behind, i personally dont see a problem in buying firearms. As to i have guns myself.

I think your issue is less about the fact that he was going to buy one and more about him not discussing It with you first. I mean yes he’s an adult and he should be able to buy what he wants, but at the same time buying a gun is a big decision, especially when you have kids that get into everything. They can be expensive, you need to be able to store them somewhere safe, will y’all be able to handle it properly? All of these are valid concerns and he should have discussed them with you before making that decision 100% on his own. That being said, I wouldn’t outright tell him no. Express your concerns and give him a chance to ease your mind. Do so in a calm setting and you both should be open minded about the others thoughts. If you’re worried about storing it talk about getting a gun safe, if you’re worried about how he’ll handle it compromise and have him (or even both of you) take a gun safety course, etc. Communication is the key to a lasting relationship, if you both refuse to communicate and come to an agreement together then it won’t last.

You have a lot of growing up to do… I knew a few in this group own guns… I myself are LTC and own my own gun and wear it on my person legally, my husband too. I will not be a Karen that post a story about ohhh I was at Walmart and a stranger followed me to my car.


I think you’re letting your fear hold you back on this subject. Maybe ask him to take you to some gun safety/training classes first to see how you feel before purchasing a gun.

Guns are great to have in the home in case of break in. You need to protect your family.

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Wow. It’s sad that most of the responses on here are so self-centered and lacking empathy, and many are just flat out rude and judgmental. You are allowed to have your feelings on the matter, and you shouldn’t change those feelings because a few random strangers on the internet can’t separate their own feelings about guns from yours. That being said, he does live there as well, I’m assuming, so telling him what he can and can’t do in his own home will certainly not help with his apparent feeling that he doesn’t need to communicate with you. Obviously, there’s a serious communication issue in the relationship, and it sounds like both sides in the conflict are being disrespectful in their own way. You’re telling him he can’t do what he wants in his own house, he’s telling you that you have no say over what’s going on in yours. Ultimately, you will either have to find some sort of compromise or a way to effectively communicate. If this issue is a deal breaker for either of you, it may be time to let it be. In my experience, if a relationship has a large conflict like this that can’t be overcome, it becomes an unhealthy situation for all involved.


The way the world is going I say get 2 or 3 honestly I am


Yes you are overreacting. It’s not just your life
He gets a choice too

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With how the world is going, id feel SAFER with a gun in the house…


It’s his legal right as an American to have a gun if he wants one. Don’t try taking his rights away!


I’d feel safer having a gun in my house. But thats me

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I personally think you’re over reacting… times are going to get scarier. Its his right to be able to protect himself. Be thankful that you’ll also be protected.


Personally, I can not imagine NOT having a gun( or several) in my home.
Y’all gotta talk about this.
This world is a crazy place now, and being able to protect your home and family is very important.

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Let him buy the gun. If someone breaks into your home how do you plan to be protected? Guns are a right in America and if a man wants to buy one to protect his family then let him. He probably wasn’t talking to you about it because you are against it. Did you ever ask him why he wants one? If my husband wants to buy a gun each week and a thousand rounds of ammo then I’m gonna go with him and know that it’s for the protection of my family. I carry every single day. Doesn’t matter where I am going I always have at least one gun on my person.


It kinda sounds that your issue is that he didn’t discuss it with you first? Does he know the reason why you’re so against having them in your home? If not, maybe explain to him why you’re not comfortable with it? However, if he is willing to get the gun case to go along with and keep them stored and locked away properly, then would you be more willing to have one around? I think y’all need to find some common ground and go from there.

My husband wants one but I won’t let him I wouldn’t mind to protect the family but I’m more saving him from himself I’m not getting into it depression sucks but everyone has a reason why they don’t want one

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Do you buy spendy things without his permission? Like go on a clothes shopping spree and spend a couple hundred dollars? If so, I hope it’s not the money you are mad about. If you’re solely mad that he’s buying the gun even though you said no, it kinda sounds a little controlling especially when you say “my house”. Even with that said, you’re feelings ARE valid. You can feel however you want about what he’s doing. However, why is it you don’t want it? Are you afraid of guns? Are you scared your kids will get in it (if you have any)? Did you have something happen to you that makes you not want them in the house? Whatever it is, talk to your husband about it. Don’t just say “NO” and think he’ll listen. You need to explain your side and he needs to explain why he wants it. If he is still set on getting it, YOU need to be the one to get comfortable with it. You need to go out to a shooting range and know how to shoot it properly. Whether you do this or not, you need to make sure that he gets a safe lock box that kids cannot open so you know that it is in a safe place. And again, you really need to communicate with your husband about why you don’t want it. Not just a “I don’t want it” but legitimate reasons why and how it makes you feel. And again, if he still gets it, that’s his choice because he’s an adult, but y’all need to discuss safety procedures and how he will keep it safe and out of sight.

