My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

They are just excited about their first grandchild some grandparents are not allowed to even see their grandbaby


Just think buy your own then you have 2 special outfits always helpful to have a spare honestly having family that are willing to buy stuff and help out are a blessing


They are just “things” hun, things that will come an go. Things that will be left in the shadows to gather dust. The real gift is that you allow them to bless your child. Oh and you should go ahead and buy your little ones first of many things, let those things come from mummy and daddy and the others from nanny and pop.


You’re overreacting and being ungrateful. Nothing is stopping you from buying your own, he can have more than one set of “ny first x” pjs and more than one ornament. And if it’s their first grandbaby can you blame them for going all out! Be happy they are buying him things and can afford to! Them buying things that a baby doesnt know difference off, isnt stopping you from going out and creating memories of buying them yourself as well. If you want family or baby photos of kiddo in these “firsts” then buy your own and take pics of the kid in what you buy them. The child is months old, they wont know or care about who bought a set of pajamas first.


Geandparents are great. You’ll save alot a money.

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Omg. They’re excited. JFC. Kids can have more than one “first” outfit or ornament

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Sure sounds like love to me.

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“Their need to be in control” because they bought him stuff? You can buy the same things, as for.the ornament they can keep that one for their tree and you can buy one for yours. But seriously? You’re way overreacting, you should be looking at it like “Thank God I don’t have to buy this now”


B thankful my kids have no grandparents left noone to buy him things my son whos 6 months old wont get those outfits or ornament so of u really upset about it send them my way lol

Uhmm I’m not sure if I’m stating the obvious because you’re here asking for advice which kind of sounds like you’re actually asking for another way to go about telling them you’re annoyed or stop BUT …


Sooo many other things I want to call this person right now, of course you have a right to ask this but honestly how pathetic!

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You have every right to feel any way you want to about it, and no one has the right to invalidate your feelings or tell you that you’re wrong.
I’m sure to you it feels like they are trying to take over all of your first’s, and to you it’s being controlling.
Try to look at it through their eyes…just like this is your first child, this is their first grandchild and they’re just wanting to spoil him, like ALL grandparents do. Just because they have gotten all these first’s holiday things doesn’t mean you cannot buy your own first’s holiday things. There’s no rule saying that a LO can only have one My First Christmas pajamas or ornament, and the same applies to anything for My First Thanksgiving, or any other holidays. It just shows that this little boy, who is most cherished by you, is also most cherished by his grandparents. And that, in itself, is an amazing gift.

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They aren’t trying to be in control my daughter was the first grandbaby and my. Mother in. Law and family bought almost everything for her she said she wasn’t trying to over whelm me with the gifts but since my mom was gone she wanted to play for the other grandma and I appreciated it so much.She even bought me maternity clothes but I was a lucky one my mother in law was so awesome no one could compare to her .

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In this case I don’t think it’s an issue as you can still buy whatever you wanted. I think my daughter has a few “my first Xmas” type clothes. More the merrier. It’s nice to have the Xmas decorations to keep and every year remember where it came from, especially when grandparents are no longer around. You can still buy or make your own special decorations and it doesn’t make them less special.
It’s not like buying first shoes, first bike etc.

Lawd people these days… imagine having things bought for you so you save money. Like a 10 month baby knows who it comes from! How about the money you would’ve spent donate some baby clothes to people who can’t afford it and have no family to buy for them


Just be grateful that they want to be in your child’s life. Nobody could take your place, but grandparents are very important to a child.

I would be thankful to have such caring and loving grandparents that want to spoilt their grand baby . And I think you have the last part twisted . I think you are the one with the need to be in control


My boyfriend’s mom bought my baby her first Christmas outfit and buys her things all the time, I appreciate the help because not working and taking care of a baby I can’t buy her as many things as I would like… appreciate it, it doesn’t matter who it comes from she will look adorable in it either way. Be thankful! I sure am.

Buy your own, too? I don’t see any reason to be offended or assume they’re trying to be “in control” just from them buying gifts.

I think you’re overreacting; however, if you feel strongly about it, have an adult conversation with them & explain that you want to be the one to buy the stuff.


Let em buy the stuff for real. If you have family members that are willing to love and dote on your baby and treat them like family, then let em. Spend the $ you save on other things.


Breathe be grateful now when the newness wears you’ll be picking up the tab

Appreciate it. My sons grandma does the same thing and I’m so grateful! I personally like to make things for my son it’s more personal. Plus I don’t work right now so I can’t afford to buy everything on my husband income alone.

Remember the term “it takes a village to raise a baby.” Their life will be full of love full of gifts and attention and family. Which is what they need. Who cares who spends the money on it. I understand the Alpha female feeling like it’s your baby you wanna do it, but it’s ok to be taken care of.

