My mother in law forgot my kids birthday and middle name: Do I have a right to be mad?

I say to hell with them,can’t remember names of their grand babies we know their picks so just stay away , wecome them if they come to u!! Don’t hold your breath though

It sounds like beginning stages of Alzheimer’s or Dementia. You may not see the other signs because you are upset she forgot your children’s birthday and name first, but it may be more of a medical issue than a careless act.

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I’m going to be honest, you’re CHILDISH AF. :woman_shrugging:t4: You’re getting mad at an older person because she forgets things. :woman_facepalming:t4: I’m sure she doesn’t mean any harm but you have taken :poop: to another level. This poor woman could have medical issues that causes her to forget things or it could just be from age and instead of you just answering her question, you threw a whole temper tantrum. I hope your kids are more mature and more patient than their mother. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:


I’m going to be 35 and my grandmother always mixed my bday up with my cousins (we’re 6 days apart) and never spelt my name correctly. Only thing my mom would get mad about is the difference the way she treated us from eachother which was very… she would always bring it up to my pops, but my pops never realized the difference until we were older and started having kids. He’s finally spoke on it, but it is what it is. As long as you show your kids love that other stuff doesn’t really matter. At least she makes an effort. Some people have grandparents who don’t show up at all.


I have seven grandchildren and don’t know their birthdays. My daughter helps me remember when the time gets close. As we get older we do forget things easier than we used to. You’re acting like a spoiled brat!


Does she have memory problems or Alzheimer’s? I mean people do develop health issues the older they get. Sounds like you’re taking it a little bit overboard but it also sounds like any excuse to not be around your in-laws is good enough for you because you don’t like them are you never really had a good relationship with them.

I call my own kids the wrong name, if that all you have to be upset about in the world then you are good :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


just when i thought my ex was the most stpd person alive… is there any hope for u?

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I say nothing to be mad about. My husband cant remember all if our kids birthdays, but he loves them with all his heart. :woman_shrugging:


Stop being so jealous the family who live close would get extra but they also are at the mlw beck and call remember as you age you forget


Just curious… has it crossed your mind that she may be having a medical issue that affects memory? Your tantrums are ridiculous in my opinion.


how old is MIL though?

Grow tf up she’s older you’re kids are literally never with her I mix up my kids name and I have a boy and girl and my husband has to say every month to know their birthdays she’s human she’s on the older side you’re being childish your tantrums and behavior might get you a divorce


She may have an underlying medical condition. I wouldn’t get upset I would try to understand her and what may be going on.

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Does this woman also constantly ask to speak to the manager?


So to recap, so far you’ve stormed out of her house after throwing a tantrum over it, avoided her for a year, made your relationship with your husband strained over it, “didn’t participate in conversations” and acted like an idiot at the reunion, then threw yet another tantrum? You sound like an absolute nightmare and should be thankful you get an invite at all. And god bless your heart when your husband someday gets news his poor mother has dementia or something and you have caused him to lose so much time with her because you were so busy punishing her for having a poor memory!


Seriously? The receptionist asked me what my sons bday was and I actually gave them my own. Hope he doesn’t think I don’t love him, but then I remember he’s 10 and not self centered. :no_good_woman::woman_facepalming:


Without harsh calling…people close to us do this. It’s normal. Don’t turn it into a big thing cause one day they will eventually forget everything. You just have to remind them if you want to make a big thing of it.

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Umm perhaps she’s in the early stages of Alzheimer’s!!! Btw I call my kids my dogs names and visa-versa :woman_shrugging:t2:


She’s getting older memory fades ….have compassion. Don’t take it personal I call my own kids by the wrong name at times and I’m 44 and even forget my own age when put on the spot.

Idk, my ex-husband still gets my birthday and our sons birthdays backwards and so does my best friend who is my son’s godmother.
My daughter’s father doesn’t want to know anything about her, or so it seems, and I know his parents know nothing but her 1st name (she’s 21 btw). I just don’t take things like this personally bc no one can remember every detail, even when they want to :woman_shrugging: just my opinion

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Really? U cause a scene over THIS???


I wouldnt be upset…My mom has 9 grandkids and she is always getting first and middle names wrong and birthdays. So I dont get why ur so upset about it. My mom even does it to me and my 4 brothers. I even do it to my own son and daughter. How old are you again? Get over it. Why dont you just dont go back to your MiLs house anymore if your going to be a cry baby.

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Lol I forget my own kids bdays sometimes and I constantly call them by their wrong names. I doubt I’ll be able to keep up with grandkids if I have them one day. I get what you’re saying, but if she sees those kids more than yours then, she just practices theirs more. If they stop going around as much, I can almost say for sure it’ll be the same for them as your kids.


Nah, girl, this is petty. There are way more important things. Let it go and let everyone keep the family relationships going. This is small stuff. What your MIL has done is harmless and like you said, she just sees the other kids more. There are 9 grandkids on my husbands side and we have 3 of them. My kids are seen the least because we live the farthest but I have no doubt they are loved. All relationships are different.


I wouldn’t be to hard on her. Considering she is probably older, there may be a valid medical explanation. It is way better to try to understand than to be nasty about the situation. Praying :pray:


I feel ya same exact thing with my inlaws

I forgot my own birthday for like 3 years. I kept saying I was older than I was.

I confuse my kids birthdays all the time.

Middle names aren’t used daily.

My Grandma used to go through all her kids names, boys and girls, until she got to the right one. No one was hurt or threw a tantrum.

Calm down and don’t cause a family feud over something that doesn’t matter in the long run.

Sounds like you moved away and you are jealous that the other grandkids are getting attention.
I bet your son wouldn’t have been so hurt if you hadn’t already created an issue.


You sat in the corner and made no effort and yet you are upset because of a middle name or birthday? I work and run a home (very busy) - certain things do not stick in my head - like names & numbers. We laugh about it and all move on! Why? Because I love them all and my lack of number love doesn’t affect them. Sounds like the BIL makes an effort therefore it is reciprocated.

We’ve been married for 25 years and hubbys bday is July 7 the number of times I’ve been ready on the 6th is more than I can count. Daughter is 2003 and still say 2006 :woman_shrugging: Thank goodness my family isnt petty and childish.


names and birthdays are easy to get mixed up or forget … I am always calling my grown children by the wrong name and go through the list until I get to the right one… I think you are over reacting


Sounds like an honest mistake. Plus she is obviously older if she has a 19yo grandchild. Sorry but you’re acting like a child. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Lady, chill out. I would be embarrassed if I threw a fit over that. I told the waiter the other day that my son was 8. He is in fact not 8 and he had to correct me lol. Shit happens. Life happens. Middle names are essentially useless anyways. And my husband doesn’t even remember our kids birthdays. Big deal. Make her a cool calendar reminder thing with their bdays and names.

You sound like a petty Betty looking for an argument.


I’m just saying… even 90 minutes one way is a long ways that’s 3 hours of her day just driving. You say it’s just 90 minutes but it’s not. It’s literally 3 hours of driving in one day.


If that was the only thing my inlaws did wrong i would be blessed!


And I called my 1-year-old Alexa the other day… And it wasn’t the first time. And there’s many times that I give my date of birth instead of my kids at the doctor’s office. Or the wrong date of birth for the wrong kid. I am the doctor’s office my kids wrong last name before.

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My MIL has 21 kids (for now, more on the way) to remember :joy: Perhaps instead of causing a scene buy her a family birthdays thing to hang on her wall with all the families names/ birthdays in what month of the year, it’ll help remind her. I dont think you’ve been very mature about all this and need to make amends.


I’m a boy mom. I have 3 lol my children laugh at me when I call out all the names! Even if I’m speaking to one lol. My mother switches mine and my sisters names along with my neices names but we always know who she’s talking about. Not really a big deal. But everyone is different. Good luck :+1:

Yes no yes no let it go and grow


Petty as hell…
I barely know bdays and their my own kids!! Thank God they all remind weeks before tbe actual day!!


I think your situation is harmless maybe an honest mistake… my daughters grandma doesn’t see her much, I have a step daughter the same age as my daughter. Well we went to see my daughters grandma… this lady walks up to my step daughter hugging her and telling her how much she loves her :flushed: you should have seen all of our faces :woman_facepalming: Like, yeah you got the wrong kid lady


To be fair… I swore my daughter was 6 for like 5 minutes the other day… She kept saying she was 7 and I was like “stop playing, you are not about to be 8 this year!”… finally I remembered and felt like a complete dumb ass… She’s 7 and I know that because I birthed her myself and have been there every single day of her life for 7 years… idk what I was thinking and where my brain went for those 5 minutes. I remember every detail of her birth down to the exact time she was born, her weight, length, the outfit she wore home… but for 5 minutes I legit thought she was 6… so accidents happen… :woman_shrugging:t3::joy:

