My Husband Won't Give Me Access to His Bank Account Because His Mom Tells Him Not To: Advice?


"Needing advice on how to handle this situation with my mother-in-law. My husband has ALWAYS been a mama’s boy. I have known him for five years, and we have been married for one.

I am a SAHM, and he is the one who has a job. He will NOT give me access to the bank account. His mother says he shouldn’t trust me and should give me an ‘allowance.’

I am honestly at my wit’s end. I have to ask him to even go to the store and buy milk because he doesn’t give me his debit card. We also only have one car, so I am stuck at home all day going without things because I can’t even walk to the store to buy anything.

I have tried talking to him, but ultimately, his mother always wins. What can I even do besides leave?"

RELATED QUESTION: How Can I Ask My Husband to Leave Money for Me When He Goes to Work?


“Leave. That’s financial abuse.”

“I’m sorry but you need to move on.”

“If you are married, he should trust you with the bank account. You shouldn’t have to ask for money. If he can’t trust you with that you shouldn’t be with him.”

“Counseling could help. You could also get a job and tell him it’s up to him to pay for and arrange childcare or else he can treat you fairly. How much would it cost him to pay someone to stay at home and do all that you so? Private chef, housekeeper, nanny, etc.”

“That’s controlling behaviour. Huge red flags!”

“Oh boy. That’s a problem! I would have a talk with him. His mother should not have any involvement in your family’s finances… This is something you guys will need to work out. I was once in a situation like that and I told myself never again. I have always had my own job and my own money. I never wanted to be in a situation where I had nothing in my name and no money of my own. It’s a tough situation to be in.”

“I think you answered your own question. If he is unwilling to keep your marriage between the two of you, he’s not the one for you. You’re always going to have problems with his mother because he allows her to have a bigger role in his life than she should. He is a grown, married man with a small child. Us mothers are supposed to raise our kids and let them go when they’re ready. Why is she even dictating what goes on in your home or even y’all’s account(s)?”

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Leave. That’s financial abuse.

Uhm. No girl. Either y’all get a joint account, you get a job, or get out. That’s disgusting of him.

I’m sorry but you need to move on


Besides leave? Continue living your miserable life…


Get a job, get some money saved and run.


Give him back to his mama. You should be his priority you’re fighting a battle you shouldn’t have to and cant win.


That’s abuse. Leave.


If you are married he should trust you with the bank account. You shouldn’t have to ask for money. If he can’t trust you with that you shouldn’t be with him.


Major red flags take it child and leave as fast as I can


Get a job, to where you can get your own car or funds. Or just leave honestly.


Counseling could help. You could also get a job and tell him it’s up to him to pay for and arrange childcare or else he can treat you fairly. How much would it cost him to pay someone to stay at home and do all that you so? Private chef, housekeeper, nanny, etc etc.


I’d just get a job. Save your money and run. To hell with that. With a mother in law like that, I wouldn’t have married him.


You’ve already acknowledged leaving is the best option. Why are you looking for reasons to stay? You’re being controlled by this man. Get out while you can. You’ve only been married for a year.


Seriously leave, it’s only going to get worse. Saw it with my MIL and refuse to see anyone else go through it


Give him an ultimatum you either start letting me have access or I’m leaving


Leave. That’s a form of control. It’s manipulative and abusive.


Stop telling her to leave. She asked what else can she do!


That’s controlling behaviour. Huge red flags!


Oh boy. That’s a problem! I would have a talk with him. His mother should not have any involvement in your families finances… This is something you guys will need to work out. I was once in a situation like that and I told myself never again. I have always had my own job and my own money. I never wanted to be in a situation where i had nothing in my name and no money of my own. It’s a tough situation to be in :confused:


Get a job. Get a car. Have your own big fat bank account. What goes around comes around.


I’m a SAHM as well. Hubby handles all our finances. I do “ask/tell if I need money for anything. Your marriage and finances are between you & him, not between you, him & his mother. Allowance? You’re not a child. If you have somewhere to go, run.


Besides leaving, would be to get a job and have your own money


I think you answered your own question. If he is unwilling to keep your marriage between the two of you, he’s not the one for you. You’re always going to have problems with his mother because he allows her to have a bigger role in his life than she should. He is a grown, married man with a small child. Us mothers are supposed to raise our kids and let them go when they’re ready. Why is she even dictating what goes on in your home or even y’alls account(s)?


Give him back to his mother! Leave! Your being controlled, it starts off little things then it progresses, sounds like you made your mind up anyway. Good luck.


Get out! My dad did that to my mom to control her every move.


If it requires money to do it, make him do it all then. Groceries, bills, whatever else. He’ll get over that shit quick or else you do and leave.

Well, he treats you like crap, why would you want to stay and be treated like that??


You aren’t a SAHM you are a possession , get out, get a job open a bank account , and for Hell sakes remember your children are watching!!! What advice are you looking for? To tell you to be a WOman and understand you are equal to any man and your job at home has value, but until you believe it neither will he!


He’s controlling and financially abusive u need to leave now


There is no fixing that…send him home to mama.


Can’t blame his mother for what he does. Ultimately it’s his decision. I think it’s messed up cause what is he afraid of that he doesn’t trust you to have access to funds? Whether you work (outside the home) or not y’all are married so what’s his is yours (and vice versa).


Major red flags here babe.


Remind him that you’re married to him and not his mother!! I highly suggest counseling, both couples & personal. Also, stash a little extra away each time you have the chance, for a rainy day❤️ best of luck!


If you really don’t want to leave, I’m sure you have your reasons. I would tell him you want couples therapy and to get a part time job. He will have to arrange for the childcare. Because you can not be a hostage financially to him in this “marriage”. That’s financial abuse. And if he’s not going to allow the mother of his child/ren to be able to buy a freakin gallon of milk he needs to pay for someone to watch the kids while you work so you can comfortably spend money as you see fit. That is not a good situation for you. Also his mother should not be involved in your finances. I’d even talk to her about how you feel. Not fight not accuse. But really make her understand that being a hostage is no marriage for you and I’m sure she wouldn’t accept it for herself. Good luck


There is nothing to do besides leave!! Tell him and his precious mommy to take that card and shove it and leave.


I have never shared a bank account even after 15 years together. Lol


That’s controlling. Me and my husband share an account and both have debit cards. Tell him you need access or you’re leaving, then there will be no argument. That’s not ok.


That’s not a marriage that’s a dictatorship


This is a form of domestic violence… he is controlling you through finances


Been there, done that. It was a terrible decision. Got a job, started asking him what for everytime he asked me for money. If the answer was “because I want to.” Then I’d say no. He got a taste of his own medicine and he stopped questioning evsry single thing I did


Fuck that. I’m so tired of all these people saying we’re “partners” nah. My husband give me his debit card whenever I say I need money. Doesn’t even ask what I need the money for or how much. I have a credit card for his account. He opened 2 credit cards for me Incase I’m out and need something or want something. If your together then it needs to be together. No “this is my money, here’s his”

Get a job, get a car, tell his mother to suck your dick and focus on her own marriage and tell him marriage counseling or divorce.

Or, save yourself the years of pain and sorrow that will ultimately end in you getting divorced because he’d rather be married to his mom. Up to you.


Ive been with my partner for 4 years and dont have access to his bank account i didnt think this was a thing his money is his money ?
I woudnt dare ask my partner for an allowance out of respect as hes always had savings and a house deposit before we got together having had our first child he always make sure theres enough groceries at home maybe chat with him about doing a bulk shopping so ur not going without when he goes to work… you could always return to a part time job so u have your own money…
Could centrelink possibly help you out at all? I woudnt be leaving him just because he doesnt give you money to go shopping…
I think possibly there is more to this story than whats been posted here. I go without many things nails hair etc somedays yes milk runs out isnt that normal ? Hes offered an allowance hasnt he/they?
I dont know seems like theres more than what meets the eye here depends if this is only thing being controlled! If its not get out of the relationship cause yes that would be red flags for me! Centrelink would surely help you get back on your feet again. Good luck


Why is his mother even involved every time you talk to him? Honey, this is controlling and you need to get out of this situation.


What did you do before him? Hopefully supported yourself… Do that again.


Once a mama’s boy always a mama’s boy u deserve better


Depending on the state you live in, half that money is yours. Stand up for yourself. Remind him that marriages are a joint venture and you need to be added to the account to get done what you need to get done. Tell his mom that you understand where she is coming from but her son made the commitment for life, so you must be part of everything and that’s that. If he doesn’t then he can pay for childcare and do half the housework because you will make your own money


I would suggest leaving. Get a job put kids in daycare. I am a SAHM so I know that is not easy at all but you and your kids deserve better than being controlled.


Nope nope nope :running_woman::running_woman: :running_woman: Narsasistic control


He is just controlling you. I would leave if I were you. If you feel the need to stay, get a job, get a car and save up money to leave down the road. That isnt a man that you married.


Leave and cleave gen 2:24

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Financial abuse. Leave. Get a job.

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curious if he isolates you from your friends and family.

but yeah, I’d be concerned.
I’m a sahm and while I dont have direct access to my boyfriends bank account, I do have access to his credit and debit card, though I do also run frivolous purchases by him, because we are single income with 2 kids under 3. but he never denies me funds (he let’s me purchase them myself) for things I or the kids need. AND THIS IS MY BF NOT A HUSBAND.

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Get a job and a car of your own because if he is letting his mother control the money in your marriage you need to have away to support yourself and to be able to leave if you feel you have to


That is a form of domestic abuse called financial abuse. I would divorce him. If you have children, he will have to pay you child support. If no children, there is absolutely no reason to stay. Leave, get a job and move on quickly.

Get away from him.


That is so wrong ! Dump them both u don’t need ppl like that in your life. He sounds very controlling :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:


Have you tried talking to him and asking why he doesn’t want you having access to the account? Sounds fishy to me like why is he wanting the $ to himself? I’m a sahm and we both share our account together.


Get your own and have a joint one , this is crazy y , if he cant trust you then he doesn’t need to be married to you .


First anyone caring for a child NEEDS a care Tell him that if he cant trust you with money than theres no choice but to get a job and your own car and split child care, see how he feels about losing some of his money to a daycare instead which would cost him more than giving you money would

Leave, he’s a controlling asshat and not what you need to be married to… And you didn’t marry his mother so tell her to butt out

Why would you even marry that? :roll_eyes:


I’d get a job and my own account… make it known that since he doesn’t trust you with his account you had no choice


I don’t think you want to leave him because you are asking what to do. However, this seems like a very toxic relationship in which he is holding it over you. I worry that there are bills in your name that you are equally responsible for and he is not paying. I would sit down and explain your concerns and your desire to work with him in the financial realm of your relationship. If he doesn’t want to discuss it with you or needs his mother’s approval I would seriously consider leaving. There are women’s shelters and programs available to help people get back on their feet. What your husband is doing is abuse, it may not be physical abuse … yet. Children see whether we think they do or not. I hope you stay safe and take care of you and your children.


this is financial abuse


Tell him if thats how he wants to play then he needs to pay you for all your cooking and cleaning so you can buy yourself a car and get a real job and have your own money and tell him shove it up his fucking ass and his momma too.

Personally i think its wrong. My relationship is completely open and I have access to all accounts. Also hes married to you not his mother I think she needs to mind her own


Leave him. Leave him. Leave him.

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I would try to find a way to get on your feet. Whether moving in with family or going back to work. I’m in a similar position myself. Maybe whenever he does give you his card to go to the store, you can do cash back and hide it and if he says anything, say you got gas or make something up. Save as much as you can to get out if that’s what you choose to do.

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Run like hell. :running_woman:t2:


He wants to control you. Leave or get a job so you have your own money

Get a job. If you guys only have 1 vehicle then work an opposite shift from him. Your money will be your money too. If things dont change or he doesnt allow you to work and try to control you that way then leave, put his ass on c.s. and start from scratch. If he is allowed you to work but is still controlling then save up money and leave when you can.

Hello put your foot down tell him you want to be on bank accounts credit cards anything that you guys acquired during your marriage you should be part owner and being on whatever it is. YOU TWO are married not your in law and you. Unless you have like some sort of drug problem or alcohol problem or you abused pills or you gamble there is no reason why he should not trust you with money or property. just because his mama says so is not a reason and you need to tell him and put your foot down and tell him that on Monday you want to get put on the bank account and you want a credit card so you can go to the bank with him and it is not up for discussion and that from now on if you to purchase something it’s you to purchasing something not just him and just because he makes the money does not give him the right to have all the control of the money. your mother-in-law should not even be a factor in this. You NEED boundaries between you and your husband’s relationship and your mother in law. You need to tell him now and if he isn’t okay with it then he can get divorced and give you money anyway.


That is not fair on you and the kids

I feel like leaving pretty much sums it up and when it’s all said and done tell him to fuxk his mom :woman_shrugging: if you have family that will take you in while you get back on your feet I would reccomend that that’s financial abuse and he seems kind of narcissistic .

Be super clear to him. Him treating you like an untrustworthy child having to beg for every small bit of money to survive off of is ONLY going to cause you to build up a huge resentment towards him. There will come a day when You won’t have to be home with the kids anymore. And you will probably get your own job. You probably will have a huge bitter piece in your soul also. I could imagine. He should really be looking at it this way: He is getting free and qualiry childcare for his children, and you deserve a pay if he wants to be like that!

Tell him to go marry his mamma


Leave there is no advice Girl

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divorce him and take half of it :see_no_evil: jokes. that’s a shame. maybe get a job and have your own independence? he seems to like a power trip in my opinion. tell him your looking for a job and I’m sure his attitude will change. :heart:

Let his mama have him :woman_shrugging:t3:

I say find daycare, and get a job. What he’s doing is called financial abuse. Withholding necessities is a control tactic.


That’s toxic. I would RUN. My first husband was the same way.


this is a form of abuse. It will only get worse. You need to leave if hes not willing to change.


He’s putting his mother before you. You’re his wife. Put your foot down. If he can’t put you first, then he needs to go back to his mother. As far as his money goes, you explain to him that you need things too, you are a SAHM. And you’re capable of getting things yourself. Tell him things need to change now or you’re leaving. And to leave his mom out of it. If he can’t, then there’s no trust… if there’s no trust, why stay?


Sorry but you dont need someone especially a spouse that doesn’t trust you. His mother should stay out of your business. You either put up with a controlling and not a trustworthy spouse or leave him.


My husband and I do not share a bank account. However we share our funds, and pay bills together. If I’m short on funds he gives me cash if he’s short I give him cash.
You knew he was a mama’s boy. Doesn’t make it right. But its time for you to stand up to him and his mother. Tell him you need money for things and the car two days a week. You can take him to work and pick him up. If he doesn’t agree tell him you are going to get a job and he will have to help with daycare. Do your research and find the most expensive daycare you can for a quote. Let him decide whether giving you money and the car is better than paying daycare.


Leave NOW
He wont change


That’s called financial abuse. Same as emotional or physical except he uses finances to control you.


Run run divorce you get half so you will find out and make sure to tell him


Anyone who doesnt do what ever they can to make sure she has a car since their child is there all day is selfish you need a car if you have a kid your responsible for

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This is not the way to live with someone who is supposed to love you… I can only say leave… I’m a SAHM, my husband works, we’ve been together almost 18 years, married almost 13 years of that… I’ve been a SAHM for over 10 years, and NEVER has my husband withheld money from me… I work with our money. I buy the groceries, make sure we have everything we need, etc… Yesterday was the first time in years that I can remember that my husband went with me to do our groceries. I can’t imagine how you must feel… This to me sounds like abuse.


I’m a SAHM… he works… his check gets deposited into a joint account. I pay the bills/groceries/home and he comes home. We BOTH get an allowance. $40 a paycheck. So we can do what we want with it. We are MARRIED and we are equal partners. He sees me as having a ‘job’, taking care of home and family… and I see him as having because he brings home The bacon.
My advice: RUN… he is controlling you. And things WILL get worse!


Leave. If you dont want to leave then make ur own money!!! Theres so many outlets on how to do so!! Make no excuses!


Suck his dick while your asking him. But do a good job … make sure you’re not being shady either. Trust is a two way street.

Sounds like you need to get a job, then spilt all of the bills or divorce !


That’s insane and abusive. :sob: My suggestion would be to leave. :100:

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I have to agree with most other comments… girl RUN!!! Leave now!! It only gets worse!! Been there, done that!! Being married to a controlling narcissistic POS is the worst thing I’ve ever been through!! After being married for almost 6 years… it’s started out great then ended up an absolute nightmare!!! Physical, mental, emotional, financial and verbal abuse all day everyday!! I ran like hell and never looked back!!! Don’t put yourself through that!! :disappointed:


I’ve been under that thumb. Only in reverse roles. Leave. Leave now. An allowance ? You are not a child.

You have a decision to make. Live with it. Or live life. His mother should have less then zero say in your relationship. Maybe he should have married her.


Financial abuse. I’d be gone

Uh no. My husband and I don’t have access to each other’s accounts. But we also have zero problem with handing our debit cards to one another if we ask.