My mother in law forgot my kids birthday and middle name: Do I have a right to be mad?

No you don’t have a right to get mad about it


Hey things happen . Maybe she has a remembering disorder. Get over it.


I would be pissed. That lady is awful.

Is this the tragedy we are worried about today

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You are causing this rift. Lighten up.


Old people forget things…


I’m only 53 and couldn’t remember my ss number last week.

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Omg. Petty Patty!! Shame on you for costing this family precious time

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She’s probably getting senile.

How would want to be treated when you get to that ‘place’? Hummm?


You need to make sure there is no Dementia starting here before getting mad. We noticed my Grandmother forgot how to change the TV channels and run the Washer. We should have taken that as a sign something was going on. But we did not even think about it. My mother had it too!

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Let it go! Let it go!


That’s a lot of wasted anger and energy.


I am 45 my moms 72 I’m frequently called Jeanie lol( not my name lol) girl I let it slide, I have enough issues with my mom to even care about it

My father raised my step sisters child when she got pregnant at 14. He threw me out his house in a snow storm when my twins were teething. Now my dads dead…and my kids don’t remember even meeting him.

You doin too much. You shouldn’t put your husband in that position and your child is feeding off your energy. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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My first question would be is your MIL getting kinda forgetful? Altho it seems like it your kids that have been forgotten, could it just be you aren’t around to notice her other slips?

I’m the eldest of 4. My mom often called us by each other’s names. When she was young. Much worse now that she’s older. Her memory is often sporadic. I’d let it go.

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Don’t be mad at her. I had to write mine all down on calender and then copy again when get new one and then still sometimes forget to look at the calendar. I love them all the same!


My dad lives with us and well I have to remind him of his grandkids birthdays. Would you have acted the same way if it was your parents?


Sounds like the root cause to all the high emotions is jealousy of the BIL’s family. You and your family have made your life choices and they have made theirs. You need to look beyond the emotional reaction and try to understand why you are having these reactions. When your kids have their own families, they will benefit from seeing you act as a positive role model in their formative years.

I love how people are hating on you when clearly she favs the other kids over your own
I mean fk me dead my mother did the same :rofl::rofl:
Just shows they are only part time people anyways
I mean I lost my shit when my own mother told me my sister’s kids were better then mine and then she knew their birthdays and names and still called them by my sister’s kids so yeah
And no contact but girl talk about it and work it out if not toxic is toxic family or not

This is ridiculous, I was with my grandparents yesterday and my grandfather (who has all his marbles) said to my daughter who was looking at Picture of my auntie (his daughter) said " that’s auntie Alyson" I said " no I’m Alyson her mother that is great auntie X" really did not bother me in the slightest I just laughed it off. I don’t know my own families bdays or middle names I have to ask my grandmother :joy: your causing drama for no reason why so ever.

Petty. I mess up my own children’s names sometimes and have a hard time remembering my own nieces and nephews birthday. And as I get older I’m seeing it get worse lol

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The arrogance , jealousy, and mean spiritedness of the rant show who is the real troublemaker here.

Your not petty. If thats how you feel, that just how you feel. But making a difference between grandchildren is not okay. She knows their Middle name. She bated you and you went for it.


See i would get upset at that but what does bother me of my MIL is that she never looks for my daughter expect when she knows ill be going to mexico then she wants to see her and expect to receive all the love from my daughter. She is a complete stranger to my daughter

Uhm my mom doesn’t even remeber me and my brothers bdays well confused them lol I laugh it off my mom still loves me obvi

Wow! Life must be VERY good that you can focus on these tiny issues and cause such a scene. You still can make this right.


Way over what she can’t remember a middle name this is unnecessary dramma,life is way to short for this …dont sweat the small stuff in life


Maybe I’m dramatic as well but the fact this lady puts her other grandchildren on a pedestal but leaves the others behind and doesn’t attend birthday parties after 3 years old is sad and pathetic. I’m with this mama especially because it’s making her kids feel some type of way.

My mom doesn’t know my name… she calls all the kids names b4 she get to the correct one. Shit she called us “George” most of the time. Does she know your name. You’re doing too much and being a brat about it making the vibes you’re giving is very unnecessary

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If you feel like she doesnt like you or care for her grandkids, you’re probably right. But why should you care? You’re kids are old enough to see things for themselves and form their opinion. There’s no point in poisoning their hearts towards grandma. Let it go and let there be peace :v:

Drop it girl its not worth it ur kids r grown.peace

I think you need to grow up as you sound and act like a whiny, petulant child.

Forgetting a middle name? Not ideal for a grandmother, but not as disastrous as you make it sound. Does she know their first names?

Birthdays - well that’s up to individuals. Just be glad the kids have her for another year.

Your pouting and childlike behavior speaks poorly of your coping skills. I’m surprised your husband even wants you at his mom’s.

Your outbursts have the potential to make your kids feel about their grandmother the way that you do.

I feel you owe your MIL an apology and an explanation for your behavior.

It happens my name is Kim but my grandfather always thought my name was timmy it’s ok I thought it was funny . But now he’s gone and now my name is just kim again and I really miss how he always got my name wrong. Just let it pass. If your so worried about it then have your children send cards or letters to their grandparents maybe once a month

My ex FIL had a girlfriend who would address my children as Girl and Boy …:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Your in the wrong and you have taught your son to be as well. Some people are that great with dates and a middle name I can’t tell you some of my families (nieces and nephews middle names) and NO my siblings aren’t pissed I don’t remember.


I have five grandchildren and I cannot remember their birthdays. Just recently I had asked one of them what was his middle name and I am very close to them.
You might need to ask yourself what’s the real reason you are upset with her. Not being able to remember someone’s birthday does not mean you don’t love them. I have forgotten my own birthday at times.


How old is your mother in law? Loss of memory is quite common with the aged. Please do not take it hard on her.


Did it ever occur to you that your mother in law suffers from dementia? Instead of ranting one Facebook why don’t you find the cause of the abrupt change of behavior you describe?

Let it go. Just making a fuss when it isn’t necessary. My husband and I also moved our family away (90 minutes) from my parents and 2 married w/children sisters. Obviously, my parents saw my sisters’ kids much more often than our boys. At the time, neither of my parents drove a car (lived in a Big city).
So, I realized that this was partly our fault because we had left the nest and moved away. You know what?? Our boys grew up just fine; no problems.
I wonder if you would feel the same way if it was your mother and not your husband’s who was forgetful?

My mother forgot my birthday…this year

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I call my kids my dogs name, lol. Not that I dont REMEMBER, but life is rough and there’s a lot we are all dealing with. What if you forgot her middle name? Bet she wouldn’t freak on you.

I am with her…I have had the same issues…My own mother didn’t remember my birthday but remember my niece’s and she was born on my birthday.Same with my daughter who was born on my older sisters birthday…And my hunny’s family doesn’t consider me family because we are not married. Even though we have been together 40 years.

She might be on medication that makes you have brain fog, sometimes you get names mixed up and forget things.

My husband can’t even remember his child’s birthday :roll_eyes:


I wish my kids had ONE grandma to forget their middle names and bdays in front of them.

I suggest focusing on what’s really important.


Stop! This is so petty. Be grateful that she is still in their lives, and yours. My goodness, there are so many things far ore important in life!

Not everyone is good at remembering things like that, you may be taking it too personal. Just because YOU remember doesnt mean anyone else is obligated to. That happens. Maybe she is losing her memory and has a serious issue? The way she treats people is more important than whether her memory is any good. THAT wouldnt be the thing to ruin my time.

Girl get over yourself. People age and have medical problems , stress, take medicine and all sorts of things that messes with their memory …. You need to come down off that throne your sitting so high on and realize she’s older and not always gonna be here and love her and her flaws while she’s here … nobody’s perfect …. Including you your highness


nah, be understanding, my own father forgets my birthday, and my children’s. I do call him about a week berfore to remind him, then again the day before so he can hopefully remember for a short while

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Shoot I’m a mom of 7 and sometimes I forget what their birthdays and names are lol, this is not a reason to be as mad as you are.

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My husband was in the room when our son was born just 10 months ago and when I tell him hey we need to start buying party decorations for his birthday he ask me when is his birthday I just think some people cant remember things like others can our brains just arent the same just try and give her the benefit of the doubt shes getting pretty old if she already has a what 18 year old grandson? Or she could be taking meds or if she has no help with her horses you say? She may be stressed
I would tell her your concerns and clear the air

I’ve been married for 27 years, 3 kids, 6 grandkids and this is some of the most petty mess I’ve ever read. Ya’ll made the choice to live farther away/out of state. Of course the children that are in closer proximity are going to be closer in their relationship as well.

Petty AF.
I was an only child and sometimes my grandmother would call me by my mom’s name when I was little or by my daughter’s name (after she had arrived)…BIG DEAL. Teach your kids to be understanding and patient with their elders. Someday that might be you…

I don’t know the MIL, I don’t know if she has any medical issues, I wouldn’t think a medical issue would make someone forget just two of the four kids names. So I’m not going to assume it’s any kind of old folks syndromes. I wouldn’t be showing my butt over this for two reasons, your kids and your husband’s having a relationship with their grandmother, whatever kind it may be. The only thing I’d be upset about is that she appears to treat the other grandkids very well, remembering names and birthdays etc would suggest she just treating them differently. Just be a good momma and love them harder.

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I’m only 38 and have major memory problems. There are times I can’t remember first names let alone middle names. There’s no rhyme or reason to it either. I don’t love someone less because I can’t remember. However I do get hugely depressed seeing folks angry at someone who doesn’t remember because I honestly can’t help it myself and I worry that my loved ones hate me for it.
Please never use someone’s memory or lack there of against them. This post hurts my heart. I hope I never get a daughter in law like this.

Maybe I should be mad at my mom she always rolled called thru the animals names and my brothers just to get to mine. Your making a big deal out of nothing

Ok what does this have to do with nails? And yes you are bn a damn drama queen get over it geezus.

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I don’t even be remembering my own birthday :weary: I had to subtract my year of birth and 2021 to find out how old I was :sob: That’s petty is hell you wrong THATS THEIR GRANDMOTHER NOT MOTHER

You doing to damn much lol stop it

I hate to admit I have 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren and for the most part I couldn’t tell you their middle names unless I see them on a daily basis which I don’t because I live in other states I barely remember their birthdays. And it’s only because being older my memory isn’t what it used to be I literally have to write myself notes. Maybe you should make her a clip hanger with all of her grandchildren‘s names and birthdates to hang on her wall like my dad‘s girlfriend did. That way she never forgot any of her grandchildren birthdays or anybody else’s. I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal and the reason why your son went to bed early It’s because you did he feeds off of your emotions.

It sounds to me like maybe she may have trouble recalling names and it may not be on purpose…don’t make a big deal about it…as we get older we tend not to remember names a nd things that should come easily to us… some of us may have issues undiagnosed… she may be feeling bad because she can’t remember.
It might be kind of you to remind her gently instead of being rude…

The fact I actually read this whole thing, and am still waiting for what I’m about to be mad about :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::joy::rofl:

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I just wish my kids had grandparents at all.

Sounds to me you need to evaluate the real reasons you don’t like your MIL… if you truly liked her than something like these instances wouldn’t upset you to this degree. There is more Of a underlying reason

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I really don’t think it’s that serious. I think life it just to short to get that in my feelings about whether or not my MIL forget my kids birthdays or their middle name.

Maybe she is in early stages of dementia?

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No don’t do that. Family Important . No sense to get mad just work on it :smiling_face: Love you

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Hey I write it all down or I couldn’t remember. AGE eats up some of the memory cells. Lol.

You are being ridiculous. People forget things all the time. You guys moved away, so yeah she is going to remember more of the other kids she sees all the time. I’m sure she is getting older which in-turn makes people forget more. Get off your high horse and stop being a bitch. I am a mother of 2 and sometimes it takes me a minutes remember birthdays. She is only human.

Heck I get my kids names mixed up sometimes lol this seems a bit extra to be sorry

Seriously??? Why would you hold a grudge??? Life is too short for such petty resentment.

Sorry but you trippin, you don’t want to meet my family. They make up names for you

There was a time my Mother forgot MY name even though I was the one caring for her. I mean how often do you call your children by their first and middle names? Grandparents are old, they have brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, neighbors, co workers, moms, dads, and Grandparents. It’s alot.
Maybe come around more and speak maybe then she may make more if an effort as well. You get what you give.

Petty betty level stuff here. Dang my MOTHER doesn’t remember my birthday most years (she’s convinced herself it’s the 28th, not the 26th), and I don’t throw this kind of fit! You are also giving your kids a crap set of conflict resolution “skills”.

I think your being child ish to be honest.


Sometimes I wonder how people can be so small minded lol my mother always mixed up her grandchildren names meaning to call one but call the other my siblings and I never made it an issue even doe u live 90min away there is something called a phone and face time where your kids can talk to their grandparents but I’m guessing they to busy woman u need to grow up

You have every right to be upset. My grandmother has dementia and still gets names right. Sounds like she just doesn’t have any interest in your kids. Honestly just let the hubby take the kids to see her and you stay home. Don’t pick any more fights and just ignore her existence.

Let it go…. So what she remembered Jimmy’s middle name is joe but forgot joes is Jim…. Stop it! Your causing alienation where it needs not be. Your kids don’t care…unless your bringing it up. I forget my own kids names sometimes, I’m 56 and have 4 kids! Get my grandbabys names mixed up… doesn’t mean I love one more that the other.

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I will know the day of someone’s birthday and that day will pass and go and then I’ll remember and am only 28 far less for a elderly person​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Be greatful she is in their life. I’d love my child to have a grandmother.


Personally, I feel bad for your husband…


You better thank the Lord tha is all you have got to worry about!!!


She might have memory issues??!! Wow, life’s too short.


Try more fiber in your diet. You clearly need to drop a deuce.


Im a grandmother and adore each and everyone of my grandbabies but i have a shocking memory and cannot remember all birthdays without checking… middle names are so far down the list of important stuff to remember… really i think you are over reacting and frankly my dear… jealousy issues… of course the 2 kids she most likely sees daily will be remembered more… you chose to live away so suck it up and grow up

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Perhaps you could do something to help her remember.

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Yes you are completely out of line with how you handled the situation…sounds like you also then put it into your grown child’s head how awful his grandmother is…and it’s completely insane to react like this even if your feelings are hurt…you’re making this was bigger than it has to be and demanding others join your misery…I agree with the see a doctor comment…


Lol! My mom said something once about my birthday being in October…I was born on Thanksgiving Day! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

you are acting like a petulant child. grow up ! lifes too short to be like this over something trivial. you reap what you sow … ever thought that may be why there is conflict ??


Honestly you ruined all those events and made it about you. Yes. Its obviously upsetting. But you didn’t handle it well… and haven’t been for over a year. Email her once. And leave it be. Stop acting like a child. And yeah it SHOULD upset your husband that his mom’s doing that. But YOUR behavior is far less excusable


Lifes too short to be mad all the time. You cant control people. Do what makes you happy and move on. Dont waste energy on things you cant change. :heart:


So maybe instead of getting so upset about it why not try and be in the solution? How about getting the in laws a calendar each year with everyones names and birthday written on it? And as others suggested, being that your in law obviously needs help with horses and stuff, they are physically unable to do the things they used too, and possibly could be dealing with some memory challenges as ones do when they get older. Try and be mindful. Maybe actually talking to the in laws about your frustrations. Communication can go a long way. Instead of sitting around and harbouring ill feelings. They may be sitting back wondering why you are so upset around them all the time and have no clue why.

My daughter has the same birthday as my SIL and ex-FIL and my MIL has never remembered my child. But I’m not going to act like a total Bish about it…nor have I ever.
You could have handled it better. You didnt have to act like that with your husband it’s not his fault his moms a bish.

Man get over yourself. People forget shit especially when u have multiple grandchildren (And as u age u just forget stuff). Stop sweating it. Just correct her as your hubs did & move the hell on. Your children are grown( almost 19 as I say) if bothers them, let them deal with it


Whooo cares as long as you got this momma , screw it. She may be doing it on purpose or she may be really loosing her mind.


My dad and his wife didn’t know my kids, names, dob, barely knew i had kids to a point. Out of sight out of mind. U pulled ur kids out of the front line of sight by moving this is on u and your husband

Are you fucking kidding me lady! Gwt a life and keep your family drama off Facebook. You’re just a needy sad attention seeker !!! HahahahahahHahHa