Confront him and tell him that you guys need to come up with a date that he needs to move out. He’s a grown ass man. He’ll figure it out.
If he has 3,000 to give away he can move into his own place!
Most likely he is being scammed, his son needs to intervene.
Get him into a retirement center if his older, or low income housing for seniors
Be diplomatic and give him a date to be out, and if he asks why be honest and tell him. In the meantime take your bedroom back! Good luck!
They have apartments for seniors that go by their income usually in every town. Food stamps but only if he doesn’t make too much money if that’s the case he might wanna move to the state where he sent the 3000🤷🏼♀️
Make him pay rent and help out with paying bills or he can find a studio for Himself if not take back your room and make him sleep in the couch confront him and tell him look this has to go both ways we have your grandchildren
Can I have his number lmao
You need to let him walk out even if it’s your father in law tell him to move in with her since he seems to have his financial situation together and let him leave. Your husband needs to understand it’s his father and he shouldn’t be getting played like that.
Just get rid of him . He doesn’t deserve you
Really feel bad for all the parents of these children that one day might need to sleep on their child’s couch saying kick them out ! This is family we are taking about not just some friend or stranger.
You and your husband need to confront him about it! Also he needs to be on the couch, it blows me away that he would have accepted that arrangement. If I had to move in to my daughters home I would treat it as such and I would be sleeping on the couch even if she offered it to me. I can understand if he was bedridden giving him your room but clearly he is not. Also you need to make sure he’s not being scammed because that may be why he list his house.
First of all put him on the couch and take your room back.
Then tell him to start paying rent and utilities this amount or he can get out
Good bye dad have a good day
So, 3000$ over 4 months is 775$. I’m thinking he could afford to pay you at least half(387$) and still keep his little fraud friend happy. Or move out and she can come live with him.
Hes being scammed dont get upset help him uncover the truth about the person he is sending money too.
I agree make him pay rent and some on utilities and food. And find out who he’s sending it to
He can go to that girl’s house.And I wouldn’t have gave him my room he would be on the couch
I would just tell him that if he’s going to be wasting his money instead of being smart with it he can have the sofa. That’s a security deposit for his own apartment. You sacrificed you’re living space for him and he needs to respect that. I’m sorry I would not send a stranger 20 dollars. 3000 is insane kinda sounds like he’s being scammed. Maybe he needs help with things like that because of his age. Either way I would have my husband speak to him and tell him if he’s going to be dropping that much money it needs to be for the house or so he can be out on his own
3000 is more than enough to rent a apartment a month
You are not being used, he is. This woman is taking advantage of him and if it’s even a woman he needs help cutting her off. Why is he sending her money? Start there.
Time to kick his ass out! Sorry but not sorry! He’s taking advantage of you! Why give him your room?! Its your house, he can sleep on the couch! He can go live with the woman hes sending $ to!
Why did u give him ur room???
That’s so dumb
U r a couple and need ur privacy!!! And space.
U guys give a mile he takes the freeway
He can spend his $ on whatever he wants
Just cuz hes old doesnt mean he stops making dumbass decisions
My grandma 87 and still knowingly acts oblivious to her daughter stealing money from her.
And she still follows her. Old people dont nake wise decisions and pull the whole family d .ok qn with them.
Set boundaries.
U guys didnt even set guidelines and r surprised of his actions??
Just becuz their family doesnt Jmean they arent moochers!
After 30 days of stay…u willl have to process a proper eviction in court to get him out.
Honestly he would start paying rent and whatnot or he can find someplace else to go. That’s ridiculous and you are being used even if he’s not meaning to.
First of all, put him in the couch and take back your room. Why should he even get a room if he doesn’t pay anything? And then find out who this person is
Well if he gets his own room he should be paying some sort of rent and help on bills. He’s a grown man so he can do whatever with his money but he is making poor choices. I wouldn’t kick him out, but putting him on the couch seems like a better fit. He’s probably being used and doesn’t realize. He needs to realize family comes first and if he doesn’t like it then he needs to find himself an appartment. There are places he could easily rent. Even places that go by income since he seems to have squandered away his late wives insurance money. Which is probably what that money was. Good luck
Why did you give him a whole room? The master? Why? Have him sleep on the couch or an air mattress and tell him he needs to get back on his feet stop throwing away money being catfished and or he has to go. But for sure he shouldn’t have a whole ass room that’s insane.
He is being catfished. Talk 2 him about what he’s doing. Ask 4 permission 2 be added 2 his financial affairs. If he’s adamant about not allowing it, show him da door.
If he can send $3000 to a stranger, he can afford rent. Time for papa in law to go!
Kick him out or make him sleep on the couch
If he can affird to send a woman that kind of money he can rent an efficiency apt.
Naw, his ass would have to GO! He’s being played and now he is playing y’all. If he got $3000+ to spare, he can get a nice place.
Where did he get 3,000 and you aren’t homeless if u have 3,000 could have easily got a place . Why doesn’t he move with the lady ?
If hes sending some girl 3,000, hes not gonna be homeless, and if he does become homeless sounds to me it’ll be his own fault, 3000 would take care of every bill and food
Make him pay you so much per month then save it all for him, have him find a place and give the money for security deposit and first month. Then he’s set up
Help him to stop sending money to her cut her off. And help find him a low income home.
Maybe both of you sit down and talk to him he must be lonely and some ppl can talk a good talk… try to make him aware he is being used but I definitely would take my room back
Don’t kick him out until you get to the bottom of it. He’s probably being scammed by some poor pitiful me story and doesn’t realize it. It could be out of loneliness and depression and she is doing something to make him feel like he needs to keep her…idk. just talk to him before just kicking him out…would he have done this if his wife were still here?? If not, there’s a bigger reason…
Kick his ungrateful ass out.
Put him on the couch.
That was his deposit, first months rent and groceries. He needs to go. Your family comes first. Period. Depression is not an excuse for supporting some scammy little brat online. He needs to focus on himself and get some help. Time for a serious discussion and a reality check.
Some of y’all are heartless and so quick to throw him out…thats heartbreaking
Pay rent , and for his food.
We went through this with my grandfather and I’m sorry but it’s never going to stop. It’s been over 10 years since he first got caught and this past year my grandparents and my own little family STOPPED SPEAKING COMPLETELY and his cheating and scamming was absolutely the root of why. My grandma had a stroke and barely made it last year and he was sending a girl money while she was laying in the hospital bed fighting for her life😪 I told her that we caught him, once she was well enough of course, she moved out and started moving forward with a divorce FINALLY and then just ran back home 1 day and now for the last almost year it’s just her and him out there, alone, speaking to no one from the family but still his of course, and I don’t think my grandma will even live much longer honestly😭 But she won’t leave him and he won’t be faithful so those are their decisions, not ours, we don’t have to live with them! It’s an addiction and they prey on lonely older ppl so until he gets some help it won’t stop💯 He may stop periodically but he will just be sneakier when he starts again and trust me, he will.
Make him buy a small caravan and put him in the yard out back…simple. U need your life and house back.
Tell him to move in with her.
You are being used! Most cities have Senior income based housing. I would be checking that out & putting in applications for him. If he can send that kind money to some stranger there is no reason what so ever you & your husband should be sleeping on the couch. And FYI there are alot of younger girls on the internet looking for “sugar daddies”. Jus sayin
Ummmm can you give him my number? Lmao
Sit down with him and have a talk let him know that you know about the girl he’s been sending money to and if he has that much money to send to her you could really use the help from him financially as well because it is costing more with another person in the house. Tell him your sorry, but you guys did give you your room for him and it’s not far to you guys that you are paying more for an extra person in the house while he is sending a bunch of money to someone else
He could go live with that woman
That’s enough money for a down payment on a place of his own. Sounds like he’s using your kindness, he needs to go. I think a serious talk is in order and a deadline of when he needs to be out
Almost certain this girl is likely a guy using him for money. Show him a video from youtube about this happening to other people. I just watched one on t.v. the other day and the amount was $3000 too.
Are you sure that girl isn’t your sister and he’s still paying child support?? Lots of men have affairs and children from those affairs. Instead of turning his family upside down, it’s easier to pay them off. In fact, now a days, you will have kids who don’t know who there daddy is and their mom gave them12 names to choose from, they will choose the one that has the most $$ or is the most gullible to believe that this person is a child from a past affair.
Sit him down talk about and figure out his finances. But him on a budget so he can save and get his own small apt near to you . Maybe senior housing. Find out who the person that he is sending money to is and show him that it’s a scam. It should be that hard to prove. And by all means take your room back.
You should talk to him about this and maybe come up with a plan to either help with his keep or help him find another place. Also, I would take any and all evidence to the police to report a scam artist if can be proven.
I’d get ahold of this woman and tell her that her free ride is over… and if she collects one more payment from him, that you’ll have her charged with elderly abuse.
How about he is being used by the woman he us sending money too. He is lonely, he lost his wife. He is looking to fill a void.
I would be looking into what he got himself mixed up in and work on it from there.
He’s sending money to most likely conmen i have a feeling that girl doesn’t even exist!
Sit down with him and let him know that you’re aware of what he’s doing and please remind him of what you have given up for him to have a room in your house!
If he had the ability to send that much money to her then he has the ability to pay for part of the mortgage/utilities/food/etc. I am all for helping family when they are down but that is excessively rude of him and quite manipulative. You and your husband need to put your proverbial foot down now!
Give him 30 days to get out.
Confront him immediately, tell him he can’t live there if he keeps sending that girl that he doesn’t even know money.
I feel like it’s none of ur business he’s a grown man and Will do what he wants
Get him in a government housing and try to get the young woman name and number bet she’s got a extra line a friend of mine got caught up in a scheme like that he about lost everything thing he had family and all
Tell him to start paying you or get out. He’s got that kind of money he can start paying to stay or move out asap
Sit down like an adult and talk to him? Find out all the info. Is he being scammed? Is this a child no one knew about? Or is she carrying his child. So many thing could be going on. Most likely hes being scammed while in a vulnerable place.
This woman probably doesn’t exist or does and is it’s a con. How old is DIL? It is entirely possible it’s an effect of grief or an early sign of dementia. Sit him down and talk—don’t attack. He may literally not know the error in what he’s doing. My mom died from frontotemporal dementia in 2016…we didn’t have this issue but there were money/spending issues. Each type of dementia presents differently; it’s worth having a discussion.
If he has $3,000 to send, he has money for an apartment. Let him know he has x amount of time (3 months would probably be a good amount) to save his money for a deposit and move on out.
I’d tell him to go move in with said woman he’s giving all that $ too
Tell him Togo live with the girl since he giving her $$
Shoot from the hip don’t mix words. It will not be tolerated, if he wants to leave that is up to him. I’ve been in this situation and it’s probably going to continue no matter what you say.
Explain to him that he is being scammed. Hopefully you can get through to him
I feel sad for him. Lost his house and his wife and now some con artist has preyed on his vulnerability. These people can be really slick. Maybe have a chat to him. He may not want to hear he’s being used but you need to sit him down and discuss it politely.
This woman is probably a scam for money, they prey on older people you need to sit down with him and tell him its a scam and look into yourself to prove it to him.
You have helped him so he needs to help contribute to the home after all you gave up your bedroom does he realize your sacrifice.
Talk to him tell him he needs to paying you guys s
Tell him to get a little unit and move out, or put him in a home if he needs looking after, then he wont have any money go send out
Nope he would be out, he can sugar daddy it up somewhere else.
Tell him he needs to contribute x amount of dollars to stay with you guys and he needs to be out by x date. That way at least while you’re displaced, you have money to cover the extra coat of his being there and a little towards housing costs.
You have to tell him like it is if he can send money to some Facebook scammer he can get his own place he’s never met this so called women could b anyone if suffered lose and grief so he can get through this but he has to get a grip on this crap
His dad shouldn’t have to be paying rent in my opinion. But he needs a talk about sending women that he doesn’t know money. Maybe he should go out more. But you can’t ask him for money.
Take your room back and give his ass the couch. Tell him he has to get his finances in order and get a little place for himself after the new year. No reason for you to sleep on the couch in your own home you are paying for.
1st… Did you talk to your father in law about this?.. 2nd… who is the girl he is sending money to?.. is it a women he had a child with and has to pay back child support?. Is it a child he had that no one knows about?. 3. Is it someone scamming him as he has lost his wife… You need to sit down and talk with him about it… Maybe it’s why he can’t afford since his wife passing a place of his own… communication is the key. Me personally I could never charge my parents rent… they didn’t charge me rent and support me from birth to 19. I would of done the same if one of my parent became widow and give them a room but I would make the dinning room into a bedroom for my self. I would investigate and find out who this women is. Talk to my parent and if a scammer get in touch with her my self and tell her to back off or else… When we lose someone we love sometimes we get lost and bad people pray on it.
If he plans on staying long term tell him he needs to give money to add on another bedroom
Put His ass on the couch! Tell him if he can afford to send $3000 to a stranger he can afford his own place! Your husband needs to step up for his family! I’d also get the name and address of the woman and report it to authorities!
You take your room back and he can sleep his happy ass on the couch. You guys not only helped him out but also showed him that he is far more important than you 2 by giving up your bedroom in your house. I wouldn’t do that for no one not even my parents
Are you crazy??? Send him packing to his “girlfriend” or homeless shelter!!!
With the money he is sending to her he could have rented his own place,
If your father in law is able to send money to another girl out of state he able to get h a place to live
Tell him straight up if he can afford to send some girl money he can afford a place and has 30 days to leave end of discussion simple as that
Kick him to the couch!
What ever I’m sure you can use some of that cash you are taking care of him an I want my room back. Now
With the money he’s sending her he could be giving to y’all so you can add another bedroom on
He can move in with her then
That’s sad. Ol girl probably knows he is vulnerable and is using that to get money. I would nicely talk to him and I would get in touch with this girl and if it’s what it sounds like she would know EXACTLY how I felt about it and she better NEVER contact him again, but that’s just me.
If he can afford to send some random female that kind of money hr can afford his own place even if its,a,motel room
He can afford his own place if he can send her that. Or he can help pay the bills there.
if u have 3000 dollars to send to a girl u dont know or met then u got 3000 to get a place u got 30 days start moving
you may need to file for conservatorship so he can’t access his money without your consent … he obviously isn’t making sound decisions and it’s affecting his ability to be independent
Lay the law down ans have hin sleep on the couch
I would straight up tell him that you have been kind enough to give up your home for him and that since he can send some random girl $3,000 that’s enough for rent and a deposit. I wouldn’t put up with it
Kick him out. Dont worry he will find a place and start paying rent instead of some random girl.
Either you and your husband decided to help his dad or not. Don’t kick him out. Talk to him about his actions. Explain all y’all are doing trying to help him. And he needs to help too. Stop sending money to women and help here at home. If he doesn’t change. I would leave it up to my husband what he wants to do. Cause its he father and you don’t want any hard feelings that might come later to come back on you.