My Mom Wants Me to Exclude My Stepmom from Family Photos, But I Don't Feel Right About It: Advice?


"I need advice. I’m 30, married for ten years, and we have a ten-year-old son. I want to start this by saying I’m very close to both my parents. My mom left my dad, and they have been divorced like 15 years.

My dad has been with my stepmom for 11 years, and I’m very close to her and love her like a second mom. My mom has been married a couple of times since my dad and has been with my stepdad now for five years. He’s a great guy, unlike the other one. I consider all four of them my parents, and I love them all.

The problem is my mom has always had some jealousy towards my stepmom. At my wedding, she made a big deal about family pictures and didn’t want my stepmom in them, and my stepmom backed down because it was my day and didn’t want to cause problems. I never even knew about that until now when this new situation came up.

My mom wants to get family pictures done. My brother and family also. She told me if I wanted to, I could invite my dad, stepmom, and step-sister (I’m very close to her also). I was like yeah! I’d love to have a huge picture of my dad and his family, my mom and her husband, and my family. A big blended family picture.

Well, fast forward to yesterday. My mom calls and tells me that my brother and she would like a picture of just my biological parents, him, and me. She told me not to say anything so they couldn’t back out. It makes me extremely uncomfortable because that is not my reality. My parents are not together and haven’t been for years.

I don’t think excluding my stepmom is right. She really is very sweet. I’ve never even heard her yell. I called my dad and told him, and that’s when he told me about the incident at my wedding. I talked with my husband, and he said he didn’t want any part of it. My kid has always known my dad to be with my stepmom.

I feel like my mom regrets what she did 15 years ago. I just feel like she should know it makes me uncomfortable. What do y’all think? If I’m ridiculous about it, please LMK I love all of them so much, and I just hate the thought of hurting any of their feelings."

RELATED QUESTION: Is it wrong for me to ask my child’s grandma to stop taking so many pictures/videos?


“Your mom is being ridiculous and giving her what she wants will allow her to continue this awful behavior! I also have a blended family like yours and NO WAY would I allow my mother to act that way!!! You’re completely justified in your feelings!”

“Sucks you’re in this situation. If i were you, I’d then suggest a separate picture with both you and your brother with just the step-parents too.”

“I would feel the same as you! She is family and therefore should be included!!”

“As a step-parent who has experienced this… just tell her straight forward how you feel. My stepdaughter did on her senior night at high school. She said either all my parents go or none of my parents go. I was left out on the field without a corsage, but I still participated. Even at the oldest boy’s wedding, I was left in the hallway, because she pushed me to the side and the ceremony started with mothers lighting candles. I was supposed to be seated before that, it didn’t work as planned. After all, children grew up, I learned to distance myself from those situations. We do totally separate family events. It’s much easier for my heart that way. Being a step-parent is hard enough without the biological mother trying to make everything look like one big happy family. If they were no step-parent would be there. My husband and I have been married 22 years, if I hadn’t spoken up to our children, all above 30 now, about my feelings she would still be that way. They understand my situation and we adjust so we still have our happy family, 5 children, and 23 grandchildren.”

“Multiple pictures… One with everyone. One with mom’s side and step, one with dad’s side and step. Individuals can order what they want out of the proofs. Problem solved and all are happy.”

“Either compromise and do the pictures the way she wants AND the way you want or tell her to suck it up because your stepmom is your parent too. Tell her she shouldn’t be putting your family in that situation. She made her choice now she has to live with it. Especially after the wedding incident.”

“It’s hard for a blended family and sounds like your stepmother loves you. I don’t believe you should have to have a picture with just the birth parents. Kinda not fair to the stepmom and isn’t reality.”

“I’m happy you told your father. Being trucked like that would have caused even more tension. Your mother is being childish. He moved on and is happy. She shouldn’t have remarried if she couldn’t be the same and leave matters in a friendly and healthy manner. You are a huge blended family and from what it sounds, your stepmother had nothing to do with their divorce. In light of what happened at your wedding and how your stepmother felt obligated to step out and be excluded, I would personally call my mother out and refuse to do anything family-related until she stops trying to exclude my stepmother. It’s disrespectful and petty. I hope you find a solution that works for you.”

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Don’t exclude her unless she wants to be excluded

Excluding people is very hurtful. As your step mom, she is part of the family.

I would feel the same as you! She is family and therefore should be included!!


Sucks your in this situation, if i were you I’d then suggest a separate picture with both you and your brother with just the step parents too.


Id say its whoever is paying for the photos decision. If it is not you you can always pay for your own to include your whole family as you wish.

Get photos of your biological parents and kids and have separate photos for the rest. They can be different photos. You can have one all together too but it doesn’t hurt to respect her wishes and take at least a couple with just your mom and dad in them. Most photographers take multiple types of photos as it is so just do them all. That way everyone wins

Have the family picture that you want and pay for it(if that’s an issue). Don’t give in to this nonsense.


Multiple pictures… One with everyone. One with moms side and step, one with dads side and step. Individuals can order which they want out of proofs.

Problem solved and all are happy


That shitty that shes putting you in that kind of situation. But if you want to avoid conflict I would just photos with your mom and brother. And then do a separate shoot for your dads side. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

Okay I’m going to give you two solutions to this one is you can do a family picture of your parents and your siblings, take picture with everyone step parents included that way everyone is happy. or two don’t have either step parent in the picture or step-siblings. I believe your mom is not over your dad which is where the jealousy for your step mom comes in. Your mom needs to grow up and stop being so immature, selfish, childish, Petty and put what is best for everyone ahead of her own jealousy feelings. your step Mom sounds like a very reasonable woman like a very good woman and honestly if I was her it would hurt me if I was not included in family pictures especially after years of being with your father. I would be very hurt I would be graceful, respectful and mature about it but I would be very hurt.


I would tell her she can have a picture of you, her and your brother however you will not partake in excluding anyone. I did a family picture of me, my husband and all 4 of our children together. Then I did one of just the kids, another of him with the 4 kids they all are his I asked my two step children if they wanted to do one with just me and their siblings or if they wanted me to do one with just me and the two bio kids. They said all of us cause even though you didn’t birth us we are still yours.


It’s not about what others feel, you gotta go with your feelings. I grew up with 4 parents, bios separated when I was 2. I’ve been through a lot of the emotions between my bio and steps. Drove me nuts! In the end, I’m 34, both have divorced their SO after 20 something years and I haven’t spoke to my ex stepmom in 7 years. Ex stepdad isn’t my “family” anymore either. They have all tried making me feel responsible for their emotions and when I have catered to them, I lost out. I ALWAYS lost out. Their negative emotions should not dictate your choices, especially when you have positive emotions towards all of them.

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Either compromise and do the pictures the way she wants AND the way you want or tell her to suck it up because your step mom is your parent too. Tell her she shouldn’t be putting your family in that situation. She made her choice now she has to live with it. Especially after the wedding incident.


Your mom is being ridiculous and giving her what she wants will allow her to continue this awful behavior! I also have a blended family like yours and NO WAY would I allow my mother to act that way!!! You’re completely justified in your feelings!:heart::heart::heart::heart: hope all works for you and yours!!:heart::heart:


Include your stepmon, tell your mom how you feel

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It’s hard for a blended family and sounds like your stepmother loves you. I don’t believe you should have to have a picture with just the birth parents. Kinda not fair to the stepmom and isn’t reality.


Put your foot down. You’re 30 years old and perfectly capable of saying that is not your reality and not what you want.

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Does she JUST want pictures of you 4? Or just ONE picture of you 4? If she would just like one of y’all, I see no issue in it. That IS your mom, dad and brother. But if that’s the ONLY pictures she wants, then yeah, no. But I don’t see a problem in taking a “family” picture like that.

Do a picture with the biological parents and do one including the step parents

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do both. all of u and then what they want. u dont have to keep the ones of just u bro dad n mom

As a step parent who has experienced this… just tell her straight forward how you feel. My step daughter did on her senior night at high school. She said either all my parents go or none of my parents go. I was left out on the field without a corsage, but I still participated . Even at the oldest boys wedding I was left in the hallway, because she push me to the side and the ceremony started with mothers lighting candles. I was supposed to be seated before that, it didn’t work as planned. After all children grew up, I learned to distance myself from those situations. We do totally separate family events. It’s much easier for my heart that way. Being a step parent is hard enough with out the biological mother trying to make everything look like one big happy family. If they were no step parent would be there. My husband and I have been married 22 years, if I hadn’t spoken up to our children, all above 30 now, about my feelings she would still be that way. They understand my situation and we adjust so we still have our happy family, 5 children and 23 grandchildren


I think if she’s the one organizing the pictures she gets to decide who is in the pictures.

If it’s really important to you that you have a photo of your large blended family, organize a photo day to get it done, I wouldn’t dictate who your mom should decide is a part of her family, regardless if you’re right or wrong.

If it means a lot to you, organize it.

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The fact that she said don’t say anything so they cannot back out and the fact that she already made a scene at the wedding without you knowing and is clearly being sneaky and evil. You shouldn’t allow it. Life is what it i! and that’s how things should be taken! not be in denial and fantasy ESPECIALLY when the party complaining is the one who decided to break the family. I see this all too often where families want to keep those sneaky “family photos” knowing it’s going to bother someone. Grow up and understand it’s done for a reason and deal with reality. If you have a family that is okay being blended and everyone is completely fine than by all means do whatever because it doesn’t affect anyone but when it does. It’s just plain ridiculous. Don’t enable this behavior. She’ll never stop if you allow it.


It sounds like it’s only one picture out of the bunch that would be just bio parents?

Get a good photographer and do a photo shoot. With different groups . That way everyone gets what they want . Whole family, kids, daughter and dads, son and dads, siblings, etc

It sounds like she wants one photo of you, her, your dad and brother? What’s wrong with that? Is this photo shoot limited to only ONE photograph? Doubtful. Take a bunch of different photos with different people: get some of just your immediate family, the parents all together, kids all together, the whole gang, etc. It sounds like you’re trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

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Tell your mom exactly how she is making you feel be honest and if she can’t deal with it then tell her sorry but you and your family won’t be in the family picture


I think you get your big blended family photo. Your mom and brother get their photo. I dont really see the problem?

Im a stepmom to five beautiful daughters and a son too and when it came to photos at big milestones in our kids lives i just naturally took a stepback and allowed them to have their Dad for the day i encourage every time they can to spend with their Dad we have a son together too and they fetch him for the pics…

photo shoot it’s going to be like 10 different packages with all the different scenarios :flushed:

I may be the odd one out here in this specific scenario.
If your mother is paying for the photos she has a little say. BUT!!! Is she strictly saying that there will be no whole group photos?
Like if you guys all do a real whole group photo that includes everyone, then I dont see a problem with doing different groupings. Just having a photo of the 4 of you doesnt mean that’s your reality. Just a photo of how much you guys have grown. Shes not asking to hang off your dad in the photo right? To make it seem like they’re together? They can stand on either side of you and your brother.
If shes saying there is only going to be a photo of just the 4 of you and NO whole photo, then that’s a problem.
Just like it should have been a problem at your wedding where you paid for the photos and she shouldnt have had a say.

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Your mom got issues


There’s a lot there doll. My best advice is be open and honest and just let that set the stage. Families should be completely honest.

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Your mom is wrong!!!


My granddaughter said both dads walk her down the aisle to be married or neither. I’m proud she stood up for what she wanted

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I am certain you are an adult. I’m not even going to dive into how silly this sounds. At the end of the day you decide what picture YOU will be in. No one and I mean no one makes decisions for others unless they are minor children. Enough said. You decide what you are willing to tolerate. Done deal

It sounds to me like your mom needs to grow up… She made her decision now she needs to live with it.

I honestly don’t see why you can’t get multiple pictures done.

Your mom, brothers and sisters.

Your dad, brother and sisters

And then one big one with everyone In it.

Is it just the step mom she is excluding? Or is it also her husband?

You could just f it and not do it at all.

Have your own pictures done and invite who YOU want In them. If they have a problem with who you chose then they can just forget it. Life is too short to bend over backwards for other people.


