My husband will not stop checking out other women in public: Advice?

I wanna start out by saying my husband is an amazing husband and father who loves me very much and treats me very well… but when we go out in public he checks out other women. He used to do it out in the open until I told him how bad it bothered me but now he tries to secretly do it and it’s not just one little look he tries to secretly look multiple times and act like he’s not doing it. I don’t even say anything anymore, I haven’t for a long time. I’ve heard multiple times I’m just insecure but I feel like my feelings are valid and it’s very disrespectful. It makes me hate going out in public with him sometimes and honestly its just creepy too. Sometimes it’s to the point to where I just wanna give up on this marriage but then I feel stupid because he is such an amazing husband. I just don’t understand because when I see other guys with their women they don’t check out any other women in front of theirs all they care about is their woman and that’s it… am I just being to dramatic?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband will not stop checking out other women in public: Advice?

I don’t understand the issue here. So you have NEVER checked out a guy before? I look at both. As long as he isn’t being obscene about it why care? He chooses you every day, looking shouldn’t matter.


I mean … he can look but not touch ??? …. I don’t see the issue … I’m pretty sure my husband looks at woman as well but I think it’s natural ???


My parents do that all the time . Checking out other people . It’s not a big deal as long as they truly care and love you . It shouldn’t matter. . Just relax and trust your self.


I mean the fact you have told him it bothers you & he continues to do it is disrespectful alone.Id just stop going out with him tbh if he cant control his eyes


I see no harm in checking people out. Here’s my saying. You can look at the menu but u can’t order.

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Clearly he’s not that amazing if he’s got a wandering eye, and CONSTANTLY


This is disrespectful. Call him out loudly a couple times when he does it. I’ll bet he stops.


Check out men and make it obvious


Have you ever heard you can look but can’t touch, that’s all it is
Just eye candy that’s it.he chooses you everyday all day! Dont let it get to you!


Let it go. If he’s faithful and loves you it’s nothing to fret over. Its okay to look…You should try it.


Do the same and see if he likes it. Let him know its not appropriate and your hurt by it. If he continues he doesn’t respect you and you may want to rethink the relationship

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I feel the same way about my husband. He constantly looks at other women, I said how would u feel if u caught other guys looking at me, or caught me looking at other men. I have to mentally prepare myself before going anywhere in public with him. It never fails tho, Everytime we go somewhere I instantly get put in a bad mood cause I catch him looking at other women. I don’t like to go places with him either


First question have you ever had reason to believe that he’s cheated on you? If if not then I wouldn’t be too worried about it as it is I’m completely straight and I check out women with my husband be like honey I got that ass cuz I don’t have one

Check out other men when you are with him ….


Honestly, to me personally I wouldn’t mind. Heck I’d probably check them out with them and I’m not even into girls like that but if they be thicc and looking good I’d be looking too. LOL. Plus, he comes home to YOU not them. Looking to me is fine, it’s touching that is something completely different.


There’s a difference between glancing at a person in passing and all out gawking at someone.


If he’s so good to you why is it a problem?? Not saying his eyes should wonder but I mean your gonna tell me you don’t look as well?? Girl calm down


Its human nature. Its not like he is going up to them, getting a number, and jumping into bed.

Anyone can appreciate a good looking person - its insane to try and think it won’t happen.

He isn’t a horse that needs blinders.

You gotta get over it. Every man and woman sees someone and says “damn” or “nice”. Me personally, I point out nice asses to my husband :joy::woman_shrugging:

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Not being over dramatic at all, I could understand if they were online and he wouldn’t ever met them in real life most likely. But if he’s doing it still and can’t respect your boundary regardless how silly to some people it may be; he’s disrespecting you and your boundary. Set the boundary again in a nice way and if he continues let him know you’ve been thinking about leaving him over it :heart:


Heck my girlfriend points out all the girls to me and she looks at other guys but in our hearts we know we’re not going to cheat on each other


You are being dramatic. He isn’t obvious with it since you said something but men are visual creatures. There is NOTHING wrong with admiring someone else for looks. All men glance and look. When do it too! We just aren’t super obvious with it. We notice a woman or mans outfit or behavior or stature … we all do it.

