My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

Take the things and be grateful! My mom got my child things like that and I was happy! you can still get your child some of those things too! You need to get a grip and allow your in laws to be proud grandparents ! It is not like they are taking your baby to see Santa for the first time relax


you are his mumma no one can take or out do you with that You should be over th moon they love the baby so much


Touch subject. My first in laws were like that. My parents were like that… they aren’t insulting you, they are over the moon with their 1st grandchild. Let it go and buy YOUR ornament. It’s not competition, it’s a blessing to have so many people love him.


let them spend their money…what you have to offer that child cannot be replaced by anyone.


Get one of everything for yourself and keep his safe for him when he’s older. I keep everything. I have 3 totes full off 1st year stuf lol!! I’m very sentimental!!


I understand how this young mum feels. It was so important to me to choose and buy my baby’s first outfits. toys and such. My in laws did the same thing. I wouldn’t have minded if they bought him things after I’d bought the first ones. However, try to see it from their point of view. They are excited about their grandchild and want to be part of things. Try to show pleasure but could you gently explain how you feel without giving offence? I’m a great grandmother now, so I see both sides.


So you go buy him his first ordiment and place pit on the tree and there’s after the baby doesn’t know any better. It will all settle down in a few months you’ll see enjoy your Beautiful Son no matter what .He spends most of his time with you and nobody can take that away .I’m your bond is strong.:innocent::heart::heart::heart:

Be thankful they are a part of your life. Let them buy those things.


Take advantage of it now. One day it will stop

Accept them, say thank you, be quietly annoyed, put them away in the cupboard, then buy your own and use those instead :grimacing:

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I guess we are both ungrateful because I was the same way I told my parents and my sister not to do that stuff because it was special for me and her dad to do it seeing as she was our first child we should do the first tell them this and then explain how you just want to have that moment and tell them they have the first grandchild stuff to get because it different for them too


Take all the precious keep sakes you can get, they will only be here for so,long. Buy, your own if you must and put all of them in a keep sake box for him when he has a baby. :grimacing:


Well… them wanting to buy those things are NORMAL grandparent things… are you saying they need to be in control over buying the baby some gifts??? If so…I’d say you’re totally overreacting… are you talking about controlling with something else…? That might be another story. Im thinking when they are buying the baby gifts, they have no idea you’re upset. They sound like they are just excited. The baby could always have 2 ornaments and 2 outfits… I don’t see the big deal here.


That’s what good grandparents do. Let them love your kids too. Don’t be petty.


Yes you’re wrong. Its about him not you. Grow up. Be grateful for the love your child gets. How could you find something wrong with that? Ugh some people…


I get that you want to be his first everything and you still can… his first set of pjs from his grandparents and his first set from mum and dad… his first ornament from
Them and then one from you! There are going to be so many moments where you feel like this but honestly I feel the more your baby is loved by everyone around the better for him! This shows how much they want to be apart of his life and honestly sounds like they were just trying to be excited! They may not have realised that you would feel like that! Maybe just try to see it differently just because he gets
Something from them
First does not mean that it’s the end of everything just that it’s his first with them too! He is always going to be your baby but he is also going to be their first grand baby! You guys can work together to love him and spoil him rotten! He won’t remember who brought what or who did what he will just remember how loved he is!


Just be glad,because if they didn’t buy stuff you would be complaining too! Think bout poor folks can’t afford or grand parents on drugs don’t care? Your blessed!


You should be extremely grateful for this. Honestly, if you want to buy that stuff, you can too! A baby can wear two outfits in a day or have more than one ornament.


Be grateful for that and save that money for later. Later is when it will be needed the most. Education, extracurricular activities ect. All of the that will make your little one a productive adult. Let the in laws spoil them and spend time with them as much as possible dear. Our days are counted for and I’m sure they along with all of us look forward to being grandparents more then being parents. I know its hard but trust me kids will always remember whether or not their grandparents had anything to do with them.

