My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

I would be so thankful :two_hearts: maybe don’t over think it so much. Be grateful that he has such wonderful grand parents! Try to put yourself in their shoes. Tbh it’s a little petty to get upset over.


You should be very greatful and realize how BLESSED you are, alot of kids dont have grandparents that even wanna do that. It is truly a God given Blessing


Have you talked to them about this? I had children later than both of my siblings. So when she found out there were going to be new babies in the family my mom was ecstatic. She would go out and buy things that I wanted the enjoy of experiencing all because she was so happy and excited (especially because both of my siblings do not live close so she doesn’t get to see her other grandchildren). I got upset because how could she NOT know I would want to do these things, she is also a mother! Then I talked to her and realized that she wasn’t trying to leave me out. She was just so excited she wasn’t thinking about it. She backed off and asked before she would buy major things for my daughter and things got much better. Just try talking to them. If they don’t hear you or refuse after that then you have a right to be upset.


I honestly feel like you should feel thankful, alot of people dont have caring grandparents. It’s not just your first baby it’s their first grandchild. When you bring a baby into the world they are also apart of that family. I see nothing wrong with them being excited and getting baby things. If you dont like them get other stuff but be thankful you have people in your life willing are caring enough to get things for baby also.


I always had more than one of all of those things! They will be special years from now! All four of my kids have several first Christmas ornaments and probably wore a different my first Christmas outfit for 2 weeks leading up to Christmas. Take a deep breath! Enjoy the love and support


Why does it bother you? It comes from them, you can buy him his also. I wish my family were this thoughtful with my children, why do people tend to be so ungrateful when they are so blessed😕.


Be THANKFUL!!! Because you could have grandparents that did’t buy anything like mine and my father didn’t for my children! I’m the total opposite. My daughter was happy that I took the time to buy what my grandsons needed! If it’s an issue go buy a Christmas Eve outfit, another ornament that’s from you and your husband!


I think you should be appreciative and thankful. They are just as excited as you are about the baby. It’s something they love to do. (Grandmother here,)


It’s a grandparent thing…you can still get the ones you want for him… us grandparents know that sometimes it’s a struggle financially to raise a baby and we just like to do the extra little things to help out and make family memories


Just purchase as well…babies can wear several outfits on and around Thanksgivng Day And Christmas. As far as ornaments…every yr i enjoy looking at all the kids ornaments…it doesnt have to say 1st and only Christmas ornament…as i write this, your feelings are yours and i shouldnt make it so black and white…just such a joyous occasion all the way around ! Good Luck!


It is an exciting time for everyone. It will be a great story for the baby to hear about grandparents that were so excited that they bought those gifts for him or her. You have a family and there are no rules that say you cannot buy another item that says First This or First That also… the ornament can say Our First Family Christmas and have the names of the parents and the baby. It is good that you have so much love coming at your family and some people can only dream of having any love sent their way… you got this. Best wishes .


Let them buy whatever they want for your child. They are excited and happy and it’s the best gift you can give them. My mother-in-law was so excited for our baby that she went above and beyond. I love her for it everyday. And my baby is turning 18 in 3 days and she and her grandmother are extremely close. :two_hearts::two_hearts:


You can still get him these things. I wouldn’t make a big deal about it. They are just excited and helping out. Be thankful. You can still buy him outfit and first xmas ornament. Nothing wrong with having two. Thats awesome if you think about it.


I think that they aren’t thinking about it the way you are. They are probably just excited. However, I learned from experience having a couple outfits for thanksgiving and Christmas is actually a blessing. If you have family get together a to go to, you have an outfit for each. And don’t forget Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. There’s 2 outfits. Plus, you never know when an outfit may get messy and has to be changed. As far as the ornaments, you can always pick out your own and put the other away for a keepsake. But more than one is ok too.


You’re blessed to have grandparents excited and happy about their first grandchild. We do tend to get a little out of hand per say and in no way am I trying to minimize your feelings. Buy your precious baby what you want. Take pics in both outfits with both ornaments if you can. It’s so exciting for you to be able to do the first in babys life for sure. In my situation… anytime I saw something I could vision my grand wearing or playing with (ofcourse within reason) I bought it and gave it. It had been along time since a baby was in our life. Honesty is probably the best policy handled gingerly. They have no clue they just are enjoying being Grands.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: just one of many opinions. Have a blessed day.


