My Landlord Sent a Registered Sex Offender to My House for Handiwork: What Should I Do?

Inform landlord ask him either to find someone else or pay for you to stay somewhere else. Notify authorities of situation.

Heā€™s not suppose to be around any kids by law. You tell your landlord No. Keep those babies safe.

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If you have a signed rental contract/lease I would check that most say they have to give a certain amount of time before they can come in. You Have The Right To Be Notified Before Your Landlord Enters The Residence and I would call you local police to make sure this person is a RSO ask them what to do and what you rights are. Do not let them in again tell him it is not a good time until you get some answers.

And I would def tell your landlord youā€™re uncomfortable with having him in your homeā€¦

Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d let this guy in my again, and if not mistaken heā€™s not aloud around kids, Iā€™d call the probation office and ask about this guy and if they can give you his probation officer name and ask to speak to him and ask if heā€™s suppose to be around kids, and Iā€™d let that landlord know a piece of my mind letting a sex offender in my house

You can definitely reject him heā€™s a registered offender he isnā€™t allowed anyone under 18 tell the landlord find someone else out youā€™ll find them

He violated the registry by even entering the home with a child in it. Especially if he is still having to report.

If he is a registered sex offender he probably is not suppose to be around children call your local police and ask what his conditions are and tell the landlord why you donā€™t want him there

Nope do not enter sigh Is up you have every right to stop this pig from entering your home . Big hell no

Depending where you are he is not allowed within ā€œxā€ amount if feet from a minor by law. Therefore having him in your home would be a violation on his part and he can be arrested.

Just a FYI when the guy who molested me did his full sentence and got out of jail per parole agreement was he couldnā€™t have any contact with me at all and couldnā€™t be ALONE with any FEMALE under the age of 18. Once he was off parole all he had to do was register yearly with the police department.

If hes registered its his duty not to take any jobs that would violate his parole. Call the damn parole officers in ur area call the police station and call your damn landlord. Report the landlord and the offender. And you absolutely have a right to refuse him entrance to your home. Even if you are not there he should not be inside your home that causes imminent danger! Be safe.

He cannot legally be in your house around your children. That is part of the rules that sex offenders have to follow when they have molested a child. If your land Lord tries to insist, report the guy to the sheriffs department.

As a sex offender he cannot be in your house or anywhere near kids tell the landlord if he comes you can call the police the guy will be arrested for breaking the law

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Doesnā€™t being a registered sex offender mean you arenā€™t allowed so close to kids?? I would refuse to let him in and moveā€¦

He can be around kids, depends on his level of supervision. Look up his charges and it will tell you. He canā€™t be around schools. Call a tenant helpline to see what you can do. My landlord has to give 24 hours notice to enter my condo. But if heā€™s not got limitations, you might have no choice.

Not sure where youā€™re from but your legal rights the landlord has to give you 24 hrs notice before him/her or anyone can come thru your house. Itā€™s illegal and you can file your tenant rights to him

If he is a registered sex offender against a child he is not allowed with in so many feet of a child so he can get in trouble and so can your landlord i would call the police.

Call the police. If he is a registered sex offender there will be certain things that he has to follow in his probation order. Like for instance, not being around young children. He saw the young children and if he is coming back to do the job he will be in violation of his parole. You call the non-emergency line and report him. They will come and arrest him immediately. Just go to the park during that time. And as for your landlord, when he comes to talk to you about it, you simply tell him I donā€™t allow predators around my children. Ever.


You have every right to reuse that person entry ,

I would get a hold of my landlord and tell him I will not allow him in my house and if he comes back I will call the police.

Landlords are meant to give notice of any intentions or coming in the property and yes definitely you have to tell him he is not coming in your home. Also tell the landlord the information you have he may not no and he could be doing jobs in others homes with children or better still get all the mums in the street to your house and when he comes in bury him under the house .

A.) Landlords are required by law to give a written notice at least 24-48 hours in advance of showing up or sending someone, and I believe it has to be sent through U.S. Postal Service and B.) You do have the right to tell him he will need to hire someone else, due to the manā€™s charges.

I would call the police and let them know that he came in your house with you and your children. And that he is coming back! Ask them what to do. Donā€™t even go to the landlord.

nope, I would get a restrain order on him and tell your landlord why and if he doesnā€™t like itā€™s his problem

Itā€™s just respect to you the landlord should tell you when someone is coming

Tell the landlord no and to find someone else as you have children. Give printed documentation of the repair mans status. Tl hom.find someone else.

Tell your landlord no way are you having a pedo in your home. He will have to find someone else.