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It’s totally fair for you to feel that way, but it is also totally fair for them to do those things, if they don’t know it bothers you. Just ask them nicely to not do certain things (be specific) because you would like to do that. If they continue doing it after you’ve expressed your wishes, then they are being a little bit unreasonable.

I will tell you please dont be upset let them spoil him as much as they can … you never know how long they will be on this earth and grand babies are a special gift from god … we just had a funeral for my 6month old niece … liver cancer took her life away from us … so let them and you enjoy every little moment you can with this baby dont get upset over the things they buy it material you should be happy they can love him and enjoy him as much as you and your husband


Just get him one that says mommy loves him and be glad they are head over heels for him some are mean and have nothing to do with the kid and yes your feelings count but dont blow it ok just go with the flow till it gets out line real bad then speak your mind ok


You can buy him what you want as well and let him wear both and take lots of pics! I love playing dress up with babies :heart:


First world problems


Hang it on the side of the tree & hang yours right in front. Your child is gonna need more than one outfit for the holidays…they’re messy little things. Buy him all the holiday outfits you want & PJ’s; It’s a long season. Make sure he wears your favorites to your favorite events. And, for goodness sakes make sure he wears every single holiday outfit he’s been gifted even if he’s just hanging around the house. Make it a point to take a pic in every one & send it to Gma, Auntie or whomever with a TU. I see so many adorable baby outfits with tags still on posted in the marketplace, regifted or even at goodwill. It’s not just $$ folks are spending on your child; They’re spending their time & most likely putting a lot of thought & love into these gifts. Learn to be diplomatic, “oh the outfit you got him is so soft & adorable I just couldn’t wait to have him wear it, I’m having a photo printed for you”. And, learn the ART of being grateful because one of these days you’re going to need a vacation & Granny will probably be one of the few people you’ll feel safe leaving him with. And one more thing, realize grandparents, unknowingly may be competing against other relatives or close friends not the parents. Make it a point to give them their props & don’t talk so much about what everyone else has done. It’s not always easy in this day & age when friends & neighbors become your family & Gma just wants to celebrate her leanage.


u should be grateful that inlaws care it u realy sound foolish


Get over it. They love the baby. Let them have their presents. You go buy a ball for your own tree.

Be happy your kid has grandparents that care enough to do nice things, get over yourself and be grateful. Just because they buy something that is a first like an ornament etc, you can still buy one too. Be careful or they’ll stop buying or doing and then you’ll have something else to be upset about :woman_shrugging:


So u buy as well…it’s their first too so even if they buy u can buy and alternate wearing the stuff and um sure the tree has more than enough place for two ornaments. You’re lucky he have grandparents that care. My kids got one set and they don’t do anything special with them


Put your f****** money in the bank for the kids college pull your head out of your ass

My mom buys my kids what she wants… they are her kids too. I’m blessed to have that support in my life :heart:


I’d love it, just less things that I’d have to buy so I’d be saving money :grin::grin:


This is there way of helping, after so many grandbabies in the family, the help will stop because they wont be able to afford it, buy your own if you must, but it’s only help, not taking over. Spend your money on something your baby needs or something else that you want him or her to have for Christmas :wink:

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Put baby in outfit they bought, take a few pictures, send to in laws saying “omg baby is so cute in their 1st(holiday) outfit!”
Then take the outfit off and put baby in what you actually want them to wear :slightly_smiling_face:


Why not just be grateful that they care so much. What difference does it make who bought what? What if they didn’t care at all?


Be glad your baby has grandparents that are generous. Our kids were the last ones & grandparents were burned out (plus getting dementia, etc) .


Instead of feeling disdain, let them buy your baby these items (something I’m sure they get joy out of) and use your money to either start &/or add to a college fund or savings account.
Your child will thank you later.:+1:


Releaaaaaaaaaseeee… and meditate. Follow me… breathe innnnn… breathe outttt…

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I think your over reacting.

