Take the advice and see if it’ll benefit. If not continue to do what you are cause at the end of the day your child will know that you love him and did everything to make him happy and see him smile and that will make him become a wonderful person full of love
You are doing the right thing by spending time with him. You are making memories he will remember when he gets older
Spoiling would be buying him everything he wants. Creating memories and enjoying experiences is not spoiling him at all.
We do the same thing with our daughter. Today’s adventure was literally taking her to Kroger and letting her push the kid size grocery cart around. She literally chose 1 bag of Lays and some coconut ice cream bars. Lol. She had a blast, kept calling the store “beautiful” and in this crazy ass world, innocent fun that she hopefully will remember. The dishes and cleaning can wait.
No one knows your child better than you. I never listen to “you should, you are, and spoiling”. As long as your child is happy, and taken care of. That’s all that matters
Cleaning comes last at my house…i try to keep the house picked up throughout the week but weekends are reserved for family time and fun
No! This is an awesome idea and I might do it with my son I share with my ex he has him weeks and I get him weekends, you guys work to support him and I see nothing wrong with it. In my eyes weekends are meant for kids the house chores can be done when he is in bed sleeping than chours and your time
This is a good idea. Not many kids will experience this type of thing with one parent or with two parents
My children are all grown adults but they still call daily and come around to visit.
My daughter even in her 30 would ask on her days off " what is on the agenda today " we always made QT and make it a point to have at least one meal together.
Do what your doing. Their only young once. The housework will always be there! X
Your child will only be this young once, tomorrow the child will be a day older and you will never have a chance to bring back time. Give him all the time you can give him/her… chores can wait
Sounds like its time to tell someone to mind their own business… your kid is yours and do as you see fit. Its NOBODYS place to tell you what is right and wrong, as long its safe.
That is how it should be …u guys are spending time with ur kid , makin memories…life is short, live it to the fullest…u are doin a gr8 job
No I think your doing an awesome job the one thing a child will remember is time together making memories
I feel this is completely fine. I was just thinking about going back to work but felt guilty about leaving my LO at Day care. Definitely gonna try this
I think you are doing great. I have found that my generation is way more interested in our children’s happiness, than past generations. No judgement, just the way things were. I think you will see if it is spoiling him and act accordingly.
I don’t think I would let him choose the activity. But I am all for having some good family fun every weekend. That is the stuff memories are made of.
I think it’s wonderful your method
Those are long hours away from home for a young lad !
Y’all are doing good !
I think that’s amazing…go you for putting your child first. It’s probably as much for you as for him because you hardly get to see him otherwise.
You already know you’re right hun. Don’t let old school stuff and anyone else make you go against your own maternal instinct xxx
Sounds more than reasonable and way better than what we do with my kids.
It’s your child and these years go by so quick and you will regret not spending more time with them
I try to do something with mine everyday shes going on 13 and is not spoiled. Most nights its watching amovie and we both fall asleep on the couch. Lol
Family time is not spoiling your child.
I work my butt if so I can do that for my kids. Time with them is more important than material things.
Love it! You are not spoiling your child! My hubby and I work m-f so we make spending time with our kids a priority on weekends
Sorry but your Mom is wrong. Keep doing what you’re doing with YOUR CHILD. Oh and don’t let her make you second guess yourself as a Mom.
Nope. Don’t listen to her. You both are doing great. Don’t worry about what others think and keep doing what you guys are doing. Nothing wrong with it.
Your child deserves every minute of time that you can give him. Too bad what the old girl says
Don’t worry about grandma being happy. It’s all about your son.
Doing an activity your child chooses is not spoiling them. Keep doing what you are doing.
10 hours a day 5 days a week? Should cherish them while they are young not put them in day care all day, thats just my opinion
Your child not your mums. you can spoil him as much as you want…and do so, they grow to fast
You carry on doing what you know is right for your little family.
Your kid, your rules! It’s great that you guys are able to do this on weekends. Quality time together is best and exactly what he’ll remember over anything else.
Your mom needs to either respect you as the parent and butt out, or you need to step up as the parent and help her get out with a good swift kick to the butt.
Sounds like grandma wants her time to spoil the child.
You made a decision to bring him into this world so show him why. Take that Son to the Park and the next day to the Zoo if you like❤️
You’re doing fantastic. You’re not spoiling your child. You’re doing exactly what a mummy should do.
Sounds like your doing an incredible job to me!!!
Tell your mom that she made the decisions residing her child, and this child is yours, and these are your decisions to make …if it comes to her being critical of you…
I think thats a great idea what u are doing. He still has to earn it and shows him that we work hard for the rewards
There’s nothing wrong with spoiling a good child
Time with your kids is what matters the most. You are creating memories they will remember forever. Keep doing what your doing.
I mean if it’s a reward system then I see nothing wrong im a big stickler on rules responsibility structure no children are running my house
If he has good behavior I say what’s the harm more parents should be like you
None of our opinions or anyone else’s matter. You do what you want with your child. I can guarantee you will never regret spending as much time with him and having fun with him. Don’t worry what anyone else thinks.
Spending quality time with your kids is not spoiling them. That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard.
Sounds like your mum needs to stay in her lane
Grandma needs to mind her own business…
If I could afford it we would do that so instead we do crafts out of the craft box we find on pinterest
I see absolutely nothing wrong with that! Keep up the good work mom!
If. It. Works. For. You. That. Is. All. That. Matters. It. Is. Your. Child. If. You. Don’t. Have. A. Problem. Nobody. Else. Should.
It’s YOUR kid!! And as much as our parents (family & friends) have the best intentions— Do what you want… plus sounds like a lucky kid! God bless!
Good job, Mom and dad! Trust your instincts. You know what’s best for your child.
You sound like a great mum who loves her kid. I don’t see this as spoiling.
Sounds like you are raising a very responsible and loved son. Job well done!
Pretty sure this is called good parenting
Make your child happy. Let them know they are loved. That’s the most important thing. Love. Positivity.
I think your a great mom! I do the same stuff and I don’t care what ppl say. Yes I love my boy and he gets my attention and love
That’s not spoiling. That’s called being a parent. I love it.
Good job Mom,family comes first and the chores can definitely wait.
Your mom has business telling you how to raise your child. Seems to me you are doing a great job.
Youre doing great, tell her to stay in her lane. Some old ppl are so damn opinionated, like, this is MY KID, leave me alone.
Your a wonderful mom😊
My daughter has the same agenda like you.I applaud you both❤
Your babies won’t be babies for ever !!! I think that’s amazing !!
Trust your own instinct.
Sounds like good parenting time and love are priceless
Do exactly what you’re doing. Time flies so fast. Enjoy every second with your sweet boy!
Sounds like a great life. Keep up the good work!
I think you are doing good. Every child needs his parents
It’s not her child, none of her business.
Ignore your mother and anyone else that has something to say about your life. You’re doing it right
I am a mom that has deceased in-laws and “parents” that are not involved in thier grandchildrens lives.
If you have a child in those long daycare hours (We did it too, because both of us worked) why wouldn’t you want to soak up as much time as you can on a weekend? Maybe your mom should do a few loads of laundry or make some freezer meals, or take him out of daycare one day a week if she wants an opinion. I dont have grandparent support, but the friends I have ALL DO. Those grandparents take the kids rather than have them in daycare…Plus give the parents nights out alone…
Life is short. Make memories. The kids will never remember how much money you make or how clean your house was, but they will remember the feeling they had when you guys were all out as a family. Best advice I ever got was don’t take anyone’s advice or suggestions. You do right by yourself and your family people will talk even if you are perfect.
It’s one fun thing, that’s not your whole weekend. You are doing fine
It’s your child… And sounds like your doing a great job!!
Gosh other people have so much to say about other people’s lives.
You know what you are doing. I think it sounds awesome.
Not spoiling just being good parents x
Mama, you are doing it right. Enjoy your time with the little guy!
Send your mom to daycare and ask her again.
Your child. Your choice. I get mom shamed almost daily by my mother and my kid is 11! Mine is kind, polite, and definitely not a brat. She has been through the trauma of losing her father, lives with a chronic disease, and has cheated death twice. Tomorrow is never promised, and you will never get today back. So do whats best for your child. Stand your ground, Momma!
Go to the Zoo or park or whatever !!! These are the best years and bless your heart sweet mummah you are already teaching him about a balanced life. He has to work hard and play nice and he has to clean up after himself every night then on the weekend he is showered in love and joy (and probably every day ending in “y”) he’s not dictating he’s been given life choices and he is choosing wisely… wont be long and he’ll bring his friends into the mix.
Go for gold and enjoy your fam xoxo
You are teaching accountability (has to behave at school and help with chores at home or he looses the privilege) and he is getting amazing memories of his childhood. Spoiling is when you do everything for the child or grant every wish and whim regardless of behavior. You are simply being a good parent. Kids don’t stay little for very long. Enjoy these days each and every opportunity. You are doing a great job.
When raising my kids I had those that said I wasn’t strict enough and others that said I was too strict. My kids are all well rounded, happy and amazing adults who have positive impacts on those around them. Everyone has an opinion. Keep doing what you’re doing and your son will be all the better for it
Tell your mom to stuff it . Sounds like good parents to me
That is a lot of daycare time. So I don’t see anything wrong with spoiling him a little when it’s just mommy daddy n him!!
It’s your child, your choice. No one else’s opinion matters
You answered you own question in your post.
Teach him responsibility while he is young.
Really not her business tell her to pound sand
You can’t spoil with time
What do you think? Your mom had a chance to raise her kids the way she wanted and now it is your turn. If you enjoy the time you spend together and he enjoys it then it is family time. My husband and I try to do fun things with our kids on the weekends and sometimes during the week. Our kids are spoiled, but they are well behaved and do well in school. I want them to have a magical childhood and enjoy being little. We only have 18 years with them before they become an adult (more if we are lucky ). We can afford so much note than my family did growing up and I feel like we worked hard to give our children the comforts in life. Our children know that we have high expectations and they have to help clean up around the house and each has their individual chores. I would also add to make sure that you and your husband have “me” time and time together without your son if you can. Enjoy
That’s a great idea… I have many times left chores undone for awhile to spend more time with my kids! Doing a great job mom
Time goes by so fast…before you know it they are 14 and 12 and want to talk to their friends and play video games. Keep doing what you do because you never know when that last time comes when they no longer need you to hold their hand, make their lunch, read them a story, blow bubbles, play cars or barbies. It just changes. I have teenagers now. I long for the stroller days and miss it. Enjoy it while you can.
Just a thought maybe she’d like be included on these family days out .
Sounds like to me
The fondest memories of childhood aren’t the house was clean.
It’s great…keep doing it.
Great job mom! Keep it up
Keep up the great work, good job, go parent’s. God Bless You!!!
Good job Mom and Dad.
Perfect plan
Happy Child Happy Momma
This is a wonderful idea.
you are doing it right:eye: