My mother in law forgot my kids birthday and middle name: Do I have a right to be mad?

Remember you are teaching your kids how to handle disappointment. Poor lessons can come back to bite people in the ass


You need to take your meds dear because this is crazy


At one point you state your husband didn’t speak to you comfortably for a few weeks and I cant say I blame him. You complain that she never visits but it sounds like if she did arrange cover for her horses to come to you you’d probably do nothing but nitpick at her the entire time she was visiting. Before you left state, you lived 90 minutes away. She’d still have to find cover for her horses. She can’t just drop stuff can she now? She has responsibilities. This post is just ridiculous if I’m honest, you got married in 1999 so you’re old enough to know better really. And she’s older now so cut the woman some slack. It’s not like she’ll have forgotten on purpose. It’ll be you in about 20 years time


Sorry but I think you are so petty.There are better things to get mad about.


I’m sorry, are you actually behaving like a nitwit over an elderly lady forgetting something???


Get over it .We don’t always remember what you want us to!


Is this a joke?
Great opportunity for you to teach your kids about understanding, compassion, resilience, teach them how people sometimes forget things and more so as you get older, teach them that as people get older they need their family to show empathy and care for them.
Ofcourse, you would actually need these things first to teach your kids.
If my 14, 20 or 21 year olds were upset over something like this I would reasses my parenting. Have a good, long hard think about how you want your kids to treat you when you are older and forgetful because your words and actions right now is what you are modeling for them.

I called my grandson by the dogs name today, give the lady a break.

I have 1 grandchild and my daughter has to remind me when his birthday is. As we get older we need more grace in our lives from our children and spouses. Laugh it of.
Life is to short. Be kind.:heart::heart::grinning::grinning:

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Kind of a trivial thing to be mad about…especially THAT mad. Geezzz my mom would go thru the entire list of all of us until she got the right name sometimes. Lighten up and let it go.

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I guess the answer to your question, no, you don’t have a right :joy: I agree with everyone here. It’s a little insane you’re this upset over something like that. Pick your battles and let the small shit go. Be glad your kids have grandparents in their life at all!


OP - you’re the red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:


Plain and simple
Get over yourself
She will be dead in a few years and all you can do is make life difficult for everyone.
Go see a counsellor and they will at least tell you that whilst your feelings are validated you need to move past this.
I’m at a loss for words at how pathetically childish this is. You need to apologise to your mother in law take her out for a one on one morning tea at a coffee shop and start with an apology then explain your self in a non condescending way, she is human but most importantly she raised that husband of yours and she must have done something right cause you marriaged him and had children to him. Then make your son apologise to his grandmother for the way he’s treating her.
If you have the. Book on “how to be the perfect parent” please send me a copy.

Simple solution for the next birthday or Christmas buy one of those family tree things and put each child and niece and nephew and everyone’s birthday on them and give it as a gift to hang on wall


I think you overreacted. I can understand you having your feelings hurt but throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of a family event is ridiculous! You could have spoken calmly to your MIL afterwards if it bothered you that much or just complained about it to your husband later. You made a fool out of yourself and set a horrible example for your kids as well.


My dear friend of 4ish years thought my 8 year olds name was Maddie. Probably for like a year. We hung out often. Her name is Elizabeth. We all laughed and laughed when I finally asked her “Whose Maddie?”

You’re definitely overreacting. Probably over some deep seeded resentment about her being closer with the other grandkids but still overreacting in the same.

You can’t expect others to get upset over the same things as you… yes, you crazy for expect that no matter what the situation.


You need to grow TF up!!!


Don’t fight a battle if you don’t gain anything by winning.

I feel so sorry for your MIL, I’d love to send her some flowers poor thing.

You seriously need to rethink your position…wow just wow

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It is weird, unless she suffers from dementia. But I couldn’t imagine my mom not knowing my kids names or birthdays :flushed:

There’s 4 grandkids in this family and I would be very surprised if their grandma knew all their birthdays and middle names.
Life is too short to to act this way! Give a little grace!


For the love of the scope of life and all that is actually important… How old is your Mother in law? Maybe she doesn’t fuckin remember!!!

Yeah petty get over it. I mean make a joke about it… not a scene.


You are overreacting. With age comes memory loss. My Mom would go down the list yelling all her kids names before she got to the right one. Your reaction is upsetting your kids. Please stop. If you consider how hard it is to change something about yourself then you’ll better understand how difficult it is to change others. Accept folks for who they are while you have them.

Yep you are definitely crazy :roll_eyes: I can’t remember my brother and sisters middle names SMH. My Mum calls out every grandchild’s name she has till she gets the right one :joy: i even get called ‘Caitlin’ (my eldest niece) and vice versa she gets called my name…i find it bloody hilarious, you really need to apologise for how you have reacted to this situation…no one wants a 40+ year old baby throwing tantrums over something so petty, plus your 18/19 year old would NOT have been upset over this, but because YOU acted the way you did…that caused him to act the way he did!!

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Find creative ways to remind her! Remember, the mind goes first as you age, someday you’ll be there! Be glad she remembers their names at all and they have a grandma most importantly. I’m sure she doesn’t mean it. Heck, sometimes I accidentally call my kids by the dogs name, lol.

WoW! You’re kidding right!!! The reason not many showed up for the reunion is probably because of you. You sound very petty!!! I have grandchildren and I can’t remember all bdays!!! So, every new year calendar, I go through and mark the date’s and how old they will be.


Involving your children in your bitterness towards their Nana is not good for anyone and is very unfair. You could have explained that Nana forgets things sometimes and it’s not her fault. I personally think that there is more to the story and that you don’t like the Mother in Law for other reasons and you are just looking for faults in her. The fact that you have only come up with her being a little forgetful tells me that she isn’t the problem.

There’s much more. important things in life let it pass just remind her iñ a nice way

Maybe you overreacted on the middle names. Maybe each year you give her a nice calendar with all names, birthdays, and anniversaries. Your kids will soon have families of their own, so it will be a good way for her to have up-to-date info. You could even write everyone’s addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses on a page in the calendar. It’s tough getting old.

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Give her a break! She called out a wrong name! So what? My mother calls me -by my daughters names etc all the time. I remind her no- I’m your daughter. Lol. She has 6 grandchildren and it’s a slip of the tongue and forgets who’s birthday it is -this month at times. Just let it go and roll your eyes. Life’s too short.


Middle name…who gets called by their 1st AND middle name all at once.


Is this really all that you have to worry about in your life? Stop throwing tantrums.


Are you not upset that his mother may have early onset dementia or another memory problem


Yowza! Anyone else here feel awful for the husband? She storms off to bed, ruins family events with drama then the Cold War, and now the son is mimicking her behavior? Their invitation would get lost in the mail.


I have 11 grandchildren and I mess up there bdays at times really need to write it down and I have messed up there middle names and I don’t think I am even that old ! But I love and adore them all that said my daughter takes the time to visit me all the time and bring her boys over the others I have to chase down to visit because parents are yo busy don’t worry I get the visit but it’s up to you as well to initiate a visit you moved away

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She might have some mental illness going on this not that serious. Life too short for bs.

Memory sometimes goes away with age…

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Maybe she’s matching your energy. Give as you’d like to receive.

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No sometimes i have to think about my owns kids birthdays and middle names also what time there where born and weight … so confusing

No. My family don’t even remember my birthday :joy:

Wow!! I feel sorry for your husband! How ridiculous


Pick your battles and dont sweat the small stuff


I can tell it hurts you which in turn hurts your son. Maybe her recall is shit… you could maybe send her a new calendar this Christmas with all the kids names, ages and date of births on their birthdates in the calendar?
Be the bigger person maybe and she’ll look the fool.

My own DAD sometimes get confused about my or my brother birthday.
Actually exactly 2 days ago happend when he didn’t remember my brother birthday. Me and my mum and also my brother was laughing crying because it was so funny. :grinning:
But I can tell 100% sure he loves us, he gave us everything he could when we were kids , and we also love him, he was always be there for us, and he still always here when we need any help or advice. Just his memories not the best when dates comes up. :blush::joy:
I think love doesn’t base on this stuff. :blush:

Just be lucky you aren’t being alienated from your grandchildren.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mother in law forgot my kids birthday and middle name: Do I have a right to be mad?

I still have “family” that doesn’t spell my name right. You have every right to be mad especially if it hurt your child as well.


._. Dude. I forget my own kids birthdays…


How old is his mother? Since you have young adults for kids, I am guessing she’s up there in age. Did you ever consider maybe she’s losing her mind a little? You’re over reacting…let it fucking go.

Your really going to break up your family because she doesn’t know your kids middle name. Ridiculous


Look up dementia. Sounds more like she has early stages. And being that you are not 100 percent active in her life and the others are that can be a reason why she doesn’t remember.
I am going though this again with another grandmother, it is hard and a struggle.


I would cut her a huge break, She may be stressed about some thing, depressed or starting to lose her memory. You can be peeved with your hubby but is this really worth the impact on your relationship.


Crazy is an understatement. You caused a fkn scene over not knowing birthdays. A nice therapist sounds like a good idea for you


I understand why you’re upset and it would bother me too. I am not the type to cause a scene but I would be angry and it would be hard for me.


So you are mad at an old person who’s memory is slipping? Did I miss something here?


Cmon :person_facepalming: my dad doesn’t even know my bday and my mom regularly calls me by her dogs name i don’t even correct her anymore…


So… someone forgot your kids birthdays and instead of confronting her … in private… you caused a scene. Correct?
That’s not looking very good for you either.
Next. Your husband was uncomfortable with you after this… that should have been a sign right there.

I have family members that forget my kids names, birthdays and everything else.
I’m not going to berate them for it?Communication comes from both ways.


Very petty! Some people do have bad memories! :roll_eyes:


This is such a childish thing to get upset over. This is what calendars and Facebook are for…if I was your husband I would be pissed you made such a scene, and you should be ashamed and embarrassed.


I have a horrible memory! Maybe she does too. I can tell you the month my grandchildren were born in but I’m likely to get the dates wrong!! My children and in laws laugh about it because they know it’s not because of a lack of love!! My phone changes the spelling of my grandsons name and I get so confused sometimes that I have to verify it with his mom. Again we laugh… please don’t assume it’s because she doesn’t love your children, she could just be forgetful like me🥰


Is this even real? :woman_facepalming:t2: you are being completely unreasonable!


You said you moved out of state and she sees her other grands a couple times a week,what do you expect. My sister’s kids and my kids are at my moms weekly sometimes daily. My brothers kids not so much :woman_shrugging: of course she is closer to the ones she knows. I know she loves them all equally in her heart though.


Yes you sound very crazy! And like a big child !! You can be upset but to cause a scene, stay at a hotel . I’m sure your husband was embarrassed as hell . What if she is losing her memory . Do you know what a blessing it truly is to have her still around .


I think you are being very petty and acting like a big child. And his mom is getting older, maybe her memory isn’t the best anymore. She prob says the other children’s names a lot since they live close so they stay fresh in her mind. My mom has 8 grandkids. Can’t tell you any of their full names but she loves them more than she loves me.


I have a horrible memory, I’ve known my best friend for 16 years and for a good part of that I always thought her bday was the 26th or 28th… it’s the 27th… took me the longest to remember it wasn’t what i thought

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No, ever hear of short memory loss, memory loss, and long term memory loss? It happens as you age, you’re literally being angry at something someone has no control over.


You’re overreacting. My husband doesn’t even remember our kids birthdays & how to spell some of their names, but he also ask me when his own birthday is :rofl: my mom only knows my oldest birthday. & I have nieces & nephews I love with all my heart but don’t even know their birthdays cause I have to many of my own kids dates to remember. Of course it’s different with the kids she lives closer to, I’m sure if it was up to her she’d have them all right next door. Yes she should make effort but it does go both way & sometimes it ain’t so easy & simple as just loading up & going for a visit, bills, money stuff comes up. Don’t make your husband feel like he’s in the middle or have to pick cause honestly what you’re upset over is really sad.


Your kid was probably upset because he seen your reaction. You need to chill :flushed:


My mom helped raise mine and she forgets theirs all the time

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Tracy Dawn good thing you don’t get this mad at me for not remembering birthdays :grimacing: doesn’t mean I love yall any less.

You are completely off your damned rocker… Go to bed you’re drunk!!! Sheesh

My dad will say 4 different names before he gets the right one… but with that being said, I have 5 sisters and 4 brothers… god forbid we know all 25 neices and nephew birthdays :woozy_face:


I have 15 grandchildren ages 4 to 19 it’s impossible to remember all their birthdays and confusing names at times is quite normal. It’s like a mom yelling several names until she gets the right one. Get over it, people are human. Don’t you ever make stupid mistakes???


I’m litterally so close to my sister and nieces and nephews she has 4 kids and I can barely remember their birthdays I know what months they are in but can only remember 2 of the days outta 4. Shes old cut her some serious slack. If that’s all you’re mad and upset about be grateful cause there are hundreds of more important things you could put that kinda energy into. :woman_shrugging:


Who freakin cares! As long as YOU don’t forget


My grandfather has some form of dementia. I’m not even blood related to him but my brother and I are the grandkids that have grown up around him. He doesn’t even remember the first names of the grandkids that are actually blood related to him half the time.
Being upset over this seems silly to me. If you’re that upset, then make an effort to have your kids around their grandparents more often.


Older people start forgeting names and dates, as I read your post your psychology began to reveal but the real surprize seams that something as insignificant as memory lapse has your son being petty as well


My grandma spelled my name wrong at Christmas last year. I’m 26 the first grandkid, I didn’t say anything but she called a few days later because my uncle noticed and she apologized a million times. Mistakes happen some people have memory issues as they age.


Sounds like you need to grow up… that’s an absolutely stupid reason to be upset…


Is this a Karen? Sure does sound like a Karen.


How old r u grow up this story can’t be real these stories make me wonder they really do


And YOU call yourself an adult :rofl::rofl:. If i was your husband I would leave your petty ass at home next time ! Like grow up there is more important things in life then remembering a birthday and how to spell a middle name. My husband can’t remember our children’s birthdays either do I cause a big seen NO!
Wow that’s all I can say good luck to your husband and kids for having to deal with you.

Pick your battles no need to break a family said child will form his own feelings and opinions of grandma and chose to have a relationship let it go for your husband


I love my family to death but I cannot remember birthdays to save my life :weary: this is petty get over it! Your kid responded the way he did because of how you did


And before you moved put of state you lived an hour and a half from her…thought it sounded better in minutes? You will understand someday that when you get older…and hour and a half might as well be 10 hours when traveling. You are very one sided.


Don’t take it personally. Sometimes people forget things. It’s not worth it to waste your time and energy on being mad.


I forget Birthdays and middle names. It’s alot to remember if your family is big


I go thru all my kids names trying to get the right one. I yelled the dogs name at my daughter this morning. Maybe chill out :joy: you’re kind of tense :sweat_smile: I still have to ask how old they are sometimes and they came out of me :rofl:


I would not take this personal as she might be developing dementia and is slowly forgetting things.


Wow!! Of all things to get mad about something this petty? I have 5 grandchildren I couldn’t tell you when who’s birthday is when. Like I told my kids they have to remind me I can’t remember things anymore. It don’t mean it isn’t important it’s just I honestly can’t remember. Between my medical issues and other problems I can’t help it. You really should be ashamed of yourself. Tell me how she mistreats your children beats them or neglects them as to why your this angry but to forget things I’m sure u have forgot things that should be important. I have yet found a perfect person


Narcissistic. Can’t beat them. Can’t win. Remove yourself from the toxicity


Honestly you overreacted both times in my opinion but you’re allowed to feel what you feel. It’s one thing for her to have favorite grandkids but another for you to fly off the handle. I think I would be embarrassed to be your husband.


Love I think you’re right to be upset but you’re going about it the wrong way, causing a scene and acting the way you are isn’t going to fix anything it’s just gonna make matters worse, being nasty will get you nowhere in life
Have you tried sitting her down and talking to her about how you feel? She’s getting up in age maybe her memory is getting back
I think you’re being a little childish here


Hell I got 6 kids and sometimes I get their ages mixed up​:rofl::rofl:


Hell I’m 40 and my dad has issues remembering my birthday or my brother’s and there are only 2 of us lol


I’m here to say your feelings are yours and don’t let any of the negative Nancy’s commenting hurt your feelings. No one can tell you how you should feel or not.
On another note my son was my in laws first grandchild and wasn’t even invited to my sons wedding in October. I wished a slow painful death on my husbands dad and I got that wish. I will never speak to his mother. That’s my feelings and no one can change my mind. My husband still speaks to his mom but after 23 years of marriage he knows i don’t want to hear anything about it.


Shit I call all my girl’s names plus grandkids name before I eventually get it right🙄 it’s not a big deal really. Don’t be mad, be kinder you have no idea what another is going through. ps at least the kids got grandparents and your hubby has mom still.