I’m a Nana with 3 grandbabies … I love to spoil them and my kids and their spouses love when i think of the babies . So many kids don’t have grandparents that do this … my own mom and in laws did this for my boys and i was grateful for the love and the thought they put into.


You should be very grateful !! You can also buy your own !! They puke they poop can wear several in one day !! Some people don’t even have someone to do that for them !! BE GREATFUL !!


That’s a grandparents joy. You can still buy the special outfits you want.


Id say take all the help they will give. Maybe request that they keep the ornament at their house and you still buy one. Let me tell you, I wish we had some form of help with our kids. My in laws have passed away and my parents don’t have the money to help. We have 4 kids and have lived comfortably, but it would have been nice to have more love and help from family.


You should be excited and thankful that you have grandparents that want to be part of this exciting event in your life and that’s what grandparents are for to buy the things and to spoil the grandchildren And love them. You can still buy things. I was so happy I had parents around to do those things and grandchildren have a special place in their heart


The items are only material things, the baby will not care where they came from. As a mother and a grandmother , I say embrace all the love , your child is blessed.


As a grandmother, I’m sure they are not trying to be in control. They are excited! I suggest you just accept the gifts and be glad they want to be so involved in his life. There will be many times you will be glad they are so willing to be involved. Besides, he can have more than one “first” of anything. If you see one you really want him to have, buy it any how.


Let them buy what they want. I would be so thankful to have in laws like them. You are so blessed and don’t appreciate it!!


Be thankful. Their love and kindness may not last forever. Babies need all the love they can get. You can still buy yours.


Just let them buy what they want to So exciting to be grandparents, especially with the first one. Thank them and enjoy.


My daughter was born right before the holidays, so I received a ton of first Thanksgiving and Christmas things. I still bought my own things, and she still wore the clothes everyone else bought her. A lot of people have nobody to help them with anything so count your blessings. My kid is 5 now and I love looking at all her first Christmas ornaments and I’m happy she has people in her life who love her so much.


You can have more than one first Christmas ornament. We have several for both my boys, and they are all precious and still treasured even though they are now 19 and 16. I understand your frustration, but try to see the blessing in having grandparents who love and want to be involved with your child’s life. Be thankful for family and a healthy precious baby and pick your battles.


I was in same situation years ago. I still bought whatever I wanted as well for those first moments. Nothing wrong with having two first year ornaments or outfits. Do what you want and thank them for the gifts as well.


How lucky your baby is to have so many people who love them!! Just thank them, but buy your own as well. :kissing_heart:


Be thankful they care ! It takes a village to raise a child , I’m sure they will be there for bigger things as well !


Be thankful they want to do things like this… not everyone has someone to help them or even show that they care about their children… dont take it as she is doing it take it has your child is surrounded by love … that’s huge to people who do t have it


Kind of. I love it when my boys grandparents does that. Saves me the hassle and they get to enjoy their grandkids.


We are grandmas and that’s what we do it’s not to offend or control anyone it’s just a blessing to be able to bless my off spring children my kids are so use to it and feel blessed and appreciative to receive the help. I’m not saying your not. Once you become a grandparent you will understand.


You can still buy him one. My children has tons of ornaments that people bought for them. And outfits. Be thankful that they WANT to be involved and are so crazy over him. This kind of post makes me nervous for when my son’s get married and have babies. I’d hate to think their spouse would be upset because I love my grandchild so much. Goodness.


I say just be so happy that they care enough because so many parents and grandparents don’t care and really they are really just showing how much they care and I’m sure they are just filled with love and joy , I’m just speaking from a granny’s point of view :upside_down_face:


Be thankful and grateful that they care!! My kids grandparents haven’t laid eyes on them in over 5 years!

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Be grateful that they care about your son. Some don’t have grandparents, or don’t have them around. I understand that you feel like you should be buying this stuff, but they are probably trying to help.


Please just be grateful and realize this is their first time so they are probably overjoyed. I highly doubt it’s about control from their end but from your end it sounds like you’re trying to control things that don’t need controlled. Get your own “firsts” outfits and things for him too if you wish. Also be grateful your child has grandparents involved. Sadly, not all children are so lucky.


Be thankful and buy what you want to buy also, neither of my sons grandparents we to thrilled about him and didn’t help with anything for him and still don’t so say a prayer and know your lucky to have grandparents that care about and love your baby too

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I know you feel like they are stealing your thunder. Relax and enjoy their joy! They could be g-parents that didn’t care. Remember, you get the joy of loving him every day. :wink:

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We r grandma’s. I have always bought those fun things for my grandkids. It’s the grandma job.

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IMO that is just a normal things grandparents do and should be looked at as a blessing that they did that not only for you but for your child


Be thankful, that she wants to buy and think of your child with so much love. That is good she shows her adoration and care. She has excited for your baby, she gets to shop and give and that makes her very happy. My mom never got to meet my kids before she passed away. I would of loved to have her to be able to do that for my now grown sons. My mother in law did those special types of things for by boys and I treasured everything she did for them. My kids and I still remember those special moments and times. Do what you think for your child as well.

Just be grateful and go with the flow it is lovely being a grandparent don’t spoil it for them

I have both views of this for you. I had/have a baby she is going to be 20, that was born in December. She received 6 my first Christmas ornaments from people and 1 from us. We just wrote on the back or bottom of the ornaments who they came from. And my sister bought her a “Christmas dress”, which we wanted to do. So we still did and she wore one during the day and the other at night. I never said anything, but wish I would have. She was the first granddaughter on my side so it happened a few more times with things.
My other view is my son and his wife just had a baby girl. So I’m a grandma now!! But my first thing was I want to buy her this and that, but then realized i would be doing the same has my family did to us back then. So I asked my dil to be very honest about that with people especially me, she was so happy i had said that.
So long story short, tell people. Just be polite, honest and sincere they will understand.

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Be happy to be blessed with loving, caring grands. Don’t think of it as a competition. That’s not good for anyone. Treasure them for it.

They’re things you wanted for your baby and now you have them, you will be the the one who puts the PJ’s on and the ornaments on the tree…just enjoy and relax! Some kids dont have grandparents…

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Receive it and buy one of your own if you want. In years to come they will be gone and it will be a wonderful memory for all of you!

Be grateful they enjoy and want this grandchild in their lives. There is nothing like the love between grandparents and their grandchildren.

You can buy a ornament, you can definitely buy another first Xmas outfit. One on Xmas Eve and one on Xmas day.

I kinda think people are missing the point of being a first time mom and being excited to do things as a mother for the first time and have that first experience over taken by people who are already parents and have had that opportunity to do for their kids for the first time. It’s fine to have your babys grandparents buy things but to a certain extent. There are things that you want to do for your child that are special because it only comes from you. Let the new moms get that experience. It think it’s important especially when they’ve dreamed of this day to come.

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They’re just excited and loving grandparents. If you feel that strongly about it then you need to tactfully and lovingly set boundaries. Plus, you can still buy these things for your baby! They’ll just have two of each :woman_shrugging:t2:

I understand your frustration but look at it as you have a family that loves your child as much as you do. Plus, you have the baby all the time & they see him only when they come around. You will get to see the first of everything before they do.

Not only are you very blessed, but also loved very much! You are lucky to have such a loving and supportive family.

I would say your child is blessed to have grandparents like that! So many kids have grandparents who are not in their lives. Enjoy the extra spoiling your child is going to have.

In not about control, it’s a joyful moment in their lives
I always pick up things for all my grandbabies
This must be your first
So, buy the items you want and use them first,then use the gifts, find
Gratitude for the child being so loved

I know its hard but be thankful you have loving grand parent but buy what you for your household and they buy for they household don’t let small thing things get in the way for the 1st grandbaby because you all going have a lots of good times ahead!:blush::blush::blush:


I understand wanting to get or do baby’s first. You’ll have a lot of baby’s first that grandparents are not present for. Be thankful for everyone that loves your baby and the gifts they are giving with their hearts

Sweetheart, they aren’t trying to be in control. They are just proud first time grandparents! Tell them, lovingly, that you appreciate what they have done, but you would like to be able to do a lot of these things for your baby. Ask them to please check with you to make sure they don’t duplicate things you are getting. Give them a wish list of things they can buy for your child. Be sure to include inexpensive with moderate or expensive items so that they can choose what they can afford. If you share the joy with them, say these things in a loving way, and work together, your child will be blessed.

How lucky you are to have in laws that love their grandchild so much!

Let them. If you don’t like the outfits then just get him new ones. They’re stoked, and you can be too. My mom would buy things for my daughters, I’d thank her put the thing on the kids a couple times and then the thing would disappear. I was never rude, I never asked her to stop and she was super excited to see the kids in outfits she got for them. Just let them enjoy the kiddo too. No harm, no foul. Just because it says “my first” doesn’t mean you should take it so literal. Take it easy and enjoy.

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Be thankful! You can still buy him a 1st Christmas ornament from you and he will have 2 special ones!

Let them buy stuff ,you can still buy your own. Some people dont have their parents anymore ,just be thankful.

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I would just be grateful. You can still buy a first Christmas ornament, there’s nothing wrong with having two. Same for the Christmas outfit… wear one Christmas eve and one xmas day

I honestly don’t think they’re trying to be “in control”. It’s a grandparent thing. They are excited! Be happy you have people that love your baby so much!
And if in the future you want to buy something for something coming up, mention to them that you’re doing so. I’m sure they won’t have a problem with it :slightly_smiling_face:

You can still buy your baby stuff like my had three outfit that said my first I put one on Christmas Eve , Christmas day ,and the day after Christmas it’s awesome to have all that help and now that I am a grandmother I understand grandparents

Just because they buy the first Christmas pajamas doesn’t mean you have to wear them on Christmas eve. Buy the ones you want and wear them Christmas Eve and have the baby wear the grandparents pajamas Christmas night. And my son has 4 my first Christmas ornaments from all different people. It’s fine to have more than 1.

I can kind of understand where you’re coming from but I think you’re taking it a little too far in your mind. They can always have more than 1 of each of those items. Be grateful that you have family that wants to help and buys your kids things because I just had my 3rd baby Monday and we don’t have any help with our kids especially for people to buy them things or gifts.

You need to be gratful you have Grandparents that are involved. I am a Grandparent as well. I do an purchase what I can not only because financially I can but it helps my kids outan its a way I can show my love for my grandkids.Some grandparents don’t want to be bothered

You can still buy them. There’s more than one day during the holidays! Wear one Christmas Eve, and one on Christmas!

They should have gotten her an ornament that said Granddaughter or Grandson’s first Christmas. That would be more appropriate showing it was from them and giving you the opportunity to purchase your own also. As far as the outfits, as a grandparent I felt I was helping out if I buy some clothes for baby. If it bothers you just buy your own first outfits for the occasion. You have the whole season to wear more than times to wear them throughout the season. If this is the only problem, consider yourself lucky.

Your in laws are so proud of that little baby.they are not meaning to hurt you or do anything wrong. Later on you will need their help, by baby sitting, and you will be grateful for sure.

Buy what you want and let your baby wear it first. Then theirs next

Feel very blessed you have them. As a grandmother myself… they are ecstatic. You might gently let them know that you would like to get so and so first for him… and suggest you go together and get it. Maybe she will pay for it but you pick it out!!!

They are just over excited be appreciative its your child what ever you wish to buy buy as well if he have to change outfits so be it you be happy and make them happy thats all just take pics and enjoy the moments

I think it’s very sweet… You could buy those things and tell her which is from who when she’s older… She will treasure the memories… My husband’s parents passed away before he was 9, so my son will never know them, and my Mom passed away when my son was 8. They were very close, and she spoiled him soo, but I as well he treasures every moment and everything that she got to do for and with him… The memories and the keepsakes, is all we have left of her… So if it were me, I would treasure it while I can…

Be thankful that they want to be so involved. That’s a blessing, just focus on other things instead of getting upset over grandparents trying to be sweet.

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I’d be happy to have the help! Don’t be so upset… besides if you don’t like what they’re choosing you can still go out and buy your own… no rule in saying you can’t have two of something…

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My kids no longer have grandparents, please let them. That is such a blessing and a joy for them. You can still by other things. Appreciate their love for you and your child. So many go without love from grandparents❤

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Think yourself lucky they are buying beautiful things for your baby. Done grandparents never see their first or any other grandchild.

My kids had several 1st Christmas ornaments. You can buy one also that is just as special :heart: Don’t stress the small stuff

All I can say is I wished all grandparents were like this. Be grateful that your child has loving and caring grandparents. And if I can remember correctly, a baby can always use more than one outfit in a days time :wink: Enjoy it!! You are blessed to have such in laws. Not all of us have that :frowning: Be thankful and grateful. You truly are blessed, I promise.

Why dont you invite them over for coffee and when you are sitting around the table just explain how much you love them and how they make your growing as a mother easier, but that there are some things that you want to do for your child getting his 1st items. Tell them you understand them being 1st. time grandparents, and that you hope they will always be there for your family. Show love and it will come back to you.

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I’ve done this for my first granddaughter, I sure hope I didn’t upset anyone, I didn’t do it to be in control, I did it bc I was excited. As many have said, they can wear more than one outfit that says “my first” and you can have more than one ornament, enjoy having grandparents that love your child.


My,kids have several first Christmas ornaments from relatives. I dated them and put who they are from, and also bought my kids their own from myself and their dad.
Your In laws love that baby.
It will be a precious thing once they are no longer here, to put on the tree… I just put up our tree and my kids each had 4 , first Christmas ornaments. 3 of the ornaments were from family that had passed away… They are SO special to me…
And, if your child was anything like mine, they will spit up or make a mess of their clothes. you could buy your own first Thanksgiving outfit for your child, and just put the other one from your In Laws in the diaper bag. I’m sure it will be needed.

I see a lot of comments about being thankful for your in laws. However, I gave been where you are. I felt the same way you do. My mom in law kept my son for me to work. She would feed him a full meal at 4, knowing we would eat at 7. She would not put him down for a nap. He would fall a sleep in his high chair every night at supper time. I do not respect my mom in law at all. She has been a thorn in my side all the time. It only gets worse as time goes by. Say something to your in laws now. Nip the shit in the bud.

My kids had multiple ornaments in some years, the more the merrier :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think you’re mistaking Control for Love! It’s their first Grandchild & that’s what Grandparents do! Just be grateful that your Baby has such Loving Grandparents & go buy another ornament, PJs, outfits. Your Baby is only little for such a short time, give it all the Love you can get!! :heart::rose::kissing_heart:

They are not trying to be in control
You should be thankful. That’s less money out of your pocket. Grandparents just want to spoil their grandbaby.

Let them
Keep that stuff at their house and buy the ones you wanted for his first everything. That’s what I did. Cuz at the end of the day it’s my baby and i do things my way and that’s it🤷🏽‍♀️

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My sons have 4 first Christmas ornaments for their first Christmas and several for each year afterwards each. No big deal, when they have their first tree I will let them take the one for each year and I will still have them at out house too. Not a big deal, this is an exciting time for the grandparents too.

I would love for my sons nana to be closer and if she did these things I would get the sentiment behind it. He would have things to cherish when they are no longer here. I have only a few things from my grandmother to remind me of her. Please let them be grandparents and support you as a family!

Let them buy what ever they want. Buy what you want as well. I have a very good friend that when my Granddaughter was born her and her husband thought of her as their granddaughter as well and bought her every Easter dress, Christmas dress etc. I still bought what I wanted and she had several outfits to wear for days. To this day she is still treated as theirs and she is 14 now. I love the fact that they love her as much as their own . Be happy and thankful . They are showing just how much they love and care for your child.

Nothing wrong with having two first ornaments. It’s gesture behind it. When your child is old enough he’ll know how much he is love. An ornament for your tree an ornament for their tree. It’s all good. Pick and choose your battles carefully, I am sure they didn’t mean any harm

As a grandma seeing the smile on the baby face is so heart warming that we will buy them the moon

They are excited when You have Grandchildren You want to give Them everything can’t describe it till You have Them You love Them so much and Grandparents usually have the Money to spoil Them more than when Their Kids were at Home

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You are blessed to have in-laws like this. Mine watched us struggle and barely participated…

Be grateful you have them and they are buying things for the baby because they love him. Don’t over react and realize you have a lifetime of firsts with him and they won’t be around forever. I never had the privilege of having grandparents.

You can still get those things because he will more than likely need a change of clothes during the day. You can also get an ornament. He can take one with him when he grows up and leaves home

They are just super excited about their first grandchild. Your baby can have more than one first outfits and ornaments but can never have enough people to love them

Enjoy it and be thankful. Neither of the grandparents bought our kids any thing. We lost our son 3 years ago at the age of 27 yrs old. No grandchildren. Our daughter already knows to watch out here we come when she has children. Tomorrow is not guaranteed! Enjoy today and dont sweat the small stuff