My Mom Is Making It Extremely Difficult for Me to Parent My Son: Advice?


I live with my mom, and I am having trouble disciplining my 8-year-old child because she constantly sides with him.

I am having a hard time showing and telling him what he needs to be doing while my mom just allows him to do whatever he wants.

He doesn’t even eat his veggies regularly because he is spoiled by my mom to eat his instant noodles and fried egg even if he doesn’t ask for it."

RELATED QUESTION: My Mom Wants Me to Exclude My Stepmom from Family Photos, But I Don’t Feel Right About It: Advice?


“People on this thread are so bloody judgemental it’s disgusting!!! So what she lives with her mum? Doesn’t give grandma the right to act like the kid’s parent and undermind the actual mother!! No one knows her situation so if you can’t say anything nice sit the hell down and keep ur mouth shut!! I live with my dad as atm it’s easier for me and my daughter but there’s no way in hell my father would undermind my parenting! It may be his house but she is MY CHILD and I am the one who makes the rules for her regardless of where I live and my family respects it. This grandmother is nothing but disrespectful and needs to fix up and start respecting her daughter as the child’s PARENT!”

“You have to step up and tell her to let you be the parent. She had her turn and going against what you say teaches your kid it’s ok to disrespect you.”

“It’s hard to raise a child when you’re living with family. I know too well that it happens occasionally bc you do what you got to do. Tell her to stop. Tell her he’s your son and he needs to learn to listen to you, his mom, more than others. What’s she’s doing is taking away from your kid’s ability to make healthy boundary decisions when it comes to other adults that could come along in some way that can leave him vulnerable. Your child needs to know that you are it- you are who he goes to for everything and listens to- no one else. She is also teaching him how to disrespect you. Talk to her immediately about this it can’t go on anymore.”

“The only way to stop it is to move out, unfortunately.”

“It is difficult for grandmas to say no. It just flies out of their vocabulary when their first grandchild is born lol grandparents spoil and you aren’t alone feeling this way. Express your concerns and try to reason with her. Remind her that she didn’t give you everything you wanted and you turned out great! I’m personally a more relaxed parent, could be cuz I was a young mom but mostly because I realized that growing up I hated being forced to do things and as an adult no one makes you finish your plate or your vegetables so if your kid is gonna fight you why stress everyone out. Now I’m not saying let the kid eat sweets, I’m saying don’t let the little things become big things. It will lessen your stress load a ton just by reasoning.”

“I get what everyone is saying about moving out and it being her house (blah blah), but on the other hand and ultimately this argument trumps all excuses, it’s your kid! No one should be stepping on your toes and undermining your parenting even if it is your mother. Just be like “I appreciate you wanting to cater to him like a grandmother, but I’m his mom and he needs to listen to me first!”

“I’m in the same boat. I too live with my mom and my son is 22months. My mom begged me to come and stay with her so she can help with my son and be with him every day. All fine and dandy, until the time, comes where I’m getting flustered by his tantrums and she doesn’t even help or take him for a few so I can recollect myself. My mom talks down to me saying that I’m a bad mom because I get flustered and that if I can’t handle the responsibility, I shouldn’t have a baby. I finally got the nerve to look at her and say “if you’re not going to help, then your opinion doesn’t matter”. She shut up pretty quickly.”

“The only things you can do are sit down with her and talk with her or move out. Either she’s going to listen, set rules and boundaries with you, or she’s going to fight it. No way for us or even you to know the outcome. Only you know how your mother is, and only you can pace this on how it needs to be tackled. Unfortunately her house, her rules. She either respects you as a person and parent, and will see she’s overstepped (even if she didn’t mean to), or she’s going to be bitter and think she can do as she pleases. (Either as grandma or the homeowner) Good luck. The only thing that can be done is communication.”

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Tell her back up tbh

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You have to step up and tell her to let you be the parent. She had her turn and by going against what you say teaches your kid its ok to disrespect you


I’m in the same Situation

Maybe move out? Not sure if that’s an option, but idk if speaking to her will help


U have to put ur foot down PERIOD…mom or not I went thru this as well

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It’s hard to raise a child when your living with family. I know too well that it happens occasionally bc you do what you got to do.
Tell her to stop. Tell her he’s your son and he needs to learn to listen to you, his mom, more than others.
What’s she’s doing is taking away from your kids ability to make healthy boundary decisions when it comes to other adults that could come along in some way that can leave him vulnerable.
Your child needs to know that you are it- you are who he goes to for everything and listens to- no one else.
She is also teaching him how to disrespect you.
Talk to her immediately about this it can’t go on anymore.


