My mother in law forgot my kids birthday and middle name: Do I have a right to be mad?

I have 4 kids and even i get them mixed up :woman_shrugging: cut the woman some slack ffs


You need to work on some things there pal, you sound a little crazy


DUMB. My dad has a hard time remembering all the birthdays. I feel lucky when he remembers mine. Doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t care. YOU moved? YOU travel to get those kids to see their grandparents. And face that not everyone remembers every little detail.

Cry baby.


I have six children and 10 grandchildren and U get there names mixed up all the time but not on purpose. I call my youngest son by his brotherā€™s name and my gramdsons I call by my sons name. We all just laugh st it because they know I just make mistakes.


Oh grow up ur supposed to be the adult so stop acting like a spoilt child!


Make a cross stitch or another craft project with your kidsā€™ full names & their birth dates that she can hang on her wall. You can also call, text, email or send a note a week or so in advance to remind her.

Also, go for therapy to find out what causes you to overreact and/or to learn better ways to cope with your outsized emotions.

These people love your kids and thatā€™s priceless! So many have no one, or relatives who donā€™t care at all! Sooner than you expect they will be gone and you wonā€™t have them to remember you or your family for ANY occasions. Please treat MiL with kindness and grace. You have no ideas the struggles she may have or all she has to keep track of in her life. (Try researching Medicareā€”itā€™s a nightmare, or keeping track of 15 medications.) And maybe the brother gives his mom many reminders of his kidsā€™ birthdays. You can too.


Wow, someoneā€™s dramatic :roll_eyes:. Im going to assume this woman is in her 60s atleast, memory isnt always are best feature as we get older. besides as you stated YOUR FAMILY moved further away so naturally she sees ur kids less.


Ohhh no no no never do this, as you get older you forget alot of things especially if you dont see your grandchildren alot you bound to forget things, could be early onset of dementia you dknt know, you shouldnā€™t take that to heart at all my grandma didnt know who I was at one point and she asked my name because the older you get you forget things and mistake names, also my mum calls my child a different name sometimes and realises then she will call me my sisters name and even call my sister my name now, she doesnt mean to itā€™s just age, I honestly think breaking a family up for this is very immature because you moved far away from them


My mum canā€™t remember my kids birthdays she makes me remind her a few days before


I think you need to grow up


Could it be possible she has early onset dementia?
She maybe having a health drama that she herself has not realised.


You have the issue not MIL


Sheesh. My own dad forgets how to spell my childrenā€™s names, probably doesnt know their middle names although they are long and confusing for him, their birthdays etc. He still loves them though! Are we really crying bout this type of shit now? Quite pathetic really. Canā€™t expect everyone to remember every damn detail

The other day my daughter made me take her hair out so she could go take a shower. Not 10 minutes later her friends came asking for her to play. Yā€™all, I sent 6 little kids around the block looking for my child, because I legit forget she was in the shower ā€“ in 10 minutes! Iā€™m only 40! You over here worried about a woman in her 60s remembering someone elseā€™s kidsā€™ birthdays and and middle names. lol :woman_facepalming:t3:
Lady, I hope this is the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your life, honestly. Count your blessings and move on. I also find it hard to believe your child felt that rejected without your influence.
I donā€™t know any teen that isnā€™t so busy with their own teen drama that they have time to worry about who knows their middle name. Pretty sure that sometimes my oldest forgets her own middle name, tbh. :sweat_smile:


My mum gets my brother and my name mixed up and she gave birth to us and names us :woman_shrugging:t3: Our names are nothing alike.


