My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

Be greatful they are doting grandparents not everyone is that lucky! Can understand if they were putting you down and interfering… but buying their first grandbaby presents :hushed: !!!

I think it’s really nice they want to buy the baby items, but I also understand your side of it too. I would meet somewhere in the middle with these suggestions:

Put the ornament on their tree (I mean they will want to buy alll of their grandchildren these ornaments right? It’s only fair)
And the outfit could be worn for dinner at their house and then worn back home to yours. So no ones feelings are hurt. In the future I would maybe say oh I can’t wait to show you the outfit I got for Christmas for baby to wear!

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Seriously be happy they’re involved and say thank you. Not everyone has grandparents who spoil their baby! You can still buy whatever specific ornament or jammies you want so getting upset seems pretty pointless imo


Or send them links/pictures of what you want and let them buy it. That way you get what you want and they still get to buy it. Win-win.

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I think you’re being ridiculous. They are buying things that you were going to buy anyway so why does it matter who actually paid for it?? Be thankful instead of being petty. From where I stand, they’re not the ones with the control issues.

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Let them spend their money. You can always sell it if you end up with 2


You are over reacting. My in-laws did the same, and I was grateful. If anything, buy your baby whatever you want as well!! And enjoy your baby’s first holidays!!! Do not overthink, just enjoy and be grateful!!

Go buy one your damn self it aint hard. Be lucky you have family that cares so much about the baby

Really :roll_eyes::joy::joy::joy: why r u nad

Be thankful some day they will be a memories

You shouldn’t have to ask permission to buy your grandchildren stuff

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I think I would jsut think of it as one less thing I need to get for them lol.

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Outfits and ornaments can be past down from generation to generation. Bet you wouldn’t complain if they were buying diapers or formula

Buy your in-laws an ornament, from grand baby to grandparents. It can say My First Christmas, your child’s name, or maybe have a picture on it.

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Definitely overreacting, buy him the one you want if it’s that important to you…there are multiple days he can wear a holiday outfit, doesn’t just have to be on the holiday itself :blush:


They’re not trying to be controlling, but they are very excited. Its firsts for them too. Let them buy gifts and you save money for special things they won’t see or likely know about. And, unless you’re very well off, you don’t need to save outfits for certain holidays only… wear those pjs all winter. Baby is just glad to be warm, and you can switch up outfits you buy that are special to you anytime. I’d be thankful for the extras. One blowout and you need new clothes anyway, so it’s nice baby has multiple choices at holiday events.

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They are just excited- if you don’t like their taste then buy one too- otherwise in 10 years no one will care who bought what

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Dont think it’s a need to control
…they are super pumped. Be thankful that they care. Be thankful they are so excited…and be happy your saving money lol
Honestly, you can still buy those things, just mean he has more then one. It’s really not a big deal…let it go. Relax and enjoy the time with it family.

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Doesnt matter who buys it. You wanted it. You have it. Be Grateful for the love being shared. They are as excited as you being able to love on a bundle of joy, not everyone gets the chance :heart:


My advice is buy yourself something that makes you feel better about it with the money you’re saving by them buying gifts for your child! :speaking_head::speaking_head:


Are you serious? Like serious?
Cant be :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Julia Marie did morgan write this?

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Your over reacting. Be thankful you have people to help. Go buy your child another ornament what’s the big deal?


This happened to me. And yes I was over reacting, when I look back at it. also don’t tell them or add a certain item to a wish and that way Nobody should know what you want to get your baby.

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Wow, really ? Let them be happy too. I would never say anything . I would except the gift with pride and joy.

I am really surprised this is an issue.Your child is blessed with alot of people who love him.I actually think this is negative, on your behalf.You can still do the ornament and still buy sleepers or outfit,chances are the little guy will need more than one change of clothes.They are just as excited as you are for all the firsts, seconds and thirds of everything.When you are a g parent you will get it.Now just be thankful for their love and kindness.

Don’t you realize how blessed you and your son are? There are children all over the country who have grandparents who don’t really care about them. Go out and buy what you want and let your baby wear the gifts when he visits them.

If he’s the first grandchild then this, is, all new to them too
They probably think that they are doing good and not realise its upsetting you.
They’re excited, it hurts but it’s not the end of the world. It would be a hell of a lot worse than grandparents who don’t care.
Get a decoration and inscribe it from you and the daddy.

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And if you don’t like what they buy, don’t use it :joy:. No need to be rude, you could even put the kid in it, snap a picture, send it to them and say the baby crapped all down his/her back and you had to take the outfit off. It’s not a big deal.


All my grandma’s and grandpas and my mom and dads are dead,get over urself…thank god that u got good inlaws,and that they are still here on this earth


Everyone chill out on mom! It’s her first baby and she’s feeling emotional, emotions that don’t even make sense at times. People think your petty I think it’s just you being mama bear and it’s YOUR! Cub. You’ll come to realize it doesn’t matter, all that matters is your child is loved by so many.