You’re being petty. Also maybe your mother-in-law is starting to get Alzheimer’s or dementia? So keep that in mind before you start going on Rampages


I get that it can be annoying when you feel there are favorites but I can’t remember birthdays for the life of me. I program that stuff into my phone. I would recommend working with your son to let that stuff go. It sounds like you are harboring a lot of resentment and it’s trickling down. My entire family has spelled my first name wrong my whole life. And I guarantee no one knows my middle name. My cousins were baby sat by my grand parents. Ive seen them maybe 20 times my whole life. I it’s not personal to me though. They live by them. I’m states away. And have been since I was 5. I don’t have money to visit and they’re to old to travel like that. It is what it is but I know they love me.

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Of all the things, is this really what you’re going to be upset about??


Pretty sure I called my kids the dogs names recently so… :person_shrugging:


If you have been married 25 years, I’m guessing his mom is in her 60s at the youngest. Once they’re that age, they do start to become forgetful, it happens. I’m sure she knows this and is only being made to feel worse about her aging.

If her other grandkids have a closer relationship and visit more often then it is normal for her to be closer to them since she spends a lot more time with them. If your parents lived with you, your kids would be closer to your parents than his.

My kid’s came out of me and I have gotten their names wrong :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I kinda get why u are upset bcos of the fact that she remembers the other grandkids middle names and their birthdays and not urs… As a mother it’s natural to feel hurt but over time it will pass… My children’s grandmother don’t know any of their birthdays cos that is how she wants it… But I ain’t getting mad at her I just take it as her loss… As a matter of fact today is my youngest birthday and he is 8 and his granny will. Never and has never picked up the phone on his birthday to wish him… So yes mommy it might hurt but it’s truly not something to be mad at… It will soon pass and you will see that it’s not an issue as along as u are their for ur kids… I do wish u everything of the best with ur in laws :blue_heart:

That’s really petty l think you need to grow up a bit, don’t ruin your relationship over petty things seriously, my on mum doesn’t even know all her grandchildren’s birthday and sometimes mix up their names.


If you’re husband can’t get behind your concerns, he’s not a good husband…

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I understand that you feel kind of hurt, but honestly I think you’re making it a much bigger deal than it is. Im terrible with dates and if she lives close to the other kids, she is literally going to feel closer to them as they are more a part of each other’s lives. Try to role model respect and forgiveness instead of anger and resentment. That’s what you’re teaching your son.


Well, here’s my take, it’s unfortunate that MIL forgot birthdays and middle names. However you did state that she rarely sees your kids, so it would be slightly more understandable to get things mixed up.

I have 9 nieces and nephews, some I see more often than others. I keep their birthdays written down, because I’m terrible with dates and would forget them if I didn’t. Their middle names are easy for me because I’m good with names. However, despite the fact that I forget certain dates without having them written down, I love them all and would do anything for them.

Lastly, you have the right to be upset. How you act when you’re upset determines the futures consequences you may face as a result of those actions. Based on your post, those actions have caused future consequences to your relationship with your husband and family. Your actions have done nothing, as far as I can tell from what’s written, to create a better relationship between your MIL and you or your MIL and your children. Perhaps it’s time to focus on that instead. Remember that civil dialogue and boundaries go a lot further than storming off, stonewalling someone, and refusing to reconcile.


Let it go not worth your time.


Don’t sweat the small stuff… you have to pick your battles wisely and that’s not worth the turmoil.


I have the worst memory at my age and can’t remember shit and your carrying on about a grandma. Grow up?!

You’re overreacting.


I’d say it’s okay. She loves them I’m sure. My mother is the same way and I laugh at her all the time and better yet she sees them frequently. As for my I’m not a grandma by any means but I’m a aunty and I don’t know all my nieces/nephews birthdays nor their middle names and I love them dearly… Shoot I get my own kids names mixed up :rofl: yeah I’d say let it go.

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I’m a nana to 3 and they have 3 to 4 names each and I call them each others name sometimes. I don’t mean no harm in it. My daughter and grandkids just laugh they don’t get upset. You sound so petty and full of drama. I would tell you to keep your bs to yourself.


