My mom rips my child out of my hands and tells me I will spoil her: Thoughts?

It don’t matter what age you need to let your mom know that the baby is yours not hers

Showing affection to everyone

You stand up to your mom & cuddle that baby all you want!!!

no way!!! new borns need that mother contact tell mom to get a hobby its YOUR BABY carry on baby momma

Any buddy ripping my child from my body Better be right with Jesus cuz they will be meeting him in less than 30 seconds. Why would you tolerate this more than once?! Tell your mother to step out or step out yourself. I wouldn’t give another chance.

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Bonding with your baby is important. Your mom needs to stay in her lane.

Take the baby back it’s your child not your moms

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No! Enjoy as they grow way to fast! Tell your mom to back off!

You need to put a stop to that crap immediately. I’m not sure what your dynamic with her is but I hope you’re able to stomp that out right away.


It’s ridiculous to think you can spoil a baby that small. My MIL used to say the same thing and I completely ignored her. Babies need to be held and cuddled. It’s essential for bonding and their development. Tell her to mind her business.

You can’t spoil a baby. Enjoy it!

You can’t spoil a child by loving them to much

Hell nah, that baby needs you as much as you need it for your mental state to be sound, nothing wrong with you protecting and loving your baby, don’t let anyone interfer blood or not

No i was told by my health visitor that the babies wants the love and affection and skin and skin contact. If I wanted to lift my baby up while he was asleep then I could nobody was can tell me what I should or shouldn’t tell me since he is mine and that’s what she told me. If you want to hold your baby while your baby is asleep on you go the baby is yours nobody else’s responsibility except from you and your partner not your mum or in laws or even your family. I was also been told to hold my son while he slept and I done it now he is 6 and he loves affection and he knows he is loved and he is secure. I even dsid the same thing with my daughter and she will be 4 soon and she also feels loved, secure and affection.

Mother or no Mother I’d tell her keep your hands off my child unless i say so.

Tell her to back tf off it’s two weeks old and it’s your baby

You can not spoil a baby You can cause the baby unnecessary stress by not comforting her . Your mother is wrong , put her in her place .

Do you live with her?

My mom was the same way. It’s the old way of thinking. Cuddle your baby always, as much as you can. Tell your mom she raised you now it’s your turn. If she keeps it up smack her hard every time she does it.

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You absolutely can not spoil a baby. You got to remember she’s been under your heart for the last 9-10 months. You have every right to cuddle/coddle your baby. If your mama don’t like it she can leave the room. All of my kids have slept on my chest from day 1 shoot my 18 yr old will still lay her head on my chest. She’s your baby and you need to set the boundaries.

If it were me and she tried snatching my baby…I’d snatch the soul straight out of her…

Anyway, baby is only two weeks! Take the time to snuggle all you want! She’s probably jealous that the new baby gets everyone’s attention and not her.

Mine is 3 weeks and skin to skin contact is important I would take my child back and tell my mom to back off if I were you I hold mine 95% of the day

You can’t spoil a baby. You need to set boundaries immediately. Anybody ripping my child from my arms are gonna catch these hands. Period. Your baby is two weeks old. Them laying on your chest is sooo important for so many different reasons. I definitely would not be letting mom come around for a while

You can’t spoil a baby that small. Tell your mother keep her hands off your child unless you say so! Tell her you will not let her near you again until she can leave you alone! There is no sense in that! Do you live with her? If so get hold of family services and get some help. You can get your own apartment through the housing authority, and get all sorts of help. Then you can say when your mother comes around. She won’t have any say so in when or if you put your child on your chest and cuddle her.

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No your mom is an ass. Stop letting her come over so she doesn’t have access to rip the baby from its parent. Now is the time to start building that connection with your kiddo. Also if she doesn’t stop please let your doctor and pediatrician know.

In Bali babies are in constant skin to skin contact for the first year of their life and they are some of the most psychologically well adjusted people on the planet as a result, bond with your baby and unbond with your dysfunctional mother


You cannot spoil a baby with love

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Never. Spoiling is not sitting limits, giving them everything they want. Holding, hugging your child is bonding. It’s very important part of development. You’re welcome the mom. Better to love than neglect and feel abandoned

I’d bite her. No but seriously, you can’t spoil a baby, they need love and comfort too. Not only is laying on your chest extremely beneficial for your baby with things like lowering risk of jaundice or sids, It’s also an easy way to do tummy time to build their little muscles at that age. Trust your instincts, tell your mom to back off.