And you can put more than one ornament on a tree. And more than one outfit will probably come in handy. Be thankful for their generosity


You are so blessed to have in-laws that care so much for you and your child. Enjoy what they are doing for you both and don’t forget to share that bundle of joy with them.

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You’re overreacting…be grateful. There is no need for jealousy when a baby is involved. There are a million other things you can give your child, and honestly at this age he won’t realize who BOUGHT him what. No need to cause unnecessary drama, especially about something like that.

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Listen be happy that he got grandparents like that alot of kids dont I’d rather they do it let them enjoy there first grand baby it’s just clothes frfr your over reacting

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I was upset about this at first. But now it’s just a think. My MIL buys all her grand kids special outfits. She says “you don’t have to put them in it” but I still do. They’re just trying to be nice and active in baby’s life. Just nicely tell them what things are and aren’t okay as you also want these memories and firsts with your child.

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Get your own stuff too…babies can have a few first outfits to change just take a pic in their outfit for them. And ornaments are always cute to save more than one

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As a grandmother i can say it isnt control . They just love their grandchild so much. I purchased the same things for all 3 of my grandbabes and they say from nana and pap . You can always purchase the same from mom and dad. Maybe you’re the one with control issues.

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I dont think it has anything to do with control. You should be happy they are spending that on him. Your luckier than most. They are just super excited and happy about there grandbaby. Be thankful

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Apparently I’m gonna go against the grain and agree with you. No matter how many kids I have their firsts are important to me. When my ex or current in laws pull that crap they keep it at their house and my baby can wear it with them. But they’re with me most of the time anyway. So if they want to spend that money so be it. Doesn’t mean I have to use it. If they want to buy stuff I’ll use they’ll learn to discuss it with me first.:woman_shrugging:


Don’t sweat the small stuff! Your relationship with them is more important. Be grateful for the things they buy. The baby is not going to remember any of it but he will remember the love you have for your family as he grows up and so will your husband


As long as your babies have what they need then it doesn’t matter who buys it.

They want to feel involved so let them do this.

Not everyone has family willing to do this do be thankful you do. Imagine them not wanting to do anything at all

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My grandma got my son his first Christmas bulb, she didn’t ask me either she was shopping and seen it and thought it’d be perfect… I wasn’t upset… it would be different if you had told them you wanted to get him one and they did it instead but if you hadn’t mentioned it to them they probably thought it was harmless…

Just because they bought him these things, doesn’t mean you can’t buy them also. Pick your battles.

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If your parents bought them, would you be upset ?


Yes, you’re way overreacting. You’re blessed.


I understand this! I have amazing, generous, wonderful in-laws who are so awesome but just every now and then when they buy something i was going to buy or take my kids somewhere new etc it can be frustrating but at the same time i know they are doing it because they love my kids and are just being kind…if it is something that really bothers you you could say something to the effect of i appreciate what you are doing so much but i really want to “do this” “buy that” or “take him to” beCause it’s important to me…be kind and talk to them ahead of the game


Let them celebrate the first grandchild. Because this is a once in a lifetime thing. Be blessed this child has loving grandparents like this. Its not everyday grandparents get to be apart of a childs life.

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You should see how many parents in laws dont buy ANYTHING be grateful… You now have more money to get other things

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Way over reacting. We just lost everything in the campfire last year and or parents have all passed. All of our ornaments were keepsakes or family heirlooms. I’d give anything to have something from them on the tree this year or be able to pass them down to our children. Not looking for any sympathy just trying to give you some perspective.

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whenever your in-laws buy him something you wanted to buy put the equal amount of money in a bank account give itto him on his 18th birthday he’ll appreciate that way more than all the little trinkets his grandparents are buying that he won’t ever remember

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When the baby actually comes you will be more than thankful for there thoughtfulness and help. Enjoy it!

I suggest any first items you want to get you do. Any your mother in law buys can be for at their home. That way you both get what your wanting

At least they’re going something, a lot of grandparents don’t bother, my grandson is my world, they obviously love their grandchild so much, you can spend the money on something else

Your overreacting. I wish my in laws did any of that for my kids! They dont even call and check on my kids and go months on end without seeing them.

I feel like people are being really hard on u for no reason. Some people are more sentimental than others, like myself lol. I wanted all of my sons 1st everything to be from me & his dad. My mom bought my son his my 1st Xmas ornament but I just had one made for him too. Its hard being a new mom, u go thru a whole bunch of emotions & ure not even sure why u feel that way. & yes as others said, when u look back at it, u might think u were over reacting but these are ur feelings now. Ure not wrong for feeling them. I feel like grandparents (or other family members) should keep in mind that URE THE 1ST TIME PARENT. Sure they’re 1st time grandparents etc. But before anyone else ure the parents, they had that chance w their own kid(s) I feel they should be understanding & let u be able to have those experiences. That’s not to say that they can’t buy them anything or whatever but I feel they should ask before getting something so special.

