My husbands ex is still in love with him

What you will allow will continue


U might love him but he does sure NOT love you hunni u need to get rid and love yourself and respect yourself enough to leave him x


You donā€™t explain shit, itā€™s time to go. It is very possible that HE is cheating. Him and his ex would both have a black eye for that level of disrespect.

Throw it away its broken. Nothing you can say or do is going to fix it


Heā€™s narcissistic and youā€™re better off leaving. Donā€™t let a man treat you this way.


Leave Dassit thatā€™s the answer

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Sounds like heā€™s projecting :upside_down_face:


You donā€™t. You pack your shit and leave his ass

Narcissists donā€™t change. Ever. Get out now and find your happiness. Itā€™s not about him. Itā€™s all about you.


Pack your shit and leave . He treats you that way because you allow itā€¦ if you put your foot down and let it be known you will not stand for it . One of two things is going to happen one he will let you go and if he canā€™t respect you more than he has been itā€™s a blessing in disguise. Or two he will realize how much you mean to him and start treating you better. Now I know all of that is easier said than done . But you got to dig down deep inside yourself and love your self more than you love Anybody else are you will continue to get walked on and be disregard js

:woman_facepalming: wake up and leave that toxic mess


Marriage counseling or divorce is on the horizon ā€¦ sorry.
This has to be awful ā€¦ :confused:

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You may love him but babe he sure as hell does not love youā€¦ time to move on away from this douche bag and find a man who loves and respects youā€¦


The first sentence alone screams red flags

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Girlā€¦kick his ass out! Heā€™s gross

You explain how itā€™s not okay by leaving. Straight up. End of story. Narcissist never change.

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Leave. He does not respect you obviously

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He does not respect you. Leave.

ā€¦(When your the wife ā€¦and the side piece)

Why would you love this man? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You can love him all you want but you gotta love yourself 1st and that will include leaving his dumb ass

You already did. When you told him to get his hand off her ads. You to explain to yourself, this behaviour is wrong and I shall not play your game. BYE BYE. Get out, get out now

Leave his bitch ass

He is projecting on you because he is being unfaithful. He is cheating on all of you and playing you all for fools. You and the ex need to leave him. He will never change and it will only get worse and worse.

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If it were me- I would have beat her ass no way my husbands hand would be on it- thatā€™s a him problem- I feel like heā€™s telling you in a low key way that they are together to push you to leave- no one does this girl

He is doing all the things he is abusing you off!!

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Run for the hills girl! Narcissistic ways and arrogance. Never let a man treat you that way. You deserve to be happy. Hope you listen to what all the women are saying.


Wow id rather be single

Just get out is not good very toxic

He is telling you with his actions what he really thinks and feel about you, he doesnā€™t love you, not even respects you. You deserve to be loved for real, you wonā€™t find it with him.

Itā€™s called narcissistic triangulationā€¦what heā€™s doing with you and the ex. Look up narcissistic behavior, bet youā€™ll learn a lot more about your boyā€¦and thatā€™s exactly what he is, a sad little boy. Run for your life!!


He cheated on you in front of you even.


Another vote for getting the fuck out! Heā€™s controlling and he disrespects you regularly

You explain nothing and you leave his ass.

What did I just read? Lol heā€™s grabbing his exs butt and heā€™s making out with her and youā€™re looking to teach him right from wrong ? Youā€™re not his mother . :upside_down_face:

I would have been in jail that night! Iā€™m not even kidding! Run like hell!!

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Sometimes I read these posts and the first thing I wonder is how the hell youā€™re not in jail. Because I really would be and then when I got out Iā€™d be throwing all his s*** out immediately.

The part where you serve him with divorce papersā€¦


Wow! Get out now! Why would you want to be with someone that treats you like that?


Give his ass back to her. Divorce him and move on!!!

Iā€™d rather be aloneeee

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Yikes :grimacing: doesnā€™t sound like a healthy relationship to meā€¦


These things canā€™t be real. I canā€™t believe anyone is this dumb to put up with that.


Been there and gone through the same way turned out my ex husband was cheating on me I left him and too the kids with me took all his clothes and all the pillows and blackets unplugged all the freezer and the frig to I got even in every way I could with him just so he had to spend his money on other things besides the wh**** he was seeing

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He is making her feel comfortable enough to do this!! They seeing each other on the side!! Get out!!


Leave. Usually the accuser is the one cheating. If they were okay being all over each other in front of you and her boyfriend, imagine what they do in private or talk about doing at leastā€¦ absolutely no fixing this here.


Leave him. If my husband ever did that even just once Iā€™d be gone in a second. What is your life worth to you is it worth being miserable because youā€™re with a terrible man

Time to leave this jerk

Heā€™s still seeing herā€¦girl get him drunk as fuck and when he passes out grab his hand and unlock his phone and see what he be telling her and who else. Then youā€™d know to stay or leave. Fuck invasion of privacy if heā€™s grabbing her ass while your in the restroom and it was his idea to going out with her.

Smhā€¦girl, byešŸ¤£ leave his ass!

If it was meā€¦I wouldnā€™t be on here asking what to doā€¦his ass would be out the door ā€¦and im curiousā€¦how can someone smoke 2 or 3 cartons of cigarettes a weekā€¦I sure hope you have a good life insurance policy on himā€¦

Sounds like hes already cheating on you because it seems like he has a guilty conscience because he accuses you of it. I personally would tell him to get the f-ck out!


The cheater always accuses the other person that they are the one cheating. If he wasnā€™t stopping his ex doing that too him while you were there, he wouldnā€™t stop it if you werenā€™t. The hand on her ass should give you your reason to leave his toxic ass.

A hit dog hollers first. Heā€™s trash let her have him.

You donā€™t explain shit you just leave or thatā€™s what I would do. Hes grown and should know thatā€™s not ok at all. I wouldā€™ve been in jail for whooping his ass if I walked up and my mans hand was on some other chicks ass

Heā€™s cheating on you just go

Sweetie theyā€™re still screwing around & you already know it. Just leave


What exactly do you love about him :thinking::thinking:


whaaaaat! Your putting up with this ??? He sounds very controlling and manipulative. Seems like he might already be cheating on you considering what he already did. Itā€™s a very big deal he did that to his ex while you were there. If he says he was drunk you just simply say that isnt an excuse. If you cant leave you need to cut off all communication with his ex. Can you really stay with him ? if he cant understand ( or doesnt care) that you dont like the way he talks to other women.

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Please leave, you deserve better.

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You shouldnt have to worry for long. Smoking that much, he will be dead soon!


Leave he will never stop and will always make you out to be cheating most likely he is cheating on you.

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You need to leave his ass to prove your point.

Its not enough that you love him. He has to love you too or theres no point. Its a two way thing.


Hes acting that way because heā€™s guilty. Clearly.


Heā€™s a manipulator and is probably still doing things with his ex. Donā€™t be naive all the signs are there. If heā€™s not fooling around with his ex heā€™s definitely doing it with someone else.


Heā€™s cheating. You need to leave him. Also probably with his ex.


You love him!? Why?!!!

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You shouldnā€™t have to explain why this behaviour upset you he should know not to do it.i honestly would leave if he doesnā€™t care about your feelings find someone who will.


Eww. Let her have him.


Touching his ex ass he is already cheating and clearly has no respect for you at all. Leave him I donā€™t know why this is even a question.

By packing up and leaving, heā€™s toxic

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He sounds like a narcissist.

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Time to leave love :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Toxic girl it wonā€™t stop Iā€™m going through same shit mines to point hes cheated on me and accuses me of it constant. Told Iā€™d take a lie detector but no im just a professional liar.

He is a narcissis. There is no setting boundaries with him. They donā€™t change. Itā€™s best to cut your losses and leave.


Get out now. Heā€™s toxic. And it will only get worse. Iā€™ve been there. In those same shoes.

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Two wordsā€¦ Heā€™s Cheating!


So first off, this is toxic behavior by him. Secondly, (as a joke only) hit on the female cashier in front of him after he says something to her and when he gets all excited thinking a 3way is on the way just look at him and say Pffffftttt, Iā€™m going with her, NOT with you! She respects me!

You donā€™t tell him this is not okā€¦ā€¦ you show him!

Men like him donā€™t give a shšŸ˜”t , they want their cake and eat it. Donā€™t lower yourself to accept his bullshit because you are worth more than that. Donā€™t let him walk all all over you luv any longerā€¦. Leave him to it with the skanks and the tramps. Keep your pride luv and go be happy.

ā€¦ the alternative is to play him at his own game!

Man I feel bad for the boyfriend she brought with her and you. I couldnā€™t imagine how her behavior made him feel.


His projection is telling you everything you need to know, now you need to get tested for stdā€™s and protect yourself from here on


Girl you shouldnā€™t have to explain why this is not ok! Any normal person reading this instantly would this is is bullshit! I know if I would have EVER come out of a bathroom and my husbands hand is on his ex wifeā€™s ass I would leave without a word. Go home pack my shit and be out! My husband ex still loves him but if he were to EVER reciprocate any of those same feelingsā€¦ Iā€™m out!

Leave he probably still.likes his ex why else would he allow her to try kissing him and then have his hand on her ass when you went to bathroom heā€™s probably cheating so heā€™s accusing you my ex always accused me but he was the one cheating

Why would youā€™s both go out drinking with his ex? And why did he have his hand on her ass?

You are going to change him! LEAVE HIM.

You dont go about anyway explaining it. He knows exactly what hes doing. Get your shit and get goingā€¦ You deserve soo much more.

By leaving. This is a problem for sure.He knows better.No amount of explanation is o.k.Maybe they want each other.Your feelings donā€™t seem important on any level.Do not waste your good years.

Besides the obvious reasons you should leave himā€¦ 2 to 3 cartons of cigarettes a week?!! That right there would be reason enough to leave. Thatā€™s fucking disgusting.

Dump that loser! and donā€™t have unprotected sex with him.

Why are you still there ?

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Itā€™s not ok be your owe best friend

Heā€™s cheating. Thatā€™s always the way it plays out. When theyā€™re guilty, theyā€™re looking to blame you for everything.


Omg just leave him straight if youā€™ve already tried to let him know and heā€™s still doing that, let him go x

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He sounds like a douchebag ! You deserve better trust me !

There would be no explaining. Do what he does until he feels the same way you do! Thatā€™ll shut him down.

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Run fast because heā€™s messing around on you. Everyone deserves better than that


Sounds like projection


If you need to explain ā€œitā€™s not okā€ then he has no consideration for you and little respect :woman_shrugging:


He is cheating, leave. If he has no respect for you, he doesnā€™t love you