As you get older, small things like names and dates becomes less important. She Loves her son and your children by extension automatically. Continually being a stable part of your sons life is enough at this stage.
Id honestly pick the hill you want to die on a little more carefully. She may not even remember the names and dates to be Honest and doesn’t have the heart to Ask You or him in fear of hurting you🤷‍♀️ I mean honestly How embarrassing do you think getting a grandchilds name or birthdate wrong infront of them must feel for Her😪

Please understand i mean none of this negatively. Purley speculation. But a positive spin on Why she may act like that…

Hmm yeah I would just say bad memory, I always forget birthdays :rofl: I even have to put my kids bdays in my calander


My parents called us each others names basically our entire lives and now they doing it to their grandchildren. We just laugh it off. My Mum forgot where I went to school. My Dad doesn’t remember what year that I was born. They getting old. Your situation shouldn’t be made into such a big issue. Life is so short. We loosing people left right and center due to the ‘virus’. U learn what is really important in life.


Well my husband and all three of my kids and my mom went a week and total not one person remembered… sometimes days run on and people get side tracked, sometimes getting older you forget things…Sadly it kinda hurts, but one day you may find it happens to you and then ya find out they feel bad too, as you will feel bad if you do it to someone else.

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I’ve got 3 boys I’m lucky if I remember their birthdates when making doctor apps. Definitely nothing to be upset about. As we get older we forget things…ill be 32 Friday and I’m SO bad for this. I’d forget most of my families birthdays if it weren’t for Facebook memories :rofl: my father n law is regularly in our lives and gets my kids names confused with the other grandchildren…he has 8 grandkids 7 are boys. Its never bothered me. I live right next to my mom and dad and they never remember my kids birthdays until I mention it lol…To each their own i guess.

I have 10 grands and acquired them all within the last 4 years. I couldn’t remember their birthdays if my life depended upon it and I was literally in the room when half of them were born. I see most of them on a nearly daily basis too so cut her some slack. Could be worse my MIL can look her son in the face not know his name or even that he’s her son half the time… in case you need some perspective.


I think it’s you who has a problem, stop nitpicking!!!

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You are totally overreacting!! Also did you ever think there could be a reason for memory lapse?! Like menopause or early onset dementia? Either way life is too short to sweat the small stuff!!


I think you’re overreacting. Hell I can’t even keep my own children’s names straight, lol. I have 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters and I’m extremely close with all of them. My granddaughters birthdays are 3 weeks apart and I’m always getting them confused and I watched them both be born. As we get older our memory isnt what it used to be. If she doesn’t see your kids very often it’s not surprising that she forgets. Maybe she’s having memory issues and she’s just reminded frequently of the other children’s birthdays and such. Maybe try being a little more compassionate.


Yes. You’re crazy for expecting your husband to be the same level of upset as you are at his mother. You’re being overly sensitive.

First You have the right to feel however you want

Good grief have you never forgotten something ? Sounds like you had a wonderful relationship with your in laws and you let dates and names mess that up :woman_facepalming:t3: forgetting a date or a name does not mean someone loves another any less for shits sake I call my kids the dog my dog the rabbit and sometimes I forget what to call all of them but I don’t love them any less.

Your kid fed off your energy most likely cause in most cases kids don’t give a shit about that kinda stuff not until we teach them that they should.

So NO I wouldn’t dead my in laws because of names and dates , my in laws are great ppl who love all of my kids (one who isn’t even biologically their sons) and always made me feel like part of the family I wouldn’t destroy that for a date and a name :woman_shrugging:t3:

You’re overreacting I think. It’s not that big a deal. I can’t remember what I ate yesterday.

You are acting horribly…


‘‘I caused a righteous scene’’ ‘‘My husband didn’t speak to me comfortably for a couple of weeks’’ wtf lol this story sounds fact. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt and ask…did it ever occur to you that since your MIL is old, that her memory is going bad? My own mother forgot my birth year and I slid outta her damn cooter.

Heck , I get my own kids names wrong !! You’re way overreacting. It sounds more like you’re jealous. We have 32 grands !! I can’t even begin to remember their bdays . Don’t remember many middle names . But , they know they are loved very much ! Remember, you will be a mother in law one day … how are you going to react when an in law disrespects you over a trivial matter?? Might want to think about that …

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No. My father needs annual reminders of birthdays and spellings and ages. Even his own kids. Two weeks my mom wished me a happy birthday a day late. But she was also a month early. :woman_shrugging:t3: Stuff happens. Doesn’t mean they’re any less loved.

Laugh it off and mend the fences with your mother in law before it becomes an issue in your marriage …

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This seems like EXTREME nitpicking.

Way overreacting and probably making your in-laws feel bad about something they shouldn’t. Shame on you for making your family get togethers uncomfortable over something so trivial.


This is the silliest thing iv ever read! Nobody has to check their behaviour except you grow up n stop this nonsence im surprized ur husband hasent lost the plot tbh


Lord, she’s probably old. Leave her be.


No, I can’t even remember my own age half the time lol.


I get called my brother’s name and my mum’s dog’s name sometimes :woman_shrugging: :rofl:
I still tell people my son’s due date as his birthday and it’s been 6 years :rofl:


Oh my… I forget my own child’s date of birth sometimes :smile::rofl: your poor inlaws :speak_no_evil:


Wow, what a silly thing to get huffy over. My mother is useless with dates - she doesn’t even know when MY birthday is, let alone 6 grandkids and 2 great grandkids. She certainly doesn’t know their middle names!

Get a grip

You sound like hard work ! Sorry


Your kids are your responsibility not your mum in law’s. Their birthdays are you and your husband’s responsibility. People have other things to think about

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It’s something that would annoy me and I would address it calmly, accept an apology and then move on. But I wouldn’t cause a whole big thing over it👀 it’s a bit much


My own husband gets his kids names wrong at least 3 times a day. I would feel hurt but not enough to pull a family apart. Maybe try having a conversation with his mom about how it makes you feel instead of getting mad from the jump.

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You petty asfuk.

You sound like you have underlying issues. Get help.


when she do that do the same if her name is Laura then call her mommie suzie when she corect you then say oops i forgot. do it a few times you will see she will stop doing it as well


Wow, you ruined a good family relationship over this? Lol she’s likely just getting older, I’m sure she didn’t intentionally “forget” and maliciously get it wrong. You’re being petty af and I think you’re wrong for making a scene about it. I’m sure she didn’t feel the greatest about it either & it definitely wasn’t worth going to bed over lol. I have genuinely had to sit and think about my own age for a min and I’m 28 lmao.


I forgot my youngest daughters date of birth last week if she doesn’t see them daily then I think your been petty.


Thank gosh I have wonderful daughter n laws because you’d be knocked off your pedestal if mine…
I was involved with all my grandkids from birth including choosing their names… I still mess up with dates born, spelling of names, and how old they are… It’s called “getting older” n our minds forget… In no way do I mean to be hurtful, I just sometimes forget or get messed up…
You personally sound like a spoiled brat and have other issues needing to be fixed


Nope, that’s petty!
You’re making it sound like she’s causing emotional abuse towards yourself and your son, I have 6 kids and get their dates of birth and times jumbled sometimes unless I go through them from first born and I’m only 42 so far from starting to lose my mind. People have other things going on in their lives and on their minds aside from your child’s middle name.


Let it go someday you won’t remember either if ya still here


Ah… the family!
Remember my sweetie you marry the full package…well mostly!
Just come down back to earth and spread out your arms.Embrace your Mum in law and be forgiving.She will dote on you and you will feel peaceful in your heart.KEEP THE FAMILY PEACE!Your husband is still your Mum in Law’s son.Now she still forgets name’s but with time she will tell you the same story over and over.Put yourselves in her position.Be more understanding and turn the other cheeck.You will gain more by overlooking small family mishaps.Laugh it off and have another slice of her best recipé cake.To make life hard for yourselves will make you cry alone.Show greatness and embrace the mishaps.Life is good and so is family.:heart:

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Yes you’re acting crazy af lol I would not care one bit about any of this stuff I would just laugh and remind her count your blessings you’re harping over meaningless shit

Seems overreacting. How old is she. I get things confused…I forget. Most people give the elderly a break.


As a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother :older_woman: love my family and enjoy getting them together. Act like an adult, hold your tongue and and add to the peace and harmony of the family gathering. Don’t allow your disappointments destroy family relationships. Your children need to know and love their extended family. Work harder for them make things better for everyone. You are the problem for your entire family. Don’t allow yourself to be offended but let it go and don’t wear your feelings on your sleeve


She is getting older just like your kids are. Before you get mad at her, make sure everything is Ok. My mom started acting different and come to find out she had brain cancer. So maybe have her checked out.
She died 3 weeks after we had her checked out. She was 76


She might have dementia and here you are showing ya ass shame on you !

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