My mother in law keeps posting photos of my husband and his ex: Advice?

block her for 30 days .see if you feel better not seeing her posts it works

It’s awesome that the husband offered to say something. People like her are why social media has block and unfollow features. You guys aren’t even close with her so its not even worth it to say anything. Block and move on.


Post photos of your own. Caption them my darling husband and I…see what MIL does to that.

Let him fight this battle, like I’m sure you’d fight for him if it were coming from your family

She sounds very toxic to you both. Stay far… far away from her.


It’s up to your husband to stop this.

Ignore!! Something wrong with your MIL! That sounds so evil to me!

Nawwww nip it in the butt because it will blow out of hand. X girl friend n mom might b working together

The Son should tell mom, not ask, to stop. She is being disrespectful to his wife. The past is gone. And as the wife, I would ignore the MIL.


Just post your own fun photos of you and him. Send her so many photos of you !! And just overwhelm her with pictures of you guys !!

Not appropriate, my opinion

I’d cut her out of your life…life is too short for that behavior…my mil said to me on our wedding day"i prayed Bob would never marry you now I’ll have to pray he divorces you and don’t ever call me mom…this after we supported her and his sister since we were 15…so I never called her anything…after 3 kids she told him to choose her or me…wish she had done that sooner…we were married 51 years…he passed away in Dec…

Im an insecure person so my opinions aren’t really what your probably looking for. Your husband shouldn’t have to ask you if he needs to say anything. He should know you well enough to tell it bothers you and say something to her. However, if they don’t really have a relationship and if he knows saying something won’t get very far anyhow it might not be worth the trouble. If you know you are both happy then let her play her childish game. I would block her to save yourself the struggle. My opinion is she’s one of those mothers who wants her son to be all about her and isn’t happy if it’s not that way. That’s why she posts pics of “PAST” girlfriends, because they didn’t work and don’t make her feel threatened. Let her be in her own misery. Don’t let her dull your shine.

You’re not overreacting

Sounds like she has some major guilt as a mother and wishes it was back to a time when she played a bigger part in his life. Now she doesn’t want to face him because she knows what she is doing is for attention.

She sounds nuts let it go

You need to talk with your husband to tell them :raised_hand:

I wouldn’t give it a second thought.

Counter attack…post pics of you and hubby having a ball that she hasn’t seen. Embarrass her back

The more you act like it bothers you the more she will do it.

Easy Block her posts… sometimes you’ve just got to close the door on the drama and hateful people.

Just don’t look at her posts. she has the right to post what she wants

He needs to handle it.

Who cares? He’s happy with you. Drop it.

If it was me, I would usually just hit the block button and be amused by it . I wouldn’t want anything negative in my life. If this is something you keep seeing then your going to keep bringing it up to your husband and it probably starts an unnecessary argument that could easily be avoided. To a point where he will get tired of hearing it…( not enough to say something to his mother either ) to a point where he will be angry you keep looking at it and bringing it up to him… If you 2 are happy, then that’s all that really matters. Don’t let stuff like this get to you and cause tension in your household. This is something that can just go where the wind blows. I would also be concerned about her not answering a phone call or the door since Dec 9th and yet activate on Social Media. Seems like she isn’t upset with the son. Maybe she isn’t well, like mentally. But, I also don’t know if this is her normal behavior for going months without answering a door or phone call to her own Son. If it isn’t, I would at least make sure someone in the family or friend of hers has physically seen her to make sure she is Ok. Not sure if maybe posting these photos, if she could be in a depression state or something and these photos she is posting are what is making herself happy for a small moment. If it’s none of the above, then it’s completely immature and spiteful.

Yah your husband needs to step up, call his Mom & say knock it off!

She sounds senile, just saying

I would comment on the posts with a, ‘nice pic!’

There’s a word for women like her…


She’s wrong… delete her as your friend. If she questions you tell her why…

Most of all just ignore her. He’s your man now, hes married to you. It’s not you it’s her. It’s sad that you have to be the more mature one, she’s a grown woman she knows better… She’s childish, spiteful and disrespectful for that…

Just saying girl. Hope everything works out… :heart::blush:

I’m petty. Post a happy pic of hubby and yourself with the caption “Happy married couple with no hateful in-laws.”

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Ever seen the movie Monster-in-Law? Yeah, basically that. :woman_facepalming:t3:

Just report the photos :rofl::rofl::rofl:jk FB won’t ban them unless it’s something completely hilarious or has a :gun:

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Post pictures on FB of your spouses parents with your kids and don’t stop

I’d find ugly pics of her and start posting! :joy: that’ll teach the ole hag! :joy::joy:

She is trying to get you to react. Ignore it & look ahead

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wow, like Melania never wore elegant dresses. pathetic.

That’s flat out disrespectful

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Ghost her… she’s a narcissistic who likes to cause drama and play the victim. Let her stay in the past.