My nan has to write them on a calendar every yeah :joy::joy: it doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t love us. She is constantly calling us the wrong names too ha ha we think itā€™s funny xx


Cut her off :clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4: she has toxic and has favorites. You do not need her in your life or your kids life. Trust me I grew up with a toxic grandmother and I wish i cut her off years ago. These kind of people are extremely toxic and harmful to kids and the damage lasts for years. Do not force your kids to interact. When or if she questions it call her out on her favoritism


Should I be mad that my mom because she calls me by dead relatives names and Iā€™m 55 :woman_shrugging:t3:


My man could barly remember my first name and that was before the dementia lol she lost of most of the grandchildren name ā€¦ my dad is the same :rofl: I get my boys names mixed up and I only have 2 :rofl::rofl: Iā€™m lucky with there birthdays and the 16th June 16th July but the year takes me a while I honestly wouldnā€™t be offended x


You are so funny you are just over thinking things

Wow. All that drama from you because she doesnā€™t know dates and middle names that are almost never used.
Thatā€™s petty. My family reminds each other of bdays and stuff bc weā€™re all bad about it.
Youā€™re clearly not a young adult so you donā€™t have much time left to grow up. I suggest starting immediately


I donā€™t think your husband should get upset, and tbh although it may be a little upsetting I really donā€™t think you need to get cross and cut her off for a year. The children that live close to her she will obviously use their names more often. My parents call my son my nephews name quite regularly but he was living with them through lockdowns - they get me and my sisterā€™s names mixed up all the time.
She could have dementia, or just be a little flustered being a hostessā€¦ I would cut her some slack.


I wish my issues were this small.


The nerve!!! Obviously this woman has raised her children, and is old enough to have half grown grandchildren. Sheā€™s probably exhausted from years of work, mothering, and horses are a LOT of work. I wish this is all I had to bitch about, I feel sorry for your husband. That is his mother. Give that woman a damn break, and quit being such a nit picky whine bag. Jesus Christ, get a grip. Hopefully she doesnā€™t have dementia, but I hope you feel like a number 1 asshole if that were the case. Calm down Veruca!

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Sound kinda selfish didnā€™t know it was important for people to know birthdays and middle names we just live life and move on on small stuff

They are your damn kids. Remember them and their details yourself! Yuks!

I canā€™t remember my Own grandkids birthdaysā€¦soā€¦


My own mother used to call me by the dogs names half the time before she got to mine. Maybe at her age because she sees your kids less often, itā€™s not as easy for her to recall details that sheā€™s not using regularly. If the nearer family are constantly there saying ā€œitā€™s xā€™s birthday on Thurs, party on Saturdayā€ she may be able to remember. Put it down to old age/early inset dementia. You can call her a dopey old bag in your head as often as you need to.


Youā€™re talking about an older woman that probably has more to remember than middle names. It sounds like you might be the one with the problem. Chill ladyā€¦enjoy what she can remember and stop focusing on what she canā€™t.

Buy her a calendar for Christmas with photos of your kids and put their Birthdays on it with their names. My Dad had a hard time remembering Birthdays. For the longest time he got mine mixed up thought it was May not March.



Iā€™ve called my kids by the cats nameā€¦

And the school noticed (when my son was in 4th grade) that I filled everything out with June 6th as his bdayā€¦ his bday is June 8ā€¦ they noticed the difference on the birth certificate, lololololol

I have 3 kidsā€¦ theyā€™ve been with me everyday since birthā€¦ they came from MY bodyā€¦ I created themā€¦ theyā€™re my little scrambled eggsā€¦ (15, 13, and 7ā€¦ so not so little)

I screw up first, middle, ages, birthdays, anniversaries, etcā€¦

My grandfather cannot remember MY birthday to save his damn lifeā€¦ itā€™s the same day as his!! I was LITERALLY born on his birthdayā€¦ but he cannot remember, never has been able toā€¦

Iā€™m assuming itā€™s part of being human and allā€¦

Things happen, minds slip, program bdays in phones or write them on calendarsā€¦ as for the middle name, have you son say something like ā€˜sorry Grandma, youā€™re confusing me with someone else, my middle name is Yā€™

That way she is made aware/reminded, he gets to voice himself, and if she forgets again itā€™s on her 100%

But, humanā€¦ good luck with your issue with your milā€¦ kinda 70% youā€¦ you reacted poorly instead of straightening it out causing stress on your family and marriageā€¦

The 30% she has is for mild neglect and being human :woman_shrugging:


  1. You need to take a breath.
  2. You need to read what you wrote.
  3. I forgot my mamaā€™s birthday when I was a junior is college. She didnā€™t disown me, she was happy I had such a high GPA and I was able to keep up with my extracurriculars as well. I made up for it. But she didnā€™t trip
  4. Do you know how many times I was called called siblings name and vice versa? FYI we arenā€™t all the same ā€œcolorā€.
  5. My dad forgot my birthday the last two years he was aliveā€¦ that was thanks to dementia.
  6. Please taken your entitled butt on somewhere. You could have reminded her. :woman_shrugging::slightly_smiling_face:

What is wrong with you? ā€¦ like seriously.


Pick and choose your battles. It isnā€™t 1996 anymore nor 2010. Memory goes, your kids are not little anymore. They can make an effort to call and talk to their grandparents more often. That a way she can remember and keep that bond going. Naturally the grandkids that are closer will get more attention.

Iā€™m 31 with 7 siblings. I donā€™t even remember all their birthdays. We just kinda all send a text to remember to wish them a happy birthday lol. No one cuts anyone off if they forget. Which this year some did, itā€™s not the end of the world. I still turned 31.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mother in law forgot my kids birthday and middle name: Do I have a right to be mad?

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Well all I can say is I am 67, I have the worst time keeping birthdays straight. I have 8 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. They all live close to me except 1. I try really hard to remember everything. I do usually remember their first and middle names but often call them by someoneā€™s name thatā€™s not theirā€™s. I just laugh and say what ever your name is today. Fortunately no one gets upset with me. Sometimes the kids will tell me their correct name, lol. I would give her the benefits of the doubt and believe that she is just forgetful. My mother once spelled my name wrong, I said gee mom you gave me the stupid name and now you canā€™t spell it. We just laughed, I knew she didnā€™t mean anything by that.


Are you Serious. You carried out like that because your mother-in-law forgot your childrenā€™s birthdays. You must be a peach to be around. I can imagine the stress you must cause when people here you are coming . Open your eyes you sound like a nightmare.


It clearly shows she is not of her good senses, that wouldnā€™t happen if she was mentally sound. So donā€™t really feel no way over that.


Rise above it and be a forgiving person. Life goes fast so enjoy your family including your mother in law. In the long run you will be thankful you made that decision, remember what you are teaching your children is very important. Love your family!


I understand what you are going through and you want your husband to take sides with you. You a fighting a losing battle because he loves his mumā€¦your son is catching on your vibes tooā€¦There will come a time when you will be a M/inlaw and you will remember the things that you didā€¦Forgive yourself first before forgiving her.


Reflect on this past year and give grace. Wow. Youā€™re missing out on so much holding such strong grudges. It happened all the time to my sister and I. We still laugh about it today. Lots of blessings to be discovered if you let go of the little stuff.


Very trivial life is short give it to the lord. People are so easily offended. I have two grandchildren andI forget my second grandsons birthday. I only have one daughter


No I forget my grandkids birthday all the time so I had to write them down and often I may call the boyā€™s by each other name life is too short enjoy your family


I guess I am a bad grandma the only birthday I am sure of is my granddaughter and thatā€™s because itā€™s in the same month of me my grand sons I keep asking my other daughter the dates and the oldest one I was there I have no clue what the middle name is and my daughter and two sons live with me


My goodness calm down. Smile and set an example for your children. Be kind


I am 40 and my dad doesnā€™t know how to spell my name and he loves me dearly. You are being petty! She is older give her a break!


Did you ever think that maybe she has early dementia and honestly canā€™t remember?? We will all be old some day and I am painfully learning parts of being old are not pleasant!!


I canā€™t believe she actually invites you back to her home, the woman sounds a Saintā€¦


You have an opportunity to model compassion and care for older people who have trouble recalling names and dates. Show your children how to be kind. Not how to sulk off to bed, hold a grudge, and have their feelings hurt. You and your children are lucky to have people who care about you all in your lives. Remember to model that gratitude.


If shes good to them and the hubby donā€™t sweat the small stuff. I have raised my youngest grandson, he lives with us and I get his name wrong. Picked up a script last week he was with me, I turned to him and said whats your birthday. We forget its the things we do that should count. Lifes to short.


I have 4 kids, 6 grandchildren, and soon to be a great grandma at 70! Sometimes i call them all by different names and now the joke is " hey you"! As we get older, our memory is not that great especially when we dont see them them that often! Your children will mimic you, so stop being a brat, and gently remind her of their namesā€¦ besides, who uses the first and middle names!!!


My mother canā€™t even remember her own childrenā€™s birthdays, much less her grandchildren and wonā€™t even try to get to remember her great grandchildrenā€™s birthdays. And my MIL never met my kids, never remembered them, birthdays, holidays, nothing, be grateful for what you do have or stay away and hurt yourself (because youā€™re left out), hurt your husband by making something an issue that was never an issue before and youā€™re hurting your kids by pointing out all the wrongs you choose to see.
And my mom has always called all of her kids, grandkids by the wrong names, goes through the whole familyā€™s before she get to yours, my whole life!!! Lol


If youā€™re so jealous of her closer relationship she has with the grandkids she see all the time blame yourself for not having your children spend more time with her. Out of sight, out of mind


Life is too short for this! Lots of family members need reminding when important dates are on. Be annoyed but donā€™t hold a grudge over something so trivial. Invite her to celebrate the birthdays with you all and have a laugh about it.


OMG. Please leave the lady alone! Nothing is wrong with she forgetting the birthday, think about me at 53 two years ago I slipped up with my only sonā€™s birthday it was my daughter who reminded me that I had the date wrong.
So sorry that you are upsetšŸ˜” may the good lord comfort you so you donā€™t forget anything in your lifetime


I am 70 canā€™t remember none of my grands birthday and names and iam around them often sometimes I get my children names mix sond like u looking for an excuse my daughter in laws reminds me of names and birthdays u being hateful and not excepting his mother


You should take a long look at yourself. You and your husband made the decision to move not your mil. She spends more time with the others because they are close by. You act upset because you said she only lives 90 minutes away? Well that should apply to you and your family as well. She is an older lady. You need to make the effort to get in the car and go visit her more often. Like I said you made the choice to move. As far as forgetting a middle name, thatā€™s ridiculous. She is older, have some respect for her. One day you will be older too. You need to apologize for your actions and talk to your child. They see how you react to things and you are teaching them to do the same. Sounds like you need to grow up a little bit and be an adult.


As we age we do forget birthdatesā€¦and as far as Middle name thats pretty easy to forget. I understand your feelings were hurt and your son is frankly taking a clue from you in going to bed early. Show some grace my dear. You to one day will age God willing you wonā€™t forget names!


Yes you are. Donā€™t expect your husband to feel same emotions thst you feel. Men and women react to everything differently.
Also, you are being over sensitive. Being a grandmother, I canā€™t remember and keep straight all middle names and even get the birthdates mixed up.


Okā€¦ ill say itā€¦ we remembered our childrenā€™s names and birthdays cause we gave birth to them. I dont expect anyone to remember my childrenā€™s birthdaysā€¦so my advice to you is to kindly remind them a week in advance. The thing to remember in generalā€¦ people are not perfect but we can lift each other up everyday!!


You seem to be the problem much more than your mother-in-law. Some people have much better memories than others. Unless a childā€™s middle name is commonly used, not remembering it certainly does not seem like a big deal. You are not only causing yourself and your family stress for no reason but you are making life very difficult for your husband. It is time for you to reevaluate your own behavior.


In a 36 yr old mother who has four babies back to back. Iā€™m constantly messing up their birthdays when filling out paperwork and Iā€™m always going threw the list of name to get the right name fornthe right child when Iā€™m upset now if I cant keep my info organized in my head how would I expect others to keep the info straight. We are coming out of a pandemic where families have been separated and your worried about petty things like this. Sounds like your judging to me. How about dementi? Is it a possibility.


My parents barely remember my kids birthdays. Do I care? No. Why!? Because remembering these things shows good memory. I KNOW they love them. Sooo much. Thatā€™s enough for me. My sis lives near them, I live in another country. Of course they are closer to my nieces. Thatā€™s only normal. I remind them of things I want them to be part of and they oblige. No need for such drama. Seriously. If thatā€™s your trouble, you have a good life.


Same situation as you. My MIL/FIL donā€™t remember any of my kidā€™s Bday too. She relies of FB memories. She also doesnā€™t know their full names either. They donā€™t visit but would visit other sonā€™s home weekly. But would ask if weā€™re going their place with little guilt trips of health issues. But After close to 17yrs of the existence of my babies I seriously DGAF anymore. I did talk abt it with the hubby. To him Biased treatment is going to happen and itā€™s THEIR choice on how they treat yr kids. You canā€™t change them but YOU CAN however minimise contact if it bothers you that much. Because either way our kids are gonna grow up and with more then enough Love that would last them a few lifetime from both the hub, myself and their maternal grandparents. I know itā€™s heartbreaking but you canā€™t make them love your kids more.


As an older adult with grandchildren, please do not be upset. I have difficulty more with names than anything. I remember my grandkids names and Birthdates that live closest to me because they remind me often of both. The 3 grands that live 3 hours away, I remember their names but not always the correct date of birth. It has nothing to do with you or the grandchildren. It has to do with age. Call your children by both names in her presence. Do not ask her to remember or question her. Bring up the dates in conversation or place them on a calendar in her home. She may have beginnings of alzheimers or dementia and it will frustrate her to have to recall names and dates.


Sounds petty. My grandmother could never remember any of our first names, let alone middle names or birthdays. We all loved her and all turned out just fine. But then, my mother didnā€™t go acting like a child and having a tantrum over it


You are more the problem than she is, get over it and try to g see t along with her, she probably donā€™t even realize how you feel ,you are making things rough on yourself.


1st I would question her physical & mental health. I have been ill quite a bit since the end of February this year. It hasnā€™t only affected my physical health, but my mental health also. Sometimes even on my good days my mind is fuzzy. Mine is not due to alzheimers or dementia, but a lot of illnesses can cause these problems. Meanwhile there are certain things I remember & handle very well.
On another note, I had an aunt that all my life called me by the wrong 1st & middle name. As I got older I just went along with the name she called me. I would give anything for her to call me by the name she used just one more time!


Pick your battles. You may be judging without kn9wing what is happening in her life.


These are such small things in the big picture. I think grace in this is appropriate. She may be hurt you moved far away. Lifeā€™s too short.


This is so minimalā€¦I have 4 granddaughters and lost our first born to a swimming pool accident. She was 2. Please donā€™t let the little stuff get in the way :purple_heart: maybe pictures of your babies with their info added would help them remember? Please just Love and let go of this so that when you are together you can make the best of the time spentā€¦no one can know when it will be too late


Oh my god do you think thatā€™s all sheā€™s got to think about your sonā€™s birthday and middle name, grow up, getting older is no mean feat. Not every thing will be revolved around you or your family why do you expect her to visit you your younger you should be rallying around her. It was your choice to move away with her grandchild, so donā€™t expect her to come running over to you. Show some respect for her, rant over get over yourself.


Menopause, medications & at the worse dementia can affect your memory,or so many things in between. Instead Iā€™d getting upset over these slips you need to have your husbandā€™s family make sure to look into whatā€™s causing it. Having family that has dealt with alzheimers (dementia)please try not to be angry & scorn her, stop and think if it were you losing your loved ones memories & slowly yourself how scary & frustrating it is and to not be able to do anything about it


To be honest lol - I can barely remember my own age :joy::rofl: and have to remind my father of specific birthday dates when he asks and have to write down birthdays somewhere for me to remember my parents and everyone else for the most part. I can see how it might be a big deal to some people - itā€™s just not one of those things thatā€™s a big deal to me. I can imagine the irritation it might cause that the other grandchildrenā€™s middle names and birthdays might might be easier to remember for them, but you should communicate this frustration with them honestly in private with them. Thereā€™s no reason for it to become a wedge in your relationships with family and husband. If they knew how you felt then they would most likely adress it and put more effort into remembering things that you find important. Just remember other people, such as your husband, might not have ever had anything about this situation cross his mind, and no one can read minds. Just discuss it with him and them. Communication is key or those emotions will continue to fester and spill into other aspects of your relationships.


Iā€™m 56 and I still answer to Kim (my sister) and Pam ( my cousin). Iā€™m Jan. We thought it was hilarious when Grandma would go through everyoneā€™s name and then say, ā€œYou know who you are!ā€ You are ruining relationships for no reason. Grow up!


Please give her a break ā€¦ as we age our memory isnā€™t what it used to be and when we forget and a big deal is made over it ā€¦ it just gets more mangled in our mindā€¦ enjoy her today b/c tomorrow we may not have our loved one . We are going to be there one day , letā€™s all show grace :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Hehe, i forget my kidā€™s names but it doesnā€™t mean i love them any lessā€¦ Worse those are ur kids not hers she obviously canā€™t n wonā€™t remember everything about them esp midddlenames


Memory easily fades as you age. Getting so upset over not remembering birthdays is unfair. Without reminders or having them written on a calendar Iā€™d never remember my siblings birthdays. Let alone a generation past that. Iā€™m only 49.

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I actually call my grands by the wrong names all the time. But all joking aside, I would be hurt. My own mother didnā€™t know any of my three kids bdays, maybe their middle name, but we doubt it? Funny but with her great grandchildren she was awesome go figure?! And we lived on the same street.

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It is upsetting but speaking from experience ( I am a grandmother to 7 children, and with my health deteriorating my memory is affected at times, I often call my grandchildren by their cousins names, I try and correct myself but it is hard at times)

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I have 8 grands and 10 great grands spread across the country. I am 68 and lucky if I remember My own name. Sure I remember the ones here better because their parents invite me to the parties. I cannot remember even all the middle names of the grands that live here. But then I forget where I am going sometimes. I donā€™t know her age but cut her some slack. You could send her invites to their birthday parties. Include the fact you know she cannot attend but just want to keep her in the loop. A short note ā€œhey Maryā€™s birthdate is 12-1 and we are celebrating on 12-2. Wish you could be here just want to keep you in the loop with our activitiesā€. You could also offer to set them up in her phone calendar for her!


My sons grandmother on his dadā€™s side never ever even acknowledge my son in any way. I went one time after that hubby went alone


Sounds like you need to give a little grace. She raised the man you do lovingly married. She doesnā€™t have to remember everything, be kind, respectful and let it go. Someday you may find yourself forgetting and I bet you will want grave from your daughter in laws.

My grandfather got my name wrong many times late in his life. Never any harm meant, he was developing dementia. You have to forgive the little things.


You need to take a look at yourself my dear. Such petty ranting is only going to come back to bite you someday. Havenā€™t you learned that as we age our memory can fade ? Iā€™m glad you are not my daughter in-law. It would break my heart if mine had your attitude. All four are so kind and loving and understanding toward me. You will be old someday and I hope and pray that your daughterā€™s in-law show you the mercy and kindness you canā€™t seem to find for your husbandā€™s mother.


You are the problem here, making a mountain out of a molehill!!! I canā€™t remember one of my Grandkids Birthday. As we age our memory shortens also


Oh my God. You would hate me too if I was your mother in law. Iam approaching 70 but very forgetful also when it comes to names. But I love every person whose name I forget. I forget birthdays too unles somebody somewhere reminds me. But what matters is that I love all my grand children.
My dear, forgeting is a health condition as we age. The condition can come at any age. Just dont accelerate it on your ML by stressing her. Visit regularly to ease her situation. Donā€™t blame your husband or ML. Help your ML to remember. Donā€™t make your children hate their grandmother for this. Donā€™t over react. Make peace because your husbnd and ML needs it most from her children. I know what I am talking about. I WISH YOU HAPINESS IN YOUR MARRIAGE. BE BLESSED.