Why not just do both. Do one with the bio for your mom and do all the other too.


I had such a similar situation for YEARS! My mom called me the day of my wedding and said she refused to sit by “that women.” I gave in cuz my Dad was always so nice about it. Fast forward 20 years and I’ve lost my Dad. I regret doing that now and I wish I would have kindly told my mom it’s her choice what she wants to do. This isn’t your problem and do not let anyone convince you otherwise.

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I’d do one with just you and your bio parents, then another one with you and ALL 4 of your parents.

Everyone else has given you the same advice I was going to give. You definitely need to explain your true feelings to your biological parents and empathize just how uncomfortable you feel when they exclude your step family. If your mom is still insisting on excluding your step mom and sister, politely insist on doing a group picture and explain that what your mom is doing is very disrespectful to your biological father and your step family. Good luck

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Sounds like your mom isn’t over your dad & wants pictures to make it seem like when they were together. I personally would refuse. It’s not healthy to play into your moms fantasy of what was!

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I’m happy you told your father. Being trucked like that would have caused even more tension. Your mother is being childish. He moved on and is happy. She shouldnt have remarried if she couldnt be the same and leave matters on a friendly and healthy manner. You are a huge blended family and from what it sounds, your stepmother had nothing to do with their divorce. In light of what happened at your wedding and how your stepmother felt obligated to step out and be excluded, I would personally call my mother out and refuse to do anything family related until she stops trying to exclude my stepmother. It’s disrespectful and petty. I hope you find a solution that works for you

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Stand up to your Mom. She doesn’t get to pull that crap and rearrange the family to her liking.

My sisters real dad got mad at my sister for asking my dad which is her stepdad to walk her down the aisle with her real dad. She told him that if he had problem with it oh well that he has always been in her life and he will walk her down the aisle. Im gonna tell you this if you dont feel comfortable leaving her out then DONT! If she has always been in your life its your choice. If she has problems then she will just have to get over it.


Please don’t exclude you’re step mom. She deserves to be apart of the photos, heck she’s survived you’re mother…and as a step mom that’s not always so easy. Especially when they are so petty and selfish.


When my son graduated high school we did him his dad and myself, then him and his dad’s family, and then my husband and I with my son.and one with just he an I and one with just him and his dad. When my ex was married we did the same thing. I have never been in a picture with my exs spouse…not that I wouldn’t have but it just was never a thought.

Could you do a version of both? Have a photo with just your biological family and then a photo with the step parents included. That way everyone gets what they want and no one is excluded.

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Mom needs to grow up… I would include your stepmother or don’t go is not fair of your Mother to do that to you or her!!


I would say you can take the picture you and your brother your mom and dad and then take one with you your brother your dad and stepmother. I say stand up to your mom I’m 30 and have learned that our parents make mistakes but they can no longer rule our lives.

Your mother made her choice. She shouldn’t be making it hard on you. You’re right you are one blended family and they all need to act like it.

I’m a Stepmom of 36 and 38 year old sons, and I’ve been in their lives for 30 years. I would recommend that you tell your Mom that the idea of the family picture with just your biological parents and siblings makes you uncomfortable. Be honest. If it is making you uncomfortable, chances are it’s making your Dad, Stepmom and possibly your siblings uncomfortable, too. Let your Mom know that she can’t have a “What if” family photo and that you’d prefer a blended family photo shoot


So what you have to do is do your own family pictures & invite your mom & brother if they want to be in it with your stepmom. They don’t have a choice of taking her out of the pictures! Your mom need to grow up and let things go! Tell her how you feel about it.

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I would tell my mother if she couldn’t accept my wishes of having everyone include then you will not participate bin family pictures. Tell mother to suck it for lack of a better term. That’s what I would personally do

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If your mom wants just her kids in HER family pic fine… but be sure to get one with everyone in YOUR family and display that one because that is your family …

First of all and I’m very sorry to say this but your mom is very toxic. I have to say that i agree with your husband, don’t take part of it, if you want to take pictures with them then do so but don’t involve your dad or step mother together with your mom. Do a separate photoshoot with your dad and stepmom. Please don’t make her get involved with your mom in the long this will just create problems. Good luck.