U are the parent so u are the boss

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The only way to stop it is to move out unfortunately.


I can relate with this

Just talk to your mom. In a nice way let her know you dont mind her giving you advice. But in the end you are the one who needs to parent the child. Its a bond with your child you both need. But ask mom if its ok for you to come back and ask her things when you face an issue…respect and support! She wont be hurt afterall she thinks shes helping.

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I don’t live with my mom and had the same issue until I finally just lost it and put my foot down


Move out if you can. Otherwise you are at the mercy of her

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Honestly, its not going to change until you move out. If my daughter cried and screamed in time out when she was 4 or 5, my dad would always “save her”. Shes almost 10 now and she know my rules follow wherever she is, however my dad “pop pop” always over rules me when we are there. But there has been times that I have challenged my dad in his own home and said no, once I no longer lived there, and then he stepped back. Not sure your situation, but with us its always been “my house, my rules”. My dad raised 5 of us alone, and I love him dearly, but grandparents will always baby the grand babies no matter the age. Some days i lose the fight when we are there. Pick and chose your battles mama. As long as the kiddo is happy and healthy, thats what matters. Just install basic manners and it will all work out

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You are the mom, she needs to back you up as a any parent should with their adult children. Let her know how you feel and do wants best for your child and yourself. I had same kind of situation only it was between a grandmother & great grandmother. We work as a team now. We both back Mom.

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My mom used to sneak my son treats that I used as incentives such as potty training. She’d whisper to him Everytime I told him no. It was awful & emotionally draining. Then people at church would tell me how awful of a parent I was. My mom & aunts would talk about how it’s their right as grandparents to spoil their grands & greats (great nephews & nieces). They laughed at the fact that the younger generation gave their children a hard time. “I taught him that :joy:”. It was disgusting. I hate to tell you but it’s not going to get any better. Even if you move out she’s going to think she needs to spoil him more so her influence sticks.


This will continue until you move out. I experienced the same issues with my mom while living under her roof. It wasn’t until I moved out that I was able to set my own rules and boundaries.

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Tell grammy to pull the titty out the mouth . Your the parent now

Dont wanna sound mean but move out and show him.the tough love he needs to succeed in life


It sucks, but sometimes the best solution to that is to move out. Putting your foot down with your mom will only work if she’s willing to comply which it sounds like she isn’t. Unfortunately since it’s her house, you can’t really force her to behave otherwise.

I can relate to this as well! Unfortunately some moms don’t listen even after asking them to back down, or leave!! And in my case it’s my mom living in MY house. Now my son is grown and gone into military, but she never backed down, and even when he comes home to visit now… she tries to pull her “spoiled gma moves” at him being 20 YEARS old!! Best of luck… if YOU can move out, do it, if you can not, it will be a struggle but maybe your mother will listen better than mine.

Gotta move out lol
Went through this with my mom
Moved out and got my child behavior under control immediately. She knew she didn’t have no one to run to lol

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Yep move out and tell her why you are moving out

I feel like people who live in someone else’s home really aren’t parents sure you’re his mom but that being said your still the daughter living in the house of your mother so she’s the parent… if that makes sense. So long as your living under HER roof regardless of age its her house her rules :woman_shrugging: don’t like it move


It is difficult for grandmas to say no. It just flies out of their vocabulary when their first grandchild is born lol grandparents spoil and you aren’t alone feeling this way. Express your concerns and try to reason with her. Remind her that she didn’t give you everything you wanted and you turned out great! I’m personally a more relaxed parent, could be cuz I was a young mom but mostly because I realized that growing up I hated being forced to do things and as an adult no one makes you finish your plate or your vegetables so if your kid is gonna fight you why stress everyone out. Now I’m not saying let the kid eat sweets, I’m saying don’t let the little things become big things. It will lessen your stress load a ton just by reasoning


A grandmothers job is to spoil! Choose your battles wisely!

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Tell your mom what my daughter tells me when I try to say something to the kids cuz my favorite my grandkids she would say I’m the parent Gary the grandparent maybe your mother will understand then

You need to put your foot down. You are the mother and she is only the grandmother. She needs to respect you as his mother and back off. Have a serious conversation with her or it will only get worse.

