Should 6 month olds sit in a baby walker? i put my baby in one (supported obviously) and she told me to take him out asap and it was bad for development and there is a reason they are banned in canada for kids of that age…is she right? what can happen? I am so confused…i didnt know they were banned…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mother in law got mad I put my baby in a walker: advice?
My baby was put in a walker way before 6 months. It teaches them how to walk… if anything it helps their development
Is she the babies mother? If not ignore her! My son loved his walker !! Close off all doors to all stairs !
They haven’t made these in forever and there’s a good reason…. They really aren’t safe. There’s far better ways for kids to develop those motor skills and these should only be use if under 100% supervision, kids have gone done stairs in them before.
It isn’t great for their hips to be weight-bearing alot at that age,
He’s supposed to be in the walker around that time it helps strengthen his legs and he will learn how to get around the house
They are not good for development
Can cause bowed legs if to young. I suggest concentrating on getting baby to crawl the walking comes soon afterwards. I had my son in one when he was that age only had him it it for a few weeks then threw it out after it tipped with him in it.
I think they were banned in Canada because babies were falling down the stairs.
My son loved his!
The packaging should show what approvals they have, I’m sure there have been some banned for not being safe… Like with everything… Just show her the box info and that it’s safe.
I personally didn’t like them for my kids and my kids started walking super early without one. But I did like jumpers and other supported standing/sitting things for them.
Banned in Canada. There’s nothing wrong with sitting the baby up in a walker. At 6months all he/ she can do is sit up.
I have 6 children and I’ve put all my children in walkers at 5 months old and they did just fine. My grandsons have done well too in a walker. Tell her to mind her own business, it’s not her child!
Nothing wrong with them
No. My daughter started walking on her own at 8 months. I believe it all depends on the child.
Tell her he is your baby and she needs to mind her own business
Walkers actually delay walking
Key words, “my baby”
I’ve used a jolly jumper for my 2 kids and had no problems. Both of them were 3months when I put them in there. I fully believe it’s why my kids have been early crawlers/walkers because it has strengthened their legs.
who cares what anyone thinks do what you think is it right as a mother, developmentally/technically walkers should be used when the child can use them flatfooted and not using the walker to stay upright
Mothers know their babies best. A suggestion put him in and supervise, build the muscles but if he’s tired or getting cranky take him out
My oldest used his walker all the time and he’s fine!
We used the stationary type. No wheels. Perfectly fine.
They need to crawl first… Some of the males in our family have dyslexia… Crawling first is important
Geez every single kid in my family have been in walkers and my 6 mo old grandson loves his, AND nothing happened to any of their leg/development
Tell her to suck your tit
They do say it’s bad for development now.
Unless the child is in danger… family or not, people should butt out…x
Also from Canada their banned because of accidents related to the wheels and not being able to stop or prevent falling down stairs etc I had my son in one but I never had him on anything that would allow him to trip down like only on flat ground. The development is that you should make sure they are capable of holding themselves upright like sitting up straight and supporting their own heads and weight
Fall down the stairs ? Take care of your baby simple don’t leave him where theres stairs tf is wrong with people lol
I had one with my first and then found it, it’s not good for their development. I think it has something to do with their hips. Also putting children in those things before they are able to walk is not meant to be good.
I work in early childhood and we don’t use them at all.
It’s pretty bad for their hips
Until they are able to pull up to a standing position they should not be put in a walker. It can cause them to become bow legged and damage their hips if you put them in it before their muscles are developed enough to support their weight.
Walkers are bad for kids development. It teaches them to lean forward while walking which can delay motor development, cause back pain as adults & other issues. This has been known for decades. Instead of asking people on Facebook talk to your pediatrician about it and do your own research.
They are bqnned because people are lazy and don’t watch their children. Children were going down stairs and getting really hurt being unsupervised.
There is research showing walkers and jumpers have delayed walking. And yes they are banned in some
That being said, your baby. Your choice.
Do your own research and make your own choice. It doesn’t matter what anyone else banned in some places.
I put mine in one at that age so their feet could touch the floor. They loved it. Quit listening to her.
Tell your MIL to stuff it! Your child, your choice!
Its not recommended no, but I can tell you know all my kids have grown up fine and so did I just keep in mind even thoughthings aren’t recommended doesn’t mean NO you can’t all together, if they posed such greater risks they would have been pulled from the shelves by now but they aren’t.
Same with the cosleepers, how many babies die from Sid’s in a cosleeper? Are they banned yet? No
I didn’t use one for my daughter, I had her on the floor most of the time and she started walking at 8months. I did use one for my son around 6 months, and he was fine. But you definitely need to be careful with those because they can be dangers. I don’t really think they help with walking. My son took longer to walk. I think having them on the floor would have them learn faster.
They learn faster on theyre own rather than in something that forces their body to do it
They’re banned here because they can fall down staircases.
