My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

Overreacting and antagonizing your in-laws :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


Your can always have two of your first things but different firsts , chill out , might be different if you can’t afford his first car and they can xxx you can always put your pjs on first :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: xx. Tell them he needs his first family car or a pony xx


You can use all the christmas pjs till its summer . You can have 3_4 baby first christmas orniments . Your over reacting little momma . Take the gifts with a big smile ,and enjoy the holidays . Merry first christmas. Baby .


Well know one is stopping you from buying your own? Chances are you would need to change him more then once anyways.


I’d be over the moon think of the savings!!


Let baby wear that stuff first to the holiday parties, then either he gets food, spit up or wets the in laws clothes, then change him Into the clothes you wanted! Win win, and you dont have to hear about it lol.

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Kids are expensive lol take what you can get lol


ENJOY IT! some people have no family, grandparents to dote and spoil, you can still buy these things! they are excited! be appreciative! you dont know what you got til its gone! Our parents are gone, my kids would just love to have them back.:wink::heart:


Baby girl pick your battles. They clearly adore that baby. They only get more expensive. Just be grateful. One less thing you have to buy and babies wear a lot so you can always get one too. I’m sure you’ll need both.


Many moms must be craving for this moment. Be content ur child has some loving grandparents/aunts/uncles etc :heart::heart::heart:


I dont think they’re doing it bc they want to be in control, they’re doing it bc they love their Grandbaby. Some things aren’t worth fighting over. Be grateful that your baby has such amazing Grandparents and you have in law willing to help out. Not everyone has that. Let them be excited! If it’s something bigger than buying clothes or toys, let them know how you feel. They probably aren’t doing it out of spite.


You can still buy your baby these things. Just because they bought them first doesn’t mean you cant buy them as well. Be happy that they love your baby. Shoot in the future you’ll be glad that they spent the money & you didnt have to.

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Wow, you have some serious issues. If this is the end of the world, you need to grow up. Be happy your baby has grand parents who love him so much.


You are ridiculous. That is all I have to say to you.

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Definitely overreacting… I love that my Parents love my kids as much as we do and buy them things and take them places. That is a blessing!

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Be thankful they can do it. Let them enjoy it. Their not hear for a life time. You can always get another Christmas ornament saying first Christmas on it. My boys had three of them. One from me, one from their dads parents and one from my mom. They are 26 & 21 now and I will tell you they enjoy them now. My mom passed In July 2016, then in November their grandpa passed. Then in August my sister passed at the age of 51. They all passed away unexpectedly. Every year now they look at their ornaments and they talk about their memories of each of them. All their memories are funny ones. I wouldn’t change it. Enjoy it while you can cause there’s going to be a day you wish they were here to help.

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Try and think of all the children that have no support system and be grateful you have them. How many outfits do babies go through a day? 30 years ago I received at least 10 baby’s first Christmas. Pure joy with each gift. I assure you it is out of love. They can never 1 up a mom and Dad. You will find how much you need them one day if you haven’t forced your husband to cut them out. ( recipe for sadness) You must know how amazingly proud they are and wanting to show your baby off like a new car. Consider yourself lucky and blessed. After all you chose what baby wears. It would be be a show of gratitude to let the baby wear something they gave when you know they will see it. Think about your grown husband having to feel awkward about their gift giving after they gave him life. Graciously accept their love , kindness, and joy and support. Time is way to short to be getting all up in your feelings over your child being over loved. One day you’ll be glad you did! I’m old been down that journey.

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Why would you be mad that you don’t have to spend the money? The baby still get the stuff. Who cares who bought it? Now for can save your money.

Time to be thankful instead of petty.

Less money spent on your end!
He could use an extra everything!

I would delighted if someone else thought about my baby!

Enjoy it. It didn’t bother me one bit when my in laws and my mom bought my son stuff like that. I loved it. Besides baby can always have two outfits on those days if it means so much to you.

You can buy your own outfits too just switch them that day. Ornaments are fine, you can have more than one

Your concerns are valid. Your opinion is valid. You being upset is valid.

All of you ladies - shame. We are supposed to SUPPORT.

Kindly let your in laws know: “hey, I’ve already gotten babies first/outfit for these holidays. I just wanted to let you know so you aren’t wasting your money”
You can buy your own outfit for those situations , and wear the in laws outfits for another time. Doesn’t have to be only for that day.

Say thank you, and use it when you want. Doesn’t mean you HAVE to use it for thanksgiving or anything.


Enjoy while it lasts and save money for when there are more grandchildren or yours is older and they can’t afford to spoil as much, they’re excited and it won’t last forever. Think of when they’re gone and you can give your child these keepsakes from them.

Girlllll you better let them buy all that stuff!!! Your being a bit dramatic!!!

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Be grateful. You may not always have these geandparents and it is great to have someone piich in with expenses.

I would just calmly talk to them about how you feel. Just tell them you’re so thankful for everything they do but you feel like you’re missing out on giving your baby his firsts. There’s nothing wrong with feeling that way.

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Why don’t you make him an ornament, we got a plastic clear ornament from Hobby Lobby and put our sons ID bracelet from the hospital, his hat he wore at the hospital that they give you in it and we hang it up every year. If this is something that bothers you, then politely tell them " I appreciate that you want to buy him this but this is something I want to personally buy for him…maybe they can have one for their house and you have one for yours.

U buy for ur child what u want and when they give u the stuff u say the child already has it or accept and say thanks and then do whatever u want with them. Dont let it annoy u. Enjoy ur childs 1st Christmas

Have them put it on the tree at their home . and get him his own from you and dad that you guys picked out . for pj thing buy the baby his first christmas outfit .

Girl, let them buy whatever they want to buy, be thankful! We have 4 kids and have had to purchase every single article of clothing they have ever worn. I always envy people who have family and friends that enjoy doing this!

You can still buy whatever you are interested in :grin:


U can still buy stuff aswell

It’s not because they want to be in control. It’s what grandparents who adore their grandchildren so much. It’s what they have to look forward to. Don’t take that from them. If there’s an outfit that you want for your babies first time then just nicely say you already have one but you will be sure to use theirs for the next special day…maybe for pictures. Learn to compromise with the grandparents. Let the small stuff go.

You can still buy them. It’s 12 days of Christmas after all

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My son has more than one my first Christmas ornanment. He has one from my parents, my in laws and from us as well as one from a friend of the family.

I don’t think they done it to be in control, just excited for their first grandchild and nothing wrong with that. My parents were the same way and with the cost of things enjoy them wanting to help.

You can always buy an ornament as well and put love mommy and daddy or something similar on it.


You can also buy those things, nothing’s stopping you. He can wear one in the morning and one later in the day. Kids are messy.

Enjoy that’s what grandparents do.


My kid has like 3 first Christmas ornaments. And continues to get them each year from family members. I just write at the bottom who they are from. Not something I’d personally get upset about. Family gets just as excited as us. And it just means that my son will have more ornaments when he’s out on his own.

I understand those things are important to you, but you can also buy those things if they mean that much to you. However grandparents also look forward to those special things too.

I have a 1 & 2 year old. My parents adore my kids. Anything that my parents want to buy them is more than okay with me - kids are expensive as hell lol.

I would rather them be so involved and loving and how you’re explaining than have grandparents who make no effort or don’t care.

Your baby can have several first Christmas ornaments. Baby’s get messy, buy him another outfit and change him after dinner. You have no idea what it feels like to be a first time grandmother. Sometimes we go a little crazy and buy buy buy. It’s not a control thing it’s a love thing. When my granddaughter was born I went crazy buying this and that. My son finally told me I had to quit getting her dolls and stuffed animals! Yep it was and is love


How dare they…save you money?!


To the people calling you petty, ungrateful, first world problems, etc…dont listen to them. Your in laws had their firsts with their children, now it’s your turn. I saw a comment about taking the hospital ID and hat and putting them in a clear ornament…that’s genius. Babies go through alot of outfits in a day. So use your outfit for pictures that are important to you, such as 1st visit with Santa, and use their outfit when yours gets the inevitable spit up/diaper explosion. Nobody can tell you how to think or feel. Your feelings are valid.

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Be grateful they love him :heart: to just do your own thing

When my daughter had her first baby, I was very mindful of NOT purchasing those things. I felt they were special to her and I didn’t want to encroach on that.


Seriously?! I would be so thankful I didn’t have to spend money. :woman_shrugging:t5:

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My parents bought my kids their first xmas ornaments too, we bought different ones. It’s our family tradition to get a new ornament each year, I’m 34 and have a box filled with all my childhood ornaments, plus extras that I got from others over the years. No harm in someone getting an ornament too. My parents wrote the year on the bottom, so I know the ones they gave me VS the others. The more they will have when they are older to put on their trees and pass down

I see both sides to this. You’re a new mom and those firsts are so important to you. But also grandparents are only around for so long. So baby has two “my first” outfits. My son has a bunch of first year ornaments. It didn’t make much of a difference to me, because it’s a memory of someone else who loves my son. Still buy the outfits if you want because you know with babies, they don’t stay clean for long and another outfit would be a great idea. Your in-laws don’t know if they’re over stepping because you haven’t brought it up. They’re coming from a place of love. If it bothers you, tell them nicely.

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Be grateful you have in laws involved in your child’s life. Your child’s wants and needs will change all the time. There will be a time where YOU will buy your child stuff. Just because they buy him stuff does not mean you cannot buy your child stuff. I think you are looking into the situation way too deep. Be grateful and appreciate their gifts :heart::heart::heart:


Girl be thankful! I gave my inlaws their first grandbaby and I dont care at all! I love it and I am so thankful for them. I know it gets frustrating at times but they don’t mean anything by it. They are just extremely excited it sounds like just like my inlaws


Let them my mom bought ny kids there first everything and now that shes gone i miss it cause the things they do have from her it makes me regrate getting mad about it

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No one said you have to put their outfits on him. And have several 1st Christmas ornaments, that’s what I did, and put on the outfits you pick out, if they ask, explain that these firsts are important to you and that will be that, maybe they’ll get the hint. You owe them nothing, it’s your child

I would just buy another ornament and have them keep that one at their house.

Please dont take their joy away on the first grandbaby. They love him or she so much

Doesn’t mean he has to wear the outfits etc! Buy your own stuff still

I’m so glad you aren’t my daughter in law, you should be happy for what your in laws do for your baby, how selfish, and immature of you.


I get that. These things are important for u to pick out, im the same way! U can go out and buy these things for yourself and use the things they buy as back up because we all know kids get messy :slight_smile:

Wow… how selfish and petty of you! Be thankful they are excited and a part of your child’s life. It is not out of the norm for grandparents or close family to purchase these things for a new baby and is hardly “controlling”. Grow up!


Honestly by next Christmas you won’t even remember who bought what. They are excited… I don’t see it as them trying to be in control, I think it was a nice gesture. You already buy so much for the baby and they want to help by buying things too… Also… My kid had like 4 first Christmas decorations…why can’t you just buy one too?

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Let them spend their money you’ll need yours when he’s older…


Take it n say thank u!! They obviously love ur child!!

My mom bought everything and anything she wanted for my son.I was grateful.I also bought what I can always have more than one ornament and many Xmas outfits.They love their grandchild and would give him the world of they could.try to understand.:two_hearts:

Kids are expensive , let them get what they want :rofl:


This baby is fortunate to have so many who love him! He could have two “my first…” outfits, Christmas ornaments, or just another very special outfit that doesn’t say " My first … jOR put money you might spend into a special account for later when things are more expensive.


Honestly, I’ve been there. My MIL bought my kid his first birthday outfit when he was only 8m. She got him his first Thanksgiving hat and bib, she was the first person to give him a kiss etc. Pissed me off so bad. But you know what? I learned to just deal and be grateful that she loves him so much that she thinks of him all the time :slight_smile: still makes me annoyed a bit sometimes, but I remind myself it’s her first (and could be only) grandbaby, so I just let her do her thing.


Your kiddo will go through more than one outfit. If you want to buy one, go ahead. You can also get an ornament and write from the grandparents on the bottom. They are just excited to have a grandbaby.

Coming from a real privileged place I see. I am blessed with supportive family but my mom mostly wasn’t. My dads parents didn’t give me squat and my mom’s didn’t have the money. I know you feel some type of way, but count​:clap:t3:your​:clap:t3:blessings :clap:t3: you are lucky to have a “village” when so many go it alone. Use the money you saved to invest in things for the child later. I’m sorry it annoys you but try to see the good in all this. Some of us never had a my first whatever as kids.


I think it’s really sad that you look at these loving things your in laws do as a reason to be mad at them!
I bet you find reasons to get mad at everything they do.
One day you’ll have your first grandchild and I hope you get treated this exact same way. Karma has a way of showing up.

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My grandmother and grandfather got us each one along with my parents. I love both of the ornaments equally and since my grandpa died it is even more special. I do see both sides of this babys first are very important to me also. I would get my own pjs. I would be him in yours on Christmas eve and grandparents on Christmas day night. That way you can have pictures of both everyone can enjoy. Pick out your own baby’s first ornament. Let the child who picked out each one. My siblings and I favorite part of decorating the tree was putting up our special ones like those.

She needs to reevaluate who has the need to be in control here. They’re gifts, we are supposed to be grateful for them.


:roll_eyes: I can’t even. Do people know how to adult anymore? You have to ask advice of Facebook.

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Be glad they care ! You can buy also he can have 2 . What is wrong with the new generation let grand parents buy and spoil him

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Listen baby shit is expensive…let them buy it

Cant the baby have 2 of each thing.I wish my kids had that kind of grandparents.Be thankful and do your own thing while they do theirs.It isnt that big a deal.


Just because they bought “my first” holiday clothes and an ornament doesn’t mean you can’t do the same. My mom gave had ornaments for me and so did my great aunt for every single year. Let me tell you I treasure both sets very much. I’m glad my mom didnt get offended by my great aunts thoughtfulness because I have 2 beautiful sets of ornaments. They are just as excited as you and I doubt its a control thing like you are assuming it is


My children and grandchildren have 1st ornaments from me, my mom, their mom,from the time they were born up to now, my daughter is 38, its no problem, mom, grandmother, great grandmother

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Be happy you have grandparents that want to do things for your child. Some of us aren’t that blessed.


Just be grate ful that they care other wise you would writing that they dont buy anything enjoy every minute of it

I understand how you feel it’s his first everything but girl he don’t know. For all he knows you did get them. Let them waste there money and save yours for his last.

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My mom had this issue with her in laws. She finally learned to tell them to get the expensive things, in all honesty.

Be grateful & if you want get your own as well. Sometimes as grandparents we tend to go overboard & its not to be mean or “outdo” the parents …we’re JUST as excited as you the parents ! Im sure they mean no harm.:blush:Accept it graciously & lovingly :heart: Some grandparents arent able to do these things …appreciate it it just means they LOVE your baby


Let them! Save your money!

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I would take pictures in the outfit I bought the baby and have him wear both. Or wear one on the eve and the other on the day and you can choose which day you want them to wear it. What’s bothering you is the control behind it. I will tell you what I was told that helped me, You as a mother are a given. You will always be number one to your child/children and everyone knows that without a doubt. Everyone else just wants to play as much of a big role as they can. That’s why our kids sometimes choose (for lack of a better word) others at our expense because they know we will always be there to love them unconditionally. You can work it out without anyone having hurt feelings. Discuss and agree your boundaries with your husband. Once he’s on board, he should step in and clear that up, not because you shouldn’t speak up for yourself, but mom will probably take it better from her son than you. You don’t want your baby to pick up on bad energy especially from you.


Yes you are over reacting. That’s what grandparents are there for and you should thank goodness they are so loving and involved. Anyway, you can also buy him these things and there are all the years to come for buying. I would be grateful and thankful :woman_shrugging:t2:


Let the grandparents do it, it brings such joy go them, your baby is too young to know. One day when the grands are gone and he is older, these things will ne treasured memories for you both.i still have my adult children’s (31 and 36) ornaments that were special and dated, from me, both sets of grand parents and a great grandparent.

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Just say you already bought them, LIE! And honestly if I found an outfit I liked more then I would put my kid in the outfit I bought because I don’t give a sh*t!

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Seriously?! you ungreatful brat??


I personally think your being to taddy about this it’s thier grand child and want to do thing for him do let them it and you buy him thing also nothing says he can’t have 2 of any thing.
Just be glad they are doing it rand children are very precious to us grand parents

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I can actually understand where you’re coming from but from someone who has been there, let it go. If you don’t it’s going to cause so many more issues and you don’t want to fracture the relationship with your in laws. It’s bubs first Christmas. Doesn’t mean he has to wear that outfit on Christmas day. Wear it Christmas eve or anytime during December. Get a separate Santa photo with bub wearing it. It will make their world. Then put what you want on him on Christmas day. As for the bauble, it doesn’t hurt to have a spare as things break etc. And when bubs grown you can show him, this was what granny and grandad got. I was so excited to be the only one to get those things for my first that when my in laws got them, I felt like it was a way nof control. It really hurt the relationship I had with my MIL… then I realised that there are far more important things to worry about than someone buying something that you don’t have to use. I was grateful they were excited about their first grandbaby and wanted to be a part of her world. Alot of kids don’t have that. We have now fixed our relationship and she is like a 2nd mum to me… but in the words of Else, let it go.


Seriously??? Grow up!


Yes, just a little bit. Be grateful! There are plenty of other things you can buy first… a lot of people would love for family to help with buying things for their baby. I understand the whole “I want to buy it first” thing but coming from someone with 6 children you will learn to have some appreciation :upside_down_face:

Y’all are some total bitches. Moms have the right to get that for their babies them selves.

What is wrong with you it’s a grandparents privilege especially if it’s first grandchild to take everything they have just for him and to help you and your husband don’t have him for 18 years all they have them for just the beginning have his life

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So they are in control because they bought him things. Girl bye. Why cant he have more than 1 ornament? Maybe they want 1 for their tree. Why cant he have.more than 1 Thanksgiving outfit? You are seriously over reacting like way over reacting. Smdh


It seems a little odd to be that upset for it. It’s not about who buys the “my first [insert holiday]” clothes or toys or whatever, it’s about spending the holidays with your child for the first time. Those memories are what matter.

Also, you are very lucky to have in laws that care and want to contribute by buying your son clothes/toys/whatever else. You are very fortunate, so don’t forget that.


No you are not. I believe there should be boundaries. I ask my daughters if it’s okay if I buy certain things my granddaughters. They have to have their moments with their children.
I buy things for my granddaughter’s for our home.


I don’t think their being controlling i think they are just excited and want to buy things. Why cant you buy an ornament too? There’s no rules against having more than one. Ones from you and ones from them…


My MIL brought my daughter her 1st dolls pram. I was devastated.

Just write on the ornament from Gma and Gpa and buy the one you want. Wear the outfit for the holidays you pick and keep theirs in case you need an unplanned change and wear it the day before or after. Don’t let their buying things for your baby bother you - you’re still the mom and you decide what he wears and when etc…


They are just things, your tree has plenty of room for 2. Don’t sweat the small stuff, they are just being proud grandparents! Be thankful your child has loving grandparents and will enjoy !!nothing will ever take away the fact that you were his first mother!!


Let your in-laws know while you love that they are so overjoyed to shower their grandchild with these thoughtful gifts you’d appreciate it if they understood that his first year of firsts is something you’d like to buy yourself because Afterall you are the parent ,however they are more than welcome to gift anything else otherwise.Remind them this is a special time for you & your husband .They May have overseen this in their excitement.If this doesn’t work but what you’d like and use that.When they ask explain the gifts were appreciated but that your child’s firsts are for you & your husband to embrace.Good luck!!In the grand scheme of things not everyone is lucky to have that type of kindness.

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