Tell your mom to grow up already the past is the past. Have a group pic and a pic with your blood parents if someone doesnt like it too bad.

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Take the picture she wants then tell your mom you will take the picture of the way she wants but then tell her you want to have a photo shoot of the blended family then you can hang up both pictures it is your choice what pictures you want to hang in your home and she should respect your wishes

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I mean If I was you I will take a picture with you mom and her family. And another with your dad and his family… let your mom know that you can’t take a biological family picture because thay family no longer exists now you have 2 beautiful families and she have to accept that … let her know that u don’t want to be part of she said and he said kinda situation…

Your mother is very selfish and living in a fantasy world. She needs to grow up and understand that your step mom is a big part of you and it’s not right! No matter if she gets mad, she needs to get over it. Poor sweet step mom has no fault in this and shouldn’t be made to feel watered down or excluded just cus your mom is immature.


I think the one being not only ridiculous but also childish is your mom! You’ve said it yourself, you see your step-mom as a second mom. Your mom should put her feelings aside for this tbh otherwise I wouldn’t do a picture with just you guys and your bio parents. That isn’t fair because like someone mentioned that family doesn’t exist anymore. The family that exists is the one with your step-parents included. I would talk to your mom about it because your step-mom has feelings too


Honestly as long as there are other photos being taken (IE photos of entire blended family) I don’t see what harm having one photo done of your original bio family together would cause


So it’s okay for your step dad to be involved with pictures but not the step mum?? If this was me I would refuse until she can be involved :person_shrugging:

If you want them all there and in the pic then you tell them that! Stick to what you want and tell them its for the kids also. Like my dad used to say, the most important ppl will be there.

Nothing wrong with wanting a pic with both parents if your brother is the one that wants it.

Nonono the stepmom should understand that her husband had a wife and kids before she came in the picture, of course you should have your family picture. You ,your mom and dad and brother’s family,she should be glad your mom let her be at your family gatherings.

I commend you for telling your dad. Your mom shouldn’t be asking you to not say things to him. That would only erode your relationship with them both. My mom was a little jealous of my dad. I get it. Emotions from relationships ended remain. But thats not your burden to carry. However, having a blended family myself, I understand wanting that picture of the four of you. It’s not about including or excluding if it is a request from the children. And I would hope as a step parent/ other parent, that it would not be a big deal. They should love the kids enough to understand. Now if its your moms desire for that picture, she needs to approach all ahead of time. Remember, it doesn’t include her husband either and she has to go home with him. Always be honest with both parents. Protect your relationship with them. And tell your mom you wont omit info bc that’s not honesty.

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I come from a blended family and have a blended family of my own at this point…I love it too! Take the “biological” family portrait but I think your mother should participate with the BIG picture of all of you. We did family photos about 2 years ago, our photographer was GREAT and got lots of different groupings of all involved. I love my big, beautiful, blended family :heartpulse: good luck

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It’s just a photo! Let the sad woman have her day.
Walk a mile in her shoes.

If your mom has an issue she needs to step out. She is a step parent and has been around for awhile- all parents should be included if that’s what you want

Tell your mom that you want one of the WHOLE family and then you’ll take one like she requested of just you, your brother and bio parents.

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Sounds like you have surpassed the level of maturity when it comes to your mother.


Your mom is acting like a selfish child!

A “bio only family picture” is just weird and off-putting when the bio parents have been divorced and remarried for many years.
Who wants to display that fake reality in a frame?? It’s uncomfortable for your dad, your step parents, your kids are going to find it odd that Gma & Gpa are in the picture…without the spouses they know them to be with.
Have a blunt conversation with your mom…that’s weird on every level.


Irrationality cannot be allowed to win. Have it your inclusive way, or dont participate.