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If he’s just glancing over it wouldn’t bother me since he’s human but if he’s gawking and obsessing that’s extremely disrespectful 


All the insecure women in these comments lol


Start doing the same. Who cares

No that’s disrespectful af.

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Girl I feel you on this! 100%. It’s so disgusting


Start checking out other :man:, and do NOT be discreet. Watch how he reacts.


Seriously stop giving a crap. You will drive yourself crazy dwelling on it.


My ex used to do that too, and he made a girl friend at the gym. Come to find out he was seeing someone else behind my back. He doesn’t respect you or how you feel if he keeps looking at other women. That’s a red flag. I haven’t met a men that looks at other women who doesn’t cheat.


My boyfriend and I check out other people when we are out and about, I can’t help and he can’t either. It’s just eye candy to us, as long as i want him and he wants me at the end of the day we don’t care. But if your not comfortable with it then he should respect your boundaries. I would call him out in public, not loud enough for others to hear but so he can hear you and hopefully he’ll stop when he’s out with you.


Does he have a pulse ?
Than he’s gunna look, look with him


This gives off “if a woman even talks to you, you better go off on her” vibes and in reality shes a store clerk doing her job :joy:


Maybe he’s just a people watcher? Women are always people watching, it’s entertaining. I would hate to feel controlled to the point that I have to remember to keep my eyes in a tiny little bubble so my spouse isn’t mad.


Do it to him. When you see a hot guy make it obvious you are checking him out. Throw in a lil “hey” a wink or lip bite🤣


I point out girls with my husband :joy::woman_shrugging: it’s just looking.


I’ve been with my husband 5 years and I’ve never caught him doing this. If he can’t control himself while he’s with you, what’s he doing when he’s not with you? Probably more than just checking them out


Honestly I feel like him doing that in your presence especially after you’ve expressed how you feel about it is really disrespectful. I don’t think you’re being insecure. Your feelings are valid. I don’t know. I can’t really say what you should do here. I feel like you should do what you feel is best. But don’t let anybody make you feel like your feelings aren’t valid. They absolutely are. Just because someone else wouldn’t feel that way doesn’t mean you shouldn’t too. Like me personally me and my husband will both look at a girl and think she’s pretty. But we have a different dynamic. I’m pansexual. Soooo :woman_shrugging: but I guess the point I’m trying to make is everyone may be built different. But if something truly bothers you. Your partner should respect your feelings and not do it.


If he’s checking out other women in front of you how can he say he loves you ,he has no respect for you :person_facepalming:have a better day


I use to feel the same way then I started to do it and now if he sees it he tries to say oh watcha looking at lol just have to give them the taste of there own sometimes but is he faithful to you ? Does he give you any reasons not to trust him ? That should play a part in it too but your feelings are valid love you have every right to feel the way you do :heart: me and my fiance have been together just about 6 years and i can read him like the back of my hand that’s why I started giving him some of his own medicine guys can’t handle what woman can.


You are not being dramatic. If you are openly expressing your feelings and telling your husband that something is bothering you and he continues to do it right in front of you, there is a problem. Every relationship has different boundaries. Just because something is okay in my relationship doesn’t mean it will be in yours. And that’s perfectly normal. I don’t have any advice on how to fix it other than trying to talk to him again, but just know you’re not being dramatic. You’re entitled to your feelings no matter what.


No, you aren’t being dramatic. Nobody wants their partner gawking at other people in front of them.