I had to learn this after having my daughter almost four years ago. Shiiiiit I love when family buys her stuff.

Don’t worry about it. Enjoy it.

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Seriously? Lol. Just go buy your own too. Things break and we all know babies shit through their clothes… Good to have back ups 💁

Get over it save yourself some money and when the times right ask them to watch the baby and go on holiday with your childs dad life is to short


Say “thank you” and spend your money on items you actually need. Those are sweet things but they will get boxed up and not seen again until your baby has a baby. This is not a big deal. Focus your heart on gratitude and the blessings you have. Remember they are excited too and it’s your job to be lovingly inclusive (as long as everyone has the baby’s best interests at heart).


Just have a conversation with them about how you feel if it bothers you that much. That being said…just because they buy these things doesn’t mean you can’t also buy them too. Baby’s that young are bound to need a change at some point. They can have a wardrobe change to wear both:) The more ornaments the merrier too! You can show your little one how much they mean to both you and their grandparents. I know it’s hard to relinquish control but if you take a step back you’ll see how truly lucky you are to have a family that thinks about these things and wants to be involved in your baby’s life!

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Sounds to me like you’re being ungrateful say thank you and buy him things that he actually needs


My mother has gotten every single grandkid an ornament every single year since they were born…I cant imagine any of us ever being upset about that…its not like you cant go buy one as well :woman_shrugging:

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Buy a my first Christmas photo frame, you get to take and choose the photo. Or better yet, an album purely for birthday/xmas/new year. A print of the hands & feet maybe. There are lots more things you can buy or do other than outfits and a bauble! Don’t sweat the small stuff xx

There are many other firsts that you are going to enjoy (step, words, etc) that will mean more than an outfit or ornament. Enjoy the baby things and appreciate someone helping with the material things.

I wish my in-laws would be that involved!

I’d be grateful they acknowledge your baby… My in laws have acknowledged their grandchildren maybe 4 or 5 times… IN ALMOST 13 YEARS!!
Maybe 4 gifts and my youngest has never been acknowledged with a card or a gift.
Id be thankful they even care. You can still buy these things for him with engraving from mum and dad or ornaments to hang on a tree. My kids choose a new one each year to add to the tree. Homemade and bought.
If they do overstep their boundaries… Tell them. They will not stop unless you stand up and say stop.
In future it can create spoilt bratty occasions where they learn to expect instead of being appreciative

You do not know how lucky you are just be thankful that they are so caring you are over reacting

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Wow. What a problem to have…seriously some people are just plain ridiculous.

Trippin about nothing! Be grateful for them and buy your own too if you please

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Buy him another 1st Christmas ornament. Get a different look. It don’t hurt to have two. I buy my grandkids one every year. Its called love

My 3 kids each have about 3 baby first christmas ornaments, one from me, one from there grandma and one from the great aunts, every year they get hung up on the tree.

They can put it on their tree and you buy your kid the ornament. Not a huge deal, you dont have to accept every single gift. 💁

They are NOT controlling. Let them ENJOY being GRANDPARENTS!!! In my family this is what Grandmas do!! RELAX and enjoy!!!


Choose to be happy a child can never have too much LOVE !


Just be grateful. They are elated to have a grand child. They love showering him with gifts. You can still purchase the ornaments and other things you want him to have.

Trust me, be grateful that his grandparents are alive to adorn your baby with gifts. Some, I mean my parents have passed away. I would give anything for one more holiday.


Graciously accept every thing they provide, because it is with love. Your baby does not know the difference at this age. You are so blessed and can’t even see that. Use the $$$ they spent and saved you to buy the things you could not have had the money for, in the first place. Always look for the positive. They are not trying to undermine you in anyway. They are just overjoyed that you made them grandparents. Which only You could do for them. They are your ally, not your enemy. Embrace that! You are so blessed and don’t even see it. Acknowledge that with a hug and a thankyou!


Just buy what you want he will need more than one pare of pj and frist bulb

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Grandparents do need to be respectful, asking what they can get esp. Around these special first. But, asa parent there are so many things that can and will be a first from you. There are traditions you had that in law’s don’t know about that you can tell your mom that you’d like to get because it is very special.

You buy one for your house and they can keep that ornament at their house. My great grandparents had a separate ornament for all of the grandchildren and great grandchildren that they kept til my grandma passed away. Then they were passed down.

Buy your own ornaments for him also and then someday send one set with him and keep one for your own memories. Start telling them ahead if you want to pick out a special outfit yourself.


You can still by there things… my son had 3 ornaments for his first Christmas❤

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You are lucky to have good in laws take the gifts with a smile and buy something else that he would love for his first Christmas TEDDYBEARS are a keep sake


Just because they bought those things does not mean you can’t still. Buy your baby what you want. Tell them the ornament goes on their tree. Dress him in the outfits you buy then if you go to their house maybe change him to theirs after you’ve been there a bit. Usually at that age they end up needing an outfit change after a meal anyway.
My mil bought ornaments for all 3 of her grand kids (my step son & my 2 kids) for her tree. I get my own for our tree. Appreciate what she does because it means she cares.


I would have been happy for someone to do that for my kids.


Why would they need permission to buy things for your baby, send them my way I’ll let them buy as much as they want for my kids :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’d feel blessed that they care that much. Buy a different ornament and put baby’s first Christmas on it.


Your over reacting! There will be tons of stuff you can by for your baby just be thankful for the help


“At my wits end with their need to be in control.” Says the woman losing it for not being in control…


Just cuz they bought it, doesn’t mean you gotta use it…lol
Or buy your own and baby just knows they have more then one person that cherishes them.🤷
Pick your battles. Learn to smile and nod, then let the item hit the garbage can later🤷. Just cuz it’s bought…doesn’t mean you, the mom, has to use it with her baby…just saying.
They’re excited…they’re probably not thinking…so either tell em to knock it off, or just smile and nod and then buy your own🤷


I would be truly grateful someone wants to buy my kids things.
You’re being over dramatic and creating unecessary issues


If this is your biggest problem, you’re pretty blessed… You don’t have to put those outfits on them for THE day if you have something else in mind. Just put it on him throughout the Holidays. As far as ornaments, a baby can have more than 1 “Baby’s First Christmas” ornament. It’s not the end of the World.

If there are other situations where they really are being controlling (like telling you how to parent, criticizing your parenting choices, trying to get between you and Hubs about things, etc) then you deal with those together as a couple, you talk to your Husband and tell him how things they do make you feel. But this alone isn’t concerning.

Why would you keep every single small milestone to yourself when you’ve got years ahead of you of milestones that they will miss out on??


Why not have one from parents and grandparents. Im an adult now, but i love all of my babys first ornaments and there are more than one. Pick your battles…At least he has grandparents that love him.


PICK YOUR BATTLES :woman_shrugging:t3:
Just saying!!

He can wear more then one set of pjs and the ornaments will be put away after holidays so enjoy the holidays and pick your battles they will still be special because you bought them for him he will outgrow all the outfits and it wont matter so buy what you want and enjoy

You are so spoilt you don’t even realize how ungrateful you sound. Pathetic


Everyone here is saying be greatful… Yes it is nice to have someone want to spoil your child but… My MIL used to do this for Christmas and birthday gifts i told her i was buying that my kids specifically asked for and she would go right out and get it… Fuck no! You are their mother… Say something! I did and it stopped. And if she tried i would tell her to take it back i already got it. It really pissed me off too

Yes, you’re wrong, and one day you will look back a realise how stupid you are being.

I get wanting to be the one to buy the keepsakes and milestones. But these gifts from them are from the heart, kindly meant, and from people who LOVE your baby and want the best for him. The baby is special to them too, as their grandson. Pick your battles. Be frustrated if they were to do something against your will that you’ve expressed you don’t like, such as giving him soda or smoking around him or refusing to get their flu shots. Take the gifts and say thank you. Then go buy ones YOU choose, and let baby have both, and keep them to tell him in the future “This was from Mommy and Grandma gave you this one.”

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Im not quite sure how them buying gifts (that is exciting for them too im sure) has anything to do with a ‘need to control ‘.


Haha this is pathetic. Winge about something worth winging about. They’re probably trying to do a nice thing you just sound like an ungrateful spoilt child


You must have a perfect life if this is the crap you worry about. Let them smother your kid with gifts. You smother it in love and will have plenty of money for the kids first car and college. H@ll, if your lucky they’ll pay for that too.


So you are pissy because they are celebrating your child & his milestones? You sound petty & jealous~ not a good trait on a “Mom”…
Dont be surprised if they quit doing things for your child because of you attitude~

Do you know how many Moms would LOVE to have their parents or Inlaws in their childrens lives & dont have that, because of death, illness, quarrels, distance???

You should really stop & think about what Thanksgiving & Christmas are all about~ & ITS NOT the PJs & Ornaments YOU get to buy~


Lord is wish i had this problem instead of real issues! :laughing:

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They thought they were doing you a favor. Appreciate it. Baby will be in and out of it before you know it. The baby isn’t going to care who bought what

Tell them not to buy anything for your child but have them start a trust fund for college. I personally think you are overreacting.

Yes. Save your money and be grateful. It’s not control. They are trying to help. Trust me once the new baby phase is over you’ll be buying everything

Thats so petty…they are buying ur baby gifts so make sure they tell u wat they bought and buy him other firsts…appreciate the help not all moms and dads are that lucky

Be thankful that your child has Grandparents that adore him and want to be there for all of the first’s in his life!


Get over it… let they grandparents enjoy themselves.

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Pamela Morris lol you seem to have a problem with just about anyone here who’s telling her to grow up and quit overreacting :joy: Calm yourself. She wanted an opinion and shes getting it!!

Be thankful they’re spending the money. Just appreciate it


Why can’t you get him an ornament for your tree?? My grands have a ton for us and our kids, but we have a tree as well and our kids have ones on ours as well. I am in no way being mean but try not to be so petty…


If this is your first baby then yes you have a right to be a little upset

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There are SO many grandparents who don’t spend a dime on their grandchildren and only spend money on themselves. You should be SO thankful.
What a blessing. Very lucky .


That’s what mawmaw and paw paw do.


Be thankful…this is your first baby and the grandparents first grandchild. They are excited just as you are. Your in-laws want to shower your baby with gifts. Appreciate it. Save your money for something big like Disneyland when he’s a little older. Your in-laws don’t want control…they’re just showing their :heart:


Why can’t u get one too?

I think its lovely they love their grandchild so much.

But if it’s upsetting u maybe say something but they will probably b hurt.

You can still do an ornament of your own and maybe just humor them and take pics of your baby in their PJs and then put him in yours when the time comes for said holidays. Jmo

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You can buy a different outfit, a different ornament, whatever… and take pictures of in the outfit they get him, let him wear it to their house, and then get rid of it if it bugs you that bad and put your own stuff on him at your place.. He can have more than one ornament And when he gets older he will be grateful that he had so many people providing for him and buying sentimental things for him.

Complaining to your husband about it will do nothing but drive a wedge between the two of you because he’s not going to want to tell his parents not to do special things for their first grandchild. That is more than likely something he will side with them on, and then you’re just creating problems between the two of you. Save the battles for things that matter.. TRUE overstepping… If he is breast-fed but they give him formula, that’s wrong. If they offer to babysit for you and take him to get his first haircut behind your back, that’s wrong. If they ignore a food allergy, that’s wrong. If they sign him out of daycare or school down the road without either of your permission, that’s wrong. I can guarantee you that more than likely they mean no harm and it’s not worth throwing a fit over.
I have a son with a deadbeat grandmother on his fathers side, doesn’t do a damn thing for him, doesn’t try to see him since her son and I split. She’s useless and nonexistent and he’s her only grandchild lol…
it could be much worse!!

It’s a grandparent thing. Damn, if they do and damn if they dont! U sound like a whiny teenager. Get over it! Your man is tight…ain’t nothing he can say.

On the Christmas ornament add from grandma and grandpa buy one that is from mommy and daddy. Tell them what you need and let them buy baby needs a lot it my atop some of the conflicts and enjoy the help.

Sounds like they are very proud & loving grandparents… Be grateful. My son only has his Poppy around him. His Nanny (my mum) went to heaven before he turned 1 & his other grandparents have only seen him in video call as they live in Albania.

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Your are over reacting. Let them spend their money. And your baby still gets stuff.

Totally Ridiculous I would be so happy if my family was buying my baby stuff regardless if it’s its first ornament or first outfit! Hell if you want to buy your own ornament go right ahead

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I think that it saves you money. If you want something specific buy it and do both. Not a big deal

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I had so many My first Christmas ornaments. It doesn’t matter how many you get. They can have more than one.


U should feel lucky to have them do it. With my first which is the 2nd grandchild first granddaughter on my said and first grand child on my husband’s side. None of us could afford anything for her first Christmas or Thanksgiving. So we did foot and hand prints. But if u really don’t like it have ur own thing. Go buy something for ur house.

I honestly would expect you to feel Grateful.How sweet! Doesn’t mean you can’t buy him one too…sounds like they’re excited to be grandparents,maybe consider being as thoughtful as they are…nice ornament for grandparent…


I don’t think they want to be in control they are first time grandparents… actually they want to spend money on the new baby let them. But if they are telling you how to bring baby up or you are not looking after baby right then they are controlling and that’s when you remind them …thank you for what you are giving as gifts to our child and the advice also but as a parent to this important person I will make my own decisions… and leave it at that. If they sulk that’s their problem. But don’t be cornered by them. If they don’t respect your wishes you need to nip this in the bud now as time goes on they will become pushy …and your husband needs to realise that too.


The baby doesn’t know the difference. Let them spend their money.