Esther Jacobs lol this is my mom she has 3 kids 2 daughters and 1 son she has 3 grandkids 2 girls and 1 boy. She gets our names wrong all the time., during the conversation we need to tell her I am Lecrecia. Itā€™s really nothing to get angry about we always laughing about and joking around about. My ma of 94 years has 4 children, 13 grandkids, 0ver 20 great grandkids she mixes our names up sooo much that Iā€™m always teasing her by saying Iā€™m your grand daughter not your great grand grandchild. I think the name mixing is just a something you can turn into a little ice breaker just to laugh a bit


Shit I donā€™t even know if both sets of my grandparents even knew my real name because I was always called another name but never felt if they loved me less, maybe she hears the others middle name more you said she called them by their first and middle name. You to far in the game to be feeling a certain way life is to short to be stress over something like that

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Maybe for Christmas make her a nice calendar with the whole family birthday. Aunts, uncle, kids,cousin everyone . She would love that


Since you ask, Iā€™d say yes you are crazy. Get some compassion, you are far from perfect. What she did was not a big deal. What you did was just plain mean and spiteful. Your husband must have the patience of Job. We ALL need forgiveness. You are not as perfect as you must think. Concentrate on improving your own shortcomings and maybe you will be able to give a little more grace and be a little more of a gracious woman. That is the example your children need.


I can understand you are hurt. But she did not purposely forget her grandchildrenā€™s middle namesā€¦you purposely chose to not speak to anyone and sulk. You also set a poor example for your own children. I canā€™t remember why I walked into the other room much less peopleā€™s middle names. Do the right thing, apologize and move onā€¦life is too short


I think your over reacting. Itā€™s not that big of a deal. Itā€™s obvious you donā€™t care for you MIL. Make peace! Show your kids the right way by just accepting her forgetfulness.


My mom has forgotten my birthday. Iā€™m not sure she knows my daughterā€™s middle name and she sees her on a regular basis. If itā€™s just this, then I think youā€™re making a mountain out of a molehill. If thereā€™s more than just this issue, then :woman_shrugging:. Youā€™ve got to figure out the actual root cause of your frustration with her.

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Girl life hold bigger issuesā€¦
Live long enough and you will forget who you areā€¦
A sound mind when you get old is a gift from Godā€¦
Grow Up!

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I think you did overreact a bit but sometimes life with kids can make you sensitive. Donā€™t worry about it too much. She sounds like she loves the children dearly. Sheā€™s getting older and could be developing dementia or something. Try paying attention to her more. Is she doing things over and over again? Getting upset over small things? Forgetting these particular things is also a sign, especially since sheā€™s known it for years. Thereā€™s other signs as well. Try looking them up. Donā€™t ruin your relationship with your family over something like this. Itā€™s not worth it.


Who cares as long as she has them on the calendar and wishes them happy birthday. Also my parents made up middle names for my kids they liked better, I thought it was funny. Lighten up Francis. Also, I would be surprised if the husband doesnā€™t bail.


My mother preferred my sister and thus her children got priority treatment. I would purposely keep my children away on gift giving days to spare their feelings

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Itā€™s not the grandparents job to remember the birthdays. I remember my oldest. Hell I forget my own and so has my brothers and Aunt.

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Really?!! With all that is deeply wrong in this world, you go out of your way to cause such discomfort and hard feelings among your inlaws??? My MIL had a birthday calendar on her wall to help her remember. Clever! I sometimes mix up my childrensā€™ names with my siblings ā€™ with my grandchildrensā€™names. So do my kids, and my grandkids. Almost everyone does at one time or another. And we all have a good laugh! Maybe you ought to look inside yourself and figure out why you CHOOSE to feel that way and it appears to be affecting your childā€™s self esteem. Lighten up! You have no right to judge her until you are perfect.