Well that’s a stupid rule yes I don’t care what state you live in! Shouldn’t have to be told how to raise your child and what to put him in or on for that matter anywhere in the world!
But at the same time there’s nothing wrong with putting him in a walker or her!
All 4 of my kids used a walker and none have issues
It’s your baby. Do what you want. All 8 of my kids have used walkers and not a single one has had any hip or walking issues. They’re not meant to be used for hours and hours at a time. But they help keep baby busy and mobile safely as long as things like stairs and such are properly gated off. Tell your MIL to shove it. Your the mama. Not her.
I think my daughter was about 7 months old when we got one. she only used it a few days a week in our 1 story house, but she never stayed in it for very long, I think she got tired. when she got to where she was walking, she would push it around and eat off the little tray.
I was told by our pediatrician its bad for thier hips. Same reason they shouldn’t face out on the chest carriers either till at least 9 months (preferably not till after a year).
It’s bad for hand eye coordinating because most kids dont crawl first. A baby is supposed to crawl on their tummy then knees then stand it helps developed their sense of distance and perception of depth and stuff like that .
Once they can support their trunk, I’ve used them, along with jumpers. I once had an older relative try and lecture me for helping my baby to stand when they were quite young. But she wanted to stand, she’d cry if you didn’t help her relative said that she’d go bow legged. I laughed in her face. That is certainly not what causes that and it’s not detrimental to their development if used in moderation.
and not just the fact can they fall down staircases ,but also the little seats they sit on isn’t always the stongest either , i had one for my kids , but that god i was there because when i had pt my son in it the seat part broke , luckly i caugth him before something really bad happened!
Personally I think walkers are okay. Just leave baby in there for long hours at a time.
I put my son in one at 6 months. Sure helped him. He was walking 10 months old.
I think as long as your baby is sitting up on their own fully then there isn’t anything to work about
I put mine in as soon as he started sitting up and he was walking on his own before 10 months.
Walkers are more for sitting and playing or something that holds them upright so they can explore a little. I also like those jump things you can also make them stationary I believe? My kids all used them and all were walking by one year. I think 3 out of 4 were walking by 10 months old.
As long as baby is supervised , and room is baby proofed it’s fine , make sure stair cases are gated , it becomes such a freedom for them, both my babies walked at 10 months using one
They’re banned here cause of too many accidents from kids going down stairs from parents not supervising them. There’s actually nothing wrong with the device itself. Its inattentive parents that caused most of the accidents with them.
Where as it is bad for development it is what it is and up to your discretion
She had her time with her own kids you do what you want …
you are the mom do what you think is best i say that as a grandmother of 14 and a great grandmother of 6 as long as the baby is not being neglected or abused which obviously it isnt then the grandmother needs to butt out
Listen sweetie it don’t hurt anything, I have 8 children and 22 grandchildren, you raise your child like you want to.
It actually can mess up posture and back and walking for them… That’s what the pediatrician told me anyhow
Stay away from stairs, make sure the seats secure, and let that baby have at it! Don’t let your MIL mom shame you. That’s not her place
My oldest is 9 and I’ve put them in them since they were about 5/6months and they’ve been fine. Tell her to mind her own business…
My daughters therapists told me they are no good to use and never to use it
My son used his fine and nothing bad happened and he walked a lot sooner than my daughter
He walked at a year and her 16 months
But my kids are tall so about that age the walker was to small for them
Both my kids used them an were walking by 10 months really up too you anyways
My Pedi warned me against using them.
Some studies have indicated that walkers can impede ambulation development and cause bowed legs. With that being said, I used a walker on all 3 of my children and none of them had issues with their legs. In fact, it helped my oldest strengthen her leg muscles so much that she was walking completely independently by 9 months old. I think they can be great tools to use if you’re monitoring them and spacing out time in them.
While it helps coordinate their legs, it doesn’t necessarily help them walk. I live in USA & my pediatrician recommended I do not use one.
People will have unwanted opinions no matter what you do! F#%* them, it’s your child.
Both of my kids used walkers and spent time on the floor. The walker was more to restrict their reach while I was cooking so they couldn’t try to shove random stuff in their mouths as babies love to do. They had short arms
My kids walked at 9 months.
My son has used it since 4 months… he loved to stretch his legs and just lean back like he was sitting up. The bumbo chair was great. But he’s got some thick thighs lol. So the walker was better. Plus he’s slow developing and figured it would help. He’s one now and and we call him happy feet because he just kicks and moves his feet all day💙 I know criticism from family hits differently but at the end of the day, THATS YOUR BABY.
Absolutely they should. This is very good for their development. They will learn to move their feet to try and get the walking pattern down. Also, good for their coordination with their hands. No it is not banned in Canada. I don’t think I would use anything they do in Canada anyway. Look how they treated their citizens during Covid. Kept them lockdown when they didn’t need to be. You did a good and educational thing for your baby. It’s your baby, raise them the way you want. None of her business.