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I don’t see where your issue is. The baby has the outfit you want him to have, you will do great pics and so can spend that money on something else.


This just sounds like them being nice and wanting to buy stuff for their grandchild. Seems like a very odd reason to be upset…
if you really want to, buy a second ornament or outfit…

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I wish ppl would buy for my kids that way i can buy other things for them. I wouldn’t be mad!!


He is their first grandchild and a boy. It’s basically like having their son as a baby again. Appreciate what they are doing and let them enjoy him as much as you do.

To stop it, U go & buy his first Christmas ornament too. & his first thanksgiving outfit & tell her I already got them.& tell her thank you anyway.

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No. If they are overstepping, then say something. No matter what, that is your baby. You don’t want that ornament, get one yourself and it use the one you wanted. They can use the one they got on their Christmas tree.

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Honestly if it bothers you that much just buy what you wanted to buy him and now he’ll have two of everything your always going to need extra

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You buy things too, babies always get messy. I always took extra clothes, and also PJs they’ll get pee or pooped on. Get extras, it’s ok to have an first ornament from grandparents and mom’s or dads. More the better! :two_hearts::blush:

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My opinion let them get the stuff, but keep in mind the items they buy don’t have to be his “first” if you just want to buy it or get something totally different, then go right ahead and do so. You can pick whats really his first. Honestly they love that baby as much as you do.

I think you are over reacting a little bit. They want to spoil their grandbaby and don’t mean any harm. Also, your baby is 10 months old. I’m sure they will go through multiple outfits, with the holiday dinners. You can buy outfits and do an outfit change. Also, for my son’s first Christmas, he has 2 ornaments. One I bought, and one my good friend bought for him. Now he’s 5 years old, and loves seeing how spoiled he was during his first year.
Be grateful for all the things you get because these costs add up. After awhile you won’t get as much stuff.
I was so grateful for the toys and clothes and I got for my son. Now my husband and I do it all ourself, and it’s extremely expensive


I think you should be GRATEFUL🙏🏻
Not all the kids have a privilege of having caring grandparents.
Yes, I can imagine that you are frustrated but let it go and except it as a blessing in your life.
I’m talking from the experience :tired_face: I’ve lost my father too soon and now I can’t have my kids experience the love he would showered them in​:raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2:


I don’t even have the money to buy all that & I would’ve loved to. My MIL & mom are dead & my FIL/my dad haven’t seen our children pretty much since they were born. Our kids don’t even exist to anyone else. I guess you could donate the items & get the ones you wanted. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You are allowed to feel how you want. If it bothers you, mention it to your mother In law. In the meantime, you don’t have to put the outfits on your child. Buy what you want and do it YOUR way. You are in no way obligated to give up the ‘firsts’ just bc someone else wants them. I’m sure she just wants to be involved and loves and cares about you, but she had her firsts with her children. It’s your turn. Don’t stress about whether or not it’s your decision, bc it is.

Why can’t he have more than one “baby’s first” item? Just bc your in laws bought him something doesn’t mean you can’t. I’d ask the grandparents to write a little something on the back of the ornament (if possible) to signify it’s from them. You could even do it with yours. If its an outfit, change his clothes. He can wear their baby’s first Christmas outfit when celebrating with them. Etc


Be thankful your child has loving grandparents that want to help. You can always take pics in the clothes they give you and then change them after. Don’t sweat the small stuff and be grateful :heart:


I think honestly that’s extremely sweet they doing that for u. They dont have to jus come from u. I mean I cherish all the things I get from my grandparents for my daughter cause I know they r precious and will mean so much to my baby girl when she older cause her great grandparents left her with so many things to look at that remind her of there love forever. For example my great grandma left me 2 Angel’s and a glass swan to most people they junk to me they r special and precious to me cause they were from my great grandma. My mom saw this ring she knew I would love told my grandma and she bought it for me I got it at 14 i never take it off my grandma smiles every time she looks at it cause when she got it I was a teen who was known for changing jewelry non stop the ring she gave me has been the only piece of jewelry I never take off and that makes her happy.

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This was a huge frustration of mine when I had my first as well. I absolutely relate!
Here’s what I did: “thank you so much.” Put gifted baby items in drawer and buy your own thing.

If they bring it up, just be kindly honest. “I love his ornament, but I’d already bought him his first.”

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It’s first for all just get what you want also. The kid doesn’t care. And for the outfits having two is alright. They destroy their clothes in seconds. At least there will be a second set for the same day.


You need to realize that you have given them their 1st grandson…and they probably have more $ than you do. Be grateful. Appreciate them. Take all they buy for your baby and know that you are BLESSED!!