Have you talked to her about how you feel? She may not realize how much it actually does bother you.

You live with your mom and you have a chiild…:rofl: who needs disciplined??


If you haven’t voiced your concerns then you need to. If you have and she continues then you either need to deal with it or get your own place because its not going to change. At least she’s feeding him! That’s a plus side to this…:slight_smile: I went through the same while staying with my ex inlaws. I just had to wind up sucking it up while we stayed with them.

Try your best to move out ASAP. I would also let him know, once he is under my roof, I dont care what she says, im his parent. What I say goes. If he disobeys, he still gets in trouble. I would limit his visits with her, since she has no respect for you. We would go visit together, and leave together.


It will be this way until you stop it or move out. I know the pandemic has set many people back. But focus on getting out of there and stability

Just talk to your mom…its hard for you and her…justvtalk to each other and you will come to a solution

You should move out. Then you would not have to worry about it anymore.

If you dont like it then move out and get your own place

Being a Grandparent myself I apologize for us. We mean no harm. My advice is to sit down and have a heart to heart with her. Tell her that being a single parent is hard enough, and that even though you know she doesn’t mean to, she is making it that much harder for both you and your son. He needs to learn to respect you and her now while he is young and her second guessing you is not helping. You need to show him a united front. He needs rules and guidelines to follow. Especially with what all is going on with Covid and all. And if you are going to remain in the house with your son, things are going to have to change. Be stronge and clear but yet gentle. She means no harm, I’m sure of that. Emphasize that you want him to grow up with the same values you did but he needs to respect both of you, and do what he is told. And kids now a days needs to watch their diets. That’s just an opinion from a G-ma. Good luck.


Quit being so freaking judgmental. She may not have the means to just “move out”. We don’t know her story. She may need help. Obviously a single parent. And it’s in the middle of a pandemic.

Damn. Rude bitches on here.

You live with your mother and that is and will always be an issue until you live on your own. That is her house and what she says goes. It’s not right and as much as I would like to tell you to put your foot down, I can’t. It doesn’t matter if you pay rent or not, it is your mother’s home and she is in grandma mode. She raised her children, that is not her job anymore. She wants to be the fun one and I don’t blame her. I moved in with my parents as a single mother with a 4 and 6 year old while I went back to school. Everyday it was either too cold for what my child was wearing or too hot. Bare feet is a huge no no and the root of all evil. In the end, they were helping me and the kids out. I finished school and moved out. Biggest relief and I bonded more with my kids. I don’t know you’re situation but make a financial plan to be on your own. Until then, good luck momma.

What a lucky kid to have such a cool grandmother, dont like it id simply move out

People on this thread are so bloody judgemental its disgusting!!! So what she lives with her mum? Doesnt give grandma the right to act like the kids parent and undermind the actual mother!! No one knows her situation so if u cant say anything nice sit the hell down and keep ur mouth shut!! I live witb my dad as atm its easier for me and my daughter but theres no way in hell my father would undermind my parentig! It may be his house but she is MY CHILD and i am the one who makes the rules for her regardeless of where i live and my family respects it. This grandmother is nothing but disrespectful and needs to fixup and start respecting her daughter as the childs PARENT!


I am completely apalled at every single person on here commenting “if you don’t like it, move out” “her house, not yours” etc…not one of you knows this woman’s situation or what caused her to have to live with her mom again, therefore your ignorant comments are are just that. Ignorant. I can’t believe the amount of Sanctimommies who believe they’re so much holier than thou.


Kinda dumb assuming because she says she lives with her mom that she ‘needs’ help. Maybe her mom needs the help. Maybe there is a sick family member. Maybe her house flooded or caught on fire. Maybe she’s in between jobs. Maybe people shouldn’t be such judgemental assholes. Maybe. :woman_shrugging:

I get what everyone is saying about moving out and it being her house (blah blah), but on the other hand and ultimately this argument trumps all excuses, it’s your kid! No one should be stepping on your toes and undermining your parenting even if it is your mother. Just be like “I appreciate you wanting to cater to him as a grandmother, but I’m his mom and he needs to listen to me first”


Move out of her home then she obviously thinks my house my rules if she is directly disturbing you bringing your son up get your own home and take back control

Oh been there done that! Don’t get me wrong…my mom was a great mom and grandma, and I loved her very much, but we had different parenting styles. I was always being told how to parent, and that I wasn’t doing it right. It really made me question myself. But living with your parents as an adult is tough. It’s their house, so in the end it’s their rules. It’s even harder when you yourself have a child, because you know as mom you should be able to raise your child however you want. It’s a no win situation unless you move out.


