Let her enjoy her granddaughter, and you and your husband enjoy each other even if it’s in the kitchen!
I would expect her to put the dish in the sink but that’s about it… I don’t expect any of my guests to clean up, as a host that’s my responsibility. I may suggest they bring over a dish to help with cooking. If they offer to help me wash dishes I gladly accept but generally speaking I do those things and ask my spouse to help if I need it. If she visits daily or very frequently I would VERY NICELY ask if she minds clearing the table with me but generally my MIL comes to see the kids and relax so I don’t mind catering.
Also be careful for what you wish for, Early on in my marriage I came home from work while she was visiting and my MIL (I love her dearly don’t get me wrong) had replaced my plates with light-weight ones and rearranged my cabinets to her liking. I had to have an awkward convo with her and my husband over that because I had to set boundaries. At the time I was furious but she’s always been helpful sometimes to the point of overstepping. Just remember to be respectful and know that she’s may have been raised like that
as long as she plays with ur daughter i think thats good
my guests i dont expect of them
if they offer cool
Stop cooking and go out to eat. No one has to clean up. Take turns paying the bill
Well that didn’t go as she expected it would LoL
Truly you just don’t like her. That’s It!!
let her play with your kid, and wash your darn dishes… ugh…
She’s a guest she shouldn’t have to do anything
Maybe she was raised this way… talk to her, find out why.
Dt call her to the table if she WA,he to eat she’ll eventually go,to,the table when she sees everybody else she’ll go
That’s way meant to be. Why do u expect her to help:thinking:
Stop inviting her over for dinner if you don’t like it!
She just doesn’t like her mother in law
My ex MIL is like this! Supreme queen of drama island!!
I always offer to help or do the dishes at my in laws just because thats how i was raised but they dont come to mine for food cause they know i cant cook if they did come for food it would be a takeaway and i would happily clean up after they have left. Maybe try asking her if she would mind giving you a hand xxx
Key word at the end there is “host”
When we would have dinner with my Mother in law I would always offer to help. Sometimes I was allowed sometimes not. If she had dinner with ys she would offer to help but we would tell her to spend time with her grandchildren
She probably doesn’t give af. Good luck
Soon as she sits down you ask her to fix you a drink you want.
CHERISH your mother in law ,wish mines was alive,my hussy miss her a lot.
I don’t expect help from my guest. If you invite you are the host.
Do the same when you go to her house
You just you are the host, so stop hosting, one of the Burdens of being host
If she gpt on to cooking and preparing before amd after the meals you would probably complain that she comes and takes over be glad you got a mom to cater to
Say it!!! “Ask” her to help do the table and clean up after…
Do you help at her house
As you mentioned, YOU are hosting HER. She shouldn’t have to help with anything as a guest. If it bothers you maybe you just shouldn’t host🤷🏻♀️
She’s your guest!!! She’s on vacation!! Wtf is wrong with you? You selfish or what!!!
Get your husband to wait on her. She has more attention for your daughter. Thats a good thing
She is a guest. Let her relax and you do your own dishes ma’am.
Hide in your room or go somewhere when she comes over
Ummm someone needs to to teach you some respect for your elders…
No She still needs to respect you
Help if they want you too, just be nice and get along. Be happy & enjoy life, cause it is too short
You would be doing the same things if she wasn’t there so
Be a good Hostess & enjoy spending time with her <3
YOUR house she is a guest…if she came and took over then you would be upset over that too🤦🏾♀️
Family helps family. She is family, NOT a guest!!
Tell your husband to do it. It’s his mother.
She’s not the problem stop B****in
She is your guest treat her like one and let her enjoy her grandbaby
There are a lot of people like her…
A guest is a guest girl. Remember your manners!!
Unmmmm, what are you expecting? This is perfectly fine for a grandparent.
I wouldn’t expect guests to help or lift a finger
I guess you’re sorrow you submitted your feelings!
Damn enjoy her while you can, I enjoy waiting on my guess no matter who they are
Tell her her legs ain’t broken get up and clean Up after yourself:thinking:
She’s your guest. You do all of those things.
Don’t start a war with your MIL. Not worth it
enjoy while you can, soon they wont be around anymore
What?? You invite her and want to put her to work?? That’s rude and unfeeling! Let her enjoy her visit with the family and grandkids! She’s a GUEST. Chill.
I get upset when my mil tries to help when I’m the yay me who invited her over.
Well I would never leave my plate on the table like I’m the queen and I think it’s rude of her and I don’t even know her y’all. Rude of her
fine example of how spoiled this generation really are!!! Just remember you’ll be the mother MIL one day!!!
go to her house and do the same
Tell your husband, she’s your mother, take care of her, if you don’t it’s either her or me, get that…
My mother and sister and brother I. Law do the same thing
Um if she’s not living there it sounds like she’s just being a guest and a grandma
She could at least offer then tell her no thanks.
Omg how rude glad I’m not your MIL .
Ummm…I think that is how it should be. But that’s just me.
She earned it. Damn. She’s a guest. She’s coming for those grand babies. Leave her alone!
I would help clean up wash dishes…etc.
Sounds like mom needs a new daughter in law .
I’ve been there and I guess just enjoy those that do help?
She did it her whole life. It’s your turn
Hold her tight. One say she won’t be there
She is your guest.
Wow selfish !!! And entitled haha so sad
That’s being a host and having a guest
Ask her to help, she may be waiting to be included.
Don’t invite her over. Go to her house and do the same
She could atleast put her plate in the sink <3
If she keeps the kids busy then that’s good enough, what do u want her to do
If u dont like her coming over then say that dont beat around the bush if u dont like her lol bc thats exactly what it seems like
She’s your guest…be kind
Ask her to help hey mil would you come prepare dinner with me, hey mil would you dry while I wash the dishes etc add a it’ll be nice to chat while we do it so she can’t be an arsehole about it
Would but my man wouldn’t…gave it to my bestie now I’m scared
I don’t have in-laws
Just ask if she could give you a hand out in the kitchen
Divorce her son, or kick her to the curb. Your choice!!!
Do the same at her house
Umm she’s your guest. And she came to spend quality time with the kids
I consider their age also !!
She’s a guest in your home!!!
I dont agree with this shes a guest My MIL i dont make her do anything she offers but I tell her no thanks I got this you sit and relax
Tell her to go home!
Have your husband wait on her hand and foot
Uhm…she is a guest so she should be treated like one.
If you want help hire them!
You do that for guests.
I don’t make guests clean my house or cook my meals
Damn wish my mom would do that she works so hard all the time I never see her relax
Yta. They are your guests in your home.
She’s a guest there not supposed to do that stuff
Thats your guest, don’t want to wait on her? … Don’t invite her.
Enjoy it. This too shall pass away.
Have your husband be the waiter
My daughter did my my Gro shopping this morn .M.l