Bringing 2 families together is tough. Families come in many forms and should be at least respected. I love my blended family

It seriously depends on what kind of step mother she was

Two different sets of pics.
One family pic with your Mom, and a different one with Step Mom :woman_shrugging:t2:
Wonderful that your concerned about leaving her out❤️


:wave:. If your stepmoms. get along with yall and she love your father. and he love her you should have some respect for your dad!!! make her feel like families…


Do not exclude your step mom.Families need to embrace the additions to their circle that it may know joy and kindness

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My step mom was awesome. She was NY Nanny and 1 of my very best friends

If she is reason your parents broke up then No don’t put her in any picture

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In my family both of us are remarried. There are no step anything. We are all helped with wedding and baby showers. And everyone is in pictures. Tell your family that you want to include all the family.

Then don’t. Go with your gut.

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It was not always easy, but our grown kids will tell you it makes a difference

Your step mom is part of the family if she’s married properly into the family

I am the step mom. It is hard sometimes. But if the mother is paying its her photos. If she isn’t paying than you tell her “mom i am not excluding anyone.” If she doesn’t like it she doesn’t have to be in any of them. If she is asking for 1 of the 4 of you ask her if you can have a group photo. Offer to pay for that photo if you are not paying. Talk to your mom about how it feels when she doesn’t include your stepmother. My stepson mom is never there and when she is she doesn’t listen. They get mad at each other than try to fix it.

I’ve been on all sides, as a daughter of divorced parents and my mom married again, also was a step mom when I married and I am divorced and have my kids. And what I can say is that your mom is being unreasonable and selfish to some extent. She needs to do some growing up and see things for how they are and the family for how it is and more than anything think about your happiness first and foremost and not hers.

If you love her and she treats you good she should be included. Your mom shouldn’t be jeslious. She is,family now. Treat her that way.

I’m a step mom and I wouldn’t be offended not being in their family pictures. When my step son’s went to school dances, graduated from HS and college I took pictures of my husband , his ex wife and their child. The boys and I would take pictures separately if they wanted it…Reality is they are not my children and I’m OK either way, being included or not. (I’ve been in these children’s lives for over 15 years)

Same here with steps and ex-steps and all that jazz. Mom made the choice to be separate from dad. :woman_shrugging:t2:
Pictures with mom’s side of the family can hang on the same wall as pictures with dad’s side. Unfortunately, that’s how it is. That’s how divorce affects the children. That’s our reality. It won’t be perfect. Just move on and make the best of it.
Tell dad and stepmom that you will reschedule another day for that side of the family.

She needs to know her ex-husband is a family man they come as a set. If she wants a picture with just her kids thats fine but not with the ex-husband without his wife. Thats life.

You’re a grown ass person tell your mom you’re not going to participate in that nonsense and your pictures are going to be the way you want them to be, that’s it. And if you don’t stand up to her she’s going to keep controlling your life🤷🏼‍♀️

Gosh, can’t you take more than one picture? One with your mom and family and one with your step mom and family. That’s what we do.

When my now husband and I were living together and even had a child together, before we actually got married, we were at a family event at his aunt’s (on his mom’s side). We all had to wear the same color for pictures. His aunt was taking the photos and during our big family portrait that included us 3, his sister, her live in boyfriend and their 2 children, his dad, mom and step dad, I was asked to step out of the picture. It was so hurtful. She was snapping away and she just said so fast and like it was absolutely normal and acceptable, “maria come over here out of the shot for a minute”. And no one batted an eye. His sisters boyfriend was not asked to step out at all. I knew his mom hated me at that time, and my thought was that she wanted to have a picture without me in case she was able to convince him to get rid of me. And she tried hard too. My husband didn’t do anything about that that day and it seemed as though she had already told her sister that she wanted that picture without me so she agreed to make it happen. The moral of the story is she stopped treating me like that once he stood up to her. What you put up with, you end up with. Your mom is competing with her and you should really establish with your mom that both of the relationships are important to you. I bet if you asked your brother. He would say that she brought it up and he agreed, not that he actually asked for it. Take a stand.

Good luck… Remember you can’t please everyone :wink:

People do not know how you fell unless you tell them.

Bottom line its YOUR picture

My step father was great. Thank goodness for his being in our lives. My step mother is terrific and she and I are great friends. Include your step-mother in the family photos. She is part of your family! My gentleman friend and my former husband attend all family gatherings and sometimes they are in the same photos. Everyone gets along. :heart:

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