My mother in law got mad I put my baby in a walker: advice?

I’m pretty sure they’re banned in Canada due to the parents not paying attention to their kids and in result there were numerous deaths.
My kids all loved their walker and had zero developmental issues. My son had bow legs but he was never really in a walker like my girls :woman_shrugging:


I got 3 boys I put them all in walkers they are just fine

I used them,my kids are just fine,my oldest is 28,my youngest is 13,and my grand babies use them,i say if you wanna put your baby in them ,thats your decision,nothing is safe in this world anymore,even our foods have poison in them,so you do what you feel is right for your child ,they helped my kids walk faster,and i would use them again

Mine all used it, walked at 8,9,10 months. They say they are bad but mine loved the walker.


All 3 of my kids used walkers. They were in them as soon as they could be and all 3 of mine had no issues and the oldest was walking on her own at 11 monts,months, my second was 11 months and my 3rd was 9 months

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Walkers have the ability to splay the hip alignment and mess with balance when kids start using them. I personally don’t use them because there was one time I was over at my best friend’s house and she had her son in a walker, the kitchen floor was uneven so it would just roll around on its own and He was only a year old. He rolled down the basement steps in it knocking out all his top 4 front teeth.

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No, anything can be bad when used in excess. To keep a child busy while tending to something isn’t the same as keeping a child in one all day. Children need interaction with their environment. It is like candy. A small amount is not bad. Eating it all day is bad.

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It has to be low enough her feet touch the floor. Just hanging is bad for their hips. Other that, I just never left mine in it more than 30 mins.

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They are terrible for developing posture and the poor hips, they are dangerous but I mean many things are on the market that are not recommended or dangerous …

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People say they are bad but probably 80% of the kids out there have been in one and played in one and are fine. it’s not life or death so it’s your choice.


All 3 of my kids were in walkers. I even put them in them before their feet touched the ground just so they could sit up for a bit. Yes I padded them in. I think the whole thing about the walkers is that some were going over edges in the home or down stairs etc. my kids are 32, ex and 28 and they are all fine with no issues with their bones etc


used them on all 3 of my kids, no problems at all

our daughters used them when they were young and never had a problem caused from being in one.

I am in Australia and with my second baby (3 yrs ago) the physiotherapy department at the children’s hospital I had my kids in said they no longer recommended the use of any walkers or bouncing toy things for bubbas as they don’t promote the natural development. Tummy time is all you need to help bub build strength and eventually crawling, walking.

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They are banned in Canada cause babies have fallen down the stairs in them and have died. Nothing to do with development.


All 3 of mine used them so did my grandbabies


Your child your decision
Others need to butt out
She might mean well but go ahead and use the walker

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Y’all stop mommy shamming….put the baby in a walker pop a pillow under the feet and if needs tuck a small baby blanket in the seat to keep the baby from tilting over…the baby will fine!


Both my boys used walkers, one was walking at 9 months and the other at 17 months. Some say it can delay walking bc it’s a false sense of support but just don’t keep him in there for long periods of time. My boys loved it bc they were mobile running around the house in the walker. Since my younger one took forever to walk we would got outside and let him wander in it lol.

All 9 of my children used them.


I put my daughter in one at 3 months, she would use her legs and strengthen them, she started walking at 10 months :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I used a walker for my oldest, my youngest didn’t want anything to do with it. She did like her jumper tho. I made sure there was a folded pile of blankets below her feet so her feet weren’t dangling, and also stuffed the rest of the jumper seat with receiving blankets to ensure she wasn’t going to flop around. She’s almost 5 now and has no problems.

I use an exersaucer with my kids instead. All of them were in it at 6 months old. I put a blanket around them so they were supported and couldn’t flop around. I tried the walker but my house was to small so I used an exersaucer instead. There is nothing wrong with putting your baby in a walker. You are the mother not her and you know what’s best for your baby.

He can learn to walk… that’s what can happen. People push nonsense on others. If it works for you do it. It’s no different then the exersaucers people put their kids in. All mine had walkers and walked before a year old. You do you. I used baby swings for mine and you oughta hear the no sense I hear about those things. Society expects you to hold your kid 24/7 and never put them down cause it causes abandonment issues. Such lies.
I never held mine unless I was feeding or reading to them or playing with them. They slept on their Tummies. Sat in bouncy seats and swings. I let mine play on the floor. (oh dear lord not the floor) be you and let your kid grow up the way you see fit.


You do what you feel comfortable doing. Do not listen to ignorance from others who are not raising your baby!

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As long as the babies feet are not dangling and the baby isn’t leaning I see no issue. Just make sure there feet can touch the ground


I always thought the issue was being near stairs.

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You don’t want to leave them in forvery long.

I recommend joining this group Raising Children Without The Woo . It’s evidence based and can help explain what is safe and what isnt.

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The federal government in Canada banned the walkers because of the danger they pose—babies just don’t have the skills, reflexes or cognitive ability to safely use them. One of the main concerns was head injuries, as babies tumbled down stairs while in the walker.

Basically, if a baby isn’t yet capable of “cruising” (walking on their own while holding onto a piece of furniture) they shouldn’t be in a walker. That said, was the baby in an actual walker or an activity saucer? Walkers roll, whereas activity saucers will allow the baby to spin around, but it has a flat bottom that keeps the baby from moving away from the spot where the saucer was placed.

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Your baby…do your research and do what is comfortable for you and safe for baby.

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My ex mother in law once told me I was a bad mother because I put my son in a swing.

My advice to you - is don’t listen to other people. You do what you feel is best for your child. Read expert articles if you need guidance, don’t take other people’s opinions.

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Never had a walker, but we had exersaucers. The little jumpy thing with toys around it that they sit in and can bounce their feet. All of my kids were in one as soon as they can hold their head up. Always supervised and never longer than 10 mins at a time. It teaches them core strength and to use their feet to be able to jump.
I’m in Canada btw


I put all 4 of my kids in one around that age shit my family did too

They are only banned because risk of falling down the stairs, I used one for my son and kept a baby gate on the landing


They were banned because of the safety issues due to falling down stairs, pulling hot things on themselves when they got close to hot surfaces ,etc.


My kiddos have never used a walker because in Canada we can’t get one here and we’re not allowed one here my kids both learned how to walk around without it at their own pace😇


It is bad for the babies hips


Let her get mad. That baby needs to exercise them legs


Pediatric nurse here. Most commenters are right: it’s the fall risk with stairs or head injury risk. If you’re still uncertain, ask you pediatrician and then tell your mother in law to keep her opinions to herself.


Johnny jumpers are good

It can be bad for their hip development but that goes for any of the exersaucers. And that’s assuming they’re in them all the time. It also helps building their core strength. Let her be mad and let that baby have fun in it, just don’t leave them there most of the day every day.

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Walkers with wheels have been banned since 2001 parents do not pay attention There are sitting in it for way too long it can also cause hip problems

Shouldn’t put your baby in anything like that until they are core ready –

If the baby did not come out of your mil then do not listen to her. Mine was a interfering hag too


I used them with mine never had any problems hip wise r anything & they’re adults now just have to make sure u don’t use it near stairs r tip sonething over into themselves … my granddaughter is crawling & standing on her own at 6 months so doesn’t like it x


I always used a walker for my 3 kids and my 7 grandkids have used then too. As long as baby is protected these is no reason one should t be used. Tell you’re mil you’re the parent not her


I used them with mine never had any problems hip wise r anything & they’re adults now just have to make sure u don’t use it near stairs r tip sonething over into themselves … my granddaughter is crawling & standing on her own at 6 months so doesn’t like it x

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I thinks it’s an old wives tell. I put my son in one as soon as he could hold himself up. He was walking before most in his age group and is now 23 at 6’2. No problems ever


My pediatrician back in the early 90s said the best place for a child is the floor. Walkers might be occasionally BUT a child is unable to work on their core and a strong core is needed in order for kids to walk properly. So she is not totally wrong. Place them on the floor it is healthier.

I’ve always used walkers…all my babies started walking early I’ve never had any issues just be proactive obviously once my kids started trying to climb out of it I got rid of it


I put mine in them when they started to like to stand a lot. Earlier than 6 months my kids and grandkids are fine. My youngest grandson just turned 5 months and we’ve been putting him in a walker and exersauser for a couple months now.

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They were banned about 12 years ago here. It’s because parents were using them at the top of stairs. I used a walker for all 5 kids with no issues. I just had the common sense to not use one at the top of stairs.


That is your baby she is a ML no disrespect but you’re the parent.

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Of all the baby products on the market, a baby walker,I never ever purchased or used, but I’m guessing it wouldn’t hurt to put baby in it for a few minutes to get something done.

my babies went in walkers at 3 months. Obviously on the ground level… but I put a blanket around them to hold them up. They already could hold their heads up. I wouldn’t do it if they couldn’t. They can kick their feet and look around. Both my boys were walking by 9 months they loved their walker time. I didn’t leave them in there for long periods of time but for a little while a couple times a day there is nothing wrong with letting them sit in the walker.

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All 4 of mine used walkers and they turned out just fine

Google it and make your own decision

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They were banned because babies were falling down the stairs
There’s nothing wrong with a walker.
Don’t listen to your mil


My kids used them as soon as they were able to hold themselves up. Helped them learn to walk faster.

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And like another comment said, they were banned because kids were falling down stairs. Parents were putting their kids in them and not watching them.


All 3 of mine had one in the 90s even though they were “banned” its great for strengthening their legs and they can use their legs to push them selves around. Just be sure to be in the same room when in use. It’s your baby, not the MIL’s.


Is she holding the baby instead because if not she can stfu :roll_eyes:

You have a long day keeping a baby occupied. We as moms know that babies do not want to be in one place for too long and they let you know too. Walkers are fine. I think there are bigger problems to worry about than that with life in general. Let her get mad over something so silly. It’s your baby.

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Let her get mad, then tell her to mind her own business.


I used one for my kids. They both turned out fine. Just don’t leave them in there too long

Research it and find out and form your own opinion. I believe it is bad for the bone development on their legs

Nothing wrong with a Walker just supervise child . XO

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My baby started using his baby walker since he was around almost 5 months old

Nothings wrong with it , but I have heard that There’s ppl that are against babys using baby walkers .

Your baby. Your choices. Look into & decide. I personally loved using the walkers & my children loved them as well. I looked into It & decided once my kids could sit up unsupported I would allow the use of walkers As I didn’t see any harm at that point. As far as age I would say each child could differ. My kids all did different things at different times including what month they starred using walkers, eating & ect. Natural Motherly instict is a beautiful thing once you get intune with yourself, it takes a while & you must embrace it​:heart: that’s my parenting motto lol :laughing:

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100% banned cuz parents let their babies walk down the stairs too many times :woman_shrugging: none of my kids used one they have better things now anyways

Tell MIL to mind her own business


My baby’s all went into a walker once they could hold there head only a few mins at a time though then longer the older they got


Never heard of them being banned. I have heard about them delaying walking because of babies using their “tip toes” and or balance problems because the baby leans forward instead of standing straight up. Injuries seems to be the biggest issue but, in my opinion it’s due to negligence.

What? There’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve had all my kids in walkers. Just make sure all doors are closed and gates are put up by stairs. All my kids are perfectly fine lol


Do your own research and then decide how you feel.

My daughter and my son have both used one since they could hold themselves up. As long as they can touch they floor they are fine…I have never heard of it being dangerous beside parents not watching them and the baby’s walking off stairs and shit :woman_facepalming:t2: my daughter started walking at 9 months by the way and my soon just turned 9 months and would rather try and walk instead of crawl. It builds their muscles

I know babies that started walking at 6months. So it’s probably fine.

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I had mine in walkers/saucers at a younger age, with blankets around them for support. My pediatrician told me it would help strengthen their legs.


My pediatrician has always said not to use one as it actually delays walking so I never personally used one. At the end of the day it’s YOUR kid and YOUR choice and nobody should say anything about it. You’re not harming your child by using one

With my first he didn’t get a walker mostly cause I come from a big family and everyone was always helping him carrying him but we did have a little activity jumper and he loved that
With my second she hated the jumper and loved the walker and I had her in there around 6 months and she was all over the place just make sure they’re safe

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Mine is 5 months. Loves her walker


All 5 of mine used a walker and loved it . Of course you need to be watching them just like anything else when they are small but to me it gave them entertainment and something to do when they couldn’t quite get everywhere they wanted to go .


Maybe for short amounts of time. Not as a babysitter.


The problem with walkers wasn’t the walkers it was the parents . People would leave basement doors open or put their kids in them on the 2nd floor and the babies would go sailing down the steps. Same with play pens. Parents were using them 8 hours a day and not as they were meant to keep babies from harm while Mom vacuumed or went to the bathroom or took a quick shower, cooked dinner, etc. . Nothing wrong with either one if used properly and safely.


They banned them in canada because dumb ass parents werent gating stairs and baby proofing for their use and there were too many accidents that could have been prevented. Had nothing to do with development. We also have kinder surprises.

There not banned they just say if there in them for long periods it can effect there legs, I’ve used them on all mine for short periods of time and all mine were walking before there first birthday x


Delays walking also cause bowed legs to last longer be more bowed or be more permanent depending on how much it is used… I used to put my son in one for short periods of times throughout the day and we never had any issues and he was walking perfectly by 10 months.


You can still buy them at Walmart so just not be banned

Also 3 of my 4 kids used them early with support with the only downfall being it helped them learn to stand and walk


Our pediatrician and peds physical therapist told us that baby “containers” including walkers can delay development if over used. Not to use them for more than 15 min a day if your going to use them.


My kids and grandkids all went walkers they are fine just make sure all stairs are blocked off really well

I know it can delay babies to learn how to walk

All 3 of mine used a walker sat in them as soon as they started sitting up prob around 5/7 months but I had a blanket around them and I was right there

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There’s nothing wrong with walkers. Ur the mother u use whatever u want for UR child. My son was in one at 6-7 months old and it helped strengthen his legs he was walking full force at 11 months old. Never had leg issues, never was bowlegged, etc. just make sure all stairs and doors are closed when ur baby is in one


My kids were in walkers as soon as they could sit up on their own. As long as he’s not in it all day long he should be okay. If you’re concerned ask your pediatrician.


Everything in moderation.
We never used a walker & most of my kids were “late”walkers. Lol.

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walkers are just fine once a child can sit up it helps strengthen their legs and adds help to motor movement. Your MIL raised her and I’m sure they are fine and now you are raising yours do it with guidance of your professional advisor God bless

Kids can become bow legged or walk themselves down the stairs. My kids were in one but supervised and not for a long period at a time


They can be dangerous because the baby is mobile in ways not before. So just watch what your baby can get into now and baby proof for that. It can be a life saver to have a fun safe place to set the baby when you need to do other things.

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