Me personally I point out hot chick’s before my husband does :woman_shrugging:


If he had any respect for u he wouldn’t do it because he married u you two took vows and he should consider your feelings


You realize watching other couples means you are looking too and watching behavior. :expressionless: you can have a favorite flower but you can see other flowers … but your flower is your flower


Have u tried checking out other men :woman_shrugging:I only had to do it once before mine stopped


Everyone notices people but that’s the thing you notice them then you turn away and focus on the person you’re with or what you’re doing. it’s disrespectful to keep gawking at someone else especially in front of your significant other. Tell him to get some self control and respect


Pick your battles before you nitpick your relationship to death. :roll_eyes: if he’s an amazing husband and father like you said, he at least deserves some patience from his partner.


Find a new husband fast.


My husband does this also and it is women with better bodies. He will even put his sunglasses on inside and it’s so I don’t see him looking. It makes me feel bad. I did lose weight to look like them and he wasn’t anymore interested in me than before.


Just sleep with him before you leave the house and make him a sandwich :sandwich::joy:


I’d be petty and start blatantly looking at other men lol.


Start looking at other guys


He is disrespectful. I know all men do it,but most don’t make it so obvious they are. Shame on him for not caring about your feelings. A red flag as far as I’m concerned.


Gawking at women in public is disrespectful to you and that woman. I personally think it’s creepy when some random man gawks at me


I’m usually the one looking at the girls and pointing them out to my husband so my opinions a little different… but I feel like if he’s so great to you, let him look a little. He’s not doing anything. I mean if it gets creepy give him a little nudge or something lol but just looking doesn’t hurt.


No. That must be very uncomfortable. You need to tell him he needs to stop looking at other woman in public. He is married he shouldn’t be doing that. FYI: looking at another woman and checking them out is a sign of cheating.


Men are going to look… he should just be more sneaky about it when you’re with him lol what is he supposed to do cover his eyes? Women check out men too. Believe me I get jealous too but end of day… my man is mine and that’s only looking. Unless he’s given you reason to worry… don’t!


it’s a normal thing for us to check out the opposite sex. It’s looking not touching.

I have a saying you can look but can’t touch

It’s ok to look as long as he doesn’t act upon it


Nope, Alot of men do that.
I think its Soooo Damn Disrespectful!
Repulses me to see men do that in front of their significant other. Makes me think they cant control themselves, Creepy and Scary to me🥴

I’d embarrass the hell out of him and when I catch him I’d tell the lady, “sorry my husband won’t stop staring at you, he’s weird” very loudly so anyone nearby hears


Check them out together and compare notes on who you think is the best looking :tipping_hand_woman::grin:


Key words he’s a great husband… Men are men they are going to look. Either be okay with it or leave that’s really your only options. :woman_shrugging:

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My wife and I(obviously lesbians) literally meat gaze TOGETHER.
It’s perfectly natural to appreciate another being.

YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID! Now, my husband and I both check out people. I’ll point someone out to my husband, not literally pointing of course lol, and say “they’re really gorgeous/good looking”. My husband will do the same sometimes. BUT that is what we are comfortable with. Every relationship has different boundaries. You have made your boundaries heard and have expressed to him how it makes you feel when he checks someone out, so as your husband he should respect and validate your feelings.

I’m sorry love, but if he is behaving this way he is not a very “wonderful husband”… it’s a sign of A) him not respecting you or B) him not caring about your feelings… but the two kind of go hand in hand as well. You have to say something. Like you said, your feelings matter and are valid. You are not acting insecure and screw anyone and everyone who told you that. Speak up for yourself. You deserve better. Best of luck :heart:


Some men have learned how to be discreet when checking out other women. Yours has not. Just remember, when he is checking out other women, he is still going home with you every time!

Start staring at other guys if you’re not gonna leave him over it.


start checking out other guys in front of him see how he likes it


Disrespectful. Plain and simple. He doesn’t respect you.


Then check out other guys in front of him also then

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Good lord. He can’t look? You will never be in a successful relationship if this continues. its a you problem.


That is a man being a man!


