My mother in law forgot my kids birthday and middle name: Do I have a right to be mad?

Grow up you sound immature

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Your MIL sounds like she is experiencing some memory issues due to her age.

I forget myself. My family are very good to my kids so it doesnā€™t bother me. My husbands mother is 90 and has lots of children, grandchildren and great grand children. She never forgets. Iā€™m just happy they are all alive and well.

Lifeā€™s too short Get over it Dont sweat the small stuffv

Hell my grandmother called me my sisters name and she called my sister my name! We didnā€™t get upset, we loved her dearly still! Maybe she is getting with age difficulties with these things ! I know I am 65 and I have to look up their birthdays and I was in the delivery room with them also! It happens and we have to accept that these things as we age

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Life is too shortā€¦let it go show love

Seeing everyone take up for this MIL makes me absolutely LIVID. The grandmother is playing favorites. She is not suffering from a ā€œmedicalā€ condition. If she was, she would not remember the names and info for the other grandchildren. And those of you saying that it does not bother the child, YES IT FREAKING DOES. You try sitting back and watch the other grandchildren get treated better than you. :rage::rage::rage:

No one day sooner than you think you will be her Be kind


Maybe your MIL is suffering from extreme stress and that is why she is forgetful. I have been under extreme stress most of my adult life and I find Iā€™m forgetful and have been for many many years. Iā€™m now in my 70s. Give her some grace. She could also be suffering from depression and possibly severe.

Lady I want to see you at her age!!! The older we get. We loses brain cells!!! Get over it!!!

Get her a diary and write in important dates with the persons full names.

Whatsa matter? You canā€™t live without constant attention and feeling of importance and not knowing your own worth? What others canā€™t do for you, YOU CAN do for yourself.

Sad all around. My MIL was never what ā€œIā€ wanted her to be she was just herself. Live and let live. Many years I put a wedge between myself and my man over this. Married 26 years and together 30. Must say wasnā€™t worth it. We can only control our reactions. My own mum has dementia. So sad. People forget all kinds of things. Hurt peopleā€¦hurt people. Dementia is insidious and can take years to fully be recognized. Hereā€™s hoping your MIL isnā€™t heading that way . Would be sad for your husband who it sounds like you love very much. Pick your battles. I didnā€™t and wasted so much time being angry at him for what was not in his control. Celebrate your love and pray for your MIL., if your into that sorta thing. Death is final my MIL has been dead for years. Still sometimes renting space in my mind and causing strife to this day in my marriage. It just isnā€™t worth it. Live and let LOVE. Namaste.

No big deal-some people just donā€™t do birthdays-my x could never remember his own much less others lol

Its Alzheimer, dear! Donā€™t be mad.

She may have early cognitive problems

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People tend to have some mental blocks as they grow older. I think you could have handled this better than you did. Your MIL may be going through early dementia. I think all you have done is draw attention to her aging memory and have probably hurt her feelings and embarrassed her. Look inside and see if there isnā€™t some jealousy involving the attention she gives her other grandchildren. I doubt her memory loss is deliberate and you can help her by reminding her when your childrenā€™s birthdays are coming up, so you can be sure she will remember. Give her a calendar and put everyoneā€™s birthday in it. She will appreciate that.


OMG , SO Glad I am not your motherin law

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Honestly, you sounded like you acted like ā€œ a 3rd wheelā€


You should grow up and stop being, Oh, pity me. You will be her age, one day, see how you will act. Older we get, some people have dementia. She feels bad enough. She probably donā€™t like to drive as far as you live. Have compassion and tend to your elders!!!

Its just my opinion that remembering their first name is more important. I think not knowing when threw kids birthdays are is irritating but my brother is the same way. Your husband can reminds them like my sister reminds him. Was it worth it to make a scene? Is it worth it to damage your health? It seems maybe you might be your own worse enemy.

puhleese we canā€™t remember our own names

You completely overreacted. I still get birthdays of everyone mixed up.
She could have early stage dementia or Alzheimerā€™s. Then youā€™ll really feel stupid if it is.
All peopleā€™s memory gets worse with age. Some worse than others.

Omg get over yourself! And teaching your 19yo son to be ā€œhurtā€ because his grandmother couldnā€™t remember his middle name is STUPID. Being over 60yo myself, I can tell you we have our days when we can remember things very well and our days when we cannot. Itā€™s a shame you have to judge her and look for every little thing she does ā€œwrongā€ or what you imagine she does wrong. Why canā€™t you just love her, leave your husband and your children be, so they can love her too? Why all this judgement over a middle name, a date, what grandchildren she spends more time with, etc. Youā€™re the ones that moved away! Not her! Of course, sheā€™s going to feel closer to the grandchildren she is around more oftenā€¦ and sheā€™s more likely to remember their middle names. I have a daughter-in-law like you and, to tell you the truth, sheā€™s not punishing me by only showing up at Christmas time! Frankly, I love it! No more having to watch what I say and how I act in my own house! No more pussy-footing around her, so she wonā€™t ā€œget her feelings hurtā€ or think Iā€™m stupid. Iā€™m not stupid and her feelings donā€™t get hurt. Itā€™s all an act! And Iā€™m tired of it. Once a year is fine with me. The only people youā€™re hurting are your children and your husband (the poor man). I hope youā€™re real proud of yourself.

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If she is getting old, maybe she is showing signs of dementia. Dont get mad if she canā€™t help it.

So hard to hear complain about things like this. Does she love them? Do they know she loves them? Remind her if itā€™s so damn important! I have someone who reminds me about every birthday because thatā€™s just how I am!

Sounds like calling her name wrong would make the point.

Dude. You are severely overreacting. Why does it matter if she remembers their middle names and birthdays? Your husband is probably wondering wtf you are really upset about because surely it couldnā€™t be something so trivial. Sheā€™s obviously a busy woman and rarely sees these kids that apparently arenā€™t even kids anymore. This is ridiculous. Stop being so childish and yes you definitely looked absurd when you flipped out.

What you could do as a gift is make calenders with family pictures and add appropriate dates to each monthā€¦ we do that each year for motherā€™s day. They cost 15 each to have printed and binded at staples if itā€™s that big of a deal to you

Its sad for anyone to accept (possibly) alzheimer disease. Be supportive with subtle reminders, not anger.

No point getting upset over that ā€¦if your motherinlaw really cared she would remember these things or write it down if she forgets n wants to keep the peace with you ā€¦I forget dates n names but wouldnt be pissy if others did either ā€¦id remind them of special events n those little detailsā€¦life is to short get on n enjoy it ā€¦

Your making a Mountain out of a mole hill, stop it. Life is to short.
Your MIL, isnā€™t doing it to be hurtful, she is one getting older dates are harder to remember etc.
Your the one missing out and dwelling on trivial things.

I think that you are wrong on this the older people get the harder it is to remember especially if they arenā€™t around explain this to your son so that he wonā€™t be hurt and apologize to his mom and be the example to your son that you need to be

Youā€™re doing way too much. Stop creating unnecessary drama.

If you are around them constantly you will remember their middle names. I rarely get to see my grands, so no , I donā€™t know their middle names. Well the first born I do, because they lived here when she was born.

Youā€™re just being upset over NOTHING, and youā€™re blowing it out of proportionā€¦ Take a rest, be happy and stop inciting hatred in the family

Wow I just canā€™t. You are immature beyond belief.

Doesnā€™t your mother in-law have a name?nah ; youā€™re even. All people forget. Just remind her.

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Depends how many does she have?

Seems kinda petty to me since you askedā€¦

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5 words: stop being a big baby

Yes. You are 100% crazy. Sheā€™s not perfect. Get over it.


Maybe they are old? Laugh it off! Donā€™t cause drama when you donā€™t have too! They are your kids, not grandparents responsibility to remember everything

My mother in law never sent me or my 2 girls any birthday cards but there was always a card for her precious son and had the damn nerve to complain if she didnā€™t get oneā€¦I stopped sending her A card and she kicked up a fuss so I told her to see her son about it as Iā€™m not his damn secretary and if she canā€™t send her granddaughters a card she can kiss my ass

Probably not. I get my kids birthdays mixed up because some are only a year apart. Could she be having a little memory problem.

Wow wow all the drama for what? Infact u should discipline your son first for walking away from his grandmother when she got his names wrong. Some times in life we have to reflect , what am trying to say is u were in wrong.


Maybe she is having memory problems and if not , dont ruin relationships over this. Life is too short!

You know beginning stages of Dementia is a Bā€¦ At 12 years old my great Aunt called me the brown girlā€¦ She could not remember my nameā€¦ But she remembered I was good at training cuttersā€¦ So i was not upset. It was because she knew my skin colorā€¦ Close enoughā€¦ My own grandmother forgot my kids and thingsā€¦ So it happensā€¦ But it starts as we ageā€¦ Be lucky that is all she forgot was the middle name. Frankly I was present at birth for all 6 of my grand kids. I have forgotten their actual birthdaysā€¦ It is no malice behind it. I had a brain injury and it takes a minuteā€¦ My kids sent a text when it is close so I got reminders on my Calendarā€¦ But really ā€¦

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It seems like youā€™re being a baby. Get over it. Life is too short. So what, she forgot their middle names. I certainly hope she doesnā€™t have the beginning stages of dementia- you would feel like a complete idiotā€¦ā€¦

You cant change her. And you just tear yourself up with your hurt and anger. Write it all down for her and then let it go. You are hurting yourself much more than you are hurting her, if thatā€™s the desire. And hurting your husband. I doubt my kids spouses and partners know my bday or even my age, but I know their stuff and send cards and am hands down the best grandma. But thatā€™s me. We are different people. You gotta get so you dont care. She isnt suffering at all. You are. Resign to it in peace and move on. Serenely.

Iā€™d be pissed :rage: and your husband should be also it hurt his sonā€™s feelings what a ass

My grandma has misspelled my name and forgot my birthday. Shes old. I dont hold it against her at all.

I learned not to make myself and everyone around me miserable because of something somebody else did. When my MIL forgot my name and how many children we had, I just laughed and said ā€œItā€™s Toots and the Gang:ā€ She never tried that trick again.

Sometimes you just have to accept reality. BILs kids are/ have always been closer. You are better off to laugh it off. Maybe even make a joke of "forgetfulness,"but be careful not to be too snarky. You might make your point with humor, better than anger

Anger & grudges hurt you more than the person are mad at.

Yeah, itā€™s you. Too much effort for something you wonā€™t change. Proximity is key, and you live further away. Take a deep breath and move on.

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She might be losing her memoryā€¦ it happensā€¦

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Ring them to remind them you fool ,they probably forgot thatā€™s no crime

No. I dont think so. She may possibly be experiencing memory issues. I would hope, you would not like that.

Grow up. Life isnā€™t all about you.


Is this for real??? :flushed::flushed::flushed::laughing::laughing::laughing:

I think that was carried a little bit too far

Dementia may be happening

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They arenā€™t her kids

You be nitpicking sounds like your the one with a problem

You are the problem have you ever thought that maybe she has a little bit of dementia and even if she doesnā€™t people forget names birthdays all the time you are just a whiny little bitch

Lord have mercyā€¦ā€¦ Get over yourself!

Simply putā€¦ I think your being petty.

Sounds like your are way dramatic

She might be going into dementia!

Why are you so dramaticā€¦jeez calm down

Donā€™t sweat the small things.

Could be ole timers.

Nonsense, life is what matters

Wowā€¦ stomping your feet and throwing a tantrum?

Wow you are petty :woman_facepalming:

Has it ever crossed your mind that she could be having some medical issues. You sound very selfish an insensitive. Your sonā€™s feelings were probably hurt because of you, your reaction to her.

Was going to comment, but after reading the comments I think the answer was loud and clear. Get ova it.

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Age might be playing a part in this scenario.

Wow, you are exhausting!

My mother in law doesnā€™t even know my first name! :rofl:

Omg grow up, and get over it. :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:

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If thatā€™s all uv to worry about fml

WOWā€¦.I literally have no words. All I got is WOW. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3:

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Donā€™t be mad
It happens
Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t on purpose
I have done it with my grandchildren

In al d instaces dat u were furious there was no reasonan. Stop digging for trouble. U except dem to hate u n dat wat u wil c coz u have already created it in ur mind

Does the thought early dementia or Alzheimer s have any bearing on your anger issues

Donā€™t sweat the small stuff !

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Donā€™t sweat the small stuff. Yes this imo qualifies as very small

Let it go. Donā€™t go to next reunion

I would think so! Only 4 grandkids?

Wow. You are so petty and self absorbed. Ruining everyone elseā€™s holidays and family gatherings because of your selfish tantrums. Sometimes there are medical reasons for not remembering things.sometimes itā€™s just a matter of frequency and familiarity. I have to repeat things over and over now in order to remember. Faces I see daily I can remember, faces I see once a year I have a tough time with. You seem too have zero understanding or compassion for others. This is YOUR issue and no one elseā€™s.
Shame on you for ruining the family get together for everyone, esp your son who went to bed early because he saw his mom get upset.


Reallyā€¦ pettyā€¦ smh.
Does it really matter??

come on you are causing a lot of trouble over insignificant things! aging is a factor and you are setting a pretty bad example of intolerance for your family. apologize to your husband! you actually left and went to a hotel ! what are you really angry about ?!


Why are you even quizzing them??

She could have early stages Alzheimerā€™s.leave it be

this is nit picking at itā€™s bestā€¦get over it.

im living this myself

I wouldnā€™t worry about your MIL not remembering birth dates or middle names of grandchildren as age tends to take a toll on memory! I would worry if your MIL mistreated your children!

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You can let it eat at you or accept what it is.


For Godā€™s sake, if that is All you have to complain aboutā€¦Lucky you!!! Pick your battles!

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