My husbands mom told him he should divorce me because I do not make his plate: Thoughts?

Sounds like momma needs to pull the titty out his mouth if he needed a mother he should of never got marrried. you are his equal he dont have the right to expect to be treated like a child and waited on hand and foot…

if your husband is working to provide for your family and your a stay at home mom then he deserves to come home to a warm meal at the end of the day…not come home and have to cook his own supper…


Get togethers you fix your own plate!

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Why doesn’t his Mommy make for him if she is so concerned with her baby boys welfare?


Alot of men saw their moms do it for their dads and just expect it.I know that sounds weird in this day and age, but that’s what my hubby thought, wasn’t trying to be lazy,just taught that way ,of course I explained that’s kinda old fashioned and he gets it lol

I would ask him (in front of these parents) how did you get stuck with such IGNORANT PARENTS ?
If YOUR HIGHNESS needs to be SERVED, get your birthing parent to do it, maybe she can change your diaper tio !


My partner makes his own when he gets in from work, I feed myself and our 4 kids while he’s at work and he prefers to make his own!

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F him and his plate. Where is my plate?!


Tell her ass to stfu straight up. You ain’t his mother and if you FEEL like doing maybe one day then fine but he’s a grown ass man if he was looking for someone to mother him he should’ve stayed on the tit at home with her.

Tell her to make that titty babies plate if she thinks someone needs to

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That is ridiculous, does he complain to you? “Momma” apparently wants him back. Ignor her, and keep doing what you do

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I had those type of in-laws and it’s such a toxic environment.
I was never good enough n never did things right. As a young mom it made me feel like such a failure. Shame on those toxic people. You are doing great and I would distance myself as much as possible.
My husband was just as toxic if not more so which is why we aren’t married anymore.

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It’s traditional in many cultures to do this and is something I practice as well. I do it because I want to. It just shows love and respect for your partner. I fix my husband’s plate and he doesn’t eat until we are both sitting down together so if that means his food is cold by the time we eat together he says so be it. Old world families definitely get outraged if you don’t do this but it doesn’t have to be your job if you don’t want it and it’s certainly not grounds for divorce.


Wow ridiculous. I will admit I do make my husband’s plate after I make my kids plates but he also occasionally makes mine. He doesn’t expect it to be done I just do it since I’m already making the kids plates

I always make my husbands plate. I find it more of a respect thing idk maybe I’m just old fashioned lol

Lol if she wants to live in the 50s then she can serve him .


He is a big boy he can get his own plate. YOUR JOB is to get your children’s plates not your husband’s plate. Sometimes I will make husbands plate but not all the time and he doesn’t expect me to do it either. He appreciates that I take care of the house and kids and he doesn’t expect me to take care of him also.


Tell them he is a grown man and can do it himself, if that doesn’t work have HIM tell them with you present.

Let his momma make him a plate.


While I do not make my husbands plate when we are at reunions, social events, or holiday family gatherings, I do make his plate at home and take it to him when I join him in the living room for supper. If he wants seconds, he’s on his own. When we are done eating, he takes our empty plates back in the kitchen and usually refills our drinks.

No. I told my husband that I’m not his mother and he’s a grown ass man that can feed himself. If he’s waiting on me to get his plate he’s gonna be waiting a long time.

If that’s how his momma feel maybe That’s where He should be.

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Maybe he should make your plate!!


Give me a break!
She spoiled him, SHE CAN DO IT.

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I’ll make my kids plate before I make a mans plate i don’t care if he works and I stay home … kids are priority :woman_shrugging:t3:


He is grown man who can make his own plate. Granted I do sometimes make my husbands plate after I make my child’s plate. But I only make his while I make mine. But that’s not all the time… You are not a bad wife at all for that. The generations are different and I feel that if you are a SAHM then having dinner made for the family is prefect. But making his plate Is a little overboard.

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Wtf if you make the kids two plates and his bag the time you get to yours it’ll be cold and you’ll have the kids to clean up and you’ll starve and won’t have the energy to take care of the kids and house “like a good wife” f that old bat


I’d say he was a sad excuse for a man if he can’t plate his own dinner. Get his mummy to do it… poor little boy.x


Tell her to eat shit :100: all that matters is that he knows how good of a wife you are to him

I think it’s “to each its own” type of thing. I fix my husbands plate every now and again. But it’s not required or expected of me to do so. Nor am I judged or ridiculed by my family or his. When I was growing up my mom did it for my dad until I was about 11. Then from there cooking, fixing all plates, cleaning the table and washing dishes was my responsibility. Until I moved out pretty much. I was brought up with this ‘practice’. However it doesn’t mean I had to carry it on into my adult life. I do it every now and again depending on my husbands day. But I’m sure this “divorce” suggestion is quite a bit of an overreach. Sounds to me like mom needs to take baby boy back so he can be tended to as she sees a man ‘should’.

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Talk with him and go from there. she’s just a bystander not in it.

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Only reason i DONT make my husbands plate most times is cuz he likes making his up certain ways

His arms are surely not broken lol…if he expects that then maybe they need to be…you know to give you a legit reason to make his plate

If making his plate is a reason for divorce. There must be bigger underlying problems or they are petty people! Maybe his mother should have taught him to grow up and be a big boy!!!


My husband makes my plate at a cook out lol. Cut them off

Ask him if he can get your plate and the kids plates done so you can do his plate…or if he gets his plate & yours so you can get the kids. Make sure they hear. So that way if they aint helping then they shouldnt be nagging.

He should tell his Mom that you are taking care of the children’s plates etc
That you are a great wife
Your husband must must not allow family to speak poorly of you

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Next time you are eating somewhere where they’re all at, sit down and tell them to go fix his plate for him

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It is def cultural…I make my husbands plate before anyone else…and when I was a kid if my mom didn’t make my dads plate I would do it…and when my husband is not home at dinner time I make his plate and put it to the side…all of my friends mother’s are the same way…def not a reason for a divorce but there is something underlying

I make My husbands plate at home after work but at get togethers and outings he does it

I do make my husband’s plate after I make the kids. However if he sees me busy then he’ll make mine. Also I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to comment on it. For us it also depends on who’s/ where family event it is, if he hasn’t been there a lot he can get uncomfortable. I know I do at certain things haha :joy:

Shes probably one of these women who took her husband off his mother’s breast :roll_eyes:and attended to his every whim throughout her married life. More fool her, you’ve enough with 2 toddlers without treating him like a third.Id refuse to go to another get together with them. WHEN they ask why just reply" I thought I’d give someone else a turn to be backstabbed"…SSSSSNIPITY SNIP…

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And if momma has such a porblem well maybe she should do his plate and his clothes and bathe him… And everything else that involces caring for her big kid

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Send that boy back to his mama​:rofl::rofl:


I have four children at every event I make the children’s plates then my husband says get yours and ill get mine or ill make both if my mother in law watches kids , maybe suggest that to the family

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Yep that’s what I-d do

I make everyone’s plate to start. I have a boyfriend and 4 kids. After their plates are done I get mine. If they want more of anything they get it themselves minus my youngest who is 2. After I sit down to eat I’m not getting up until I am finished unless I absolutely have to or if I have to tend to my toddler. But to each their own. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t. If your mother in law wants to serve him more power to her.

But the real question is what does your husband think/say about this? His opinion is the only one that matters. And if he agrees with his mom I’ll say a prayer for him lol


next time tell your husband to make YOUR plate. lmfaoooo!


My husband works hard. He gives me anything I want and need. He’s also the kind of man who does things year round other men reserve for special occasions, so I’m happy to make his plate. However, he’s just as happy to make mine. I think it’s one of those small acts of appreciation that couples should do for one another. As for his family, it should be his job to put them in their place.


If mother is so concerned for her son to get a damned plate tell her to make it, tell her to be a good mom. What an unnecessary excuse to divorce. Cut them off it’s not worth it. Talk to your husband too.

Yeah; I don’t make his plate. I have four kids. I make the drinks and bring the plates to the table. In fact, HE makes MY plate each and every time. So I’d tell her this isn’t the 1950’s and he can make his own dang plate. You’re chasing twins around and doing all of that. :woman_facepalming:t2:


I usually call everyone when the food is ready and we serve ourselves, I will ask if others want a plate served (if I’m hosting) or if they ask me to fix them a plate.
I will sometimes ask him and fix my husband a plate, usually if I made food and he is busy and I want to make sure there is enough food made and that he eats (we have 2 hungry, growing kids).

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Sounds like you have a husband problem. He should be sticking up for you or at the very least shutting the conversation down.


Usually I make my daughters plate and my husband makes my plate and sets it at the table then goes to make his own plate. Each relationship is different

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Why are you making both kids plates? He can make one then one of yoy can sit with the kids eating while the other gets both the adult plates. Ignore his mother, or have him talk to her. If he doesn’t want to be a partner then you have to decide what works for you, but that would be a deal breaker for me.


What did your husband have to say about it? I always make my kids plates…and I occasionally make my husbands plate when we are at home. But, I never ever make his plate when we are at family get togethers. He has never expected me to make his plate. Occasionally, he fixes plates for the kids and me. It goes both ways. Definitely not a reason for divorce.

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Not trying to bring race/culture/ or anything like that but is she hispanic? I swear, that was embedded into my brain as soon as I was able to comprehend things. You will be the “bad wife” if you don’t cater to your husband’s every need. Our very old school culture is sometimes overwhelming. Either way, you’re doing great and in my book, children come first.

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Maybe she should make it for him–sounds like you have a MIL problem

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Does your husband have two working arms and a mind of his own? Then he can certainly help himself…your his wife, not his servant.


Mama should mind her own business.

Sounds like mil is stuck in the fifties and needs to get her head outta her a$$.

I’m sorry, but he’s a grown up ! He can make his own plate. Especially if there are little ones involved. If she ( the mother in law ) feels so strongly about it then tell her that if she raised such a needy son who can’t make his own plate then she should go for it ! But in your house you treat him like the man you know he is and he makes his own. And turn around and walk away. Hold your head up high honey ! And by the way he can help you with the kids plates too !!

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That would be STUPID reason to divorce a person… lol Just saying… on side note I make everyone plate in the house even my husband been doing that from the get go… but he works long hours and I just wanna see him relax too

Your husband should be sticking up for you if he hasn’t been. This crap makes my blood boil for many personal reasons. I am happy to make my husband a plate until him or someone else thinks I SHOULD. That’s a quick way for me to never want to help again. Been there. Done that. I work my ass off too. Maybe she should make you a plate.

Tell her she is from the old school you are not and Imhotep is big enough to fix his own you are not his slave

Yeah she sounds like an instigator knock that toxic shit right out of your life.

Oh heeeell no! Your man needs to stand up for you in my opinion and you don’t need to be making any grown mans plate. Fuck that he has hands


And what did your husband say when she made the comment?


You are a good wife. You are not his servant. You are his help mate. Ann

Sounds like your husband needs to speak up and put it to rest! You are doing great! I raised 6 and didn’t make my hubbys plate! Js…


My in-laws who have disowned their son for staying with me have known me since I was a girl I am a hard worker,I am faithful to their son but they don’t speak to us because I left my son in my boyfriend’s care to go Christmas shopping my son was 8 the same age as their other son at the time

You should tell him that YOU should divorce him for expecting you to make his plate. This is 2021, Honey.
It’s a nice gesture to make someone’s plate but it shouldn’t be a YOU HAVE TO OR ELSE situation.
What world are these people living in. Your husband should put his grown man pants on and stop whining as if he’s another child of yours. And gossiping with his family about you is a whole different disrespect on his part - that should never happen.

Don’t even bother. If they find a silly thing like this to warrant a divorce. They bond to find something else as an issue.

Keep your distance they sound toxic asffff …a real man would make your plate and his … while you get the kiddos :two_hearts:

Hey Kayla, I make your dads breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day!!! I am not from the 50’s it is respect for a hard working man.

Tell his mother to :fu: off.


Tell her to mind her own business
If she had raised him like a mother should by now he should have the ability to at least make his own plate

I’m sorry what?? :sob::sob: that’s horrible my boyfriend makes my plate and I make the kids plate

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I make mine his plate if he was the one standing outside over a hot grill when we have company- and it’s not because he expects it—- I do it because I appreciate him cooking . Now that it’s just us if I cook I bring him a plate along with mine/ if he cooks he does the same.

Oh for friggin sakes, he can make his own plate!!!

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This is why we have been married for 23 years and no relationship with that MIL for almost that entire time. The Moms loss, not anyone else’s.

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Well, we had a church party and a lot of the ladies did fix their husbands plate and one lady ask me why I wasn’t making my husband his plate and I just said I do not do that as he can do it his self. My husband even makes his own breakfast and most of the time his evening meal. We ladies do as much work around the house as our husband do at their jobs. I got lucky as my mother inlaw taught her boys to do many things around the house. Mine is retired and he runs the vacuum , steam cleans the kitchen floor and also does dishes. It’s true, right now I have a medical condition and can’t wait to get back to the things I want to do.

I was married twice and was NEVER required to fix their plates…and if I did it was because I wanted too not because I was forced…

That is so dumb, he can get his own food. You aren’t his maid or his mom.

Mother in laws are something else :joy:. You do what works for you and your family!

When my granddaughters boyfriend is over at the house and we are fixing to eat, she will fix his plate for him, after she fixes her daughters frist. And my husband will say something like… oooh you got to fix the other babys plate too.!!! Or awwwww is mama going to feed him too!!! No, he’s not new to the family.
I dont fix my husband plate. He is a grown man, he knows what he wants to eat and how much!!!

This sounds like a bunch of people I wouldn’t want to associate with! I imagine they expect you to cut his meat too? SMH :woman_facepalming:t3:

Nope. We make our own plates Bc we know how much food we’d like at that time. We work as a team no subservience needed!

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Lolol im such a terrible partner. I cook, he makes everyone’s plates (including mine) and we clean together afterward.

I have enough damned children, I dont need another one.


Tell his mom to make his plate


You’re partners, not a servant!! Is this what her daughter’s do, they have two different standards! Tell her where to go! Beth


I mean it’s not really your “job” to make his plate for him. I do it for my boyfriend cause I’m already in the kitchen cause I made dinner and just set all 4 plates at once, get the kids to sit at the table while making them and I give them their plates, and everybody drinks.

Sounds like his mom is just looking for a reason to not like you…

Women are NOT servants!!!

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A lot of families do this and yet a lot don’t especially when there is small ones in the mix. If your husband doesn’t have an issue with how things are done between you and him and children don’t let what others think bother you bc frankly it’s none of their business. When your husband has a concern and says something to you then you two can resolve it between the two of you. Some people just can’t help butting in where they have no business and giving their two cents about things that have nothing to personally do with them. Live your life happily with “YOUR” husband and kids and just ignore the small unnecessary mouth runners.

I tell my husband he can have a mother or a wife

What does your husband think? You’re not married to his family, you’re married to him.

It obviously bothers you, so talk with your husband. If he’s any kind of man, and truly lives you, he will be supportive of you and he will tell his family to back off/it’s none of their business/he doesn’t appreciate them trying to stir stuff up.

If he’s supportive of his family, rather than you, he needs to go move in with them so you can move on and find a REAL man.

Shes from a different time frame! He can get his own food, especially since your probably making your twins plates! You are doing your job! if she said that I would of told her off and that her son is not doing his job and making you or your childrens plate, and than his mommy can do it! Honestly I probably not show up for a while.

Maybe his “momma” should take care of him!

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