My Husband Won't Give Me Access to His Bank Account Because His Mom Tells Him Not To: Advice?

Any man that will listen to their mother and let her control their life isn’t much of a man

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Get out ! Idk why they think it’s okay. Leave and get your self respect back

This is bullsh**. You are a married couple. He is not your controller and his mother had no say in your family’s finances. Get out or become an equal partners alliance. I smell trouble.

Kick his mother to the curve,cause she is the wish,do not let her visit you all,she is putting bad advice to ur man that is not right.He is wrong an ASS. Good Luck sis.

When you get married his mother should have taken second fiddle you should be number 1. He isn’t a husband he’s a chicken needs to tell mom off plus you need a job to have your own money don’t share

My ex was not a momma’s boy, but he controlled all the money even when we both worked. We also had only one car. He would go off almost every night to play racquetball, basketball, softball, etc. leaving me home with no car. My dad finally got me a car. I divorced him after five years, but for a different reason.

Mama’s boys always win get out before you get hurt even more. My husband walked off and left me , took everything.I came down with RA and I had some COPD and it was getting worse plus my son and father were fighting cancer , but his mom was his most important thing. They never change only by Gods Grace.

Did you know all this before you married him ? And if so just WHY? other than leave let me tell you I would have RAN as far away from both of them as possible… you dont ever let someone control you!!!

I guess it is about how much more you can stand or not as to how you handle it , you own peace of mind is worth more than all this crap just a saying

You knew what you were getting into when you married him.

If you can’t get a job you can do from ho!e or walk to, then tell mamas boy you will clean the house and keep any kids fed and schooled. But since he wants to control the finances, he can do the bills and the marketing and take the kids to doctors, dentist, clothes shopping and tell them why they can’t have things.
You jeep your end if the bargain.
Mommy gets her own ties in a twist I suggest you go to HER religious leader and share the dirty laundry.

Next step, hubby steps up and pulls his nuts out.of mommy’s purse and starts acting like a man, you quit boo hoping and get a job and bring some funds into the house or get divorced and both of you grow up.

Get out and run as far as you can go. Don’t let him control you anymore. It’s hard but you can do this!

Run don’t walk. This is financial Control it’s the first step to abuse. Trust me. It won’t get better it will only get worse

Did you know all of this when you were dating, engaged and married?
Then you accepted it. Did you think it would change when you become his wife and gave him kids?
Get a job.

Get to a shelter and get an attorney. Take it from someone who knows. It NEVER gets any better

File for divorce! Your attorney will get access to his account! You will get alimony and child support.


Ask him who he is married too. Did he marry his mommy or you? Then tell him he has a choice, mommy or you! If he says mommy, call a lawyer! That is abuse!

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Give it back to him and mama for a while…mama doesn’t do everything you do. (We’re hoping)

Mom should butt out. You need to talk to and if he doesn’t want to meet you in the middle then that’s going to be your answer. It all comes down to trust.

First find a job, maybe close to home so you can walk there. Save the money you make and get the hell out!! If you cant work outside the home babysit a few kiddos

Leave no matter how. You need out. Call your family and get help to get out. This will get worst. Trust me. And get a hell of a good lawyer. You have to take his mother down.

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Financial exploitation and isolation are both very very serious forms of abuse…get help or get out…it’ll destroy you if you don’t destroy yourself first

Momma’s boy 100%…I would tell him to pack his bags and go live with his momma. Obviously, he still joined to her by the umbilical cord…a REAL BABY. Does he not know that YOU are the first woman in his life now.

It won’t work if mom is calling the shots.

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Personal opinion, you should have never married him.


He needs to cut the umbilical pts with Momma and hop into the relationship ship with his wife! You’re his wife not a prisoner

Pack your bags and hit the road for it isn’t ever going to get better

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U should have never married him if he acting like that your a prisoner in your own home red flag

LEAVE. You are married to a manchild and not a real man. Your first mistake was marrying this man who is still attached to the umbilical cord. Also get yourself a job and pay your own way in life. Leaving a bad marriage is easier when you have your own money. Leave now…not ten years from now.

do you care about his good health.why trying to have access to his bank account are you hungry is he not taking care of you and the children these are things you needed to consider first not access to his bank account.

Your his wife not his house keeper . Look for a new husband . Give him a choise either he gives you access to his account or you find a husband who Loves you .

How do you not have a joint account?

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Was he this way when you were dating him? I’d get a home job and get away from him controlling you
Babysitting worked for me

Why doesn’t she have a job and her own account and also both have a joint account ?