They R excited also, so don’t make a big deal out of it. U will cuz issues with ur MIL

Dont be so intense about it. You are blessed that they are so involved and love him so much. Find other things to buy your baby. Beautiful educational toys that will help equip him for life or save the money and put it towards an education fund for him.

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I would be very happy, grateful and thankful! :heart: not only did my baby get these firsts they were from grandparents at that. So much more special! :heart:

My kids have a great mom and dad! We have been together for 15years! We are 29 and 32. So half of our lives. Grew up together. But neither of us have ever had our dads. Our moms raised us. Our kids have their grandmas who have always struggled raising kids. Great moms but never really easy. Still isn’t. I love our story and our lives. Anything that our parents buy for our kids is so special because we know they took from themselves at their ages and thought about our kids! Meaning it has so much more of a meaning. You are lucky and blessed. Be thankful. Now that outfit has even more meaning. Hopefully one day your childs Child will wear that outfit! From their great grandparents :heart:

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Went through the same thing, just don’t tell them what you want to buy, problem solved.

Im sorry this is upsetting you, and im in no place to say anything here, and know im not wanting to interfere in your life, so when i read the tone of your fb stuff, i get it. I appreciate a few recovery posts of yours that got me thinking and struggling with moving on without my Alesha, so i feel you will understand me saying “a blessing refused is a blessing lost, my dad says when i too proud to accept help. But you must put words to your wants, and make boundaries clear with them, not make demands but maybe explain why them getting something first is taking from your enjoyment , instead of adding to theirs?!?!?

I have no intent or reason to lie and i wish this makes sense and/or helps you and yours

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I’m the same way. I couldn’t wait to buy my daughter special occasion outfits and my mother in law went out and bought her first easter dress, 4th of july out fit, and Christmas outfit without asking me. These we things I had dreamt of buying my daughter. So I had my husband talk to her and let her know that I already had outfits planned. Dont let someone make you feel like your feelings arent valid bc regardless of how someone else would react they are not you. You feel the way you feel and that is a valid feeling. But I just toss the outfit and buy what I planned to buy her bc I’ve been dreaming of shopping for my daughter for years.

Don’t overreact your in-laws mean we’ll be positive and love them for that

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Pack doubles! Yours and theirs! Babies always mess up one outfit, you’re fortunate and can have a spare! :kissing_heart:


I cant believe a parent is complaining about gifts being bought …lol just stop and be grateful !! Its TIME spent with the child you should be saying up not material things …I’m happy for this parent her child has everything !! ?


Just buy another thanksgiving and Christmas outfit and another ornament! Do you realize how many people have horrible inlaws who treat Grandchildren terrible. Honestly it does not seem like they are doing this to be mean. You said it it’s the “first grandbaby”. Please let them have this and stop making the fact that your child is lucky enough to have loving grandparents a breeding ground for bitterness…


How fantastic is it that your in laws love your child, that your child will grow up with grandparents that love and spoils him/her. When my son was 6 months old my in laws didn’t come to visit for 4 months straight, I tried, I did and then i gave up. Be thankful you child has the opportunity, many many many kids dont have grandparents or worse have grandparents who dont care. Should you want your child to wear something else you can buy it too, kids clothes get dirty and then you can switch to the next outfit.


Omg…i wid b thrilled…Id spend ALL dat money on myself…dats called HAVING YOUR CAKE N EATING IT!!!

I get wanting to experience these “firsts”, but my 6 mo has three thanksgiving outfits, about 7 Christmas outfits that say “baby’s first Christmas” and multiple people have given ornaments already. He is popular and I have a shopping addiction. Just because they buy them doesn’t mean that your baby has to use it/wear it. Just take it with a smile and do what you want.

And, I am sorry all these other responses are so negative. I think people forget what it’s like postpartum. You are still emotional and very sleep deprived. Maybe this issue seems trivial to them, but it’s not to you. This is your first baby too!


Wow you need to chill a little… U are lucky to have such thoughtful inlaws. They have not bought big important things like his first bike. Really be thankful u have supportive inlaws.