Tell her to f…ing stop it. Wtf?

Me being me i would comment, well he must’ve not been happy if we’ve been HAPPILY married for this many years. Good try though. But that’s just me. I have never had this problem & God forbid I do, because my husband already told them if they treat me bad in anyway he’s done with them. I think I’m in good hands :rofl::rofl:. Good luck with ur mother in law though. She seems like a real piece of :poop:. I feel bad for u​:sob::sob:


Sounds like she is jealous of you and her son. She has to have attention in some kind of way. I would block her disrespectful butt in a heart beat!!

Ignore your MIL and cut all contact with her permanently. She is toxic.

My ex and I were together and his mom would never invite me to holiday dinners but would always invite his ex wife.
And he would leave me home and go!
He would take our son and leave me home on holidays!
He is my ex now.


Sit down and talk to her calmly or let it go! She either being misunderstood or she’s toxic. You’ll have to decide…don’t let it interfere with your marriage.

For every post or pic she posts like that post a different pic in the comments of you two having fun and comment on how happy you are that he chose you to be his forever

To me it’s straight disrespectful toward you but I would not at all let her know it bothers me, I think she wants it to bother you, I mean why else would someone do this? Come on. Don’t give her the satisfaction, however if it really is driving you nuts? Tell your hubby to let her know it bothers him. Like sabotage her whole plan.

Got any pictures of your mother in law ?

She is obviously has mental issues but your husband needs to talk to her

My mother n law did the same and worse fir 39 years…she passed two years ago…she was pure evil

I would be ticked too especially with those nasty comments. When she does that, I would post a pic of y’all on her page and say but not as happy as he is now.

If she doesn’t want to speak to you leave her be. If you saying things you don’t like then say something to her.

Your husband needs to grow a pair and tell her to stop. He’s with you and she needs to understand and respect that

1)How do you know?
2)why do you care?
3)leave it alone

put pictures of you and a ex lol maybe with less clothes on

Block her and you won’t have to see them. Its pointless to confront her. Ignore it

Both of ya’ll need to block her if after discussing this with her she continues.

Clearly she’s trying to push your buttons. Ignore.

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Just simply block her so you don’t see them. :angry:

Send her pictures of you and your husband.

Block her and move on with your life.

She’s a biotch, drop her from facebook and your lives!

Tell her is being an ass.

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Shes a narcissist. Let him handle her then both of you go grey rock.

Start liking the post

Ignore her. If you can !!!

Unfollow her problem solved .

I’d block her. Problem solved.

Unfollow the mil. Move on .

Unfriend her, you won’t see what she posts. Problem solved

Unfriend her she Toxic

Unfollow her and move on.

Mom know that’s wrong smh

Unfriend her ass and move on.

People who are hurting, hurt people!

I would block her posts

Post one of you and him on her page say hes with me now and finally happy

She should be ashamed of herself !!!
(The mil )

Agree! Just ignore it!

I Would Block Her Out Of My Life So Quick!!!:100::bangbang::person_tipping_hand:

Just tell her, he married you not her. And if she dosent like it tough shit. There’s a reason he is not with her and you make him happy. 38 years ago I went through the conversation with my father in law, and I told him he would be long and gone and I would still be married. It’s been 37 years and going on 38 this month I’m very happy and still going. Keep your head up and be happy.

It’s her page she can post what she likes.
If it upsets you so much then you can unfriend her.

Block her, she is mean

Block her and be happy

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Unfollow, block and ignore her.

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Block very easily done she’s very disrespectful


Block her, not worth the stress.

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Block her or unfollow her

Ignore and keep your head up . Your husband loves and stands behind you and that is all that matters.

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FUCK HER! SORRY BUT A HUGE FUCK YOUR MIL! That is the most rudest shit she can do.

She’s being petty. Ignore her, block her… I’m sorry but I disagree with all of these people saying make posts about it. Just be the bigger person.

Block her period!! She’s trying to upset you, and it’s working.

Remove her from your social media. Who needs that in their life

Block and ignore. Online and offline.

I’d say…she ain’t right.

Pay her no mind. Let her be miserable

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Shes a spiteful b**** just block her . We havent talked to my husband sister in 4 years life is peaceful.

Ignore her she is only trying to get Under you skin Bragg on the pics if she thinks you don’t care she will stop she is being childish no one can play games with you unless you let them Life is to short laugh at her and go on being happy together


She is only embarrassing herself I’m pretty sure that everyone who sees the things she posts knows that is his ex and that he is married to you and I’m pretty sure that they all think she is being petty and ridiculous I know it’s hard but don’t pay her any attention rather block her and leave her be she is toxic and you don’t need that in your life


Block and delete best social media buttons out there!! She’s being petty just delete her!!

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Unfriend her on FB then you won’t have to see it. Or tell her to stop. Or just move on from it and don’t let her know it makes you mad. You choose

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