It’s not a man or woman that is married that doesn’t look if say you don’t you be stay home are walking into doors

I can’t believe so many people are saying it’s ok to look as long as they don’t act on it :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


These are signs you look for while you are dating as well. I remember hanging out with a guy who ‘liked’ me and I liked and he was doing this when sexy women passed by. I made up my mind that he wasn’t a guy worth trying to know better. It’s a form of disrespect and it can be a sign that he will initiate flirting with women when you are not around. It’s a little :triangular_flag_on_post:


Is he your husband, or is he your slave? If he was doing that to you ,how would you feel?

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We are human and we look. Do you want him to look down while out? Get a grip :roll_eyes:


My x husband used to do this, found out he had a bad addiction to porn. Ex husband for a reason.

My fiance does it. I agree or disagree with him. If he’s not cheating and giving you no reason to think he is, I feel it’s fine. Its a you can look but not touch thing for us.

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You’re NOT insecure; what he’s doing is DISRESPECTFUL.


I check girls out with him as well as point them out. He knows I check guys out. Just cause your married doesn’t mean you’ll not find absolutely no one else attractive we human its natural to look but no touching or flirting happening.

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Noticing other humans is a very natural thing. It sucks that it bothers you but at least he’s trying to not do it right in your face… I would say there’s some underlying image issues (we all have them) that you should work on… for yourself… because YOU will feel better if you do.

I mean, you probably get checked out by other men and women too.


Looking doesn’t hurt anything as long as he doesn’t act.

Poke him in the eyes (just kidding)


Check other men out and see how he feels about it :woman_shrugging:t3:


Check out women and men in front of him…

Your feelings are valid and you matter. You expressed your issues with it to him but he is not respecting you…next step embarrassed him…make him feel how you feel…of course all this is based on if he doesn’t/cant respect you and your way am i saying it is worth leaving him


No sweetie good husband or not your feelings are valid and it’s disrespectful if he knows it HURTS you. From prior experience, I guarantee if he’s hiding that and doesn’t care how you feel, he’s hiding a lot of other stuff too.


For the people that say it’s okay to look…. What happens when looking eventually turns into something else? I mean to each their own. I wouldn’t like it if my husband was constantly checking out other girls if I’ve expressed I didn’t like it. Especially being married to me. My advice is don’t stop expressing to your husband how it makes you feel. Your feelings are valid.


He loves to you very much & treats you well but looks at other women in public knowing it bothers you? What ?:joy:


Yes it’s disrespect. Especially if you share ur feeling about this. N he continued to do so Especially in front of you.everyone has a different opinion. Yes I keep seeing you can look n don’t touch. I experience this early in my 1st marriage and when I made myself more noticeable my ex didn’t like it. Lol figures.good luck

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Your wanting to leave your husband because of that when your the one he comes too and sleeps with every night! Men are men they will always look if it was my man I staring female down I would kiss on him purposely sit closer or hug in his arm like this is mines ladies! If you have insecurities then work on those it turns a man on when your confident not insecure! Spice it up for him dress up more when you go out in public! If you feel he might cheat then leave him!


I tend to point out other women. And say …go and chat her up if you think you’ve got a chance. Hahaha. (Knowing he’s already looked)
You think you can get better than me :nail_care: crack on sunshine :rofl:
Or I offer to go get their number. :joy:
I get where you’re coming from.
But babe. Learn to love yourself. I bet you’re beautiful. Know it. And own it.
A confident woman is sexy. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Never let a man disrespect you. Xxx


Absolutely not! Your feelings are valid and shame on him for ignoring your concerns. Yea we are human no your not trying to control him it’s principle! And it’s embarrassing ewww. Id make it clear how you feel no one deserves to have a significant other constantly disrespecting them


Would be hard for mine to do that with two plastic forks in his sockets…very disrespectful in my opinion…


Lock him up in the basement and never let him out… that is literally the only way to keep a man from checking out other people! Get a grip. You are being insecure! :roll_eyes: I point out all the babes to my husband… :woman_shrugging::rofl: