My Mother Invited My Ex-Husband (and His New Wife) to Thanksgiving... But Not Me: Advice?


"I’m in a dilemma. When do you decide enough is enough, and how do you go about telling your mother you are done?

Backstory: my mom and I have not had such a great relationship since I started going to college (11 years now) and gaining my own independence. My ex-husband and I have been divorced for two years and separated for 2.5 years. He has gotten remarried and moved on with his life.

Anyway, she decided to invite him and his new wife to Thanksgiving and has not even asked if I would come over for dinner. I have tried several times to talk through my issues with things they have done in the past and how it’s made me feel to no avail.

I have even tried family therapy, and that doesn’t work either. I just feel there is no way to break through to her. Help!"

RELATED QUESTION: What are your Thanksgiving traditions?


“At that point, I’d cut them off. And I mean, don’t respond to texts, calls, etc. Remove them off of social media so they cant snoop and keep themselves updated with your life and I would ignore them if I ever came across them in public. Completely ignore them. Cuz trust me they’ll probably find ways through other family members to creep on your life to see if you’re doing good. Maybe when you completely cut her off like a tumor then she’ll realize she cares or she might not. Either way, it’s better for you to surround yourself with people who love you. Good luck!”

“My Mom did the same, she has chosen my ex over me. She has him over for holidays, has had Birthday party’s for him and I never even so much as get a call. Sorry this is happening to you. I can only be slapped in the face so many times before I say f&$k it and move on.”

“I emailed mine. Kept it short and sweet: ‘I don’t care if you mean to hurt me or not with your actions or what you say to me, but you do and I’ve had enough of it. Call me oversensitive or whatever to whoever, you damage my mental health and I’m done. I’ve tried many times explaining it but nothing ever changes. Please do not contact me again. I mean it, I’m done!’ She tried to contact me a few times after that and still plays victim to other family members but I’ve ignored it all, and 6yrs on, I’m much happier and don’t feel guilty for putting myself first for once! Honestly, cut contact!”

“My mom won’t even do family therapy, you just say no more! I did it 2 years ago and never felt better. My mom is a narcissist. Sorry. Hugs.”

“I would cut them off, you gave her the chance to be a happy family and she refused it. It sucks but you need to cut off contact with her.”

“That sounds really toxic to me. If she invited him and the new wife along with you then I can see that as building bridges if there are children involved. But it doesn’t sound like there are any children involved and she didn’t invite her own daughter which plainly says to me that she wants to intentionally hurt you. TOXIC! Don’t be a part of it. Remove yourself from trying to get your mother’s approval.”

“I think at that point I would be done. Go on enjoy your life and wait for her to come to you.”

“If you have done all that you can to mend the rift to no avail, she’s made her choice. As difficult as it seems you have to accept that sad reality and move on with your own life. Build a new life and have your own holiday, cut ties and let her come to you, it may never happen but at this point, you have no choice.”

“I think at this point you need to put your mental health above your mother. You don’t need to have it out with her if that would be too much. Just don’t bother, if they care or want you in their life they will see their attitude and why it happened. If not it’s saving you a lot of stress.”

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Don’t bother to say anything. She knows fully well what she is doing. Just block her calls. Blood relatives don’t always mean “family”. Stop beating yourself up. Make your own memories with what family you choose. And with those who respect you. She clearly doesn’t.


Let her have him. Don’t let her toxic behavior drag you in


At that point sadly be done with her!


I don’t have a great relationship with my mom either! It’s hard but you have to do what’s best for you!

Just stop engaging in any interactions. Block her number. Just be done. You won’t find any closure by telling her anything.


Enjoy your Thanksgiving with no negativity from either of them, you deserve to be happy. Like what Kathleen Candelora said, blood relatives don’t always mean family.


It is time you move on. Make a joyful life for yourself. Mail her a card or letter now and again but do not answer calls as it is counterproductive. If she wants yo communicate, she can write you a letter.


You walk away and do not engage with her anymore.


You are no longer on the hook for taking care of her when she’s old. Him and his new wife will be left with that responsibility while you’re off enjoying living your life.


Cut that Umbilical chord!!..She just did! With that action…Sad reality is she is becoming older…those “people” won’t be around by then…BE FREE

I never met any Mother that would invite an ex in law over their own child. Right their should tell you something. I’d wash my hands with her and delete her from your life. And never feel guilty because obviously she already chose your ex over you. So she made the choice and she can live with it while you go on and be happy for you. You deserve better.

Ive learned thru therapy not everyone deserves your time nor do they deserve an explanation of your absence from thier lives. Move on dont say a word it won’t make a bit of difference to her. Go on living your life for yourself. She doesn’t get it and shes never going to it best to just let it go


Wow, how could your mother invite your ex and wife and not even think about you,!! He’s no longer family, why invite him and wife??? Honey, obviously mom dont care regarding you. Your mother is the one that needs the family therapy. Stay strong.


Move on. Plan your own Thanksgiving dinner that don’t include her. This is the year you might have to celebrate alone, but if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. Your mom seems to think its funny to play with your life, don’t participate. Let them enjoy that awkward dinner. Chalk it up as a lesson because you learned something about your mom and your ex. Find the Blessing in yourself and another way to celebrate Thanksgiving.

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I am sorry this must be hard…

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What did you do last year? Is there any chance that your mother assumes of course you know you’re invited? Hang in there and gave a great Thanksgiving so matter what you do!

Your mom is your mom so i think you should try to resolve things. But I definitely understand why you are hurt and if your efforts don’t work, then at some point it’s time to move on

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Nothing pisses people off more than being ignored, try it, she will be wondering where you went.


Could you imagine being the new wife & getting an invite to go to your husband’s EX mil? What new wife would want to accept that invitation?


I’ve cut ties with my father completely and I’ve had several times when I couldnt handle having my mom in my life. Sometimes its simply best to choose what makes you happy and brings you most peace. If that means ending that relationship then do so. You owe her no explanation.

Even mothers and daughters have toxic relationships. She is trying to hurt you deliberately. Don’t fall for it. Make your own TG dinner with loving people.


It is okay to remove toxic people from your life. It don’t matter if it is family or not. Live your life for you and do what makes you happy. If you were now invited, would you bother going? Your mother put him before your emotional well-being and bond with you. It is very toxic, walk away with dignity. Me…I’d change my number and avoid anything to do with her period.

I am truly sorry you are having to deal with this but several things that have already been said i do agree with. First off, blood and family aren’t always the same thing even with your mom. Second, how i learned this was through therapy. If thats how she wants to be then dont even bother. Its not worth the stress on you. I wouldn’t initiate much contact at all and just let her be. I might call for a happy birthday or something but if she isnt making the effort then there is no reason for you to. One sided relationships, even with family, are not healthy. Wishing you the best


This is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard of. It sounds like something my mom would do though. My Mom went to an ex boyfriends wedding without a single thought of me. My Mom decided it was o.k. to allow him to stop by with his new girl friend for a dip in our pool . there’s things my mom does without any regard for me what so ever! She will end up alone when she gets too old to care for herself and needs you and probably will say to any one who will listen how you don’t care and selfish you are. I don’t understand how a mother can treat her own child with reckless disregard it’s disrespectful ! Reach out to your therapist and keep in touch with anyone you care for in or out of the family! You are worthy , loved and needed !

Sorry to say I agree just disengage let her come to you if she does. You really don’t need the drama, stress. Concentrate on your schooling and yourself say your prayers and ask him for help in forgiving her. Enjoy Thanksgiving, make dinner at your house for some friends.

She knows exactly what she is doing please don’t give her the satisfaction of letting it bother you that is what she wants stay strong and remember ignorance is bliss and believe me it will bother her more if you dont give a reaction


Family or not if someone is toxic get the hell away and say away :bangbang:
Not being mean you should love and always forgive but you can love a person from a distance , you don’t have to allow someone to hurt you over and over . Love yourself 1st always … My opinion my life . Much Love To All :bangbang:

I can relate to this. My mom had pulled a lot of BS on me in the last few months. And on top of it I’m going through a divorce. She said if I didn’t have my daughter she would side with him. And he abused me. She’s been so bad I had to file a protective order against her. She went and got an attorney. I wasn’t going to until she did. We went to court. It lasted an hour and still got continued. She’s yelled at my daughter who is 11. She’s also told her she better be careful or she might get epilepsy like her mother. She said in court she wanted nothing to do with me. Well the holidays are coming. She just may miss her only grandchild the most. I’ve been trying not to stress it because of my epilepsy. Wish you the best. Family doesn’t always have the best interest at heart of other family members. Unfortunately including our mothers.

At a certain point, when a relationship is doing more harm than good, it’s time to walk away NO MATTER who is on the other side of the relationship. I get that it’s your mom, but sometimes moms shouldn’t be in our lives. I haven’t spoken to mine in over 10 years and my mental and emotional health has been so much better for it. Making that decision, though, and following through on it were incredibly hard. Your mom knows what she’s doing. So can you. :purple_heart:

Live YOUR Life! When you walk away from people and their pettiness , you will feel like the world came off your shoulders! I have similar problems and believe me when you no longer react to it because you have moved on and found happiness the effort that she puts in to making you unhappy will go away. I have given people many, many chances only to realize that the only reason that they wanted back in my life was to know all about my life and no because they had good intentions. Keep that in mind! I decided to sever ties and that is how they will stay.

My Mother & I never had a good relationship since birth. She hated me much that she never missed an opportunity to tell it to my face while growing up. So when I grew up and earned my independence I created my own life without her and her toxicity. I earned my degree, got married, got pregnant, had a child, and still building a life with my own family without her. I never invited her to anything. I don’t owe her anything because she never raised me, she was never involved in my life except when she needs a punching bag and shock absorber. Thank God for all the good people that genuinely cared for me but they died even before I can pay them back. Anyway, I owe myself love, respect and happiness she don’t. So why would I let an evil person go near my family specifically my child?

Your Mother clearly has no love and respect for you. If she does love and respect you she should be on your tribe. Inviting a former spouse with the new spouse is clearly insane to do in her part. What will the new wife think? That you’re a nasty person because your own Mother chose them over you?

Have a quiet time with yourself. Reflect. Evaluate your life. Do an inventory of the people that you share your energy with. If you have children talk to them. Know what they’re thinking. Cut ties with people that don’t motivate you to do better and those who only suck your energy out and don’t reciprocate. Take care of your heart. Keep your mind strong. Never take anything less from anyone. Set boundaries. More than anything else in your system your mental health is the most important so keep it healthy and toxic free. There’s a reason why brain is in the head not on the chest. Use it!

Honey just walk away. She made her choice. It’s time for you to make yours.


I am in an opposite I have a daughter I thought I had a fairly honest good relationship with. Her brother disowned my husband and I 2 years ago when he was caught lieing and manipulating his in laws using us to do it. We have not spoken in 2 years and have given our pain over this family division to God. My daughter has lied to us for over a year that her and her husband have little to no contact withher brother only for me to find out accidentally that my son and his wife have a son. I’m a grandmother and had no idea yet my daughter has known from the beginning. Her Dad and I feel so betrayed by our children that without our faith I dont know what we would do. My kids blame us for every bad thing in their lives and accept no responsibility for their own choices. We are grieving terribly yet we can no longer trust either of them. They have destroyed our trust and disrespected us to the point we have decided we want no contact at this time. We both need to heal as we vacillate from broken hearts to anger daily. Parents do the best they can and I for one have never done anything to deliberately hurt one of my children yet they have deliberately done things they know will hurt us. No parent is perfect kids don’t come with instruction manuals and I did the best I could with the resources I had at the time they were growing up. I love my grown adult children and I continue to pray for true reconciliation with them. What I will no longer do is allow them to disrespect me or blame me for their choices. They are 28 and 30 years old.

My ex husband and his person gets invited every year to every family event. I also get invited to all his family events. He attends most of my family where I rarely ever attend anything with his family. I honestly would be upset if my family didn’t include or invite him as he is still apart of our family. Just because we chose not to remain married doesn’t mean our families are divorced.

Hun, sometimes you just need to walk away for your own sanity…
Adopt a mum. There are so many loving people out there who have been abandoned by their own family.
They say you can’t choose your relatives ,but you can choose your friends.
Toxic families suck the soul out of you…
Walk away while you can. Be happy and know that its them ,not you…


Your mom is hurting u deliberately…just walk away do y

Your mom is hurting u deliberately…just walk away do your own thing

Time for you to live for you , cook your own Thanksgiving and if she calls just tell her she chose who’s more important in her life and it surely wasn’t you then hang up , and from that moment own go own with making yourself happy .

I know it’s going to be incredibly difficult to just walk away. It will always hurt that you had to leave her to her own dysfunctional stuff. But you owe no one an explanation or an apology. Make it simple. No explanation of why you had to take care of you. Good luck.

See people for who they are, no matter what their “title” is! :woman_shrugging:t4:


Awkward af for the new wife. I can onlt think mother is doing this to get at you, who else does this? You need to break free from that drama. Find a new life making friends and family that accept you for you, and are willing to maintain a relationship with you. Keep your chin up. I’m sorry you have to experience this.

Let them have. Each other. My mom did it to me she loved him more than she ever did me. He made sure. We hated each other. But. When she needed somone. Trust me he was not thete for her. She clearly knowingly. Chose my abusive ex over. Her own daughter. And do did all my friends and family. I was done with them both. She even teamed up with him to try to take. My kids away from me. My battle was for them. And now they are adults and hate me for it. When it was them i was fighting for. Divorce. Sucks. His relationship with her. Is to screw u. Let them both piss up a rope

Quit letting her abuse you. She is toxic and needs to be removed from your life. Please let her go and move on

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My sister chose my ex husband over me…he had an affair… I have not seen her in more than 7 years… blood does not make you family!
It is sometimes necessary to remove people from your life for your own health and sanity!

Cut off :scissors:. Sometimes it has to be that way. You have voiced your feelings and tried. Move on and accept she is who she is and you have to walk away


I’d say throw your own thanksgiving and try not to let the situation ruin it.

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Gone are the days where blood used to be thick. May God grant you inner peace and strength.


I can very much relate to this…she is your mum and thus should show loyalty to YOU not your ex. It is her problem,not yours- remember that. I have suffered so much over 20yrs having a mum who has ‘favoured’ and swooned over my ex,and kept his side. It hurts like utter mad to have such disloyalty,esp from your mum. To be frank- i have had to sit myself down and say, listen- its her not me…its her problem, her doing. She isnt worthy of being my parent. I wont let her hurt me so excruciatingly so ever again. She gets no more from me…i move on and distance myself so she is forgotten and i can live my life without feeling betrayed. She goes to her grave knowing she desperately crossed the line…i will not be there for her in her old age nor be there at her funeral. Respect only those that respect you …be around those that make you feel happy,not those who hurt you to your inner core <3

I too have had similar experiences but I’m the older generation. It hurts. Sometimes it is best to let people go quietly and not expect closure.


Please walk away ,I had a very bad relationship with my mother everything I did she hated .their was no love just constant criticism .I cut all contact and felt so much better ( mentally ) .she recently died and I didn’t go to her funeral ,I couldn’t be a hypocrite .please just stop this torture

The real dilemma is actually mentally dealing with cutting ties with a parent. I recently did with my dad and I’m trying to stand my ground but I can’t help but feel guilt “cause he’s my dad”
It kinda seems like your mom already cut ties with you, I wouldn’t even say anything to her I would just stop trying all together and work on trying to heal mentally.

Some of the first people you have to remove from your life, are the closest ones. And why do you need to tell her. She sounds narcissistic so even telling her that won’t make a difference nor will it wale her up. Walk away, bless her with whatever happiness she can find, and move on. This is one time ypur going to have to accept the apology you’ll never get.

Some people even if they are our parents aren’t worth the time. Toxic family sucks but enough is enough. I hope you realize its good to move on and process that. Took me a few yes to acknowledge and process those emotions myself. Good luck hun.

Go to Thanksgiving without an invite. I’m sure your mom wouldn’t mind.

Time to walk away hunny that’s below the belt x x

Just because they’re family doesn’t mean they’re not toxic. Choose what makes you happy. Because of the pandemic it’s a good idea to stay far away from people. Personally, I would have an intimate dinner with someone I care about.

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Girl I’m sorry that sucks

So wrong. That’s crossing a line

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My Mom did the same, she has chosen my ex over me. She has him over for holidays, has had Birthday party’s for him and I never even so much as get a call. Sorry this is happening to you. I can only be slapped in the face so many times before I say f&$k it and move on


:sparkles: healthy boundaries​:sparkles:

Wow…as much as I know first hand how that must hurt u… i think u need to try to get to a point where u think fuck it u crossed the line e with that one mother dearest
… that is a truly shitty thing for ur mother to have done…
and I never forgave my mother for doing that exact thing… i felt betrayed.
like u I had a similar relationship when I was younger… but honestly it sounds like u would feel crappy being there anyway … make ur own thanksgiving somehow… go be with friends or family that actually respect u and love u.
U dont need that toxic crap in ur life… sorry its hurt u …
I hope u find peace and happiness x

Goid riddance id be done f…em

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This is the definition of toxic family members. I know exactly how you feel. Gotta cut the ties and move on cleanly. What Mom does that anyway???


I have family like that… Ex ran off and got on drugs with his gf… Yet, somehow im the problem bc I don’t want my kids around that… So they are buddy buddy with him, helping him out, giving him money, a place to stay etc… Meanwhile im the problem and should see no wrong with his actions. Lol.

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Do not play their game.


It sounds like you know what you need to do already.

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It would seem as tho it’s time to cut off your family :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Sometimes you just have to let it go


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At that point I’d cut them off. And i mean, dont respond to texts, calls, etc. Remove them off of social media so they cant snoop and keep themselves updated with your life and I would ignore them if I ever came across them in public. Completely ignore them. Cuz trust me they’ll probably find ways through other family to creep on your life to see if you’re doing good. maybe when you completely cut her off like a tumor then she’ll realize she cares or she might not. Either way, its better for you to surround yourself with people who love you. Good luck!


Nope. DONE. I have been through this.

Stay away from your mom. How can she do that to you? This is horrible. :open_mouth::open_mouth:


My mom won’t even do family therapy, you just say no more! I did it 2 years ago and never felt better. My mom is a narssist. Sorry. Hugs.

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Been in this situation myself. Not a pleasant feeling when it’s your mom that does that to you .

I could understand if you were being invited too but damn that ain’t right

I emailed mine. Kept it short and sweet. " I don’t care if you mean to hurt me or not with your actions or what you say to me, but you do and I’ve had enough of it. Call me over sensitive or whatever to whoever, you damage my mental health and I’m done. I’ve tried many times explaining it but nothing ever changes. Please do not contact me again. I mean it, I’m done! " she tried to contact me a few times after that and still plays victim to other family members but I’ve ignored it all and 6yrs on, I’m much happier and don’t feel guilty for putting myself first for once! Honestly, cut contact!


Quick, clean cut. Block them on everything & move if possible.


I would cut them off, you gave her the chance to be a happy family and she refused it. It sucks but you need to cut off contact with her.

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No matter what she is wrong you’re her daughter that is positively not right


Your mother is toxic… Remove her from your life till she acts right


I think at that point I would be done. Go on enjoy your life and wait for her to come to you.


Oh fuck that. Snippety snip bye :wave:

Enough is enough when you put your foot down and put a stop to it. People only treat you poorly as long as you let them.

This is enough. Your mom doesn’t care about you. She enjoys the emotional control she has over you. Move on forget them both.

That would be game over for me.

Who is the toxic one here? Very vague information

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Well that’s a slap in the face lol there’s not really anything to say to her for that. She’s clearly picking them over you. Just cut them out of your life. She seems hateful.

Just have to break away from your mom for awhile. No communication,

I blocked mine for same reason :v:

lol. idk why u feel theres anything to talk about. i get it shes ur mom but dude! if she invites ur ex and his new wife then maybe she prefers his company than urs. and though thats a big pill to swallow u still have to realise ur worth more than that.

sucks but oh well time to move on. :slight_smile:

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Wtf. Wow. CUT her out and move on.

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When would I decide enough was enough? The second I learned she invited my ex.

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Time to cut ties completely.

I’d cut them out now its just total disrespect for you

I have and it was the best thing i ever did

Eat shit and die, mama!!

Klaar met je moeder denk als zij jouw ex man boven jouw zet is te veel zo.n iemand wil je niet in je leven

Same here but it’s my dad inviting my ex. Every yr after our divorce.
He burned bridges long time ago.
Move on and be happy
U don’t need that drama in ur life. Ur dad should’ve always chose U!

I think at this point you need to put your mental health above your mother.
You don’t need to have it out with her if that would be too much.
Just don’t bother, if they care or want you in their life they will see their attitude and why its happened. If not its saving you alot of stress

That’s awful so sorry your going through this :frowning: there’s a point you need to cut people off even if they are family