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Contact police. If he not allowed round or near kids then they will instruct yr landlord he cant work on yr property as stated in his probation

He legally cannot be in your house with your children there. Landlord needs to hire someone else.

omgā€¦ report to police and under no circumstances allow him back inside your home or around your childrenā€¦ sorry you are being put through this. Horrible situation to be in.

This person is more than likely not allowed to be around children!

Tricia, have you thought of checking with your local police about what your options are? They may know how to better protect your children and yourself.

Contact your landlord and let him know what you found out and why you do not want him in your home. And go from there.

He is not allowed near children - do you can refuse his entry
Go to police station and ask

Refuse his services and inform your landlord as to why. As a registered sex offender of a child he is more than likely not to be around children and if he is he can be revoked!

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As a registered sex offender, arenā€™t they supposed to stay away from children. Iā€™d report him to the police for knowingly coming to your home

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If heā€™s registered he most likely canā€™t be near children, if thatā€™s his offense.

  1. The landlord has to give you a 24 hour notice
  2. A registered sex offender is not supposed to be near children

He shouldnā€™t be able to be around your children, tell your landlord he needs to find someone else

I would not allow him in at all. And if he came in knowing thereā€™s children in the house he may have broke probation if he is on. Call the poilce or probation officer

He should not be allowed to be within a certain number of feet from kids.

The landlord has to give you 24 hours notice before coming onto the property and msybe ring the police

Why would you have to come online to ask a load of strangers? There your kids and hes a peado eh the answers quite simple to me ā€¦

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You should have a ā€œfair housing deptā€ in your county. Call them. They will advise you of your rights as a tenant

Tell landlord youā€™re not letting a pedo in your house and to hire a professional company.if not call police

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He canā€™t come around your children if heā€™s registered sex offender

He is suppose to give you 24 hrs notice in the first place.

This is a legal issue that needs the police involved


As a sexual offense he canā€™t be within range of children. It violated his release I believe

Call your local police and see whats up. If hes on probation or parole call the local probation office and tell them the story. But also think if you landlord knows and doesnt care hes just as guilty. They call it Guilty By Association you dont even have to do the crime you are guilty by the company you keep. Find a new place to live asap as far as you know he could have Nanny cams set up in your house without you even knowing. Happened to a friend she had the internet people come out to replace a line and when he was in her attic he found 5 different cams set up one in each bedroom and one over the crapper and the shower. After dude found it she called the police and they dead ass left her house and went straight to arrest her landlord.


Iā€™m sure as a registered secretary offender let alone a child sex offender they have to make it known to people that they work near/with Iā€™d be going mental by now and telling the landlord heā€™s bang out of order sending a paedophile into your home where your children are and to be fair does the landlord even know good luck x

Look up the laws in your state about sex offender registers and their limitations. In many states they have a mandate that sex offenders are not allowed to be within 50 feet of a child. If heā€™s in your home he violates that. Look up the laws and see what leg you have to stand on.

Never let him back in your home!


I dont care if it bothers the landlord I wouldnā€™t be comfortable around someone like him. tell ur landlord u have boundaries

The landlord is aware of who he is and is sending him to a house with children??? Arkkk why does your landlord sympathize with such offender???

Personally I wouldnā€™t let him back in. Tell your landlord NO!


I donā€™t think itā€™s legal for him to be around children!!

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I would not trust that the landlord would not "Get Even"with youā€¦ BE careful.

Go with your gut mama! Do not let that man in your house. Tell your land lord you will not let a pedo in your house and heā€™ll need to find a replacement or you will and send him the bill! My man doesnā€™t let anyone in the house or to come over when heā€™s not home and this kind of stuff is exactly why. You canā€™t trust anyone these days. Smh.

Contact his parole officer!!! They cannot be around children, call your local parole office and they will look up who he is assigned to.

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Prayers for thst it all works out. The landlord can not retaliate. Im very curious how this ends.

Depending on your area , i would go to the housing authority and file a police report

This is not good as all. I suggest you ask Legal talk South Africa page as well for legal advise if you are in SA, goodluck.

To be honest I would just call the police and let them know. Find out the guyā€™s name and give it to them. They can tell you if that would be a legal situation or not. Iā€™m pretty sure since the guy isnt with a company then you can refuse to have him there for your safety. If it was a company that would be a different story.

Nope donā€™t let him in plus if he were under home looking for leaks he could have put camera he needs to be checked out and if he is sex affender they are not allowed around kids. Good luck.

No dont allow he wont be allowed near kids and been under your house without you knowing living near by is scary to dont mean to alarm you but you went to get kids ready ect was he left alone in house I would check for hidden cameras as you read some sick storyā€™s with these sick sex offenders your landlord is breaking the law knowing what he is do not let him in again you have legal rights and you are safe guarding your children

I would not allow it they are now targets to him . Predators are predators there is no rehabilitating.

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First u have to check your lease agreement.

Hell no. You donā€™t know he could put cameras in your house. You donā€™t trust no sex offender in your home. HELL NO TELL THE LANDLORD.

Omg no way would he be allowed in my home.

I would tell your landlord no find someone else.

Allow him to come back and accidentally run him over in the driveway oops :joy:one less problem in the world

Please update us after everything. Itā€™s truly concerning.

Call the sheriff. They can tell you how to handle it

Call the landlord and have police standby depending on if the landlord says that person only.

Tell him hell no. Find someone else.

You can always call your police station and speak to a detective and ask him questions about it. If that man is a chikd sex offender Iā€™m pretty sure hes not allowed within 50p+ yards of any child. And since you have kids he should not legally be allowed to be there. And if your land lord has a problem with being told no or to find someone else you can always call the cops to come remove that sex offender from your home. You have kids to protect as well as yourself.

Lock your doors and windows. LOCK THEM ALL

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Go talk to police to see if anything you can do

Agree with what w everyone on here is saying!!!

Why would your husband be knocking on his own door??

I would speak to the landlord and let him know your concerns. He may not know that guy is a sex offender. Not everyone watches the registry like some of us mommas. If you bring it to his attention and he still insists that this guy does the work I would say no and consult the local police department. Registered sex offenders are not allowed close contact will children and are definitely not allowed to be there while your children are. If it was my husband he would have ran the guy off as soon as I realized what he was.


I feel like registered sex offenders have to be a certain amount of feet away from childrenā€¦? I would check your state regulations though. Iā€™m so sorry this is happening. My fingers are crossed for you and your children!


Sex offerender shouldnā€™t be allowed around children I would tell landlord hell no


Show him the evidence,notify police!

In AZ landlord needed to provide 2 days notice for entry.

I would definitely tell the landlord you refuse to allow a sex offender in your home and you are upset he violated your safe place by allowing a sex offender to enter your premises to begin with.

I believe multiple tenant laws were broke but I would start there and definitely now be extra cautious as now this man knows the layout inside and outside your home.

Call your city housing dept. Depending on who reported the need of the repair it should be documented and your landlord may be required to hire a liscenced contractor not just John Doe. They will also make sure there is follow up to prove the job was done correctly. Cities do rental inspections every 1-2 years to protect the renter and the landlord.

Unless an emergency landlord must give 24hr notice prior to his or his agents arrival. You also have the right to reschedule. I donā€™t believe a sex offender can be around children legally


Donā€™t let him back in your home. Depending on where you live By Law registered child sex offenders arenā€™t allowed around children, especially if theyā€™re unattended. Your landlord is supposed to give you a 24hr notice of any visits from his or herself or someone they hired for repairs or anything else and since he didnā€™t do that you have every right to tell him No. if he threatens any legal action let him know that he had knowledge of the man being on the registry and that he didnā€™t notify you of his status or that he was even going to be there which put you and your children in danger that should shut him up.

Sex offenders r not allowed around kids so heā€™s breaking the law and your landlord should be in trouble too for allowing it


First off why have you not told your husband and what he thinks. Second depending what state you live in you are allowed to find someone to fix the problem at a reasonable price and take it off your rent. And you pay the person. Third why have you not talked to your landlord. And forth i need to know more about why he is on the registered sex offender. Not all have to do with kids. I had a friend on the registry cause he had to go to the bathroom and the mens room was locked and he went in the female restroom. But talk to your husband men usully know how to deal with this.


I would probably politely express my concerns to the landlord and also mention a phone call to let me know you are sending people to your home would be appreciated.
Maybe you could make arrangements with a friend or family to at least have the children away from the home while work is being done.
Iā€™m not sure there is a lot you can do otherwise, but you can check you states sex offender rules, never hurts to check.

Depending on the laws, if he is legally allowed to work in a home where children live and is licensed to do the job heā€™s been hired for, if your landlord wonā€™t get someone youā€™re more comfortable with, maybe have your spouse at home when the work is done and you take the kids out to a friendā€™s, the park, run errands etc?

Id have my husband talk to landlord. And tell him hes not comfortable with anyone thats a sex offender coming in the home period.

I wouldnā€™t let him in the house. The landlord should know better. And if he is a sex offender he is not allowed to be around children. So no.

Call 211 and they will advise you

Pretty sure itā€™s not legal for a pedophile to do work in close vicinity to children. If your landlord fights back Iā€™d take that shit to a court. Nobody in their right mind could think this is ok

Definitely let your landlord know

Hell yes tell him No!