My husbands ex is still in love with him

OK. Devils advocate here but this is kind of on you, too. Why would you ever think it’s a good idea to go to the bar with his ex wife?

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Read what you wrote and you will know exactly what to do x


Honey they’ve been handing you the scissors :scissors: here’s an extra pair.

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The only thing that will continue is what you allow. Set your boundaries and mean what you say. Otherwise, it will keep on and you either choose to accept it or leave.

Let her have him. He sounds like a jerk anyways

Get on a plane and never return, seriously though, run!

I’m still stuck on the fact that he was grabbing her ass :flushed: I would have made a whole ass scene in front of everyone

Like for real you tolerate this all the time? This just sounds like insanity to me!! You gotta start loving yourself and get away from these toxic people!! Run girl Run🏃‍♀️!!

Sounds like he’s trying to find ways for you to leave him cuz he can’t leave you cuz his ego is to big. He’s a pos and probably already cheating if he really doesn’t care about your feelings.


Sheesh let him be wit his ex cut ypur losses you deserve better


You shouldn’t have to explain anything to his double standard having ass! If it’s inappropriate for you, it’s inappropriate for him. If it’s okay for you, it’s okay for him. It’s as simple as that. You’re a better woman that me, because if my husband said he wanted to go out with his ex and her boyfriend, he’d be going and wouldn’t have to worry about coming back.

I am confused a little though… who had their kids at the bar and why?! Are these your husbands adult children? His ex wife’s boyfriends kids? Are they adults? Because if these are your husbands minor children in a bar with their drunk mother, sounds like bigger issues.

One way or another, sounds to me like you need to tell him to kick rocks. He has no respect for you at all!

Girl, get a divorce and seek therapy, you need to know your worth! Xo


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: literally all the flags


A group where we all tell you to leave them


That’s not a man, that’s three red flags in a trench coat.


Run. Been there done that. I made every excuse for his behavior. In reality there is no excuse. He is scum and you deserve better

Smack his face tell him to enjoy his exs ass and walk the hell away. If I ever saw my partner even looking at his ex the wrong way I’d tell them both to enjoy it. They broke up for a reason let it happen again and let them end up alone. The fact you just said his hand was on her ass mate I would have just walked out then no commitment to this man. So leave!!!

You need to get out of that relationship ASAP.


Bro what the actual fuck

You send him divorce papers. That’s how. He has ZERO respect for you.


He’s cheating. All cheaters accuse YOU of cheating. Check his phone. You will get confirmation there. Then decide if you want to stay or go.


Time to walk away. He’s STILL in love with his ex as well. He’s a narcissist as well constantly accusing you of cheating.


Smells like narcissism and manipulation at its finest. Run for the hills girlfriend.


Ummm exactly it’s not ok. Leave! Clearly he is not over his X either or he wouldn’t have been inappropriate with your night out. Also he maybe seeing other woman besides you. Usually when someone is playing the your cheating card that means they are most likely the cheater because they are doing this behavior so they are assuming your doing the cheating too. Also this person sounds toxic and your brushing it off now and being casual about it when if you stay in this relationship for years this will become a psychological battle for you that you will have to fight in your own head every day. And then you eventually may have trust issues with men! Ask me how I know. Your mental health may not be suffering now but it will if you stay in this relationship long term. I suggest you get out now before you become more attached and mentally messed up from this person. They sound like they need to work on tons of things within themselves before they can have a relationship with you or with anyone. Good luck to you!


Just leave him. :woman_shrugging:t3: that’s deep rooted behavior that won’t change unless he wants to change. You deserve better.


It’s a waste of your time explaining. He has our is still cheating on you. He’s projecting. It’s a dorm of manipulation. Run.


He has no respect for you or your marriage. Stay and deal with this forever until you inevitably divorce or leave and find someone who doesn’t treat you like crap and be happy. Period.


…… did you re read your post? Why are you with him?


I would’ve skull dragged her :sob:
Anyway from in my humble opinion if they falsely accuse you, they’re the ones up to no good


You may love him…but he doesn’t love you . Send him back to his ex and live a happy stress free life without his BS


What could you possibly love about such a man🤔


This whole situation is f’d up. U had to remove his hand after stepping away for a sec. Everything u do means you’re cheating. If that dont sound like the guiltiest of all consciences then idk what does. U need to address this situation asap or you’re gonna be miserable.


Why do you love him? Is it the smoking? I bet it’s the smoking


Explain what to him? There is nothing here to explain! It’s common sense and disrespectful as hell for him to be participating in any of the things you listed here! He has ZERO respect for you! Nothing you mentioned should be taking place! If the ex wife is still in love with him and making passes towards him then it is his responsibility to nip that shit in a quick hurry!!! Why would you even agree to hanging out with his ex wife at a bar in the first place? I’m all for coparenting and doing activities together FOR THE CHILD but from what I’m understanding is the kid mentioned in the post is the current boyfriends son, not your husbands and his ex wife’s. So why on earth would you socially hang out with the ex wife in the first place? Even if this was your husbands idea you should have IMMEDIATELY shut it down and refused to go and put your foot down with your husband as well! Since he made the decision to hang out with them without first discussing with you it seems your husband is also still in love with her or at the bare minimum still has feelings for her! The whole situation is wrong on so many levels and he would be freshly single for being so disrespectful to you!

I’d start smoking :smoking::rofl:


He’s so sleeping with his Ex wife


He’s gotta goooooooo!! Buh bye!


Wow… leave him is all I can say.


You don’t explain it. You send him packing. He has no respect for himself, you, his ex and probably no one else. I would rather have respect because you have to have it and love follows.


Him and the ex belong together….

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Control freak my first husband all over again

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Wait his hand was on her ass and all you did was remove it? I guess im a different kinda female cause my hands would of been flying.

Sure smells like he’s already doing the things he’s accusing you of girlfriend. Get the hell out of there!


He doesn’t care that it’s not ok. He knows it’s not ok. Anyone would know it’s not ok.


Donate him to his ex for charity this holiday


U do see that he’s just a man size red flag yes??


He’s still sleeping with his ex & likely others. He’s deflecting & making you feel guilty for his actions. Trust me. I had an ex like this. I wish someone told me all this sooner. I was young & naive.


Dude he’s accusing because he’s cheating. Period. If it’s a boundary in your relationship you both follow it. If he can but you can’t then he’s trying to relieve his guilt by accusing you.

Well you have your answer. Start smoking :joy:


This woman boyfriend is really just going to sit there and watch her try to kiss on her ex and allow him to grab her ass?… wtf

Most women just sometimes dont do or talk about stuff. Like that to they hubbys but im the type of women that would slap his ex infront of everybody leave him behind go home pack his clothes in trash bags and put them outside and i promise i will ever accept disrespect from no dude…us women have so much potential to live very well alone with kids and accomplish our goals…i know u feel hurt but it dont stay for ever…good luck and focus on you and kids if u have…happy Thanksgiving stay safe❤

Classic projection. He is protecting his own cheating on you. Leave him, this is not something to ignore or get over.

The one who protests the loudest IS THE ONE CHEATING!!!


I would pick up some Marlboro lights and help him pack.


Well when that happened with me, I talked to my pastor & the first thing he told me is if they are accusing you of cheating all the time , then they probably are the ones cheating. They know if they are the. You could be also.

I would be Leaving him the u had to remove his hand from her ass is a NO Go.

These are huge red flags. He is totally controlling you and probably messing around. Even if he isn’t none of this is ok. Leave him


Any man that puts you in a situation like the night out you described has 0 respect for you and if it were me id let her have his a**


Red flags!!! Get out now!!!


They’re blatantly telling you and her boyfriend where y’all stand and where they stand… no boundaries. Of he’ll do it in front of your face imagine what he does behind your back?

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Blow the smoke right in his face as he leaves.


Leave. Run. Be gone. Touching his ex wife’s ass? Hell no. He can smoke but you can’t? Hell no

First of all I would have punched any bitch trying to kiss my man then I’d tell him to pack his shit

Babe. It’s red flags, not a carnival. You need a new husband. :v:


So they deserve each other. I’d leave you don’t have kids together. Scoot before it’s to late. YOU had to remove YOUR husband’s hand off of someones ass… major red flag. That is not JUST the ex wife doing stuff.

Your ex is a narcissist. Run while you can.


That’s not a man, thats a child that has no respect for you or anyone else.


You don’t explain anything to him. You leave. He knows what he’s doing and how it hurts you.


Kaitlin Williams wtf lol

some guys don’t think sleeping with their x is cheating cause he’s been with her before. Get out he does not love you and treat you like that

Love isn’t enough when in a relationship such as yours! Leave, it only gets worse.

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Plain and simple, leave. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Her boyfriend must have loved that !! He’s cheating with someone or ones. Anyone who keeps accusing and pointing fingers are doing it , trying to defect it from themselves. Lived through it.

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Leave what more proof do you need he don’t love you. You had to take his hand off his ex wife’s ass and your still there. She tries to be all over you man and your bf does nothing? I would of snapped. Again know your worth and leave if he does this in your face he does much worse behind your back promise that.

Can some of these women who come in and tell us about their lives and ask for advice please also post updates?! Especially if you moved on!!

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He’s disrespecting you. And you are allowing it lovely. Leave.


Gross. Time to say bye bye to the cheater.


Lol red flags red flags leave that man !!!


If this is a serious post, I wonder how you even made it to the alter. Controlling you while doing whatever he wants is not ok

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Dump him, this is outrageous lol

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All the time you let him get away with it he will carry on - just tell him point blank that if you go out with th ex again he either goes alone or if any messing you will leave and get a taxi home

Where does someone find time to smoke a carton in a week…

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Girl Please leave… He clearly has no respect for the relationship and sounds like he may be cheating anyways


Why are you with such trash? You deserve better

but carry it through dont just say it

why was his hand on her butt

You explain it with your bags walking out the door. Either your husband is a narcissist and thrives on the attention or he’s got something to hide. He sounds manipulative by allowing the disrespect in front of you knowing it bothers you.


also what did her boyfriend say or do

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Him letting her do that and not stopping her is cheating


I hate to say it but from experience just like this the one accusing is the one cheating. His ex might be his side peice. Be aware of everything going on…

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Ask yourself why u love someone who disrespects u…the ball is in ur court …not his


Time to leave. He clearly still had feelings too for her…he wouldn’t be allowing her like that around him or holding her butt…leave

Oh no.
That’s is all….

I would leave he sounds controlling

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Is it love that you feel or the fear what being alone when you leave him? Seriously adopt a dog they’re loyal, this guys just an arse.

You deserve better and I hope you find it.

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So this is going to sound horrible on my part but, being in this situation (me being like your man) may I suggest that you get out of there. Leave and find your person. Best wishes honey


We shouldn’t have to explain to people like that, they should know. N they prob do know it’s not ok they just don’t care

Just leave. Staying will only cause more pain.

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^^^^^^with EVERYONE above. He’ll be in an early grave smoking that much.

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