My husband went out and ignored me but "read" my messages: Advice?

Soooo, your live-in boyfriend didn’t answer your multiple calls and texts?

Does he call & text you multiple times when you are out?

Sounds like he was tired of being embarrassed and played it off with his colleagues. I think maybe you are being a tad dramatic.

Calm down, he came home didn’t he? If you absolutely cannot trust, then save yourself and him tons of humiliation and be done.


Nah, your “husband” shouldn’t be letting his phone get passed around. That’s weird.

Okay I’m going to start by saying, he had to unlock his phone, or give them his pass code to unlock it and allow these things, or straight up lied about it. Which both are disrespectful. But if he sees nothing wrong with that or even cares about how it makes you feel id definitely be thinking about where you are at in life and where you are heading. Trust is important when it comes to relationships. So trust yourself and do what is best for you.


Call me crazy but I’m guessing you were driving him bonkers by texting constantly, so much so that he had to ignore you just to enjoy himself and the constant notifications caught the attention of the people around him who started teasing him and in their drunken state grabbed his phone. Not unrealistic. You two have serious trust issues and it will never work unfortunately. Rather face the truth and leave each other in peace and stop flogging a dead horse.


Trust God. Pray for your husband. Temptations are everywhere, not just in a bar. Now it’s on phones as well. I don’t agree w the drinking, partying part. After you get married and have a family, it’s time to put the bottle down and put your family first. Text him messages of love and thank you for working for us. Sometimes it’s too easy to be mean to our partners instead of putting love first! But I’m here to say, love heals, love restores, love saves. Praying for you and your family


You feeling the need to bug your “husband” repeatedly while he was with work colleagues would be the first sign of an issue… if there is already no trust the relationship is already over. If it wasn’t an emergency he wouldn’t need to respond or answer and you were probably going crazy in his texts. Sooo idk…


Sounds to me like he is lying :woman_shrugging: probably let the message open so he would stop getting the notifications.


Nobody had his phone ,he was having a good time and too embarrassed to answer your phone calls in front of his work colleagues …i would be as well ?
Why you fell like you have to control and check on him ? Trust issues …if so is time to move on !


He’s either lying or he was talking bad about you and they ran with it, with his permission


Why would you text and call so many times? I know I’d be mad at the fact he was showing folks our texts even if it’s normal texting. But holy cow dude. Let the man have a night out. That would drive me crazy :upside_down_face:

You either work on the trust issues or you’ll go crazy staying with a man you can’t trust.

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This whole relationship sounds toxic to me. Just saying.


Idk. He was out the whole day without contacting you. I think he was laughing at you if he passed his phone around.

FYI most States don’t accept “ common law “ marriage otherwise known as living together. If you don’t have your own job making your own way , you may want to consider that. You’ll get old quicker than you realize and you’ll have no social security or retirement plan. You might have a “ common law” husband who’ll take care of you in your old age but if you’re already questioning him? I’d have a plan if I were you. He doesn’t sound dependable or trustworthy! Take care of yourself


So to me, it sounds like you’re super clingy probably because you have trust issues. Sounds like they were laughing and passing the phone around because you were blowing his phone up. Or maybe he was simply asking for advice or venting, like you are with this post.
Either way….leave. Sounds toxic for you both. I’m speaking from experience


You lost me at “I kept calling him and texting him”, as if he isn’t allowed to go out and have fun with people without being pestered. Also, you cannot possibly believe his story. But for the record, people are not the property of other people, he has the right to go out and have fun without you bombarding him every minute that he’s out, that would make me not want to come home.


If you were texting him multiple times, that would be embarrassing for him too. A check in is good, however if texting was fear of trust, not sure that would stop anything anyway. When get opportunity ask co worker how event went, otherwise move on and keep eyes open. Might be embarrassing if workers did see text, however all relationships have disagreements. Stand tall.


Honestly I just think he was out drinking, didn’t want to deal with responding to your messages & decided to lie & blame it on the co-workers. I might believe the “passing around the phone” story if it was 1999, but it’s 2021, we all have smartphones, they’re no big deal, and god knows we all have drama, so I can’t see a bunch of adults acting crazy over either. Just my opinion.


How about RELAX!! he was out having a good time there is no reason to freak out


I think the very fact you felt you had to check up on him while at a work do is the actual issue… 2nd him ghosting you… disrespectful…


No self respecting partner should be out at 3am, and discussions between you and him should be personal, relationships should always be about respect, take care♥️ my lady and just keep loving yourself and Don’t put up with his nonsense. xxx


How embarrassing for him to be on a work thing and his “wife” keeps blowing up his phone. Honey, we aren’t teenagers anymore. Grow up. That’s something an insecure 15 year old little girl would do! I would have ignored your ass too!!!


There’s alot to unpack here. But your suitcase isn’t one of them. I’d move on.


How can we just straight up call him a liar when you could be aswell. When will people realise you don’t always need millions of people’s opinions in your relationship. You were both in the wrong in my eyes you for harassing him in the first place and embossing him and him for what he said to you. Your grown ups so act like it. Maybe your gaslighting him. You answered your own question.

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First, if you don’t trust him and stay with him you might just have to deal with whatever. But I think you shouldn’t have been texting him multiple times, that would be embarrassing and he’s an adult

My gut says nobody had his phone, he just wanted to stay out so he didn’t respond.

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Maybe he was having fun with his work friends and didn’t want to be sitting on the phone to you. No trust, no relationship. Simple.

No. That’s shitty behavior. Turn the tables- would he like it if u did that to him??


Drunk people would. Wife blowing up the phone I mean it’s a classic thing

Was it an emergency you reach him? Then grow up and trust him or move on.

Are they really married? It says common law…

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Why are you harassing him at a work conference
Maybe it was aBit embarrassing 4 him?
Was it an insecurity thing…?

Husband…husband who would be my next response

Again?! What happened to the first post?! :joy:


Sounds like he is lying and can’t believe people are actually defending him.

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Why were you texting and calling over and over?

Your instinct will always be right.
Go with your gut.


Had this happen to me before, was just being cheated on.

Beat his dick into the dirt, he allowed it to happen and obviously saw your messages as the phone had to be unlocked to be seen, he’s just as guilty as his “friends”, he obviously didn’t care or he would have found a way to get his phone back and at least let you know he was ok and still alive if he really cared, I’d shake him until his brain started working again then leave his ass

I mean my friends and I do that with each others phones so I can’t say much to that.

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This was posted hours ago??


If you knew he was going out ,then ,he probably thought it was ok, i use to be like this but I didn’t know so thats the difference, causes issues on top of issue , let him go ,

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that story sounds like total bs.

If you don’t trust him, don’t be in a relationship with him.

If he would of answered you in the first place things wouldn’t had to gone This far

And no it’s not ok for him to allow stranger or other friends read personal things your feeling it’s Disrespectful and rude. Shows them that he doesn’t have respect for you and they won’t also

Also there’s no excuse he could of said some back even if it was I’ll be gone late

Also if my partner didn’t answer me and did this I would leave the house and stay with friends fuck that bullshit

Only my opinion I don’t think the out of Towner’s took his phone
He was either reading it to them drunk or handing it over, or reading and ignoring you. Either way he is wrong and he knew you were calling and it took 2 seconds to pick up.Tell him how you feel , if you haven’t already and leave it alone . Keep talking about it will stress you out. I mean if he lied what’s gonna happen? Sorry that happened. You must of been mad.

Sorry but he is lying. So sorry you are in this situation. Trust your gut.

Sounds like to me his pants should be on :fire::fire:
Also sounds like you already know the truth…

Yikes girl, just no. That isn’t okay at all and sounds sketchy. I feel like hes lying to you cuz I’ve been through similar things but I obviously don’t know the situation as well as you. Just do what you feel is best and stay happy and true to yourself :heart:

…i feel like we need to go back to a simpler time before technology took over.

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Girl hes clearly lying go get you a man who cares cus clearly he don’t and life is too short to waste it

If ya cant trust him enough to not blow up his phone then maybe he aint the one for ya…

Sounds like he’s lying!

How old is your husband? Sounds like you are dealing with an immature child.

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Not even worth a comment.

Why are you still with a liar?

You answered your own question…again. :neutral_face::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you can’t trust him then leave. Simple.


I think he lied about other ppl having his phone

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It’s your fault for getting drunk Karen

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If you have trust issues then that’s your answer there


From my experience dealing with a chronic liar… he’s definitely lying. He’s trying to make himself out as the good guy who didn’t do anything wrong. :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Leave him! He’s not going to change! Good luck sweetie.

Was it important? And emergency? Why were you texting and calling? Why can’t he just have a night out?


First of all he should have stopped them from reading ur messages that’s a nono


Chances are that was a lie. He received your messages, he read them but he chose not to respond. My ex got caught talking to a girl and he blamed it on his friend saying it was him using his phone, etc etc etc. but it was a lie in an attempt to not face the consequences of his decision.

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Wasn’t this posted in here like hours ago?


All y’all giving her a hard time are shit bar or not his ass shouldn’t have been out at 3am it’s one thing to go hangout with buddies but it’s another thing to be disrespectful and stay out super late when you have someone at home.

Drop his ass, obviously he has no good intentions…
Raise your vibration and DO NOT tolerate that behavior ! Your teaching him it’s ok if you don’t

It’s a simple reply that could of deterred further issues. Not an outrageous demand or unreasonable request. Some of yall need to stop making excuses. Smh

Sounds like he’s full of crap and gas no respect for you or your relationship.

I smell bs. I’m sure he just wanted to hang out and have fun and not get texts about your guys’ problems while he was out. (He should have been an adult and said so if that was the case-unless he knew you’d blow him up more) Either way it seems like a lie to me. I think maybe you both should sit down like adults and reassess your relationship and have an adult conversation about it if you both want to stay in it. With no terms and conditions. Relationships like that are already over, and just waiting for one of you to leave.
(That is not the time for u to text him about relationship issues BTW… a simple I love you have fun would have meant a whole lot more)

stop trying to change him. decide to stay or decide to go. nagging him will not earn favor with him. it will only push him further away. decide you’re going to love him for who is truly is or not.

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Nobody had his phone, he didn’t want to talk


Sounds like BS to me. He didn’t want to answer. End of story.

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He straight lying and he acted a fool straight up! He’s doing crap he ain’t suppose to even if he isn’t actually cheating!


That man is lying!

He had a whole night of cheating. That excuse is sorry I even know he is lying lmfao

Get on down the road. Nothing to salvage here.

hes lieing to you!! wake up girlfriend? dump his ass!! you don’t deserve that…good luck!

He was out there having a good time with another woman.

Wasnt this already posted earlier

Sounds like some shady shit

Some of yall are pathetic and it shows. Everyone has truat issues stop lying to yalls selves

Call him out on that bullshit, could just be the jackasses abusing his phone

He dont respect U. Fuck him off.

Sounds like a crock of bullshit.

Sounds like bullshit.

Have you tried throwing the whole man away?

Oh hell name, I would be so p.o’d.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband went out and ignored me but "read" my messages: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

He is lying. Either he ignored you on purpose. Or he is cheating.

You texted and called him a lot. That is also like you should chill a bit. He made up a very shitty lie too. So truth is he just plain ignored you and didn’t cheat either.


It sounds like he is making up a bogus story so he can pass blame on people that you have no way of getting in contact with to confirm what happened. He is an adult so he very well could of taken control of the “situation” if it actually happened.
If you have had problems with his lack of honesty or integrity in the past then I definitely you have a right to be concerned and question him and his actions. Especially if something like this has happened before and you let the issue go without consequences he may feel more inclined to do the same things as before because “he got away with it before.”
If he is in that type of business where being professional and casual interactions will happen then there needs to be an agreement between the both of you. He needs to understand that he can’t be doing this all the time and he can’t just go on with his day without checking in with you so you know he is safe and because communication between you two is number one priority for your relationship to work.
If this has been something that has happened in the past and has continued to present time my advice would be to reevaluate your needs, expectations, and consequences when your boundaries are broken.


The best prediction of future behavior is PAST behavior. Its not even a good lie…sounds like he’s still in high school. Who let’s their phone get passed around? He’s full of shite, end of story.


Wow. No, he’s either lying about them keeping the phone from him or this is blatant disrespect. Lying is disrespectful also, but allowing others into your relationship by letting them read your messages and attempt to respond is wrong. Attempt a conversation about how you felt using I statements (I felt disrespected vs. you disrespected me), and lay out solutions to the problems you bring up, and ultimately what will happen if the disrespect and lying continues. Also, take time to analyze your behavior, come up with steps you feel should be taken to solve issues and build trust (be prepared for some compromise on those steps), and what you will do if things don’t end up where you’d like them (ie leaving when he lies or blatantly disrespects you).


What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. :wink::grin::rofl: Do the same to him and kick it up a notch like not even come home until daylight and then give him the Dear John letter. I know it sounds immature but sometimes we need to be to put people in their place and teach them how it feels and hopefully they will learn a lesson. But that’s just me. :wink: Good luck hun​:blush: Know your worth and you deserve better than that kind of treatment :blush:


That sounds like lies to me,my friends are the type to take my phone when drinking so if they’ve taken his phone and read the messages nothing to stop them from responding…to me it sounds like he read the messages and just decided not to answer


Take it from me, if you were comfortable in your marriage you wouldn’t be acting like a spoilt teenager messaging and calling all night. If you were in a confident adult marriage you would have more respect for yourself and he wouldn’t stand for such immature behaviour.
You both are acting like children


We having issues and the lady guiding us said " if you don’t trust each other , why be in a relationship?" It really made us think so if something isn’t sitting, I will question him, not be little him or fight with him. One thing I do know is blowing up a isn’t going matter things better. You know if he is lying. You know when it’s time to leave.


Is there any other underlying behavior. In social situations I tend to ignore my phone too but it’s an anxiety thing. I feel I have to give my recipient my full attention.


First of all I don’t know a single grown man that would let his phone get passed around. Sounds like an excuse to not text back. When my husband is out and about I don’t expect him to look at his phone the whole time but to check in occasionally and he does that to make ME feel better. Sounds like your common law hubs has a lot of excuses. Its not our relationship but it doesn’t sound healthy. Plus not sure how much respect he has for you if he knows you had a problem with the lack of communication and still did nothing about it.