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You should most definitely have a gun in your home for protection. And although I understand he should discuss everything with you, it sounds like maybe he has already and this is something you refused to budge on 🤷


I think with the world the way it is, he wants to purchase a gun to protect you and your family probably. Perhaps he’s thinking he’s making the right decision with or without your consent. I think you both should come to compromise. Keep it safely locked away, and find middle ground so you feel comfortable. He is an adult who can purchase and make his own decisions…but you are also allowed to have your own feelings and say.

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Most of my life I was a fence rider on guns and gun control;
Until I met my husband. He taught me how to properly handle, shoot and understand the need for self protection.
Should he have talked to you before purchasing?
But take this opportunity to learn about self defense. It could save your life someday.

I don’t think you’re overreacting. I’d be upset too if I felt disrespected. If he told you he wouldn’t and then did it behind your back, that would bother me too (and I’m comfortable around guns).

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Personally I’m not a big fan of having guns but my husband who happens to be a hunter loves them. And honestly in the times we live in we need them. We made a deal if he wants guns in the house they have to be in a safe away from the kids so he went out bought a safe and problem solved. Now that my boys are getting older and they want to go hunting with my husband, he has started showing them the dangers of handling a gun and how to properly hold it and aim (with a BB gun). I feel like the bigger issue is that you said No and he didn’t listen which honestly is not really how marriage works. When my husband tells me no I always ask why? If he had valid reasons we talk about it and come to an agreement.

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This nonsense can be posted but not the one I sent :grimacing::woozy_face::rofl:

It’s a gun. Does he work for his money? It’s his constitutional right to own one. You’ll want him to sooner than later with how this country is going to shit

Look he is a grown ass man u cant control he will do as he please just move on if u dont like it

Hes a man , he needs to feel like he can protect his family, again hes a man, let him have his way

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People post the most ridiculous stuff on this page.


You’re over reacting. Hope no one tries to break into your house… hard to defend yourself with nothing…


I am a gun person, we like to have guns for protection, hunting, ect…
no oneis going to tell me I cannot have one in my own home.
He’s an adult not a child.
If you’re not comfortable with it ask for certain rules on it, if hes gonna have it in the house, it has to be on his body or in the safe at all times ,no exception! Times are getting scary and you can’t really fault the man for wanting to protect his family, himself and his property.
As long as he’s Not mentally unstable or dangerous.
Now the statement he never listens, that’s a bigger issue, if you are expressing your needs, wants and expectations for your marriage and he is ignoring you, apologizing and still continuing the same behavior is all gas lighting. If you need an excuse to leave that’s completely fine, and your choice.


What are your issues with it?
Are you uncomfortable around firearms? Are you concerned for your children’s safety? Have you had bad past experiences? All of these issues can be discussed and compromised on.
Editing my comment because I misread. I’d have the conversation about compromise and figure out where you can come together on this issue in a way that you’re both good with it.

Let a man be a man & own a gun. If it bothers you ask him to lock it in a safe . Boom :boom: problem solved .

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You need a gun in the world we live in

Let him get the gun if he’s experienced…if not get one together and go to gun safety together…the way things are going in this world you should definitely have at least one. I was against them but my fiance was patient with me and helped me become comfortable with them…now I own a rifle,a hand gun and my 7 year old just got her first .22

Being Irish living in the UK i have to say I would be shocked if my husband brought a gun home but guns mentality is a lot different on Ireland/UK compared to the US

You arent overreacting. He knew your stance on guns in the home. There is many reasons for not wanting one in the house. Your reasons are your reasons and obviously you feel strongly about it.

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It should be something that’s discussed. It’s your home too. Everyone needs to be comfortable with the gun. Especially if there a kids in the home. You shouldn’t just buy a gun and bring it home. A safe needs to be purchased. It needs to be in a safe place. Everyone should be comfortable with the gun in my opinion after taking it to a gun range. If kids are of age a conversation about gun safety needs to be had. That’s inconsiderate and irresponsible on his part.

Definitely overreacting. As long as he put the gun up safely so kids can get to it I see no problem. In today’s world you’re better off having one for safety…

I personally have no issue with guys s in my house… however I understand the fear when you have children or don’t know enough about them. I would maybe suggest taking a course in gun safety, and discussing where to put the gun, gun safe, etc so that only ypu and him have access. Maybe having a better understanding and more education on it ease your mind about them, and maybe say only one gun… idk. I can’t exactly see saying know if its purchased with the intent to keep your household safe. But I would have ground rules and safety measures for having a gun

As a gun owner I think you absolutely are over reacting. His job as your husband and a man is to protect you and your home and family period at all costs. I think the way your acting you definitely are ignorant and no fault of your own as the world and media has made gun ownership seem like such a negative. Its not though. If its locked and up in a safe spot you ABSOLUTELY should have a gun in your home. Especially in the world we live in now… now for him going behind your back, while he shouldn’t have done that again he was doing what he should buying protection for your family so maybe sit down and just tell him no more everything needs to be up front even if we won’t agree qe can compromise

Someday in the near future u r going to wish u had a gun!! Handle it properly and keep in safe place and put up. And don’t tell everybody and their brother that u have it!!!

“ don’t want a gun near MY house”. You’re married? Isn’t it or shouldn’t it be OUR house? Over reacting and being selfish! If you’re scared I get it. Guns can be scary for the known damage they can do. Educate yourself and take a few classes you might grow to like them and appreciate them. You’d be surprised how many folks carry them everyday around you in stores and you don’t even know.


I was like you at one time…then something happened to where 1 of my kids was almost kidnapped and i went the same day and filed for my pistol permit (we are an open carry state but to conceal we need a permit) so now i walk around with a 9mm in my purse at all times and i pray i dont have to use it.

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I would not have a gun in my house. Period.


Imagine just how mad she’d be if she was shot by an intruder. Better to have it and not well you know the rest.

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This is what I hate about “gun people”. Lol. Y’all are so quick to defend the guns and bash her, y’all missed the part where she says they AGREED not to get one and he was going behind her back. Also where she said he makes her feel like she over reacting. He’s gaslighting her.

And you all are playing right into it. :roll_eyes:

(I feel as though I need to say that I support responsible gun ownership, and I’m not trying to “take anyone’s guns away”)


Let him get the gun . my window in my van was shot out while I was driving it . this was with in 5 minutes after dropping kids off at the sitters . the window that was shot out is where my 6 yr old sits at

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But yet when someone comes into your house during the night what you going yell GO HOME TO YOUR MOMMY…when and IF the cops show up you going to tell them leave their gun in the car. I understand your dont like them but it could be the reason why you of your kids will be here one more day on earth

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Gun aside.
You’re angry that he’s not listening to you.
But I’m going to be honest, it sounds as though youre angry that your adult husband is not letting you boss him around.
It also sounds as though you refuse to listen or hear him out.

You both need to work on your communication skills.

He needs to be willing listen to what you’re saying by at least hearing you out on big issues, like this bringing a gun into the home can be a big decision and both you and him should get input and work to find a compromise.
However, if you have made a big issue out of smaller things (and it sounds as though you have) and have a habit of “putting your foot down” to say no…then he naturally stops listening and taking your opinions seriously because it comes across that you have no desire to compromise or work with him rather than against him.


Get a gun safe. Keep it locked. You’re married. Forcing him to sacrifice something he wants and would enjoy because YOU don’t like it is a bit selfish. Make sure he keeps it put up when he’s not using it and I really don’t see why there should any issue. It’s not like the gun is going to be having breakfast with you every morning or something.


As long as he had a safe place to lock them up and far away from the kids I don’t really care if he bought 6. We have 1 our kids know about it, they know it’s not a toy and is dangerous because they don’t know how to use it safely. It’s locked away but accessible to my fiancé and I in emergencies which is what it’s intended for. The kids don’t know where it is they just know it’s somewhere.