The more love your child receives, the happier he will be in life. Do not deprive grandparents from buying things for him. Let him/her bask in all the love.

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To me over-reacting you can still buy your own.

Get your own ornament for your own tree and let them have their ornament for their tree be grateful you got grandparents that want to be involved with your child’s life

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You can buy those things for the baby too! Let them be first time Grandparents, yes you are over reacting.


We just had our 4th kids, my in laws only grandchildren and my parents 11th grandchild. LET THEM BUY THE THINGS!!! if you were going to buy it, take the amount the toy was and put it in a bank account for your child :woman_shrugging:…that little 10$ here 25$ here will add up over the years to help your baby with actual important things in their life.

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Save your money. Buy something different

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Or buy the same thing

Girl… kids are expensive!!! Take what you can get and be grateful because they only get more expensive as they get older! I say as long as your baby has everything they need and are happy and healthy let them spoil them with gifts. I love when my in laws get my kids clothes and such, it takes a little stress off my back

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Be grateful they’re involved. Definitely overreacting.


I have always believed that any child lucky enough to have a village full of people that love them is truly blessed


Be grateful you have grandparents that want to spoil the baby!!

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Over reacting for sure.


Be thankful you saved money? Also, if you have things you want to buy/do for you baby tell them now. For example, I really want to get him this, I am going to buy his first stocking, or his first new year’s outfit…it means a lot to me that his parent’s do this thing for him. That way they know in advance that it is something you plan on doing. I highly doubt they are trying to step on your toes, but if they don’t know you can’t blame them.

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My mother in law is the exact same but honestly I appreciate everything she gives my son she always buys him winter boots and a coat and everything like that what we do is I’ll buy him boots etc as well and he just takes turns wearing them it’s all the same so I kinda feel u are over reacting cuz u sound very ungrateful some parents don’t have the help that u do and u should show some appreciation end of day it could save u some money

Let them keep it at their house. You and your son make his first Christmas ornament, hand made items are more sentimental than store bought ones.

Saves you money let them buy the stuff

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You are entitled to your feelings for sure but have you broached the topic? They probably don’t feel like they are over stepping. I agree with “let them buy the things” but if there is something you specifically wanted to pick out, do it. I like the idea of keeping the ornament they bought for their home. Compromise hun. But you gotta tell them. They are just as excited as you for baby. Yes they’ve had babies before and you haven’t so if you want a first, take it mama. Give them ideas of things they can get

Just say thanks take it and buy him what you want. Just because they buy something doesnt mean they have to wear it. Or do what i did put it on them take a picture and then take it off and put them in yours as for the ornament maybe just put it in a keep sake box but not on the tree. Or put it on the tree and wright on the bottom that its from grandma and grandpa. They would be wearing what i want them to wear.

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Is there something stopping you from buying another ornament?

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I don’t see why you can’t buy one for the baby as well. The kid would have two. One from them and one from you. It’s there way of showing that they care. It’s more then what alot of kids get from their grandparents, and kids are crazy expensive.

My in-laws did nothing My husband named our son after his stepfather too. I had one baby shower, my Mother in Law was not there. I bought most everything myself, refinished a dresser, got a used crib etc. Please do not be upset with your in-laws they are very giving loving in-laws. Just don’t tell them what you are thinking of getting so you can buy yourself. OR buy then show them. Should take care of it.

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Eventually they are going to stop buying stuff. You have a good bit of time to get Christmas outfits, I’m stressing over my 2 year olds now🤦🏼‍♀️ just enjoy

Your allowed to feel these things hun its your baba n his first xmas n that but while it is very sentimental for you to buy these he is their very first grandchild try not to get put down or put out by it im sure theyre just overly excited for having a very first thanksgiving and xmas with a new addition in the family and with it being their first granchild its very precious. Im sure theyre not doing it out of spite or anything just have a sit down and a little chat with them. And as for people saying she needs to be grateful PIPE DOWN!!! Shes not being ungrateful at all these are sentimental little milestones some parents cherish getting their babys my baby is due in 3 weeks im the same its my first baby and i cannot wait to get a my first xmas bauble or something sentimental for her and i would be entitled to be a little upset as its sentimental to me being my first. Everyone has different opinions but quite calling her ungrateful for wanting to do something for her baby on his first xmas that obv means alot to her no need.

You can also buy him his first, just bc they did doesn’t mean you still can’t… they are excited ,its the first time they will be grandparents, so enjoy their excitment


Yes let us grandparents have that we’re not gonna be here forever,but if it bothers you just talk to them and let them know how you feel tell them that there are some things that you would like to buy I’m sure they will understand I have 9 grands and one great grand and I love buying for them all

I’m not canceling your feelings but your blessed to have in laws like this mine weren’t shit