My Husband Won't Give Me Access to His Bank Account Because His Mom Tells Him Not To: Advice?

Just apply for a job and say you both can figure out daycare then.

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Give him a ultimatum and tell him how you feel if not then leave

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My husband’s only words are “You know what we have, you know what we need to pay and you know what I need left to make it all week.”

What you’re describing doesn’t even compute with me. Please don’t allow this to continue you deserve better. :clap:t2:

Yea… just stop doing house stuff with a kid. People are truly oblivious to what’s going on here. He is growing more and more controlling and the longer she is there the worse he will become, especially when he feels he is losing control, since clearly she is isolated from everyone but the Internet. Act happy. And make a plan to get out of there. He will use your child, anything to maintain control. This isn’t okay. It’s abuse. Not physical yet, but in all other ways, emotionally, financially, etc…

Exactly that LEAVE. Get yourself a job and make your own way and let hubby run to mommy

He is entitled to his card and the privacy of his access. However if you feel the need to do things financially then maybe just ask if you can have help with the day to day finances whatever it may be. Also are you able to build upon your financial situation to allow yourself some financial freedom and attainment? For better or worse it is important to bring out the best in one another. You both deserve to be happy.


Girl… get a job, get a car and roll the fuck out!

Thats abuse, its financial entrapment. Get out


Sounds like your a child listening to a grown man
I’m a stay at home mom
I take care of 3 handsome boys
And I will find my way out of the house even if he takes our money and car
But I still wouldn’t let any guy control me like that
Your a grown women stop letting him control everything you do
If you two dont fix that sound like a long road to hell

Sounds toxic and controlling. I’m a SAHM and to be honest I control ALL of the finances. We discuss larger purchases and anything for our daughter is automatically green lighted. When funds get lower we will tell each other it’s time to buckle down a bit.

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Get a job and your own bank account.

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That’s a form a domestic violence :disappointed_relieved:

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When you marry it is time for mom to step the fuck down! If he can’t understand that and respect your marriage then bye :wave:t2:

This isnt new. This has been happening the whole 5 years

Obviously, he only has a relationship with his mother and not you so I can’t feel a marriage here. Leave - get a job, your own money and move on.


Sorry but give that boy back to his momma he ain’t done suckin the tit yet. Go find you a real man and a real Job and getca real life. LWTF


tell him , what you want tell his mother to mind her own business

Your story sounds like domestic abuse. Financially controlling you, cutting you off from the ability to leave his control whether by vehicle or financial means.


Get yourself a sturdy job. Learn a craft and sell. Something that gets you a form of income, and get out. I’m a SAHM as of the last year. My husband and I have been together 9 years, married for 4 of them. We both always worked and kept separate bank accounts, but my name was added to his as soon as we got married. We just worked better that way. Since I became a SAHM I closed my bank account and I have full access to his account, a card and I’m really the only ok need that touches it at this point since I make sure all the bills are paid. There is definitely something wrong with your dynamic, a controlling husband AND mother-in-law at best.
I truly wish you the best.

Time to sever the relationship-/it’s not a marriage


My ex was like this. Financial abuse is real and it’s toxic.

My husband and I have a joint account and he has a separate account for automatic billing. Every Friday he deposits money in the joint account so I can run errands, get stuff for the kids, etc. I have a credit card for too. We put our credit together and his income to buy me my own car so I could be independent.

What you have isn’t healthy. Being a SAHM is a job. Being married is a partnership. You sacrifice to care for your kids. He should be giving you what you need to do your job. Period.


Get a job, and leave. Been there done that.

Fuckin leave! Your in prison! Why stay! If you have children what are they learning? Freedom! Leave leave! The courts will force him to cough up some of his $$$$$

HE NEEDS TO GROW SOME BALLS AND ACT LIKE AN ADULT. He doesn’t need to cut Mama out of his life, that wouldn’t be a good thing to do. No man should have to choose between his wife and his mother, but he does need to obviously grow up.

It’s called financial abuse… abuse is abuse


it seems you are treated unfairly…call the mum from her room whenever he needs a cuddle🖐and you cuddle you babies coz they need you💔plenty fish in the sea…mum is not his wife its you😑

Lol I’d be an absolute arse and moan like holy fuck I didnt have whatever it was I needed, until he went to get it for me… Hell soon get pissed off nd give you money and the car :rofl:

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Why did you marry him?


That’s financial & emotional abuse (isolation, making you dependent on him). Contact your local DV agency. They will provide counselling & support.


I left this situation a year ago. I wasn’t even allowed to get a job or go to school “because it wasn’t worth the gas money and babysitter money each week” it ended up horribly abusive. There is someone out there so much better for you, and you deserve to be HAPPY.

This is a form of abuse


Welp he can’t protect that bank account in court the judge wouldn’t be pleased with his little mamas boy antics PLUS he made u dependent on him as a SAHM. He screwed himself by listening to his mom. File for separation so he can see how much u are truly entitled to as his wife and mother of his kids. Or go straight for ending it and divorce his selfish arse!!

Get a job then leave


I agree with RUN !! Meanwhile , get a job , start saving your own money , he has to do ALL SHOPPING pay for everything,not your money. It’ll be funny when you get divorced and get half !


Throw the whole husband away and start again lol


Get a job, save your own money, start supporting yourself. My mom has always told me to never depend on a man. Not saying your depending on him. But honestly it would probably make you feel better. And then Once you have a job or career for a while then discuss joint bank accounts. So its your money & his combine… Im not agreeing with the mother inlaw. Because really it is non of her business especially, Financially. But she is just being over protective.


Find a career or something you love doing or go to school. Secure your OWN financial stability and your own account by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!


I would apply for any type of small loan that’s available. Get a used car ,apply for childcare through whatever government program available; being that you have no income, you qualify. Then start looking for a job. I wouldn’t tell him anything at all not even about the car . Hopefully you get the childcare and job quickly. Save up money while he continues to pay the bills and thinks your at home all day . ( also work the same hours he does) . Then when you have enough money saved re-evaluate your life and all the options and opportunities that are available to you now and make you decision from there !


WTF, Fuk that no thanks, that’s a no from me


Get out while you can run run far away why did you even marry him to begin with

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Only thing to do is leave him…you should have all your husbands cards he should be asking you for his money that’s how it goes here right Eric Bell

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Nothing. Hes using power and control over you. Its abuse. Leave.


Leave. Thats so controlling.


nope right outa there, until he lets go of momma and puts your relationship first he can have her but not you. This is abuse for sure!

No offence I would leave I wouldn’t stay in a marriage like that if he listens to his mother all the time and is a mamas boy he clearly hasn’t grown up and shouldn’t be married too someone. In marriage there has to be trust and if you can’t trust someone/partner then what’s the point…

He clearly needs too get some help and work out bud issues because treating someone like that no matter what is awful and it’s hurtful too know that your husband rather listen to his mother’s input rather then listen to the one he married

My MIL tried to get me divorced from my husband her son because she thought I was only with him for the money and it isn’t true at all! Fact is she used him for many years and he wasn’t going to let her destroy our marriage so we stopped talking to her for many months almost a year and we have been happier ever since having our first baby due soon…

The fact is hon if you can’t see a way he isn’t helping or supporting you then you should look at your options!

Time to leave…it won’t get any better

Its not gunna get any better!

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You need to leave … now .
Controlling behaviour. Will only get worse .
Do it for your children x

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Tag the mother in law let her see they are both wrong!

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That’s crazy!! I’m not even married to my man and bought me a new iPhone and hooked his debit card to my Apple Pay and always makes sure I don’t need anything! Now I’m not crazy either I don’t take advantage of the situation! I only use his money for things we need for our home… groceries… home items… bills… and things we need for our kids but if I wanted to spend money on something else I could! You should always over rule his mother!

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Quietly and slowly plan your escape from this abusive relationship. This is psychological and financial abuse.

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Why can’t you work and get your own money coming in ?


Get out before the babies start coming…:roll_eyes:

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Get ur own job, get away, get out, get independence…


Leave… This is financial abuse


Do you have access to the internet? I’d set up your own bank account with statements sent to email, not via post, and look into online work you can do from home to start with. You need independence and also the confidence in yourself before you’ll be brave enough to leave. Good luck x


Set up bank account , have child benefit come in your bank account , since you don’t work and he does , apply for child tax credits and add him on it , they will automatically calculate by his tax payments what you entitled to and have that come in your bank too , depending how much he earns it might not be a lot but it’ll be your money and not his , if he wanna be petty like that be petty back , although I agree with someone above that is classed as financial abuse , he’s made you be dependent on him and that’s not right at all xxx


Send him back to mama.


Leave him, hes acting as if hes your master, legit fuck that hun, I’d leave and love before children become involved, that is soooooooooooooooo controlling

My grandmother was in the same situation, and she left, because what he is doing is emotional abuse, and her kids meant more. She said she’d rather be poor then ever let a man dictate or rule her life, and sure enough, she raised 6 kids on her own. It’s time to go, because a momma’s boy will never leave his mother. Trust me. I’ve dealt with it before. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Tell mama to come clean his house wash his clothes cook his dinner n look after his kids fuck it even do your makeup

Same as me yet he has access to mine. Also a mummas boy. He will ask if I need money when i take the girls out for the day so he transfers it or gives me cash but god forbid if I take his card or try to see how much money he has :woman_facepalming:t2:

I don’t think #partners is the appropriate hashtag


Ok here is what you do. Start filling for child support. In most states you have to pay it even if your married. Then call your local job and family services, tell them you live in the same house hold but you are split and pay for your own food. Then ask for daycare, food, and medical assistance. Once they approve the daycare go out and get a job. Save up enough for first months rent and move tf out of there.

I have been were u are only i did not have a child at the time. He controlled everything about my life not just the money. I stayed for 17yrs and have been free of his prison for the last 5. Trust me. While i believe in the sanctity of marriage and think people should work things out. I do not believe anyone has the right to control another person. If he agreed to be the only income then he needs to provide you with the resource to be a stay at home mom.


This is abuse. Be careful. Start setting up child support now, so when you leave it’s ready for you.


That’s not normal. Unless you have a gambling addiction or something… My husband and I have one checking account and I do not work at all… I handle all the finances- bills, shopping, planning purchases… You’re being treated as an employee who only gets room and board, not a wife. You’ll get some if his money when you consult an attorney to discuss your alimony case … TALK TO A LAWYER!!!


If I were in your situation I’d leave otherwise they will both teach your children that you’re beneath them and eventually your kids will treat you the same. Just because you’re a SAHM doesn’t mean you should be belittled. BUT it’s also YOUR life and if you dont want to leave for your own reasons you should get a job, eventually a car, hopefully even a higher education. You can do it. One step at a time. Try applying for Work at home jobs. Amazon and Disney have customer service positions that require only wifi and your own computer so you can work from home. But if you have any family or friends please get out of that relationship.


Get a tablet work from home when he’s gone…everything direct deposit to a secret account…i have been there…you will overcome…pray for karma…God don’t like ugly so pray for her.


Sounds like they’re holding you hostage… you have zero freedoms in life. That’s not ok. Leave while you can. Don’t let your littles think that that’s ok. Just because you’re a stay at home mom does not make you any less of a person. Marriage is about partnership. Two people, you and your husband. His mother has ZERO place in your marriage. I’ve fought the good fight for over 12 years and trust me, you are the only one that can advocate for yourself. Speak up now.


My husband works and I stay at home and clean,cook and take care of the house. I am the only one who knows the bank password. If he ticks me off I transfer everything into my acct. What’s his is ours. If he wants to be a mamas boy send his behind back home.


You cant really do anything sounds like a control issue with them I would leave you deserve better than that no woman should go threw that

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This is financial abuse, and power and control. If you have a local women’s crisis team or support group you should consider contacting them. They should have a lot of resources for jobs, housing, temporary shelter and other resources.


I mean he been like this and u still married him?! Get u a WFH job, get ur own bank account, but then u gonna have to leave…bcuz his momma gonna tell him “u gotta pay bills”, and still do all the things u were doing as a SAHM. So, u might as well do it by urself


Its all about control I’d demand a change or divorce

Leave. I’m serious. Get a divorce lawyer ASAP. After that, get some counseling to work on you. My guess is that based on your post, you saw this red flag long before you married him. If you don’t do some self work, you’ll find yourself in another situation just like this, only a different face.


You can do nothing. But if you leave and divorce he will be responsible for alimony as the sole provider.

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Control freak!! I’m a stay at home mom too, me and my husband share our bank account. We have our own cars, and if we need something I go without asking him because that’s how a normal healthy marriage works.


leave thats not a relationship or marriage that’s controlling and a part of abuse.


Believe you’ve been married for a year and you didn’t figure this out before hand leave his ass you take care of the family you go to the grocery for you to have to ask for money to go to the grocery is ridiculous. If you have no groceries in the house and he complains it’s his fault for not giving “” you money to go to the grocery for you to have to feed your family and ask his permission is a crock of shit

I’ve been married for 15 yrs. sound like He’s controlling. Leave him. I know a family member her husband controls her so bad, gets all her texts. Phone calls on his phone. Won’t allow her to talk to her family. Makes her homeschool the kids so she’s stuck and the kids are always with her. He don’t let her go anywhere.
She has told me if I die he did it. Also don’t know how to get out. This person wanted a baby. So she agreed so he wouldn’t be pisses. She told me I’m stuck anyways why not have a little baby? In fact, I no longer can talk to this person, I stood up to him and he’s the person where ales rule and girls bow down.


Leave it won’t get better . He will always listen to his mother you are being controlled

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Wow! Don’t take it any more! You are married! He is controlling you! Or rather his mom is controlling you through him! Tell him to sleep with his mom since they seem to be such a great team!


Leave. Adios. Goodbye.
That’s nothing more than abusive control…by him and his mother.
Marriages are partnerships, you are not a partner.
Go to a lawyer and explain your situation.


Leave. Sorry sweetie but you need to provide for your kids and him locking you out of the funds to do that… Tell him bye.

I know what your going through. I was married to a controlling mamas boy for 18 years. I’ve divorced him. Ive been divorced now for 11years. I wasnt allowed to write a check with out his permission and I kept the check book. His mom would say jump and he would jump. Its only going to get worse. If you want to talk about this inbox me. Thanks

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Don’t complain if u don’t wana leave…


Its only gonna get worse if you stay :sleepy:

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Get a job of your own and don’t let him have a penny of it!
In the meantime consider divorcing him.

Control and abuse. Baby, get a job and stack your coins.

You can’t do anything just leave the mama’s boy

Mama needs to mind her own business

Contact an attorney ASAP, then get out as soon as possible!

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Can you do a home based business? If he objects to you having any access to money, this is a control issue, the mark of an abuser. My aunt had a husband that controlled the money. She got a job she could do from home. When he found he could no longer control her, he divorced her.


Your mother in law needs to butt out and if your husband was a man he would have already put her in her place. I would get out as soon as you can. You’re married with a child and he hasn’t changed. He isn’t going to. My last relationship ended for this reason. Remember this ladies there is a HUGE difference between a man who loves and respects his mother and one that lets his mother run his life.


Get a new strategy because if he can’t get his mama to mind her business it’s going to be a dead end. You are worth more than that.don’t want to hurt feelings but that’s the way I feel.


My ex husband was also a mama boy but he didn’t always let his mom get involved but he would take advise from her we had joint account until I notice something wasn’t right he had open another account with a different bank I was also a sahm . I forgot to say then u need to leave him.


Wow that’s rough but you should pray and go with what your heart says to do. And your mother-in-law should not have any input in your marriage at all. She needs keep out of your relationship


Please don’t take this the wrong way but from my own personal experience with a “mama’s boy”. My now ex husband was one. For 18 years his mother always won. It didn’t matter what it was. Now today, I am happily remarried and have been for two years. My current husband unfortunately his mother passed away before we got together so there isn’t that problem. But, it sounds like you are in between a rock and a hard spot. On one hand you have to fight for your relationship if you want to keep it. On the other hand he should be fighting just as hard. It sounds like you both are relatively new to marriage but sometimes things are worth fighting for and other times they are not. My ex and I are good friends but we couldn’t make it work and we both knew it. So it comes down to weather your marriage is worth fighting for not. I wish you luck.


Please get help. You are in a very controlling relationship. I’d hate to see you stuck that way for years to come. YOU are worth it to have an equal partner with respect!


I’ve been divorced 2 years, from a man and his mother that we’re JUST LIKE THIS. It is 100% controlling and a form of abuse. Quietly get a job, save save save and leave. Or better yet, go file for divorce/custody if kiddos are involved and get out. It will never change, it will never get better. The longer you stay the harder it will be to leave. I lost 12 years of my life with a man just like this. So much happier and whole 2 years later.