My partner mother and sisters do the same to me and it’s just to piss me off as I tell them I can’t wait to buy his 1st Adidas tracksuit, ID bracelet, shoes and what not and then go and do it behind my back. Now iv e stopped them seeing him all together for the last 3weeks as feels like I’m in a 4 way relationship with his family as they show me no respect what so ever as his mother and try overrule all I say and do…not my 1st time parenting when I have an almost 14yr old. They won’t back off, so I made them. They completely act like my daughter don’t exsist at all, don’t ask about her, she never gets invites there, don’t talk about her…but all her blood grandkids and other nieces they go to the end of the earth for…but my daughter don’t mean shit to any of them, so because they can’t treat my kids as equals u won’t see any of them or me

This sounds more like love than control. Thank them.


Be happy you have to spend less money.

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It’s ok​:heart: I understand. Maybe just buy what you want for an outfit for those firsts and bring the other outfits and change the baby towards the end when you’re there so they can see the baby in their outfit too. Just explain to them you had already bought an outfit so you brought both of them :heart::heart: Everyone loves an outfit change!!

Be gentle everyone we were all new mothers at one point!! Everyone handles things differently and goes through postpartum at different times.

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Remember it’s special for them too. If it bothers you tell them to please let you buy the gifts. They will understand. Good luck

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Personally my mom did this but it didn’t bother me.

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It sounds like they r just as excited as I and it’s normal for others to buy the first baby Christmas ornaments and such. They want to be a part of it as much as they can. What u need to do is be thankful that they care so much and then do something on one else would know about for ur child. Make an ornament with their hand print or take a picture of their tiny feet together in your husbands or wife hands etc… find something so special that only u can produce then u won’t feel so upset.


Your feelings are very relevant as a mom…but these are material things…just look at it this way…you can do the exact same for your baby…you can get doubles or triples of everything…at the end of the day it doesnt matter who got it first…be greatful that your child is that loved…you will be the center of their universe no matter who gets them what so dont let it get to u


I got lots of those kinds of things for my kids when they were babies. I appreciated all of them and we found a reason to wear them all. My favorite was the one I bought myself. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to put cute ourfits on the baby around the holidays. I’ve got at least 10 ornaments on my Xmas tree that say baby’s first Christmas. The one that is most special to me is the one I bought.

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Why are you so ungrateful ???Wow


I don’t think it’s about control…maybe enthusiasm and love. As a grandma, to tell the truth,I never thought of my daughter in law’s feelings when I bought all this stuff. My mom bought it for my kids, so I think of it as a tradition… I still buy the kids an ornament every year, something about that year in their life…my thought is that is my way of being part of their own family holidays when I’m gone…My kids treasure the ornaments my mom gave them…So I do apologize for maybe overstepping boundaries, but also, no one loves your kids as much as you, except grandparents…


Buy one from you, too.

By the time you have another child you won’t even care. It’s always the first .Have you seem the commercial with the baby sitter?


Enjoy it. Because it be worst the other way around if they wanted nothing to do with baby.


I understand why it bothers you, but they do not have to be his firsts. You can still buy him his Christmas PJs, Thanksgiving outfit. You can make it stretch. Thanksgiving Day and Thanksgiving Weekend, Christmas eve and Christmas day. start a tradition with an ornament a year, you give him one and if your in-laws want to do so too, he will have a beautiful tree of memories when he gets older. Pick your battles, you don’t want a war, but you can softly assert yourself as the mother.


Yes. You are, you can also buy them things…grow up.


I have 2 beautiful grandkids, most likely the only grandkids I’ll ever have and my daughter hates all of the “crap” as she calls it. Breaks my heart and due to all of the restrictions and rules it has completely killed my Christmas spirit. I wish she would just accept my gifts and be happy. She could exchange and I wouldn’t mind. She even tries to control what I bring into my own home as far as toys go, I AM very lucky that I have at least one of them every weekend. My point is be happy that they want to do for your child. It costs you nothing to accept the gifts. Put the baby in the outfit, take a picture and send it to them and then you can put it away.