You should probably move out. Mines 9 and it got so much better 7 years ago when we moved back out. Those 6 months were rough because he’s their first grandkid and the spoiled him!


Move out!! In your own place no one can tell you or your son what to do.


First, explain to her that she’s acting like a normal grandma - which is OK if you & your son weren’t living with her 24/7. But since you do live together, you need her to be less grandma, more like a Mom. This way, it’s just asking her to adapt to the situation - not like she’s doing anything wrong. But be insistent & firm.
Second, after that conversation, take charge of your son. You’re the parent, so be the parent. If she starts to contradict you, stop her and say, “We’ve talked about this.” You’re the parent & you set the rules.


I would say have a conversation with your mom telling her the importance of you raising your child. I don’t live with my parents any more but they still try to undermine my parenting so we don’t visit much because of it… If you tolerate this your child probably won’t take you serious or recognize any authority the longer this continues… Maybe you can find a book on what to do in this situation…

If YOU want to be the parent…get your own apartment and stop living with your mother. If SHE constantly takes care of him and is the parental figure in his life, he’ll always listen to her before he will you. And if you always leave it to your mom to cook for him, do his laundry, help him with his homework and read him bedtime stories (expecting her to parent your son, then being pissed because she does) then this is on YOU!!! Get out!! Be an adult and show your mom that you CAN parent your own child!! Allow her to be the grandparent instead of his parent!!!


Move out. That is your mother. Your child can see who is the alpha Female.
Move OUT get your own place


Wouldn’t be an issue if you lived on your own.
But you’ve got to find a way get Mom from interfering.
Sit down with your Mom and have a talk with her.
If your child doesn’t learn to respect what you say now at 8 years old , it may never happen…
And that’s not good.
I wish you luck!
Here’s an idea meantime, you can always throw some veggies into the Raman soup. Meat too!


That’s why you shouldn’t live with your mom when you become an adult. Grandparents are suppose to spoil their grandkids. It’s ok for them to cause normally they don’t see them everyday. Unfortunately if you don’t like it your gonna have to move.


Let me ask the main questions that it seems everyone just ignored. Is her mom staying with her or is she staying at her moms… either way changes the dynamic of the situation

You will have no choice but to move out. It will only continue… I had this same issue when my daughter was a toddler… my ex mother in law thought I was cruel and would baby my daughter. My daughter was a brat for a long time… until I moved out

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Have a sit down and tell mom you’re very grateful for the roof over your head but that you are his parent and she is undermining your authority. If you make a mistake…it’s your mistake to make. As long as it doesn’t harm your child…she is to stay out of your parenting. And tell her you love her.

Those saying her house her rules…nope. Not when it comes to your children.


Nip it in the butt now while you can or your son is NEVER going to listen to u even when you move out. Like I tell my mom who I also live with my 12 year old son that is my child and she has to butt out when it comes to discipline and she has cause she knows now that if she doesn’t it just causes tension in the household and none of us want that in the end n trust me when we didn’t live with her yes she undermined me all the time and when we first moved in too until we discussed things. So either get a backbone n put your foot down or honestly stop complaining n deal with it. That’s your child not hers.

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In this age of Covid, unemployment and remote learning many factors may have contributed to her current circumstances of living with her mom. Moving out may not be on the table. Talking to Mom may help but talking with the child may be successful too. Good luck you’re in what’s called the “sandwich generation”. Put your foot down on your kid and stay firm.


If your mom doesn’t respect your parenting then you have to move out

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The most obvious decision is move, are you able to move and live with someone else, his eating habits is that the only issue, he’s 8, is he in school or doing on line, do you work, if the meal time the only issue I’d just let it go, not worth the stress if it’s only the meals, if she’s over ruling you on every level then you have larger problems and you certainly need to move, good luck.


