My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

Wow! I wish my kids had Grandparents who cared as much!

I think it’s so sweet. My son and daughter in law let me but his first outfit he came home in. I let them pick it out but I paid for it. I was so happy to have bought my grandson’s almost first everything. It was my first and her mother’s side already had grands. My grandson was a very special gift to me my dad was in the hospital dying and he told my daughter in law you need to go home and take care of yourself he told her she was pragnet with a grandson for me. 7 days later my dad passed and 1month later she was pragnet and and it was a boy just like he said. I love all my grand children but he was the one that came to take my daddy’s place. Please don’t take that away from them. Enjoy what they are doing

They bought the pjs and you can buy the daytime outfit that says the same thing. You can always have two first Christmas ornaments. One from grandparents and one from parents. Make suggestions when it comes to gifts. Later on in years for instance, you buy a Lego set, and let them buy a matching Lego set. You buy the Xbox, and they buy some games. It will work out if you suggest things in a happy friendly way. Grandparents can come in pretty handy and provide a lot of love, so try not to alienate them.

That’s what grand parents do, is this their first grand baby? Then let them buy it, you can always get your own. Being a first time grand parent I bought everything I could for my grand baby. Enjoy the joy they get from doing this❤️

Take a deep breath and exhale… slowly…

They are excited. They are Baby’s grandparents and they adore Baby.

Baby can have 10 different Christmas outfits… and, knowing babies, will probably go through them all in 2 days. Same with Thanksgiving.

Ornaments… have as many as come around. My nephew had 1 from everyone who loves him. He is 17 now, but, for those first years, his parent bought one, his Mimi & Pops bought one, his NaNa bought one, and so did his aunts. Only grandkid on both sides for a couple of years. Then was only grand for NaNa and this auntie until I adopted when he was 9… and my daughter is the same age he is.

Just ask them to keep at their house so you can get those things too. That way you both get to enjoy those firsts.

Every yr i got my 3 new PJ’s a Christmas movie and hot chocolate and wrapped them so they had 1 gift to open on Christmas eve

It sure doesn’t hurt to have 2 first Thanksgiving or 2 first Christmas outfits. You can have one on them, then they get something all over the front or they explode the diaper, especially at time for pictures. So having 2 outfits come in handy. Take it from a great grandma!!

If my in-laws did this I’d be over the moon. Or even my parents. Honestly if you don’t like it return it. But I would t say anything. They are just so happy and blessed and want to spoil your baby like you do too.

My kids had 3 ornaments for their first Christmas one from us and one from each set of grandparents

try to look at it from a different perspective we all live in an illusion of what we want and therefore miss the good, but realize if you look at it differently without the emotion of not getting what we wanted (human condition). He is so blessed to have that passionate unconditional love of his grandparents that mine never had so remember that there love is what you truly want, and also find a nice way to let them know how you feel, that you were kindof but hurt about it, but realize they cant feel your feeling, know what you really desire unless you talk to them but anger is just a reaction that will pass, dont hold on to resentment, just let them know because they aren’t doing it to take your firsts, everymoment is there first too and you will get to enjoy them for a lot longer than grams and pap. I wish you luck and just share the love

Be thankful they can give to him. Use your money to put in a savings account. Not everyone is as blessed as you.

I don’t think they are doing this to control anything. I think they are really excited to have a new baby to buy stuff for. I think you might be over reacting a little. You will get to see all his firsts. First word, first steps ect.

My boys lost out on this as my parents passed early. Such a blessing to have parents who spend freely out of love. Let them have fun! Sit back and watch that love. Buy your own special ornament/outfit if you want. You are blessed.

Instead of being upset be grateful that you have them in your lives and that your children will get to know their grandparents… don’t sweat the small things and I’m just saying one day they won’t be there anymore and then you’ll look back and regret feeling this way… they only mean well!

I know how you feel, this happened to me. Being the first grandchild is different, they want to buy things for the baby, but so do you. My advice is, dont say anything to them, buy what you want and just accept their presents. I said something and regret that for the rest of my life. It put a real strain on the relationship. Just enjoy this adventure.

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Get you own. I always bought them, so can you!

Your child can have more than 1 1st Christmas ornament…enjoy the love and giving spirit of your family.

Are you kidding! Be grateful that your child has grandparents who love him! Unbelievable!

Be thankful. Some kids have crappy grandparents. Just buy what you want. As far as the ornament just let them put it on their tree and you buy one for yours

How would you feel if they didn’t buy anything or wasn’t excited to see the kids ? Should be happy they love your kids and are trying to show that ! If you have a problem with this you may need some Church or Therapy or Both !

Be thankful and polite but there is a time where u draw the line
. Grandparents are just as excited

That is so awesome to have grandparents like that. Your baby is beyond blessed! I have a grandbaby who turned 1 in August and she is one of my biggest blessings. Don’t be hurt or upset over them buying for your child…because you have to remember it’s new to them, with him being their first grandchild. I to buy for my grandbaby and the joy it brings me is so wonderful! I was also blessed with a stepdaughter who I had the chance of taking care of her since she was a newborn. We have an unbreakable bond and I can’t even begin to describe the love I have for her. She and I are so close people swear she is mine. Even though I didn’t give birth to her, I love her like my own. I don’t know what I would do without her. I’m blessed that I get her at Christmas too, I also take her every yr trick or treating and for Easter. I’m fortunate enough that she will come and stay the night and I will never deny her. She is just 3 and I buy for her all the time. She is such a great child, just like my grandbaby! Grandparents that are involved in their grandkids lives is such a wonderful thing. Always remember you too can get the first Christmas ornament too. Just have the grandparents keep one on their tree and you keep the one you buy on yours. You can always change outfits out in the day so you have pics of what you got and the grandparents. Let them make their memories too. You’ll be thankful you did, cause when your son is grown and the grandparents are gone, you can share those memories with him and how much they loved him. Then you can pass the ornament on to him.

The ornament they bought can be for the tree at their house and then you can get him one for your house this is what we started doing as a tradition each year. As far as the outfits go they don’t have to be worn on the holiday just put him in them during the month of the holiday and be sure to take pictures or take him around the grandparents in the outfits. Grandparents mean well and are so loving and great for a child they are not trying to over step from the sounds of it just trying to help out and be included. With my first the grandparents weren’t involved at all and now with my now husband his mother is wonderful at showing my children love and giving us a break occasionally for a date night which we are so thankful for. I get where you are coming from but there are always ways to solve these things. Be grateful to be blessed with amazing in laws.

begrateful an thankful. let the. buy it. An if you feel the need to you also buy it. But know any help an kindness this day an time is a miracle within it self

Have them put that one on their tree, and you buy him one for your tree, with out hurting their feelings say you need to make memories at your home also.

Well it is their first grandchild and until you get there one day you don’t know how amazing the love is they have for the child. You can still buy your first ornaments for the child. Let them spend the money and you save yours for other things.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. I ended up with about 10 my first Christmas ornaments. I made a small tree for his room. As for the outfits, he can wear them to different functions and not have to wear the same one :wink:

Say Thank You to them. Buy your own “1st” of whatever holiday it is. Take professional pictures and send them out. But when you go to their home, place THEIR gift your baby. Allow them to enjoy baby for the day. Win Win for both of you! :heart:

Be grateful and don’t ruin this joyous time for the grandparents. They are excited. Be excited together. It’s not about control. Perhaps, consider how it would make you feel if they weren’t interested and didn’t purchase anything or get excited with upcoming blessed event.

It’s hard when you had an idea of how you wanted things to be in your head and overbearing inlaws can be a challenge. As time goes on things get more expensive you may find it easier to appreciate their gifts. Pack some toys and clothes away so you are not overwhelmed with it all at once. By all means by another ornament my oldest has 7 lol and my youngest has 1. :wink: Hope you enjoy the holidays.

Be thankful that your baby has grandparents that want to be involved… there are children including my own that don’t have active grandparents one they never even met

Sometime gp’s get so excited that they forget the pleasure is yours. You can enforce boundaries politely for future purchases. Many folks just dont realize. Others will get offended. If they do, that is not your problem. It’s theirs. You can easily establish mutually beneficial boundaries with cooperation on both sides :slight_smile:

Since they have already purchased said items, might the pjs be worn on other nights in December or for stays at their home? As for the ornament, same thing: they can use it at their home. Do not let anyone minimize your feelings by making you feel ungrateful.

As for the commenters here: you can be “thankful” and still have boundaries for gifts.

Buy your child what is in your heart to buy him. Put yours and theirs in a keepsake box. Tell him years later who picked what - see which he gravitates to. You are the mom. Nothing trumps Mom. Ever.

Unless they are ordering you around and telling you what you can and can’t do … I don’t see a problem . They are grandparents and just wanting to spoil their first grandchild . Eventually you will miss these little moments and wish you had them back . Pick your battles wisely

Be greatful that your inlays are trying to help you.

Smile, say thank you, buy the ornament/clothes you like. Hang the ornaments…there are always more then 1 on a tree. Alternate the outfits on different holiday days. They are excited, showing their love and excitement. Too soon they may not be here.

You can buy one also. Having these keepsakes from his grandparents one day will be priceless

Share your wishes now! Perhaps they didn’t understand, I don’t know the circumstances but it seems thoughtful…on the other hand, maybe they can buy his first new car to ride around in as a baby, or a house, or college fund…

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As a mother of 4 to children from two different father’s I say just let it be. They can have more than one first Christmas ornament and more than one first pair of pyjamas or shirt etc. Those are insignificant in life. As long as the child feels loved, supported, accepted etc that is all that matters. Maybe find something special like making a Christmas ornament every year with the child and let that be your thing. My mom does gingerbread houses every year with the kids that’s her thing. You could just let your inlaws know how you feel. Maybe say I’m so very grateful for all you do for the child. I have decided that (throw an idea out there) will be mine and my children’s yearly tradition and if they want to get involved fine if not then it will be yours. My children and I do shoeboxes together. That’s ours. As the child gets older they will have an opinion on what they want to do

If there is an outfit u like better for first holidays buy them and let them wear the outfit u bought and the ones from grandparents and get pictures in both outfits. My son’s first Christmas I had a onesie picked out I wanted him to wear and my sister in law bought him a outfit so I started Christmas day in the onesie I bought and got pictures then midday I changed him into the outfit she bought and got pictures.

OK so I’m probably one of those grandmas BUT I could never do it for my kids …no money …,so now I spoil the grandkids… Surely its not a bad thing !!!

Put your name somewhere on the ornament with permanent marker that it is from you and they will think of you every year when it is put up on the tree! I do that with many of my ornaments!

Well I’m going to give a different opinion from the masses. I too wanted to buy the firsts, and being a new mom with crazy hormones probably amplified that. However, those are your feelings and no one should disregard your feelings. My little ones grandma ( not my mom, she knew better) tried to buy the first ornament and the first Christmas outfit and I simply donated them, ( she tends to try to overstep her bounds often so I had already had enough before baby was born). She had her babies and she was already blessed with the opportunity to choose her first ornament for her own kids, etc… i would simply buy your own and either keep or donate what she purchased. If it continues then you’re either going to have to deal with it or you and your husband will need to politely say “ we appreciate that you want to purchase things for the baby, however we would also appreciate it if you would leave the first items to us as we would like to pick those out and create those memories”

Um yes, you are overreacting lol Pick your battles. I’m just wondering if you’d feel the same if it were your parents…

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Embrace all the love they are giving your baby. You will have plenty of yrs to buy whatever it is you want.

I would just be happy they want to do things. Yea I under stand it’s your baby’s first Christmas. But there are a lot of things that you will be able to see that they may miss. An there is stuff out there you want for your baby they don’t know you want for the baby. But I do understand.

Have the grandparents keep the stuff at their house and you keep stuff at yours

Let the grandparents spoil him! He’ll grow out of clothes so fast you’ll end up appreciating the help buying clothes and all the other things. My mother in law bought my son a lot of outfits. He’s 10 now and she still buys him clothes. A big help! I had major surgery over the summer and it was hard getting him summer clothes. She goes to yard sales in the summer and she can always score big when it comes to clothes!

Speak up but be thankful. Don’t press the issue beyond it’s belief. Just stay calm and explain that you want to do these things for your child. But accept that they too are excited just as you are.

Let them use the ornament they purchased at their house on their tree. And you purchase one for your home. That’s what I have done for migraine kids and they love it now that they’re older.

On the ornament and other things you’ll be keeping year after year, simply write their names on the bottom or ask them to personalize them…will not hurt their feelings and yours will still be special. You’re ok. I’ve been the mom and daughter-in-law of gifty grandparents and I’m now the Mimi…Good luck and like i said just ask them to have their names put on the items to “make them even more special.” It will work :slightly_smiling_face:

I would let them buy whatever ornament they want. You can still buy one that you want. Sometimes what we’ve done is had my kids “my first” from the in-laws or my own parents hung on their trees.

If it’s the same item, let them do it! Babies are expensive! Let someone help. I don’t see it as them being in control, they are just excited about a new baby and want to help. I have had both types of in-laws and you should feel blessed they want to help.

Yes youre over reacting you can buy things for him as well… be happy you have family on his other sode that are loving him just as much as you are. He can have two ornaments for his first Christmas. Was the big deal?

Be greatful. It’s so much worse when grandparents don’t care.

You will have the ‘firsts’ with him that they will not. First words, steps, day of school,etc. There will be a ton of expenses for you, more grandchildren for them. It’s new and exciting for them too(i remember being a first time grandmother).there will be a day that you will appreciate them for their involvement.

First let’s state the obvious you are ungrateful to say the least ! There are people who would do anything for their parents or in laws to actually be good grandparents and participate in their life. The stupidity and ignorance of your question almost made me not comment but here I am, buy the ornament you want now the kids has two though I can assure a child will not place that much importance on it. Your kids is ten months therefor he will get messy and need several outfit changes but the outfit you want. I do not what else to say except grow up

Be proud that they. Love your baby that much and it hurts nothing if your baby had to of everything so if you want him to have it from you go ahead and get it I am a grandmo and grand kids are a great blessings you feel like you may love the grandkids more than you Loved your own but just remember grandkids are important to grand patents so be proud they love your baby

They can always have 2 ornaments and you can find something special maybe start snowglobes for every year lots of neat traditions you can start. I made mine PJ,s every year and there in there 40,s and they still get them along with there families and sometimes the kids friends.

Everyone saying be thankful obviously hasn’t ever dealt with overbearing narcissistic family members. Not everything is done out of love. It can just as easily be done as a manipulation tactic.

Let grandma and grandpa spoil the baby. That’s what grandparents do! Your not over reacting. You just want to have that memory of your child enjoying it more because its something you bought for them. LoL I was the same way with my grandparents buying for my kids when I wanted to give it to them. Happy holidays sweetie whatever choice you choose it will still be memorable for you I hope

Grow up & be thankful that you have someone that wants to buy for the baby.

They are not in control they are just happy for their grandchild, be thankful some grand parents just don’t care just let them be.

Those seem like gifts that many people think to get babies- I don’t think it’s control at all. I think they love and want to give, have your asked them to ask you before they buy things that you have on your list of items to buy your baby? Maybe it’s just a conversation that needs to take place

Let them spoil the baby!! Embrace it!! We waited our whole life to be Grandparents!! Be grateful, they wont be here forever. I shop all the time my grandsons are 2 and 2 1/2. Enjoy it while you can. It wears off or slows down some after awhile.

You can either accept it and trash it or plainly say to them not to buy things that are personal because that’s something that you “the parent” will buy. Some in laws love to overstep! Ugh I can’t stand it! If you don’t stop it not it will only get worse.

You should buy him these things also so when he grows up he will have them for memorabilia of his grandparents and parents. They can pass them down to their children.

Seriously you need to figure out how to stop being like this and act grateful. Your child is being provided for and they are taking an interest in him. My in-laws could give a crap less and haven’t called or asked a single thing about their grandchild. Once again BE GRATEFUL CAUSE THE SHOES COULD BE ON THE OTHER FOOT!

Wits end? Be grateful! Some kids grandparents aren’t even around!

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Love for a grandchild is big and overwhelming and exciting and just indescribable. I don’t think they “need to control everything” I just think they are very excited, they are trying to help and the are showering the little one with tokens of their love.

I don’t think they realize how you feel or that you would feel that way. Babies get dirty so 2 or 3 baby’s first outfits are not a bad idea. I know how crazy my aunt and my in-laws made me competing with each other buying baby things I thought I should have bought myself but a friend reminded me the older people in my life wouldn’t always be there and the baby won’t always be little.

Now that am a grandma I understand. I know it’s hard on you but put yourself in their aging shoes imagine how your very own grandchildren filling your heart with that much love.

Buy your baby your own first baby outfits and ornaments use both there is no rule that says baby has to have just one.

When my son was 3, my mom and dad bought him a little bike. It never bothered me a bit, but my poor husband was devastated by it. He felt that a bike should be a dad/son thing. His own dad was not in his life and he never had a moment like that growing up. That thought had never even entered my mind when my mom had called and asked if they could get the bike. What feels like a big thing to you, May not even be something they have considered. They are buying these from a place of love and excitement. Let them, but also buy your own! And if it’s something very big and you feel like you just can’t get past it, talk to them! Express your appreciation for the generosity, but explain that this is something you have always looked forward to and you would like to be able to have the experience. Odds are they didn’t look at it like that.

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Let them do it, they are excited.I don’t think they are trying to out do you by any means from what you said, you can always get the same things as well. I think they are being very sweet and you are lucky to have in laws that want to do so much for him.

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Your being ridiculous . I’d be ecstatic and so excited and grateful if people did this and cared so much. Sounds like amazing people. Be happy for them

I am 30, and on Dec 5 of last year I lost my grandfather. On Sep 3 of this year I lost my grandmother. I was their first and their favorite. I cherish every birthday card, baby outfit, toy and so on, that I still have. (From age 12 on they raised me.) I miss them so bad. This is the first Christmas without them. Your child is so lucky to have people who love them just as much as you do. Furthermore; so are you. Don’t take for granted what can so easily be gone tomorrow. The crazy thing is my mom and I are now very close. I can’t have children. My brother is with a woman who has her tubes tied and various other things( before they met) that prevent babies. She has three kids, who are great and loved but my mom wasn’t there for them having their first and more than likely will never get to experience that. Sorry about the long comment…just putting some perspective in there. We don’t always get what we want, but we are blessed beyond what we deserve.

Girl, don’t kick a gift horse in the head. You should start saving your money for college. Let them be grandparents and enjoy getting there only grand baby stuff. Just relax and enjoy there happiness too. From a grandmother, with just one grandson.

Just because they buy your child something doesn’t mean you’ll love it as picking something out yourself. They love your child. You can ALWAYS buy your child whatever you’d like!

Be Thankful that the grandparents are doing all of this for your child. My three kids have HORRIBLE grandparents on my husband side. They are to busy caring for my husband drug addicted brother kids they have no time for my kids or even put any thought into anything for them. No phone calls, no birthday cards, no Christmas presents and they cant even make time to come for a visit.

Even though they bought him that stuff you can still buy what you want. My mom and my grandmother bought my kids first ornaments but I did also lol They are just as excited as you are so don’t get upset about it.

Wow is that all you have to moan about some children get absolutely nothing. Be grateful they want to be part of your child’s life. Enjoy the time and make memories not enemies. JS

Be grateful, so many children don’t get that extra love,except it graciously and then go buy him the ball you want ,just put a little extra into the monograming ,same with outfit ,kids mess up clothes quickly,so change him in middle of gathering,so he can wear both.maybe they will get the message without hard feelings

The baby can have more than one of each thing, no? My grandbabies have several first Christmas ornaments bc they were bought by different family members. It’s okay…buy what you want as well…it just shows how much the baby is loved

Yes, you are over reacting. And Yes, you sound like a insane person. LOVE EXPANDS the more it is shared, so focus more on giving some away than putting up barriers to love around your child!!! You are giving your child THE GIFT of a stronger bond with your family members, and this is crucial, because hard times WILL COME and then you’ll need each other!

Whats stopping you from getting your own, be thankful you have in-laws that care, there are many out there that don’t bother with their grandchildren. Nothing like having two outfits, one as a backup etc.

Has nothing to do with any control but yours. Your child is not a possession like a toy. Be happy that there are others that love it as much as you and want to do things because of it. Things don’t matter in the end it’s all the love the child gets from everyone in the family that counts.

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What a blessing :heartpulse:for youre baby to be loved like that . You can still buy an orniment just mark on the bottom of them from mom an dad an on the other one from granma an granpa

My first child ended up with multiple 1st Christmas ornaments. It was tradition for my grandma to buy each baby their first ornament. My husband’s family didn’t know that so we ended up with a few of them. Guess what they hang just the same on the tree every year. If you want to buy those things then go ahead and buy them, but be grateful for the ones your in-laws bought as well. If there are certain outfits you want then buy those and have pictures made in them then you can always have that moment of your own. If the ornament is a tradition you wanted to start then add a special ornament each year. I was the only grandchild out of 23 that my grandma bought an ornament for every year (she did something with each of us to make us feel special) and so I treasure that collection so much.

You should be very grateful they are doing for the baby you can also buy what you want them to have no rules that that the baby can’t have two or more have you stopped to thi k how you would feel if they didn’t do for the child they are just as excited ad you are be thankful and not so ungrateful

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You can buy it for your house. Our first had one at my house, at my son’s house and his other granny’s house.

I remember the joy of being a grandma for the first time. My heart was overflowing with love for that new gift from God. I wanted to buy everything for him because I loved him so much. Let them buy what they want and appreciate the fact that he has grandparents that love him. I never knew any of my grandparents, they all died before I was born, count your blessings.:slightly_smiling_face:

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What I learned is the first baby is not your baby. They mean well don’t be upset they are doing it out of love not spite

I wouldn’t make a big deal about it. Who says the “my first outfits” have to be worn the day of. You can have the вαвч wear whatever they got him during the month and whatever my first outfits you get him u can put on the day of if that makes u feel better. My kids all have multiple outfits so they wear them throughout the month. And the ornament is just cute because it’s from their grand parents. Go get ur own made… who cares !

Let them buy whatever and you can buy whatever you want your his mom so if u don’t want him to wear a certain outfit then just buy a different one and use what they got another time or return it. And for the ornament put it on the tree and buy him a ornament u like as well

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They are just proud of him too. You can buy him the same things. He can wear them too. They usually mess up their clothes anyway. Just change them out. They don’t mean any harm they are just proud grandparents.

Embrace it Momma! As a first time mom I can understand feeling disappointed but think of it this way, you didn’t spend extra money on outfits that baby will wear 1 day and probably stain. As for the ornament, she bought one for her tree, buy one for yours. My MIL and GMIL both have 1st year ones for all their grandbabies, and I have them for my kids.
If it is really bothering you that much talk to her, perhaps you guys can go together to pick these things out. I’m sure she is just excited and would like to share that with you.

Since the grandparents bought the one that says baby’s 1st Christmas why don’t you go out and buy a family ornament… Just a suggestion

I totally feel the same way. It sucks when you’re looking forward to doing stuff with/for your kids and someone else just jumps in there and does it without consideration. They already had their kids…let me enjoy the perks of mine

Lady, you’re nuts! If you want to buy the kid a tree ornament, buy him one! There’s no law that says you can’t have TWO! They are being very generous and you are being very petty. Get a grip!

We have like 5 1st Christmas ornaments for my eldest between family and myself getting them. We also have multiples for the other kids for the same reason.

This is dumb as hell be happy that he has family that loves and wants to be part of every special milestone that he goes thru not all children are that blessed