You should be ashamed of yourself. You are lucky if your in laws love your child and like you said they don’t bother you. Get another outfit and use both of them, one in the morning and night. How do you complicate your life. Be grateful


I don’t think it’s control. Be thankful he has loving grandparents. My grandparents probably didn’t even know my name.
Why not buy two, especially of the Christmas ornament.


I do this for my grand kids also. But my daughter and daughter in law buy the kids ornaments also. Not a big deal but you are making it one. Be careful you could alienate your future kids and you do want that. Be thankful they love your children as much as you do.

umm would not be complaining, least they’re trying to be involved!!! They deserve that much

They may be buying the first ornaments, outfits, shoes, etc… but you get the most important firsts that they may miss out on such as the first one to her him, the first smile, the first bath, the first of all these milestones. We as mothers dont realize this bc we aren’t grandparents yet, but my MIL told me that seeing your grandchildren born is so bittersweet it physically hurts and you never thought you could love anything more than your own child until your grandchildren are born. I was very blessed with a great mil. So just enjoy the moments bc they will fly by way too fast.


Literally both my parents and my in-laws buy EVERY holiday outfit along with ornaments/other special mementos & on top of that I STILL buy and use what I want and will use what they gave a day or two before for some photos or something like that. Def not a big deal.

They probaly dont mean mean it in away of control just grandparents who are so proud of there 1st grandchild its there way of saying we love you this what nans and grandads do never with intension of upsetting you just being typical grandparents xx

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You are blessed to have grandparents that want to help provide. So many children should be so lucky.

I understand how you feel, as trivial as it seems. I always said if I had a girl I wanted to buy her an id bracelet. When my daughter was born my mum came to the hospital with an id bracelet for her. I was almost happy that it was to big for her to wear. But…4 years later my mum passed away and I am so grateful that my daughter has this to remember her by. She is now 16 and wears it every day. Let them spoil your bubba for one day they may not be there to to give him anything


It isn’t “control” on their part. Its lack of communication from your part. They’re just being loving grandparents. I wish my children had their grandparents.

If it bothers you that much, calmly explain that to them. Let them know that you would like to be the one purchasing his “first” gifts. Also, acknowledge how incredibly grateful you are that they care so much for your baby. They aren’t mind readers. Most of people’s issues can be resolve by simply communicating.

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Just be grateful. Count your blessings.

Let everyone in general know to please consult with you before buying him things for the holidays to make sure it doesn’t over lap what you have gotten him. Work together with them and see if they’d like to keep the ornament on their to do he can see it at their house every year and it will still be special but don’t get to upset about them wanting to do for him as well

I think you need to check out justnomil, or justnofamily on reddit. They have useful advice on in laws over stepping boundaries.

Girl you should be thankful your baby is loved !!

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How lucky are you that of all the babies YOUR baby gets abundantly loved. Sometimes I get in my own little world and have complete tunnel vision. But then I hear of babies, BABIES dying or malnutrition, no food. I hate when mine cries of hunger it’s the worst cry ever if I just take a second too long to make her bottle. Imagine the cry of a baby who won’t get fed and how it felt. Yet your little one gets to have too many outfits for Christmas. Just take a pic with the grandparnts and the outfit and then dress them how ever you want all while telling your baby how loved it is. And when they’re older tell them the story about how they had x outfits every Christmas.

Be thankful and grateful

Imagine being upset that other people love your baby so much…

Be gald your in laws are that loving and helpful. When you become a grandparent it’s wonderful you feel like you just can’t give enough to show how happy and proud you are to have this part of you and your child in this beautiful baby. I have four grandchildren and I feel blessed in so many ways. Take your money that you want to spend (but the in laws beat you to it) and invest for his/her future plans. Trust me that would help them with college,a car,books for school,a home and just life. May all of you have a blessed, healthy and happy baby to share so many memories.:pray::baby:

I can sympathize with you. When I had my first baby, my mom-in-law at the time went to the grocery store and ordered his first birthday cake! (At that time, you got a free first birthday cake for your baby when you brought in his/her birth certificate) I don’t know how she got a copy of his birth certificate! I definitely thought that was overstepping! I was livid! No other firsts bothered me, but I had looked forward to his first birthday party, and when I went to order his cake and the store employee told me his cake had already been ordered…grrrr! She didn’t even ask/tell me!!! It upsets me to this day, and he’s 27 now. I wouldn’t do that without running it by my grand baby’s parents first. I felt it was disrespectful to me. Yes, he is loved. Yes, he doesn’t remember it anyway. That’s not the point though. Communication and respect for me would have been nice.

Well it is their money and they are just excited to my grandparents for the first time. Why don’t you just have them keep the one they bought at their house and you buy your own for your house.

Your baby can have more then 1 ornament that says baby’s 1st Christmas on it. Put from mom and dad and the year, he will have it forever.

You take offense when none was made to be given! The problem lies with you and NOT your inlaws. You can buy another baby’s 1st Christmas ornament and give it to them for their tree. Buy other “my 1st” outfits. He can’t wear the same outfit ALL THE TIME. You should be feeling grateful that you have family who wants to do these things for your child. Not everyone does. You should feel LOVED! Even though they are buying things for your child that you feel like you were wanting to do, they aren’t trying to steal that experience from you. They are doing for your child , but in doing so ALSO DOING FOR YOU. Remember that anytime someone does something for your child.

They love him & you. Be happy.

Heck no that’s double for baby go buy what you wanted as well or find a new one of they picked it I did it was fun cause you know babies have to be changed multiple times a day keep the theme going all day I’ll be honest my son who’s 18 now had like 3-6 outfits for like Halloween Thanksgiving and etc it was fun playing dress up with my own kid lol

I went through something very similar with my parents and my kids. I wanted a certain first christmas ornament for the tree and my parents bought one before I got the chance, and certain outfits for certain things and my parents brought stuff and then would get pissed if I put what I wanted on my daughter. I never said anything and it continued, then when she was old enough for a bike I work my but off and saved to take her and let her pick out the one she wanted and the day before I got my pay check we went to their house and they had already went and picked one out themselves and got it for her. I blew up! I held it in for years and then exploded. It was a over reaction at that time because I never said anything before.
It is not 9ver reacting if you want to be the one to buy certain things, their first grand baby, but your first child. Tell them now. Tell them you want them to buy things and love and spoil their grandbaby, just certain things it you want to buy because you want that moment to tell your child why it was special to you. Why you bought it for them. There is a nice way to tell them and you should.

Some of those things you can also buy. Grandparents I don’t think so it to make parents mad it’s just what they do. My great grandma does the same thing with my kids. I feel like it has to be better then what I got them but at this point I just let it go instead of having drama.

Return it. I had the same issue, despite warning everyone months before the baby was born that 1sts are MINE. Everyone is free to (without abuse) to raise their children as they choose This was my choice as a parent. So, I returned everything & showed them what I replaced their gift with and the 1st thing I bought SEPARATE. I didn’t have this issue long. Set your boundaries & solutions early.

As a grandparent, you cannot imagine the joy that a grandchild brings. I’ve been careful with my daughters, and asked them about things like that. But in no way can you blame them for the exploding joy that they feel and how they want to give everything in the world to your child. I would gracefully accept the gifts, realize that these people love this child almost as much as you do, and not be angry. Remember why they’re doing this. What I would do practically, is choose your own outfits. When your parents are with them, you can put on the outfits from your parents. When they aren’t, then put on the outfits that you’ve chosen. Or maybe the baby will spit up a little bit on your parents outfits and you’ll have to change them into your outfits. :wink::wink: try not to be angry. There’s so much love and there’s Always room for more love. You can find lots of ways to wiggle around it without hurting the grandparents.


Just thank them. They are excited! You can still go buy those things yourself. Baby’s go through lots of changes in a day. And hang your ornaments that you picked out so you can see them!