If that’s the worst she does consider your self blessed. She is providing a roof over both your heads. I think she just loves her grandchild. One day when she is gone you will realize how much you miss her and how much love she had for you and your child. Of course I too am a grand mom and spoil my little loves too!


Grow a pair and take control…You’re the dad not your mom. If you dont get your sons respect now, you’ll never have it.

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Be grateful you have a mother that loves her grandbaby,let me say this us mothers that don’t have grandchildren anymore because of something that has happened to them,us older moms feel like when we have or had grandbabies that is the end of the road for us. Your mom and you need to sit down and tell her how you feel and let her do the same for you. It is easy for everyone to say move but no one knows your circumstances why you are living with your mother, I wish I had a son and a mother to sit and share things with them and they could share with me. Good luck to you and your mom a little understanding goes a long way. Just my view of life.


You have to get mom on board and not allow her to interfere… I’ve had to deal with this before and tho it’s difficult you have to find your medium… if you say no it means no regardless of what GMA says. He has to understand that your in charge and there are consequences. I learned in therapy that old fashioned folks don’t do therapy so instead of upsetting them you remove something like the iPad it helps

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If eating vegetables is the only issue, let it go. Have a talk with mom and try to get her to understand your views. In life you have to learn what battles are worth fighting for. Pick the important ones.


I dealt with the same thing with my mother when she lived with me (still do even now that she moved out). I always look like the bad guy and I honestly don’t care. She buys them junk food, I take it. She sides with them, I put my foot down and say no. My oldest is 21 and she still does this. It is a constant battle but I have to put my kids’ health and safety first. My job is to make sure they grow up to be healthy, responsible adults. My mom and I have great respect and love for each other, so our relationship doesn’t suffer when I stand my ground. My children can be mad all they want because I know they will appreciate me in the end.


Not to sound mean but it sounds like you don’t have a very strong personality. I lived with my parents when my sons where smaller and I let them know from the jump that while I appreciated them for allowing us to stay… I had rules for my kids. I told them that I was not looking for backup in disciplining my kids… just a roof over our heads. They respected my request.


Get your own place. Put your mom in her place. Your child…your rules.

Explain to your child that your tules must be followed even if grsndmother encourages misbehavior. Absolutely enforce promised consequences even when grandmother protest. Grandmother and your child will soon learn that you mean what you say and behavior of both will change.

Grama has 1 job, spoil grandkids. There is no stopping it. Idk why you live with her, but you need to move out. A cheap 1bd 1br apartment is the only option. Sleep on the couch if you have to.

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I am a nana my grandkids live with us too we make our grandkids mind and talk to them while my daughter and sil yell and swear at them can you talk to your mom about it if that don’t work can u move out I know it would be hard on her but your son needs to listen to

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Talk to the Grandmother and tell her instant noodles have too much salt and eggs too much cholesterol. That it will cause him health problems.

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Moving out is not possible for many young people. It requires first and last month rent plus deposit in most places. The only way it could work is to find a roommate in a possible similar situation or see if you qualify for housing assistance and food stamps depending on your income.

Set your mother down tell her you love her,but her interfering with the way you discipline your child and over riding everything you do has to either stop or you are gonna move out and move at least 3 hours away if she continues

Whomever the guest is, will have to leave or the behavior will continue

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No problem. Eat your vegs and then you can have all the noodles you want. Or mix the two. Let him know that you are his parent and that you stand by your rules

Talk to your mom! Let her know that there is a problem.

Her house, her rules. If you don’t like it move out. When you have your own house it will be your rules. It also doesn’t sound like you’re telling the truth. Why would the grandmother not want him eating veggies?


Rules. Boundaries and limitations. Respect. Compromise.

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You need to have a conversation with her and tell her that she reach you he is your son and you need to raise him and discipline him in the way that you see fit now if you live with her I would suggest moving out because as long as you live with her it’s her house and she’s in control however just ask her nicely to respect the way you wish to raise your son and that you appreciate her input but that it’s your responsibility not hers

Tell her point blank that if she continues to act this way you and your son will move out , even if it’s into a shelter . She either stops or else

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If possible get your own place . Have an honest conversation with your mom

First off. Everyone bashing her telling her to move maybe she just can’t right now… stop being so judgmental…
hun I would just talk to your mom tell her he is your child and you will raise him accordingly… put your foot down… you can still live under her roof and have control over your child. Tell her you want him to eat more healthy foods that are GOOD FOR HIM. Period


Hunter does need a job!