All three of my babies were out in a walker supported! Now 18,17 and 4yr old it did absolutely nothing developed just fine all started walking super early. The dangers of walkers are people leaving babies unattended… you do what’s best for you and your momma Intentions
Both my kids had one
Both of my children used them at six months and they are just fine. Lol
Just like every baby item they get banned or warnings when people don’t use them properly. Just stay away from stairs or uneven ground. Both my older boys used them at 5 months and were walking by themselves by 9 months so I think they helped. Don’t see anything wrong with them.
Your MIL needs to keep her trap shut. She’s bullying you. Do NOT take it. It’s your daughter. You do what you think is right for her. Btw 4 kids and they all sat in walkers. They loved them!
I am in Scotland . My oldest 2 used one 12&5.5yrs old. My youngest is 17 months he has never had one , my health visitor had basically told me that wallkies and swings from the door can damamge their legs and hips .
I never used a walker for my daughter only because of the fact that when my mom put my little brother in a walker when I was a teen he used to get get excited and run to me and run my feet over and I used to run from him and jump on the couch or run to the stairs so he couldn’t get me so because of that I got flash backs of those times and said oh heck no I’m not dealing with that again
but I know so many people who used them and bo problems at all so idk
I put my son in one and he didn’t walk on his own until 16months. I found out later that it can delay walking on their own. Maybe they feel dependent on it. I didn’t use one of my daughter and she was walking a week before her 1st birthday. She did the normal walking along furniture around 9-10 months old too.
They are not banned, they want people not to use them as a babysitter is a reason. My new neighbour is my Apt. block had her little one racing down my area of where my Apt. is. She was having a ball and we were watching her carefully, that is the key always keep a sharp eye on your baby…
I had my 3 sons in one around 5-6 months - and all 3 of them walked before the age of one and have developed fine
I put my son in a walker at 6 months. He was very steady at that age. He could really go by 6 months 2 weeks! His legs never bowed. I was pregnant again by the time he was 7 months and he used to follow me into the bathroom when I got morning sickness and laugh at me when I threw up. Little stinker! I had to watch him though. He liked to mess with the buttons on the TV so I had to put the coffee table in front of the TV. But he enjoyed himself. At Christmas time, I had to put the Christmas tree in the playpen so he wouldn’t pull it down on himself. But he had a ball. My daughter wasn’t as inventive when she used it. She liked playing with the doo/dads on the little tray on the walker. She was content with her toys. She didn’t get into stuff as much. I guess because I knew what to expect and was one step ahead of her!
Walkers are known to tip and cause injuries
We had our fella in one and my baby needed to see a physio (not cause of the walker other reasons) and he was against them as well said we shouldn’t use it. It encourages toe waking can cause problems with the hips. Same with bouncer. In saying that we still used it. but I wouldn’t have baby in it to long at one period
I really think it depends on the baby. Do they enjoy it? Is it restricting or helping them? The answer will be different with different kids.
The reason pediatrician’s advise against is the safety aspect. Parents have a false sense of safety when using them, they think they don’t have to watch their ids as well and kids are getting hurt when parents aren’t paying attention. As for walking or not walking sooner. That really depends more in the child, all kids are different and not there milestones when they’re good ad ready.
Do what you want to for your kids, but do keep an eye on them while in it.
Do some research and decide for yourself, shes not wrong abt the information but you should know the details and make that choice for your child .
They’re banned in Canada because kids can fall down stairs in them… we have one that gets passed around the family because you can’t get them. I love them personally.
I agree that 6 months is too young for a walker, but it’s really none of her business what you choose to do with your baby as long as they are not in immediate danger.
Walkers can be bad for babies hips. Some put the hips into an external rotation and then encourage use. Regardless 6 months is too young especially if you had to support him that means he’s not supporting his trunk on his own. Tummy time and supported sitting are much more important. It can encourage toe walking as well. Developmental milestones are important when developing new skills.
They aren’t banned here. Just most people frown upon them probably more so because parents use them as a sitter and babies have accidents in them. So a safety thing.
Yes, banned in Canada since 2004… tell MIL she has raised her children and now its your turn to raise yours…she can shove it…just always make sure when baby is in the walker, he is supervised.
They are safe when used correctly! Just keep and eye on little one and keep aways from stairs or uneven ground and no food in it you will be just fine
I forgot to add I have 8 kids and only 1 didnt use a walker and she walked at 10 months.
Both of my kids used them when they were young. My grandson is one and we had him in one right around 5/6 months. He started walking on his own at 10 months. Just don’t leave him unattended obviously.
It’s not your mother in laws kid. It’s yours. You do what you feel best & she can respect it or not be involved.