My neighbor yelled at my kids from over the fence: What should I do?

ALSO, there’s not a chance in hell I’d allow her, a grown ADULT, to talk to your children who 6 and 9 like that. It’s one thing if she wanted to intervene but to CUSS at them is unacceptable!


Your backyard the middle of the day, your kids can do what they want.
Now if she had came to the fence and said excuse me kids I’m doing something inside and you are making a lot of noise any chance you can take it down a notch pls, much appreciated or knocked on your door and said to you would of been different.


I would have yelled back u shut the fuck up. I’ve done that with a neighbor lol

Tell the neighbor not to address your kids anymore. They can knock on your door if there is a problem.


Kids will be kids but it does come to a point where the noise can be an issue for others but no need to swear at them


Did it work? Maybe thank her. I mean if you couldn’t get it done :woman_shrugging:t3:


First, talk to your kids to be mindful & respectful. They’re kids so they’ll fight regardless & learn as they go. 2nd, go knock on her door and tell her you understand if she wanna intervene and tell em to be quiet but if she cusses next time? You’ll drag her ass over the fence :joy:

Disrespect all the way around…mama ignoring the kids bc she’s fed up and has no authority with them, kids are being unruly( more than just loud) and here comes the neighbors!!! Do these children have anyone they respect and will obey? Quit making excuses ppl, no matter who it is. Wander why there’s so many horrible things happening to kids and also at the hands of kids…it all starts somewhere. Discipline your children, parents. Instead of making excuses.


I’d scream back f u!!!

Yell shut up back :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I would explain to neighbors that my kids play and are rambunctious. I allow them to play for 30 minutes at a time and try to stick to it. Give them your phone number if it gets to get too loud then they can call you. And politely ask that that neighbor not cuss out your children!
Then talk to your sons and explain people are in high stress at times. They need to be considerate too.


I would have told the kids the scream louder and made sure she heard you say it. How dare she? It’s like me being mad cause my neighbors are cutting the grass and the lawnmower is loud.


Tell her to shut the f up


Girl I’d knock on her door and cuss her so far TF out, she’d be petrified to even glance their way again😳

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I have neighbors behind me that my daughter USE to play with. These kids are never corrected for being totally over the top loud. Like screaming for no reason, not just fighting. Blows my mind their mom never reminds them we aren’t the only ones in the world that live right here. (We are in vegas, so houses super close to each other AND people work round the clock and you never know who has to work graveyard or needs to sleep during the day.) I would have my daughter come in if I started hearing to boys get crazy, I get kids needing to be outside playing, but you still need to be respectful or your neighbors.
I use to be quick to yell out the window STFU if it was adults being stupidly crazy at night, but during the day I will try to loudly complain to my husband with the back door open, in hopes the other parents hear. I’m not going to correct their kids unless it’s right in front of my house, and I’m not going to talk to them like that.

To late should of done it right then and there. Now you got to wait till next time and there will be then tell her to fuck up but be ready for her to come over because someone who says that to someone else’s kids they got problems and they going to come straight over so get your bat ready

Tell her to f k off did she not hav kids x

Bring the kids inside


Your neighbors deserve peace in their own home as well. I’d make my kids come in if they were being so obnoxious that the neighbors told them to stfu. I have 7 kids, 5 of them are boys. I have given up on breaking up every argument too… but if they are outside and start their shit, I make them come in until they sort out their disagreement.

I have one question? Did it work? It probably did. That’s why the husband said let it go🤣


Give the kids kazoos, megaphone toys and a couple of air horns then tell them who ever is the loudest gets (insert reward)…maybe invite some of the neighbourhood kids over to play too.

Sometimes we need to be mindful of others, I don’t know why most of people are Encouraging violence which is not right at. If they do that everyday and parents are not saying anything, what do you want her to do ( some people work nights and they supposed to be able to sleep at home ) but it looks like your boys took over the neighborhood. Blame yourself not your neighbor


No one is going to disrespect my kids in their home. Their safe place. So what they are loud, they are outside at 1PM!! They are kids! I can understand if it were really early or very late. I would’ve been at her doorstep.


I’d knock on her door ask why she is yelling at your kids. Let her explain then tell her that if she does it again you will have the police involved. Verbal abuse is still abuse.


Its impossible not to hear children when they play outside. Sound travels even if they are playing nicely. No way she’d be yelling at my grandkids especially in the middle of the day . Id be having a chat


I’d definitely go and speak with her. There are ways to go about situations like that with compassion and I’d use that to my advantage and kill with kindness. Also let her know, however, that you did not appreciate her stepping over your boundaries especially as a mother and that for future instances to come and speak with you about any issues or concerns she may have.

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Why can people not let kids be kids. They are in their own garden playing I would see the issue if they were running about your neighbours garden I would let it go for now. If it happens again then confront her. O and using that kind of language is not acceptable they are only kids shocking

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I’d yell fucking beg your pardon


Check if there is someone ill…or needs sleep at that time.


Your neighbor is entitled to peace and enjoyment while in their own backyard.


Well did she get them to stop fighting? You gave up. Meaning you want them to stop but it’s easier not to parent. If she got them to stop I’d thank her.


I would knock on the door give them your number and ask that they contact you if they have a problem with your children and to please reframe from swearing at them. Then leave. I would also ask the children to keep it down when outside and to stop fighting. You don’t know what’s happening behind closed doors they could have a sick member of the family needing peace and quiet.


She should not be remonstrating your children in such a manner and swearing at them there are other ways to of approached this.Choose your moment have a quiet word with her an tell her to please approach you if she has an issue and not your children and that shouting an swearing at them is unacceptable :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart: xxxx


I can understand if they were a little too loud and maybe someone say STOP! or even SHUT UP! but don’t curse man, esp if they are young kids. That was excessive. Go over there and apologize first about the kids and just ask if they are too loud to please just say stop. No cursing because they are impressionable young kids. During the day usually there is no noise ordinance…your kids could be autistic for all they know. My son is and shouts stuff all the time. If someone told my kid that, well first of all he knows all the curse words and probably worse lol, and as much as I would love to give him permission to say it back (not the best mom here lol) he would tell me and I’d go over and ask them what the hell was their problem. But the best idea isn’t to shit where you eat (as my mom always says) so, I’d apologize for the noise and explain my son is autistic and if there is an issue come to me or call me. Don’t scream and curse at my son. If they have a problem, then they are going to have a really big problem and I’d handle it lol.

Anyway for you, just apologize and ask them nicely not to use curse words with your young impressionable children. Ask them to come to you or call you. Even say please stop. But esp if there is no noise ordinance they can’t do shit.

Set boundaries. She shouldn’t be yelling at your kids and your husband shouldn’t just dismiss it.

First of all, I have kids who are ornery and fight over stupid shit. I have just sat back and let them figure their own shit out. That’s how you teach them to resolve their own issues. We, as parents, won’t always be around to resolve their problems. As for the neighbor. Lmao, who hasn’t wanted to say that to a bratty kid… just my 2 cents…

Did they listen though🤔 hell everytime they r fighting call her🤣


Screaming and cursing at young children that are enjoying their own backyard in. the middle of the afternoon is not okay. Nope.

This is not to say that you have to “choose violence” per se.
But I for one would definitely be knocking on the door and asking her what’s a problem is. Maybe a simple conversation could go a long way.

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You need to teach your kids to respect the neighbors and not be wild and loud. You and your family do not have the right to disrupt neighbors. There are a ton of people still working from home as a lot of companies have up their rental spaces during Covid.


I think it’s a great teaching moment and natural consequence. Teach your children why they did it. Better ways to argue, not disturbing neighbors… they need to live with them too… and I would be thankful… it was good for them to learn, respect for other’s… and… teach them about other’s patience levels are different, how people respond are different…and be thankful it wasn’t worse. I wouldn’t appreciate you as a neighbor just ignoring your children and me having to put up with hearing them all the time. They need to fight they should come in to their rooms and fight… where they aren’t disturbing everyone else in the neighborhood. I bet other neighbors were saying thank you in their heads to the neighbor that yelled… I would be… and I’m a mom of 4, 3 boys and had my partners 3 boys over every weekend, for years… I wouldn’t allow constant fighting outside, disturbing my neighbors. Time to be a parent…


If you choose to let your kids fight constantly and not do anything about it. Imagine how your neighbor feels? I’m not saying she’s right for what she did but there could be a number of factors why she did what she did. Mental health is a real thing. It’s not ok for you to stop parenting because your over it and make your neighbor s deal with the obnoxious behavior that you fail to address.


The fact you gave up means it was that bad so her complaining wasn’t for nothing


At 1pm in the afternoon they can be loud and should not be talked to like that. If there was a problem it should have been addressed with you


Your husband told you not to cause issues, because your kids already cause enough probably, and he’s sympathizing with the neighbor. Keep ya kids contained to a respectful level. You’re not the only one who lives there.


I would have made a new entrance through the fence to her backyard!


Kids will be kids,they are in their yard…It’s the middle of the day…I would be going and speaking to her,the fact she yelled and swore at them is not ok…if she doesn’t like it then she can either move to the middle of nowhere,get some ear plugs or turn her tv up…Maybe have a chat with the kids about their fighting but ultimately kids are loud…

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Maybe ask your children to play a bit quieter x

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They’ve probably had enough of your kids fighting and yelling too.


Don’t knock because your on her property and she could call the police if she’s a knob x shout her over the fence to have a word x kids will be kids I wouldn’t let no Neighbor shout at my kids and god help them if they shouted at my granddaughter I’d be arrested :rofl::rofl: x

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Go handle that shit. My kids may be assholes (like most all them damn things) but nobody but me tells them anything. Smfh

That’s a tough one, only because it’s possible she was arguing with someone on the phone, or even yelling at a dog barking that maybe you didn’t hear, or any number of possibilities… I’m actually surprised at myself by my own answer to this because I would definitely WANT to go let her have it… but at the same time, what if it was a misunderstanding? Maybe she just got some terrible news and acted out of character. Only you know what your current relationship with her is like… So if this was the first negative incident I’ve had with her, I may be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, while making sure to let my kids know that if it ever happens again, they come tell me right away… but if this lady is consistently a problem and this isn’t the first time she’s done something like this, I would definitely knock on her door and try to resolve it in a civil manner… As much as I would want to flip out on her, you definitely catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Plus, if neither of you 2 plan on moving anytime soon, you don’t want to have WW3 going on with your neighbor… When you are feuding with a neighbor, it robs you of your peace when you’re in your own home. Who knows, maybe you having a little bit of grace in this situation, and taking the high road, she may be thinking about it later on, start to feel guilty about it, and come apologize to you & your kids… you never know. Just my take on it. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Make sure you get rid of the body properly. That’s my only advice.


If they asked nicely that’s one thing. But they did NOT. They chose to yell and curse at those children instead of being adults themselves. They are not giving those kids respect so they don’t deserve any back. The next time I would literally say” hey boys, let’s bring up the volume” no one should be speaking to children like that. Especially, 1 because they are in the comfort of their own home and 2 given their age they likely didn’t even know they were offending anyone. Your neighbors need to take it as a learning experience to not be pieces of shit and be decent communicating human beings.

If they asked nicely that’s one thing. But they did NOT. They chose to yell and curse at those children instead of being adults themselves. They are not giving those kids respect so they don’t deserve any back. The next time I would literally say” hey boys, let’s bring up the volume” no one should be speaking to children like that. Especially, 1 because they are in the comfort of their own home and 2 given their age they likely didn’t even know they were offending anyone. Your neighbors need to take it as a learning experience to not be pieces of shit and be decent communicating human beings.

Look you don’t know what this lady is going through, the noise might not bother you coz they are your kids. So you put up with it. But this lady might be studying, or on an important call, or is under great stress, maybe, just maybe, so go see her, and ask you like to be a good neighbour, ask her, saying it’s normal for kids to play, and fight, and if she’s studying or she works nights, if you know this, you could take your kids out to the park at certain times, or just care enough to find out. Or they could be drinkers or drugs, and they are having withdrawal. Just listen, try to work something out. But something exploded in that person, patience.


I wouldn’t do nothing tbh

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Tell your kids to shut the fuck up :joy: no one wants to hear kids yelling and arguing obnoxiously! Do NOT go knocking on the door. If you do tie up your shoes cuz you probably about to fight the neighbor lol

These comments kill me. :rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: wow. My kids will never have to play around anyone else’s schedule. They’re kids! That neighbor could go inside if she was “on an important phone call” or even studying. Do it inside if you want quiet. Also she should have chose to live in the country!!


She has no right to tell your kids to shut the f up BUT you have admitted your kids fight & argue constantly… as a parent we learn to block it out… others can’t!! I do not let my kids scream & shout if they are outside!! It’s not fair on my neighbours to hear that constantly!! Everytime my 4 year old starts screaming he gets pulled inside & told that he won’t be allowed to play outside if he is screaming, he soon learnt that if he wants to play out he has to not scream & shout!! If I were you I would keep bringing them inside everytime they start & they will soon learn - it will also show your neighbours that you are being pro-active about it rather than just letting them be a nuisance! She’s probably had enough!


Maybe take her a dessert. With the boys. Apologize. And tell her to just give you a call if there is a problem. And let you handle your children
Hopefully she will be kind and work with you


Hmmm handle your kids. Just because they are outside doesn’t mean they can yell and scream and disturb the neighbors. Id yell at them too.


They’re kids…it’s the afternoon…tell her to STFU, sound proof her house, or better yet move to a secluded area!! Wtf is wrong w/ppl…lmao

Yelling is one thing, if they were being obnoxious. However swearing at them is a different story. Don’t swear at my kids, only I can do that!


I would have stormed out right there and told the neighbor off


1st time my neighbor told my kids to shut tf up he wished he never opened his mouth Lol actually I don’t think he came out of his house after I marched in his front door with a baseball bat Lmao :joy:


Using those words to my kids at my house is unacceptable. She should have contacted you directly and I’d tell her so.


Tell her to go shit in her hat they were in their yard she didn’t have to use that kind of language she’s being disrespectful

I would yell back to stop swearing at my kids.


Be a parent and parent your children. That’s the problem these days “ I gave up trying…” well thank you for making little pricks.


I would address the swearing at my children


I love reading all the answers, especially on this question, because I find it interesting how divided people are on the topic. Half say “She’s wrong, kids will be kids!” The other half says “just because your kids want to play outside doesn’t give them the right to be inconsiderate of the neighbors”.

Personally I live in a neighborhood where houses are close by on either side of me and on the road right behind me. My kids play outside often and are usually laughing, having fun, & just being kids! So if kids can’t be loud outside playing & getting their energy out at 1pm, where the hell and when the hell CAN they be loud and have fun? If it’s an issue of a napping baby or sick family member and she really needs quiet, she could have just as easily explained that to your kids and possibly taught them compassion, understanding, & how to be considerate of those around us in the process, instead of yelling and cursing at them…


Yeah… No one is yelling at MY kids on MY property. If u have an issue u can bring it to me… But it was 1 in the afternoon… She kinda has to put on her big girl panties and get over it… And I really wish people would stop saying “u gave up on ur kids”… Because that’s not what u said… U gave up on trying to get them to stop arguing with each other… These things are SUPER different and if u have more than 1 child u would understand that…


You admit you gave up trying. Clearly you know there is an issue with your kids behavior. Parent your children so your neighbors don’t have to.


Tough one. I’d address it with the neighbor. I’d apologize for the kids’ behavior, but at the same time I’d make it clear she’s never to speak to your children that way again.


I’d have screeched at your crotch goblins to STFU too!

Knock that rude ass bitch out & tell her into mind her own side of the gd fence

Wait till they are outside, then when they make the SLIGHTEST sound, yell the same thing at them. When they decide to say something to you, tell them now they know how your kids felt when they did it.


Nobody talks to my children like that, period!!!


You gave up on your kids so you already know there is a problem. Cursing and yelling at other people’s children is unacceptable, however, you need to find other solutions to help your children be kind and considerate members of society so the village doesn’t have to teach them.


How could your husband tell you to be quiet when some other man is yelling at his kids!? Screw him, and that neighbor no stranger would be cussing at my baby. I hope that neighbor can shut up and mind his own business

I love hearing the sound of children laughing and playing!!

Sometimes it takes a village.


I’d address both but more be pissed off with the neighbours as that’s your space and should be free to do as you please within reason there is no excuse for them to do that at all. I’d let it be for the moment and if it was to happen again then I’d give the neighbours a mouthful, kids shouldn’t have to feel like their tredding on eggshells in their safe space. The neighbours should know kids will be kids.

I wish a mf would yell at my kids like that… This Mama would NOT stand for that AT ALL. You don’t talk to my children like that, not at my home, not EVER.


I had a neighbor like that one time the only difference was was he called him self a man. Well needless to say my boy’s grew into men that was the end of him yelling over the fence and coming into my yard. My oldest boy caught him one day and told him if he ever came across the fence again he wasn’t going to walk back over it! End of story!


Seems like parents today forget something called consideration. Maybe. Just maybe, your neighbor doesn’t WANT to listen to your darlings behave like savages. Maybe your neighbor has had enough waiting for the adult in the room to show up? No one should HAVE TO LISTEN to your kids bad behavior, even if it is daytime! Respect for your neighbors should exist. Teach your kids better manners!


Nope you say something, they are kids . Your neighbor needs to chill out a bit . I would definitely say something if it were me . I know husbands don’t like the drama , they think it’s easier to just let things go but until you talk to them , it’s always gonna be in the back of your mind when you see or hear that neighbor

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I would have walked up to the fence quietly and smacked her mouth! Don’t talk to my kids at all unless they are damaging your property then it better not be a cuss word!

I dare a c#nt to tell my kids that. They would be losing their teeth :tooth:


I’d knock on her door and ask if there’s anything she’d like to say to YOUR face instead of swearing at your children!?


I guess your neighbor was tired of hearing the madness that you yourself have already given up on​:woman_facepalming:t2:did your kids listen to the neighbor when she said that :woman_shrugging:t2:


Wowwww ALL the judgemental mums came out on this one.


i would go out side and start being loud to haha let her come out again :woman_shrugging:


Don’t let your kids disturb the neighbors.

But also this is why I live in the country. To far apart for the neighbors to hear what we do.


We had a women do that to my girl and her friend during the day they were only 6yrs old at the time and were laughing and playing loud like kids do this lady was coming down off her meth I f÷*kn gave it straight back to her the Muppet …tell hubby stop being a wimp and tell that women never to speak to his kids that way again


I might be your neighbor :rofl:


If you didn’t want to hear them fighting , I imagine your neighbor doesn’t wanna hear it either … how about you let your kids use their words inside your house instead of outside where everyone else can hear them too


I would of been at that house so fast she wouldn’t know wtf to do or say i be damned if anyone would talk to my kids like that they r children smh

Say something!!! Don’t let anyone talk to your kids that way!!! Anyone has a problem with your children you tell them to you go to you, she started an issue not only by screaming at your children but also cursing like omg I’m so mad for you, I’d be damn somone talk to my kids that way

So did the kids shut the fcuk up or what