Question?Did you turn out ok? Why are you worried about your mom spoiling your son? Be glad she loves youll and be glad she has a home so.youll can stay.That is what grandparents are for.Do you think he will die he he dont eat the way you want him to maybe a few Months? No the kid is loving it.He wants attention grandma is giving him it that really is a good thing.Maybe he needs a friend they tell grandma everything let him alone.Remember this is your mamas home.Your mama is the boss no matter how old you are and especially while you are in mamas house.IM GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT MY MOM TOLD ME.IM STILL YOUR MAMA AND NO MATTER HOW OLD YOU GET YOU ARE STILL MY CHILD AND MY BABY.BE GLAD SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE MAMA AINT GOING TO HURT YOUR BABY.IT SEEMS LIKE YOU ARE A PRETTY GOOD MOM YOU ARE EORRIED ABOUT YOUR SON.HE IS FINE.MY MOM AND DAUGHTER WAS RUNNING BUDDIES.LET THEM GO YOU WILL BE THE SSME WHEN YOUR SON GETS MARRIED AND THEY COME TO YOUR HOME YOU WILL DO YHE SAME THING TO HIS KIDS.ITS OK REALLY IT DONT MAKE YOU A BAD MOM IT MAKES YOU A KIND OF A JEALOUS MOM THAT GRANDMA IS GETTING MORE ATTENTION THAN YOU.SHE IS THE GRANDMA

Shame on her. Sounds like you need to put your down and put her in her place, mother or not…

I didn’t live with my mother but I did have to put her in her place when my son was younger. It’s one thing to play the doting grandma who spoils the kid a little, it is quite another thing to completely undermine and disrespect your parental authority. I understand that times are tough and you might be in a situation where you can’t leave but you are the parent and you need to assert yourself not just to your mother but also to your child!

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If you have an eight year old kid and live with your mom, the kid probably isn’t real sure you know what he needs to do.

You could always get your own place!


Apply for housing and move!

Move OUT


Hes your child not hers and unless she respects you as hos mother id find my oen place to live.

Maybe take your mum to one side and talk to her. Explain your stategy and how her involvement is hindering how you want to parent.
She may not know, and may back off.
If she aposes you, remind her that your kid is not growing up in a world that you did, when she raised you.
That world doesn’t exist anymore. The parenting strategies used then don’t work now. Hope you get through to her now because it will get harder when you kid is a teen!

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This grandmother is showing her grandson that it’s okay to disrespect his mom, she’s showing him that he doesn’t have to listen to her, and what she says doesn’t matter. I’d have a word with your mom and put your foot down on what’s acceptable and what’s not. Tell her you don’t feel like she is respecting you as a mother and how you are trying to discipline your child. Personally if it was me and my mom tried to feed my child something else, I’d go there and toss it right in the garbage because that’s not what I made him. And my house is not a restaurant you eat what I cook and that’s it. Put your foot down mama it might be her house but she did not give birth to your kid you’re in charge of him not her.

Wow some of these comments are bitchy. Admin please do something, no need for rude comments no one knows this person circumstances, I have 4 children now and for a while I had to move in with my parents not my choice at all but circumstances past my control

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I’m in the same boat. I too live with my mom and my son is 22months. My mom begged me to come and stay with her so she can help with my son and be with him everyday. All fine and dandy, until the time comes where I’m getting flustered by his tantrums and she doesn’t even help or take him for a few so I can recollect myself. My mom talks down to me saying that I’m a bad mom because I get flustered and that if I can’t handle the responsibility, I shouldn’t have a baby. I finally got the nerve to look at her and say “if you’re not going to help, then your opinion doesn’t matter”. She shut up pretty quickly


I dont force my daughter to eat things she doesnt like.

Buy the things he will like that healthy.

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Only things you can do is sit down with her and talk with her or move out.

Either she’s going to listen, set rules and boundaries with you, or she’s going to fight it. No way for us or even you to know the outcome. Only you know how your mother is, and only you can pace this on how it needs to be tackled.

Unfortunately her house, her rules. She either respects you as a person and parent, and will see she’s overstepped (even if she didn’t mean to), or she’s going to be bitter and think she can do as she pleases. (Either as grandma or the home owner)

Good luck. Only thing that can be done is communication.

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