First mistake was you married him. Second one is you are still with him.

Umm…that’s not a marriage. Get out!


What is wrong with you women?

Sounds to me like all he wants is total control of you!


Call an attorney and file for divorce


He is hiding something, you can be sure!!!


Why did you marry him?

My husband is a mamas boy also. His mother balances his check book and pays his bills for him. I have no idea about his finances. Thankfully I have my own job and money AND I LOVE his mother. It just always bothered me why he kept his finances a secret. I felt like he didn’t trust me which is no way to have a marriage. After 15 years, we are divorcing. I wish you well in whatever decision you make.


Why did you marry a mommas boy? No advice

He is a control freak, will never change, don’t walk, run.

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sounds like a control issue-time to get a life of your own-and that starts with a job of your own


He is controlling you. Get a job and control over your own happiness

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Why did you marry him?

Go out and work and you will see yourself more value of what he think of you.
Good luck

Marriage counseling! Are you a wife or a slave? Controlling man sends a red flag!

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Didnt you see this coming?

For sure you can not change his mind set been there to

Seriously, you have to ask? I’d be movin on…just my 2 cents. Believe in yourself, you don’t need that type of husband or in-laws in your life…Good Luck
(((Hugs))) PS: There’s always a Solution

Get a job an support your damn self an get out of that marriage It wil Never work :rage::sunglasses:

The mother in law has to go and get her own life

My advice leave him and take care of yourself.

Sign of a complete control freak!!

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Go to counseling and get a job so you can be independent

Don’t stay call your mom or someone you can trust to help you . Even a church should help you . But get away from him fast

Omg. I’ve spent 40 years, years I will never get back… Let his freaking MOTHER take care of him or you will spend your life babysitting.

This is mental abuse, get out now!!

You should have left a year ago

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You need to leave ,anger a job so you can have money.

He sounds like a control freak…RUN!

This is so wrong leave him to live with his mother

I agree if u stay its because u comfortable if not get out now

Get the hell out no one needs to live with a momma boy and dictator

Divorce him. He and his mother are controlling your marriage. Not you and him. Marital money is shared money no matter if only one is working. Not one spouse controlling the money and he and his mother making that decision. Do you not realize how sickening that is that he and his mother are making your marital decisions? I’m disgusted… really.

Unfortunately it won’t work! Get out while you can💕

My aunt always said Always have a bank account of your own. If anything ever happened to your husband or partner accounts can be frozen . Try marriage counselling or leave. Pick whichever feels right for you


Leave. That’s financial abuse

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Take it to Jesus and God in prayer.

Sorry you knew what he was like and married him-
You marry a person The way they are not gircshst you’d like then go be!

Stand up for yourself. You deserve better.

This is called financial abuse. Talk to the bank and a counselor

I would tell him good by go live with your mother…

Let mama have him and get out- it will only get worse!

You married into a controlling situation. Leave

life you have friends, maybe they can help you, get the hell out of there periocd.

I went through that. I finally left. That would be my advice to you. I doubt he will change.

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Love yourself enough to leave him and his momma.

Yeah what she said … they never change

Get a job, save your money in your bank account do not give him access at all, then leave. Go luck!

Doesnt he want you to work or is he controlling

Time to leave you sound like a prisoner

Leave … He will always put his mother over you.

Nothing! Leave now. He’s too controlling!

Leave and soon if you can…

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First tell him he not marry to his mother!

His mom needs to cut the cord. If he was like this from the beginning u shouldn’t have married him.

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Open your own and get direct deposit. Then give his ass an allowance

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Shouldn’t have married this one !! Run don’t walk to the nearest exit quit while you are ahead!!

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Get a job and have your own account and your own money!!!

He’s never going to change.
He’s got power over you( and he probably enjoys that)
You must make up your mind if you want to live the rest of your life like this, or not.
Think it’s bad now? Wait till you have children.
Take some time to yourself and really think about it.

It’s not going to work out .

Leave the jerk…hes not your father.

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Leave…don’t walk but RUN

You should have checked this situation out before you married him . I just hope there are no children involved

Get a job, control your own money

Sounds like my ex… its either "our money " or its “I’m gone”… if you’re a SAHM, its his job to earn it n your job to manage it… it’s a partnership, not a parent giving an allowance… you are not a child… he either needs to treat you like a partner or you find yourself a real man… good luck

Tell him he can sleep with his Mother!

My daughter finally told her x controlling husband "I have a daddy and you ain’t him"after 16 years of pure hell. So glad she got rid of him.