Shit my hubby bought ME a gun. In this day you need one for protection. And it’s his house too, not just yours. There are ways to keep the gun safely put up and if you have kids they can be taught gun safety

YOUR house? But you guys are married right?? Tells me just about all I need to know on this situation. You sound very controlling and no matter how you play it off, it seems to me what you’re really mad about is that YOU said no, and you feel that whatever you say should go. That’s very controlling and lacking healthy communication.


Communication is key in any relationship! My SO discussed purchasing a gun prior to actually getting one. I think you should Express your concerns to your man. I will say I’d rather have one and not need it than need it and not have one. Going behind your back was not cool.


It seems like this is more than just the gun and doesn’t listen to you at all. If thats the case you have a bigger problem that needs addressing. If it’s just the gun, and not a pattern of behavior, maybe try to find a compromise? The world is getting dark.


You need to come to a compromise. You both clearly feel strongly about it but on different sides…maybe say the gun is fine if he take a safety class and keeps it in a gun safe unloaded.

Just one gun to your name in this old world? :joy: Not one for your bedside, car, on you, some in the safe, some throughout your house? I see that as the biggest issue. How do you plan on protecting yourself if it’s ever necessary? I feel like you have someone that’s wanting to be protected and that’s a good thing.


There’s a no gun rule period in my house. Because accidents happen and things that aren’t accidents happen. No amount of locking, keeping it safe, knowing how to use it is going to prevent anything. My husband knew before we got together and moved in that a gun was to never be brought into my house. You’re not overreacting. If my husband ever pulled that shit or even brought one home I’d tell him to leave and not come back until he can respect and understand how dangerous for one to be in the house with kids and later on teenagers. Also considering my husband and I suffer from mental illnesses.

Your S. O.? Honey, pack up and get out. You’ll be better off without him.

I don’t want a gun in my house either so my husband and I compromised and got 12​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: in his defense he got locks for every single one of them​:joy::joy::joy: his money I don’t care what he gets with it!!


I feel that a compromise should happen like a firearm lock or safe and always adhere to the 10 commandments of firearm ownership. The Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety


Oh boy!!! I am a gun lover but I can see that this could very well be a BIGGER issue than just the gun and it is the tipping point. If y’all already agreed than he turns around and does the opposite then he’s a dick for one and for 2 is not a reliable man! My husband and I always discuss purchases especially guns because well imma shoot them too and I like bigger boom :rofl: but if I was to say no and he went and did it anyways I’d be livid and well I’d go shopping and spend a couple hundred on shit I dont need lol…

i mean… yes, by situation, you are def overreacting… its a gun, as long as you/he is a responsible gun owner, everything should be fine
most people are scared of guns because theyve never used one or been around one and just listens to all the bad things that happen…
however, if yall did previously agree to NOT get one, then he went to get one anyway… then i feel like your anger is more about him not listening than the actual gun he bought 🤷


No, you are not overreacting. If that’s how you feel then that’s how you feel. Everyone is different. For me personally, I don’t want a gun in my house. The reason for me is that I suffer with mental illness and have had to be hospitalized a few different times in my life for feeling suicidal. So, I would feel very uncomfortable having a gun in my house. I don’t know what your personal reason is but if you feel uncomfortable then he should respect that. So, don’t let other people tell you how you should feel because they are not you. I hope the best for you! :two_hearts:

You say No!!! Not in my house!!! Sounds like you think you are the Boss and what You Say goes. I for one couldn’t live with you… I bet that it he told you that you couldn’t do something, there would he Hell to pay.

I married someone in the military who likes to rebuild guns. I also grew up in a home with hunting rifles. I learned how to shoot early. He just got a new glock and is getting a new gun for Christmas that has his squadrons insignia on it. I would suggest you talk more about it, try to understand why he wants one, maybe take safety courses together and see if you still feel like having a gun is a big no for you. We have several but they are not within reach of our children. Our oldest is 7 and she has been taught gun safety- what it does, what it’s used for, how it’s not like the movies people don’t come back and that if she ever finds one at a friends house to not touch it, grab her friend, call me and then go to the parents. Personally I would rather have one and not use it then need it and not have it.

If you argue about it. then watch your back, He might have a plan.

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