My husbands ex wife told him she still loved him in front of me

Hello, a while back my husbands ex wife told him right in front of me that she was still in love with him and missed him that same night she was hanging all over him trying to kiss him and he had his hand on her ass when I came back from the bathroom. Well 4 weeks ago I had to go out of state for 2 weeks for work and he made his mother go with me for the first week.then when I got back he told me he had went to there’s house while I was gone to visit his daughter because he was a block away working and had time but we can be outrunning around doing nothing and I can ask to go see the daughter and he says no. Then I find out day before yesterday that he went to our local parts store (my friend works there) every day while I was gone which isn’t all that unusual because he is a mobile maintenance technician but what gets me is this friend told me that he kept telling her she should come see him and then after she said she didn’t have time because she was working and then going home to her husband he told her I was out of state and she supposedly said well then I really ain’t coming over. We have been together 6 years married for 5 and I’m still not allowed on his account and his money is his and mine is mine and he tries to tell me what I can and can’t do with my money… he comes to my place of employment every day I work and checks to see what cars are there… (I work at a fast food place) and also he can walk into any gas station store or anywhere and say hello gorgeous, beautiful,sweetie to the person working but I can’t even say hi to my boss when I see him and his wife in public because I’m cheating. I can’t have male friends or I’m accused of cheating but he has this one “friend” who he said he ran into at the store shortly after she and her bf broke up and she was feeling bad about herself so he told her that she was beautiful and gorgeous and that the guy didn’t deserve her. Then she sends him a friend. Request on FB . I’m just so confused as to what to do or think. Also I called him when I found out I had to have yet another heart surgery and he said well ok I have to be at work by midnight and hung up…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husbands ex wife told him she still loved him in front of me

Please run. Don’t walk. Run. You deserve so much better.


Run….it sounds like you know that already but are looking for affirmations here. Run… literally run as fast as you can. His ex wife is nuts for “still loving him” if he did the same things to her.

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He don’t care for you. Run. Build a life you are happy in. He is an abuser and cheater.

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Run! He’s a narcissist


Why would you want to be with a guy like that who controls every move and thinks you’re cheating constantly the ones that are
usually think somebody else is cheating are the ones that actually are


Too much! Time to go!

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You already know. The only question is, what are you going to do about it?

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Girl I don’t even have to finish reading it this to tell you to RUN. He had his hand on her ass? Girl bye I would’ve left that night. You deserve so much better

Dude he is cheating on you and trying to control you. I would leave asap.


Get the hell out of there

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Leave like yesterday


Love yourself first. Don’t be with a man just to say you have one


He’s cheating. Live with it or leave him.


Everything and I mean everything about this is wrong. This is control and mental abuse. He sounds like a total narcissist and control freak. Let his ex wife have him. It will not change… Ever. Just from what little bit you described sounds like he has some mental issues for sure… the only thing you can ask yourself is this the life you want to live…


Um. No other option. Run!

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I know it’s not easy to just leave but he’s no good for you , you DESERVE better x

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The problem isn’t her. It’s him

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Dude, leave they deserve each other clearly you were his rebound


That is not a husband. Get out.


I know its hard but leave. Go to a lawyer and file for a divorce. Start looking for rent houses. What state are you in can you afford the home? Sit down and make a list and budget to live without him. I’ve made the mistake 1 to many times to stay and it’s better to break free now. Know your worth!

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U need to leave him asap he is cheating, lying and a narcissist. He is trying to blame you bc he is doing it. You need to leave asap


Hes a control freak from the sound of it.get out and do you for a bit.does wonders

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I’m sorry. I don’t need to read all of this after you caught his hand on her butt to know he’s cheating on you with her now. Having his cake and eating it too. How much do you value yourself? Because he is thinking he is hiding something that’s right in front of your face. You seen a small portion of it and you can bet it’s gone further. You have to decide where you proceed from here. Divorce, counseling, or just let him do it. It’s up to you. My advice, divorce.

Narcissist try to blame you and shame you for the things they are doing. Somehow this eases their guilt by making you feel bad.
I’m sorry but if you feel it in your gut and he is giving you all the signs I’d take it as a blessing that he doesn’t want to share accounts because it makes it easier for you to stash money to plan your next move. Good luck! Always know you deserve loyalty and respect. Prayers and positive vibes your way :raised_hands:

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He doesn’t give a shit about you! Take your stuff and leave! You deserve way more!

Runnnnn … As fast as you can … Hes a Joe the Joke runnnnnnnnn :heart:

Sounds like you need to respect yourself and rip the bandaid and leave :woman_shrugging:

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Baby let his Ex have him! You are better than that and you deserve better!

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The guilty dog barks and He is trying to make you feel like you’re doing something wrong. Sounds very controlling…


He’s abusive move on when he starts controlling your money that he doesn’t have a say on his abusive


File for divorce immediately.


You need to leave ASAP. He is a lying narcissist who is guilty of cheating. This makes him try and turn it all on you you. LEAVE NOW.

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Sorry hun your not confused, that’s denial!!! I’ve been there! Put your big girl britches on and pack your stuff and go!!! There are good men out there!!!


He cheating on you. Leave him


How are you confused on what to do? The answer is crystal clear. Get out of that marriage!!!

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95% of the accusers are the guilty ones

Move leave run get away fast

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:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: you do not have that much time invested in this relationship and assuming you don’t have common kids, run. Fast. If this isn’t classic narcissistic behavior then I’ll kiss my own ass! You will be miserable in this relationship as long as y’all are together. But watch and see how happy and relieved you are when and if you leave.

Your husband is dicking anyone that will let him, I guarantee it! He’s screwing his ex wife, probably one or more of your friends, and most likely random women.

Men who act like that, do so out of a guilty conscience. He’s screwing around, so he needs to take the focus off of himself and put it on you.

Drop him, go get yourself checked for STDs/STIs and move on!


Girl drop that loser like, yesterday. He’s controlling and manipulating you.

I’m starting to think these stories aren’t even real :thinking:

I saw this posted literal months ago :eyes:


Hes cheating on you. Its obvious there is no way you cant tell hes cheating. And your allowing it by letting him get by with it wow smh

He is an ass whole and doesn’t deserve your heart.

Guilty dogs bark first.

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He’s cheating and projecting his guilt by accusing you.

Jerry Springer material. Be free and Find a mature man…RUN!

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Cheater cheater pumpkin eater.

Run girl run :running_woman: life is to short to be in that toxic mess.


Girl, you already know. You need my validation that he’s a pos!?


i can tell you from experience, all the things he is accusing you of is what he is really doing.

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What are you? An idiot?
Get shot of him and take him for every penny, ( it’s probably all yours anyway).


He is cheating on you. That’s why he thinks you are cheating on him.


Dump his ass NOW !!! He is a narcissist !!!

He sounds like a loser. You could do better.

Why are you even asking on here? You need to leave his narcissistic ways as they will eventually eat away at you. You deserve so much better than that.


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. Unfortunately, it’s common behavior with narcissistic people. They can do as they please but you had better follow their rules to a T or else.

Honestly, the best thing you can do is leave him and move on. It sucks, it’s hard and it’s a shitty situation. But you don’t deserve to be treated that way.

Sounds like this dude isn’t good for you. He is probably the one cheating. If the friend who told you about him asking her to come over wasn’t your friend but some other random chick who found him attractive or what not and said yes to hanging out and banged him, you wouldn’t have known about it. At least your friend let you know what’s up. You’re confused because you know his behaviors aren’t right but you’re fighting against it because you love him. I’ve been there but it doesn’t get any better. Love yourself because it sounds like this douche of a hubby you got is a piece of trash. Hugs to you

He’s literally a walking red flag. Don’t waste your time waiting for it to get better because it won’t.


Oh sweetheart you deserve better. You need to love yourself and know you don’t deserve that.there are decent honest men out there who would never dream of treating you so horribly.leave and be a good example to your child of what you will not tolerate. Im praying for you to have the strength and peace.


dump him and move on, big issues

Leave this man. You weren’t meant to stay together forever he’s meant to be a blessing. Divorce him. Also your money is your money so you don’t need to give him access or tell him anything about it. Also say hi to your boss and his wife when you see them and if your husband gets mad tell him to get over it since he calls everyone else beautiful etc. also make sure there’s no life policies in your name and him being the beneficiary of it either and if there is cancel them. He doesn’t love you whatsoever I’m sorry to be blunt with you but he doesn’t. It’s time to leave this man.

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Did you cooter kick her… And him too. Since he doesn’t seem to have the balls to be a man.
Keep all the proof. And take everything you need to survive without a lying cheating pos.

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Time to file a divorce & pack up and leave or pack him up throw him out change the locks

I’m sorry but he’s cheating on you.

He sounds like a narcissist. Everything he accuses you of he is doing. It’s basically a confession.


Follow your heart he’s accusing you because he knows what he does behind your back. I lived that life as well as physical abuse for way to many years. You deserve better than that .

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Please leave him, you’re worth more than that mama


This is called gaslighting he is a narcissist and he is clearly cheating on you hopefully you two don’t have children together and I would get out now take proof of everything document document document and why is he treating you like your dad you better wise up now girl


I think at this point, you should seek professional help because you may be suffering from a larger problem. He is an awful human being, period. And you are not thinking clearly to even entertain this type of human, much less partner, as part of your life.

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This shouldn’t even need a discussion on Facebook. You need to leave him. Find someone that will put you first. He sounds like a pig.

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Throw that whole boy away, he’s toxic and :wastebasket:!! Would you want to keep going through this for more years worrying if he’s messing with his ex wife or another female? Also the whole controlling crap :triangular_flag_on_post:

This is beyond toxic. I have no doubt that he’s cheating on you honey. All the signs are there. All the other signs that you mentioned point to the fact that he’s a narcissist, and the shi**y treatment you get from him is only going to get worse, he will not change, they can’t. Gather up your stuff and head for the hills, and file for divorce asap. Believe me, you’ll be saving yourself so much stress and heartache by dumping him. I speak from experience. Stay strong and do what needs to be done :gift_heart:

Throw the whole man away

Even if he isn’t cheating he wants total control of you. Run away. Now. Clearly you will be alone for heart surgery so you thinling you need him for that is not going to happen. Run now

They accuse you of the things they are doing.

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I’d leave. He isn’t supportive and sounds shady AF. Just based on this, he is definitely hiding stuff from you

You already know the answer. It’s not what you want to hear, but you know it.

So many red flags. Gaslighting and controlling for starters. Emotionally abusive and projecting his own infidelity on you by accusing you so you second guess yourself.


I truly think you know what you need to do…you can’t read this and truly feel this is healthy. I hope you find it in your to leave

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Thats classic narcissistic behavior. Do not walk run.

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can i file for divorce on someone else’s behalf


Good lord, run. Noone should have to deal with that.


Totally off subject but curious what fast food job required you to go out of town for 2 weeks? Dude needs to be single period he isn’t ready to commit


Start educating yourself on narcissism. Join some narcissistic abuse support groups on fb. It isn’t found to get better. If you aren’t able to leave now, make a solid plan. And for goodness sake, don’t get pregnant.


Leave him :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Hes obviously a dog.


Sounds like an immature narcissistic a$$, apparently he needs his ego stroked constantly. Leave the loser behind, he will never change. You deserve better💕

Couldn’t read it all. Leave. Or have a long conversation and ask for change… then leave in 5 years. I wouldn’t waste my life being controlled and confused by my LIFE PARTNER. Life’s too short to be unhappy and treated wrongly.


He’s cheating and if that’s not for you then leave. Or become swingers

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Hes controlling and probably cheating. Leaveeeeee


Throw him away siss! :triangular_flag_on_post: Narcissistic trash is what he is. :wastebasket: You’ll be miserable as long as you stay with him. It’s not worth it, you deserve better.

Do you need someone to tell you he’s a loser? He’s a LOSER!! And a cheater, low life, control freak, lacks compassion, most certainly does Not Love You, if he did he would never act this way! Please divorce this creep, You deserve so much better than this useless piece of crap!


Kick him out yesterday! I’m sorry you have to go through this

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And ur still with him why???he’s not only a loser he’s cheating. Drop him like a bad habit.

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You’re not gonna like this response, but leave his ass. Cheating mentality. If he hasn’t cheated on you yet, he probably will. I’m so sorry! Get enough evidence of texts and what not.

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Sounds like my ex. Run , get away from him

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Cheaters usually try to put the blame on others when it is really them


Girl!!! Get your shit n get out!! I PROMISE this will never get better. It will only get worse!!! All huge red flags.

Nothing but toxic. You know what to do.

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