Babies need cuddles , think grandma needs telling to back off


Your mom can stop that now.

You are doing nothing wrong. These first weeks are very important for you and baby. This is when you two form your bond. Cuddling and showing your child love is not spoiling. You need to speak up and tell her to stop that she’s interfering with bonding time. That is all there is to it. Next time she goes to take baby way don’t let her and tell her no.

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Tell her to respect you as mother and let you hold your baby skin to skin is important especially at two weeks old you are the mother not her you make the decisions

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Not showing love and affection toward a child, even one this young, will do WAY MORE damage than showing it! Sorry, but your mom is wrong! Because I lost my first child when he was 4 1/2 months old, when my second child was born, I held her almost constantly. She turned out just fine, extremely happy, independent toddler!

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Do not allow her to rip your child away from you. No matter what age. Shut it down immediately. Say No. Say Stop. Whatever it takes. You are the mother so establish dominance and hopefully she’ll knock it off but putting boundaries in place are your responsibility.

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No absolutely not your mother is wrong babies need that to bond with us cuddle your baby as much as you can they won’t let you one day

It is your child not your moms. You will not be spoiling baby becuz you wanna cuddle with YOUR child. Tell your mom to back off.

This makes me sad. I’m wondering what your mom was experiencing when you were an infant. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I would of snapped if my mom did that to me. Tell her to back off and let u take care of the baby. So what if u spoil the child. Both my kids are spoiled and turned of just fine.

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They don’t they need all the cuddles a ND love children don’t get it from birth today always that’s why so many messed up youth

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Babies can NOT be spoiled. She comes from a long line of mothers that had an extremely regimented way to handle everything that we know today wasn’t exactly all correct. You snuggle up when you can and want to.

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Your mom should realize you are the mom in charge…not her…of course you should cuddle with that little blessing

Keep doing what you do

It doesn’t matter when it starts just know that it never stops

It’s your baby. Not your mum’s. She needs to stop that at once.

Get a baby carrier. It makes it harder to get your baby our of your arms. But honestly, you are allowed to cut mum off. You are allowed to say “next time you take the baby from me, you are going to leave and I will not see or speak to you for 4 weeks.” And do it. Kick her out of your house and block her number. After her time out, tell her every time she does it, you’re going to double the amount of time she’s cut off.

Sounds like your mom needs to read about the 4th trimester. I hardly ever put my newborn down, the days go so fast.

You can’t spoil a baby! Hey her all the love, affection and hugs that she needs

Babies need that kind of affection and it strengthens your guys bond. Tell her to gtfo and if she doesn’t stop she won’t be allowed near you guys

There’s no such thing as spoiling a baby :angry:

They never get spoiled in this way.
You’re baby you should have the love and attention you want to give her as long as you are not smothering or over bearing.

You can NOT spoil a baby with love. When they are older and start demanding that you do everything for them - that is a spoiled child. STOP that.

You can not spoil a baby!

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Your mom is old school and needs to respect your choices as a mother.

Your baby will regulate emotions, temperatures and other things with close contact. (Especially skin to skin)
During the first couple months you both exchange hormones that are needed to regulate as well.

I would find a way to discuss with her your choices and if she can’t respect them she needa go lol

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I’d personally stop letting my mom around if she did that to me. You can’t spoil a baby


It’s not possible to spoil a baby

I’m just gonna get banned for what I’m gonna write… so try to read between the lines. mother or not if anyone tried to take my baby out of my arms :boxing_glove: …. You can’t spoil a baby with love.

You can’t spoil an infant

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My baby is 5 I still cuddle him because there will be a time when I set him down it will be the last time I ever pick him up. Just love your baby and remind your mom our turn to parent.

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This is just sad and disgusting. She’s taking away your bonding time with your baby. No such thing as spoiling a baby with love and cuddles. Tell her fuck off or get a wrap and wrap bubs to your chest. I’m sorry for swearing but this has my heart breaking for you and baby. Cuddle your baby as much as you want to, and don’t listen to your mum.

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Skin to skin attachment is important until 1 esp! Touch don’t spoil a kid. Love that baby!!

It is your baby not your mothers they need bonding in the first weeks

Very politely let your Mama know that that’s your child and if it did spoil her then that’s up to you although I do not think that a child could be held to much and see how that conversation goes if she listens to you and respects you as a parent then tell her mama I love you dearly but if you ever yank my child out of arms again it will be the last and smile the whole time I :joy:

You take your kid back tell her to back off. I’d be fired up. The last person to rip my child from me was the last. I tore that man a new asshole

You are the parent, not your mom. You’re not doing anything to harm your baby, in fact, tummy time is essential at that age. Babies can die from not being given affection, as proven in these experiments

Get rid of the mother.


