My mom rips my child out of my hands and tells me I will spoil her: Thoughts?

I had my first baby on my chest non-stop and the worst thing that has come out of it is she still likes to lay and cuddle with me


Oh no. Nuh uh! Your mum needs to back tf up! Cuddle your baby for as long and as much as you would like to. Babies need this to form strong attachments!

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That’s your baby, you love her all you can

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Hold your baby. Ignore your mom.

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Tell your mum to piss off, she’s your baby not hers

Never can you spoil a babe!!!

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Nip that in the bud now!! There is no such thing as to much love ! As a matter of fact thats what you’re supposed to be doing at 2 weeks…. BONDING !

Luv ur baby all u can n tell mom back tf off-

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You can never spoil a baby with love and cuddles. Tell your mom to f*** off next time

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Maybe you do spoil her . Just saying it is ok to put a child down. When you do put them down and they cry to be picked up . They’re spoiled. There’s no reason to hold a child all the time.

You. Can. Not. Spoil. A. Baby! That is your baby. Not your moms and if you want to cuddle her you cuddle her. They are babies for such a small amount of time. You enjoy that time. And tell her to back off.


Mom or not, no one touches MY child. When your child is grown or so independent they’re doing their own thing you’re gonna wish you had those cuddles back. Smh shame on your mother.


you can never spoil a child with love and affection.


Honey there is nothing wrong with holding and cuddling with your newborn. That is how you bond with your child. So tell mama to back off you’ve got this. She raised you now it’s your turn to raise your children.
Oh and I’m old school I’m 59 and a grandma and believe me that baby will be a grown up before you blink good, so enjoy every second you can with your baby.


That baby just spent all that time inside of you. Cuddle that baby and tell your mum to bugger off!!


I would tell mom to go to hell and I would snuggle my baby. Lucky for me I don’t have parents who are around so I’ve never had to worry about their opinions


Oh hell naw…I’d be smacking her hands and then some if it were me and somebody tried snatching my baby from me like that. She needs to get bent big time


Its things like this that happen that you need to step up and tell them to stop treating you like a child. You are an adult and can make decision for YOUR baby. Its not her baby. You cannot spoil a baby esp at only 2 weeks old. That is such a brand new baby still. Take your baby back from her


Sorry but I would slap my momma if she had done that to me. There’s nothing wrong with letting your baby lay on your chest it’s a great bonding moment


Oh my gosh I do this to my daughters ,it’s just an honour to see grandchildren

Not at two weeks. Your mom needs to back off.


You hold your child as much as you want you can’t spoil a baby… they only little once. The mother would be getting her hands smacked like no one would take my baby from me ever…


I’d not be around her. You cannot spoil a baby.

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Can never spoil a baby with love. Tell your mumma to keep her hands off your baby while your spending time with her. Put your foot down mumma bear

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My daughter is 6 months since day 1 of being born I laid her on my chest and she still prefers her dad over me. If your breastfeeding it helps you produce stay up

Mom or not, it’s not her place to tell you what to do with your baby & when. Tell your mom to back off & you cuddle that baby all you want!! You can only cuddle them for so long, soak up every second of it that you can!!!


you can’t spoil a baby. babies thrive from being held and touched. if you don’t live with your mom, i would limit how often she can come over. If you do live with her i’d still limit her contact with your baby. just cause she’s grandma doesn’t mean she can tell you how to raise your baby as long as your not harming or being neglectful.

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Your mother needs to stay out of the way you show love to your child


Cuddle that baby!! They need that connection

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And if she was the type of mom to not pay kind to the child ,mom would have been here complaining m sure and said people who telling her to tell her mom bug off would be saying something else,I hear none of you telling her to tell her mom POLITELY that she would like to spend more time with her child ,when baby gets to toddler stage where help may be needed hope she don’t call on said mother.maybe she don’t like the way her mother does it but there’s is a way to say something without being offensive especially to those you may need in the bit to far future

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Oh my goodness. No such thing as spoiling your baby. I would cry if I didn’t get to cuddle my girls

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i would legitimately tell her to back the eff off. And remind her its YOUR baby not hers.


Gotta out your foot down early or she will always try to over step the older your baby gets. my mother in law tried some crazy stuff when her son( my husband) and i had our first baby. we put our foot down and she doesn’t try that stuff now.

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Tell Mom to buttercup out

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You snuggle that baby anytime you want. They grow so fast. Your mom is way over stepping


I’d be damned if anyone is gonna come take my baby from me and tell me I’m spoiling it. She needs to learn her place. Definitely stand up to her and tell her it’s your baby and you will raise it how you please :100:

Tell your mom if she touches your baby again you will throw hands. It’s absolutely none of her business and you can’t “spoil” a newborn

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Lawd don’t you dare give your child too much affection you’d be unfit👀

Ur mom would not like me … thats all i can say to stay out of fb jail … that’s YOUR baby

Set your boundaries sis…

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It’s your baby. Step up an tell her to stop.

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You pay that baby in your chest.!!! You cuddle that little thing. I’ve had eight children cuddled , played them in my chest and loved them every min. They grow up just fine. Mine are all professional and three with masters and three with bachelor degrees. We lost or sons at infancy. Tell your mom that is your baby. !!!

YOU CAN NOT SPOIL AN INFANT!!! Infants need all the cuddles and love they can get!!! Your mom has no right to even touch your baby without your permission. Tell her to mind her own business, if she can’t respect you I’d cut her off.

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Giving love and affection to your child or children, at any age, is not spoiling them. Make it well known now that it’s your baby and you’ll do exactly as you please!!

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There is no such thing as spoiling a baby. Cuddling your child is a form of bonding. Tell your mother to lay off because she is ruing your bonding time with your child. Tell her that’s it’s your child and that your asking her nicely to stop taking your baby away from you. If she can’t respect that than there’s an issue.

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You love and cuddle your baby .

Omg your mum has no right tell her back off NOW

Ooooooooooooo I’m not even gonna say what I want to about your mom :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

UMM your mama needs to kick rocks , and you need to stand up for yourself that is YOUR BABY ! Not hers

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Does your mom live with you?

The best advice I can give any FTM is not to listen to anyones advice. As a mom, you will know what is best for your child. You will have your own way of raising your child. There will be ups and downs, but at the end of the day, it is your child and you raise it as you see fit.

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You cuddle and give your newborn all the love and affection you so desire… tell her to shut the hell up, connect with your baby, its important and so very good for them and you… much love to you as a FTM… you will do great mumma


Tell your mom to back off, and cuddle your baby as much as you want


Loving a baby doesn’t spoil them. Your mom is crossing the line

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NEVER. A baby cannot be spoiled, they cry as communication. Tell her to back off

Ummm NO! A newborn needs closeness, bonding, nurturing… the list goes on. That is YOUR child. Mom needs a boot out the front door.

I would literally punch anyone if they tried to take my child out my arms. Your Mum is bang out of order


That’s ridiculous! Its called bonding with your baby! Better set your mom straight or she’ll always be trying to meddle in your child’s raising


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Not possible to spoil at that age

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Love them. Your child and your rules.
You do what you want with that baby. They do not come with instructions. You make mistakes and learn from them

When my family used to say put that baby down youll spoil her. I just said ok and ill deal with the consequences not you.


I’m a pediatric nurse. Two weeks is too young to spoil.


Mom needs to back off and stop telling u that!

Send her articles on reactive attachment disorder, and how BABIES being held is a CRITICAL part of gaining emotional and mental stability as they grow older. As well as the ability to form and maintain relationships.

It’s literal science that BABIES, especially at TWO WEEKS OLD, cannot be “spoiled”. Holding them is a basic human need at that point in their life.

Using this term is extreme, and it doesn’t happen from simply not “holding” your child. But the research into physical touch, and cuddling, and even co-sleeping all happened after seeing the affects of children being neglected, but also not held, or sung too, or “spoiled” as she would call it….specifically in orphanages.

You can go into the whole nature vs nurture debate here as well. Why do some adults turn out the way they turn out? Because of difficult childhoods. Sure, at two weeks your baby isnt going to literally remember not being held, but something possibly will.

The rabbit holes you can go down with children who had mothers with postpartum depression, and the link to a disorder called oppositional defiance disorder is very interesting.

Oppositional defiance disorder is how they classify children under 18, who then will be consider sociopaths…and it all stems from the very, very early stages of life.

I’m not saying this to be dramatic or scare YOU. But that lady is wack and wrong. And maybe you should scare her.

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My mom wouldn’t be seeing my baby if she ripped her out of my arms


She is absolutely in the wrong!!! It’s been scientifically proven that doing the “kangaroo pouch” has SO MANY health benefits. They recommend you doing that! Especially skin to skin. That’s exactly why they use to have volunteers for babies in the NICU that didn’t have family or anything. So they could get those benefits. She needs to back off. Also congratulations!!!


Set some boundaries with your mom tell her you can hold whenever your done don’t just grab the baby away from me

Wow set boundaries now or it definitely gets worse. You baby your choice on what you want to do with her

Your mom is so wrong! You are bonding with your baby!

You can not spoil a baby they need you tell mom to back off

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Never ! Not till they are over a year!! Lol

Oh my you cannot spoil a baby.
The cuddles create a strong bond and trust between mama and baby.
I would have to keep myself away from the nana if she can’t accept that. Especially at two weeks.

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You CANNOT spoil an infant!!! Especially not with love and snuggles. Tell your mom to get out. Set that boundary NOW or she will never stop and it will get worse.


Your child, your way. Tell your mom that!

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Throw away the whole mom, w.t.f. I’m sorry you need to put your foot down, I’d lose my entire mind…

Tell her you’re bonding with YOUR child. She’s crossing a line and you’ll need to stop her.


First off, ain’t no one ripping my child off me/from my arms. That’s you’re first problem that needs to be addressed.
Everyone is welcome to an opinion but you do not lay your hands on my child to prove your point.
Contact with you right now with your baby being so incredibly young is not spoiling them. It’s giving them what they need. If she doesn’t like it, she can leave.


Never. You can never spoil a child by giving them some love. Throw your mom out and tell her to mind her own business. You will only get this chance once, don’t loose it.


I would have to tell momma to back off. Babies need to be cuddled. Its not spoiling its mother child bonding.

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Tell your mom to back off wish I did with my first two

All babies need that touching! And so what if you spoil them!

Tell your mama to stop! It’s your baby! I held both of my sons all of the time. They are spoiled but are good spoiled. They don’t do drugs, they work and they look out for their mom. How can you NOT want to hold your baby?

You can’t spoil a child with affection. Tell your mom not to touch your effing ever again.

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Let’s be clear… You cannot spoil a child with too much love and affection. You CAN spoil toddlers with things, but again, not love and affection.

Tell your mum to back off that type of cuddle is good for the baby its not spoiling the baby

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Oh hell no!! That irritates me. Girl pick up your child.


Tell mom too mind her own business


That’s your baby. Love her the wAy You want to. We all want to do better than our parents. And sometimes we learn how to do that by rectify our parents mistakes. Your mom does not know best you do with your baby.
Honestly at that age it’s very important for skin to skin contact to have that connection. Cuddling is very important.
Can even Google it And show her that it is important at this stage in your babies life.


That’s not spoiling, that’s love. You are creating a bond with your baby, even if you were spoiling her or him , It’s your baby. Mom needs to back off


Whew boy! She got some nerve. :flushed:

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I’d be telling my Mom to back off because I am bonding with MY baby. And if she doesn’t like it to leave the room !!! NOBODY SNACHES MY BABY FROM ME BY GOD !!! I don’t care who they are !!!

That’s a hell no to your mama! Cuddle your baby to your heart’s content.

She needs to step off.
No one would rip my child from my arms. You cannot spoil a baby.

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You can’t spoil a baby with love


You cannot spoil am infant. Tell I our mom to back off. Absorb every minute of your baby’s days. They go by way too quickly.

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I would tell her to mind her place it’s your child not hers!!!

Not at 2 weeks you’ can’t tell mom to stop

I wish any person would ever think of touching my baby. People have that ridiculous thinking that you can spoil a newborn. You need to stop allowing her around until she can learn to respect you as a mother and mind her business

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Your child, not your Mothers. No child can be spoiled by loving it,cuddling or snuggling…Hugging is very important for both you and child no matter what age we’re at…