My MIL doesn't listen to my parenting rules when she has my son: Advice?

He’s 8 months don’t have her take him every weekend :woman_shrugging:


Simple…she doesn’t respect your wishes she doesn’t take your child. I had to do it. It took time for her to be trusted again

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Don’t let her take him every weekend of she can’t abide by your wishes.

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Your kid, your rules and she needs to respect that. End of story.

No you’re not. Where is the oneness? Is he married to his Mom or you? Just askin?

Don’t let your child go with her anymore. Statement made.

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No babysitting for awhile…with this Virus, she need to keep that baby at home…SMH

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I’m a mom and now I’m grandma let’s just say I try to follow rules! I don’t take her places because I’m scared she will catch covid right now I do sneak candy sometimes or let her get away with things mommy and daddy don’t but she knows the difference in yaya says I can and mom dad says no a little rule breaking is what grandparents do and give them great memories chill she raised her son just fine obviously sometimes us older ladies (40s) :joy: know a little more just because we have been there and done that. In my opinion anyway :v:my mother did it to mine and they are all just fine the only rule is crying there self to sleep yaya don’t do that I feel to bad I hold her till she’s asleep and probably till she wakes up lol also a 8month old should have water and juice it’s good for them. I water down the juice some but still they are supposed to get it at that age

No your not wrong you both are the parents she must respect your rules

My mum listens to my rules. But my daughter is with her 2 full days a week. She respects my wishes.

She’s grandma :woman_shrugging:t2: they will do what ever… she has raised kids… let it go life’s way to short

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Easy solution if she dont respect your choices for your son dont let her take him.

Too little to go every weekend, no way would i let him go there especially to what he is having to endure!

You are the parent so don’t let her take him anymore.

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Yeah, the crying it out thing would end the visits for me. Period.

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Simple solution don’t let her have your baby! Or go with your baby to hang out don’t leave him alone

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Hell no !
Don’t let your baby go over anymore. Forget the husband, let him go back to his momma and cry himself to sleep. WTH. This is wrong

I wouldn’t let him go until she agreed to follow your rules. Your child, your rules.

Super easy, keep your kid home, he’s only 8 months old.

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I let my family know if you cant follow our rules then you dont get to see our kids

Be thankful you have someone willing to help you. Keep adding rules and you won’t.

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Nope, your baby and your rules. They need to respect that. Period.

Your kid your rules. I’d tell her the visits are over :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Do not let him stay over, he is too young. How can you even sleep through the night?!

I just would let her have him if she cant abide by your rules.

This grandma don’t let grandkids cry themselves to sleep :rage::rage:

Stop sending him then at least until she can respect your wishes.

Hell no, your baby your rules. Don’t let family try to tell you how to raise your child.

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Hot topic. And so many grandparents these days seem to be incredibly entitled.

This would be a full stop to ANY to unsupervised time together.

Allowing a baby to cry himself asleep = very upsetting. Poor baby.

She wouldn’t be taking my child.

Its ur rules or the visits stop. Plain and simple. Your child, your rules.

I would be upset over her taking him all over too.The other stuff I could learn to deal with.

I would be super angry! This is just wrong!

I have the same issue it makes me sooo mad :rage:

I know how that feels, no you are definitely not wrong

She should respect what u ask.

You are the mom, you are the boss. Shes showing you she doesn’t respect you

Your child your rules make that clear to her or u stop contact x

Hell fuck no ,that baby don’t need to cry itself to sleep ,and baby might need to stay with Mom and give her a break ,till this virus over

Dont let her take him anymore until he is older. Period.

I don’t understand how so many on this thread saying that her husband turned out fine, so she should just let her MIL be :woman_facepalming:. She HAD her time as a mother, this is her grandchild, not her baby, SHE DOESN’T GET TO CALL THE SHOTS! :roll_eyes:

I dont know what the deal is with in laws. They think they can do whatever they want.

Dont allow her to take him anymore!

You are not wrong !! If you dont want your baby to have or do certain things thats OK! And NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE WHO WATCHES YOUR BABY SHOULD RESPECT THAT! You are not wrong !!

You’re the boss . Speak up and don’t feel bad about it .

Your child, if she can’t follow your rules, no visitation…

Appreciate her having him or Keep ur child at home and look after him urself problem solved.

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Tell her. No one lets my child cry to sleep :sleeping: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

A break would be soo nice… have mine 24/7 feels like I’m going insane sometimes.:no_mouth::woozy_face:

You ask for simple things! I’d be pissed too.

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Oh hellllll no. Stop leaving him with her plain and simple. He is YOUR child.

My child my rules (daddy included) .

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Yep. Wrong. Grandmas know best and my momma can baby my little boy how she wants. I lay the law down.

Nobody would be having my baby that young

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sounds like my ex mother inlaw gannon

No you are totally in the right to be upset. It’s okay for grandparents to spoil these grandkids in certain areas- but not things like this that go against safety guidelines and against our routine/manner of raising him. Children under 1 should not have water or juice unless for some reason their doctor says it’s necessary. Like my daughter was allowed to have a bit of pedialyte as an older infant when she had hand foot and mouth. It is not her place to decide he needs to learn how to cry it out if that’s not how you feel he should be put down for naps or bedtime. It is highly recommended that children stay home if possible while adults go shopping do to covid. If she knows she’s going to have your son she needs to get her shopping done before hand. And if she’s not following safety guidelines I’d be concerned about the risk she’s creating by exposing herself and therefore you guys. Bottom line is he is your child and I would tell her that her visits will have to be out on hold until she can agree to your rules. And if you think that she might say she’ll follow them but will go behind your back, then I think you just need to be done with unsupervised visits between her and your son. My MIL is not and has never been allowed to watch our children because of how she was as a mother but also opinions she has on how she thinks kids should be raised. No one should undermine you as the parent and that’s what your MIL is doing. I know a lot of women of that generation think “well this is how we did things and it was fine…” and that our generation of mothers are over reacting etc. But the truth is we simply know better now. I am actually mad for you that your MIL is doing this. I am fortunate that my husband feels just as strongly as me about his mom and our kids, so I am sure it is tricky if your husband doesn’t want to cause drama. But your the mom and you get to put your foot down where your child is concerned. Don’t back down if you are truly uncomfortable with what she is doing! Cause again what she’s doing is going beyond harmless grandparent spoiling. Good luck! :heart:

That’s ridiculous!!! I would be angry as well!

You & Dad set the rules P.E.R.I.O.D. GET HUBBY TO TAKE RESONSIBILITY… & ( stand up for You & Families safety.

Your kid, your rules. Your feelings are ligit. Gawdd, I hate that. I hope you get your voice heard.

If u dont like it dontnlet her have him every weekend.

If grandma can’t take your wishes then she looses time

So just dont let your baby go and then you dont have to worry about it

Nope! Set her straight. Respect my wishes or don’t see my child!

I’d be pissed and my kid wouldn’t go there any more

How bout inviting MIL to come spend a weekend at your house once a month. With you there

Stop sending the child until older.

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Put your foot down! Irresponsible Irresponsible gma

I don’t think you are wrong at all

Don’t let her take him. Plain and simple. If she asks why tell her.

Don’t send ur kid over just deal she raised ur husband see knows what she doing

It ok to give water and juice you are making big deal out of nothin… ant following the rules lol but letting him cry himself to sleep I would have very long talk with her

Don’t let her take him. COVID is real.

Nah she’s stepped over more than one boundary I wouldn’t let her have anymore privileges

Then stop sending your baby over there

Yes You Are Right & She Is So Wrong.

Your child, your rules.

Advice: DONT LET HER TAKE HIM. stop being a freaking doormat.

Bottom Line;… It’s YOUR child!!. Pray on it!!

Don’t leave him with her. Easy

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Yes be upset!!! Your baby your rules!!!

Not kool on your MIL part😒

No. Stick with your instincts!

I wouldn’t let him go over there without you guys anymore!!!

Your kid your rules! Period

STOP letting her take your kid!!!

Yeaaaa not okay!!! I would be furious!!

Choose your battles.

No ur looking out for ur Baby .Nothing totally not wrong.

Not at all. Your child = your rules.

Your kid your rules. End it now or it will get much worse.

No more MIL watching your child. That simple

Your child your rules!!

Don’t think I would let her take the child anywhere

Nope. Put your foot down

Especially the COVID!!! I’d jump on her so fast!

Don’t let her have your son that simple

Your child your rules

And let baby cry? Not happening!!!