Your mom is so wrong and she needs to be put in her place damn :100:that’s crossing the line. This is a special time for you and your baby. The bonding moments are very special and helpful to the mother

Mom needs to mind her business and realize that is YOUR baby and you will parent how you choose. You cannot spoil an infant by holding them they need that comfort.

I don’t think you can ever spoil a child as in a blink of an eye they will no longer want a hug or kiss or need you so cherish everything as they grow up so fast plus the baby will settle a lot faster on your chest as my little girl did as she liked listening to my heartbeat ( so the midwife said when she seen me put her like that) don’t forget they was inside you so alls they heard was the sound of your heartbeat first b4 anything else. It’s your child and you can do what you want. Your mommy. Remember that xx


There’s no such thing as spoiling a child or baby with affection. We all need love and emotional security. Tell her to back off and take your baby straight back.

Tell her she doesn’t get to do that! You are the mother and if for some reason she thinks she controls you bc maybe you live with her, then i would move asap … and tell her no matter what she cant tell you what to do with your child… i would tare someone up if they even attempted to grab my child out of my arms!

Your baby will be grow so quickly… spoil as much as you can!
There’s a big difference between love and entitlement!

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You can’t spoil a baby! Hug your baby for as long as you want!! I damn well did and I still do!

Fuck that. Your baby cannot be spoiled and needs you. Also don’t touch my baby without my permission.

tell your mom to stfu and that even tho you appreciate her advice that it’s your baby and you can “spoil” YOUR child however you want. snuggling is in no way “spoiling”. it’s loving and showing affection and damn it you just grew that little one for 9 months. you can “spoil” her however you want.

R u serious having one on one cuddles chest especially is fantastic at a young age as u r bonding with ur child, sorry but ur mum really needs to back off.


You can not spoil a baby. In fact, evidence clearly shows that cuddles help brain development. Leaving a baby to cry, raises cortisol levels from stress. You need to stand up to your mum

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Tell your mother to keep her effing hands off

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You cannot spoil a baby. Time to set boundaries with mom and let her know you’re gonna cuddle your baby if you want to.

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Seriously…Get rid of mother!

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You can never spoil your child with too much love.


Wtf?!?!?!? I still cuddle with my son and he’s almost 2

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Babies need to be snuggled. Not just when they cry.

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Oh wow you’ve got some hard times ahead if you don’t lay some boundaries down … remind your mum this is your baby not hers


Kids do not get spoiled from to much love. They get spoiled from never being told no. At 2 weeks old love your child as much as you want!

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Love and cuddle your baby all you want, it will not spoil your baby.


No babies NEED skin to skin and lots of it. You CANNOT spoil a baby. Get rid of your mom!


Hug her and cuddle her, she will not remember but you will. Your mom had her babies and this is your baby to love. Let her know you will cuddle her and bond with her because that’s what you want.


You need your own place and no contact with someone like that!

Get rid of mom. Cuddle as much as you can


I’m not violent but I’d deck my mom.


Is she jelous or something? 2 bloody weeks old? Have u heard of the 4th trimester?? I still snuggle my 7 yr old daughter multiple multiple times a day. For aslong as i can without it interfering with things ghat need to be done etc. Showing love and affection is not spoiling them. Tell her to bugger off! :heart: :laughing: :baby:

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Hold him or her tight God I wish I still could my baby passed at 3 months old in feburary this year :cry: tell your mom that baby is yours not hers

NO WAY!!! Your mother is SO WRONG!! Sorry you are going though this but I think you have to quickly learn to stand up for your child!! Babies need and deserve to be cuddled and loved. If your mother doesn’t understand that you need to remove yourself and your child from her. Sorry but it is vital to establish a strong bond with your child. Shame on your Mom! Very destructive behavior!

You cannot spoil a newborn baby…not possible. Stand your ground and tell her to stop.

You cannot “spoil” a baby with love
Your mum needs to back off


All babies need all the one on one skin touching they can get. Have mom stay away when you are bonding. If she grabs for her tell her to back off

Sounds like your mom should not be allowed into your home. Anyone not working with what your mommy gut is saying to do is not supporting you post partum or your mama journey. Your gut is saying to do it bc that’s exactly what you and baby need. It also stimulates not only a bond but your milk if you are choosing to breastfeed/ pump. Sending solidarity. :heartpulse: