My partner doesn't like it when I hang out with my best friend: Advice?

Sorry but it sounds like maybe they are sleeping together or have slept together and he is trying to stop the relationship because he doesn’t want you to find out… In which if this is the case then you need to throw out the man and the best friend


Please dont end up like me with 0 friends and regretting it. As long as she is not toxic then tell him to shove it. Neither of you should have to sacrifice food friendships for your relationship. This is a sign of him being controlling and its unacceptable. Put your foot down now, or it will not turn out in your favor.


He’s straight starting to try and control you. Step one is isolating you from friends and family. Step two is getting you to make excuses for certain behaviors. Step three is making you believe that you deserve to be “punished” and treated like crap. DO NOT let him even get to step 2. Step out of that relationship and say good bye now.


Have you found out the real reason he doesn’t like her. Something more in depth could be going on.


You didn’t tell us what his reason is for not liking her. Without that I don’t see how we can give an answer.


Yeah. Just leave. This is how it all started with me. He didnt like my best friend. So i distanced myself. He didnt like this person. So I distanced myself. He didnt like when i did my hair a certain way or wore certain clothes. so i quit. He demanded to go through my phone. I let him. But then. He started breaking things. Screaming at me. Punching walls. Hiding my car keys. Blocking people from any form of contact whatsoever. Isolated me from everyone that ever gave a damn about me. Leave. Now. Get out. Before it gets worse. It will only get worse.

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Yep my thought is they’ve probably slept together because it’s odd that now he doesn’t like her after you’ve been friends with her for years.


Moved your house ? Sounds like he wants to isolate you which isn’t good for your mental health you need a friend and a outlet. If he’s going to his friends house why not coordinate outings where he does something with his friend when you do something with yours ? Or I make time with my
Friends when my husbands at work then I can spent time with him when he’s off work. You should be able to spend time with your friend unless he has a specific justified reason why not too but IMO it would have to be pretty serious to
Justify it


I don’t know he sounds like an awful selfish person in your just trying to enjoy the day with your friends and children if he can’t understand that he’ll never understand anything I don’t know that’s just the way I feel


He’s being controlling and manipulative. My ex did this. Would get mad and jelly of my friends. Any friend i had he found a reason to dis like them. It stressed me out so badly because i have no family here and the two friends i had he hated and i never heard the end of it when i tried to make plans with them. I became isolated home 24/7 with my son. Went on for a while because i allowed it. I have social anxiety now because i got so use to being stuck inside all the time because i didn’t want to hear him complain. Get away while you can, this is how it starts and it only gets worse


How do a grown person get in trouble. He sounds childish. He is trying to control you. Don’t allow him. He us trying to isolate you from your support. He wants to be the only one you have. Love yourself more. You deserve better. That is not love. He moved out let him stay out or you will be going through this for along time. Choose you and your children. If you told him you did not want him hanging with his friend/friends would he do it? Of course not. You don’t need him. This is how Abuse starts. Teach him how to treat you. Stand up for yourself. Children or not, he is not the one. That is definitely not love. The biggest mistakes we as women make is saying “I love him” and him not loving you.


If he just started disliking her out of nowhere it sounds like maybe they have a relationship going on. Maybe she denied him. Seems like something is going on there.

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Maybe he wants to hook up with her, but wants to break up the friendship so he can be with both?!?! :thinking::thinking:


I would start first by trying to understand why he suddenly doesn’t like her anymore? What has changed? Its hard to say that it’s him wanting to isolate you when yall haven’t had the problem for years. If it is something the friend has said or done that he doesn’t like he has to understand that its your friend and he still needs to trust you with her. If he can’t trust you then that’s a whole different problem that the both of you need to address if you want to continue the relationship.


:triangular_flag_on_post: he is trying to being controlling so when things get worse you have no one to turn to in a time of need

Just be weiry. Hopefully not but it is how abusive relationship start. Or they’ve slept together or something has happened.

What he is doing is domestic abuse in form of isolation. This is a huge warning sign. My opinion break it off you do not want your children to learn that controlling behavior is okay. He left his choice pack is stuff and put it on the step have your family or friend help you during the labor. Just my opinion but if he get away with controlling your relationships it will go from your friends to your family and can get more mental and possible physical abuse. Huge warning signs you need to pay attention to.


He showing red flags of being controlling. I had an ex who was ok with me hanging out with friends than he didn’t then he turned out crazy. It’s a red flag

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Ummm I would figure out WHY his attitude has changed so drastically… there might be a reason


Theres alot unanswered here tho. What happened that made him not like her? I feel like somethings missing.

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It’s the “I get in trouble” for me!!! What do you mean? I’m sorry, but unless I get some more of the story, I can’t make a fair statement. What happened between him and your friend? Many times when things like that take place, maybe he tried to hit on your friend and she turned him down, now he acts like he hate her. I would really like to say different, but unless she slapped his mama and grandma, something fishy about this Sis!

Did something happen between them? Something that she regrets and he’s mad she stopped it?

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Dude dont you stress out about that if he can be rude and let you stress out then hes not worth it, it dont matter how long you been together he shouldnt be manipulating you like that. If you ask him to stop being around his friends he wont listen. Dont take it to heart. Talk it out calmly and then go take a bath and relax if you can

He’s either looking for a reason to leave or he’s dabbling in some new new. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Run girl while you have the chance. Thi will only get worse.


Sounds like he has control issues… big red flag.

That’s on the way to an abusive relationship. He’s isolating you.

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Maybe she or he try a ting with one annoda behind yuh back

It’s called jealousy and manipulation. Get rid of him.


Trying to control u… get out while u can

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Screw it. Keep your friend. Be smart enough and strong enough not to allow him to ruin your friendship or the time you spend with your friend. Your brain is going to make or break you. Don’t care if he likes her, don’t give any energy to arguing with him about her. She is your friend and you are going to hang out with her and you don’t care what he says thinks or does about it. Eventually holding your ground will pay off. Let me tell you something…your friend was there for ypu before you knew him and will be there after you know him :thinking:

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If they used to get along maybe now there’s something wrong happening between them, :person_shrugging: he will not gonna acted like that for nothing!!! Watch out mommy!!!

They slept together :smiley:

Is you house a mobile home

He moved your house that’s crazy.

This isn’t okay at all.

He is not the warden. He has zero say in friends you choose to hang out with. You need to speak up.

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You sure he isnt cheating on you with her?

Sounds like a narcissist to me


RUN … that is abusive behavior, it’s indicative that he wants to end your relationship, but wants to make it so shitty that YOU do the leaving so then he can blame you, and he’ll destroy your soul before you leave.

Why are you ‘in trouble’ with your partner at all? Hes not your parent and you’re not a child…
Seem juvenile and petty and controlling…


She may have witnessed something he did and she approached him about it? That happened to me and my friend didn’t tell me. But he made sure I couldn’t see them (married couple with a child) after his time in the Army. We weren’t married yet. I wish they would have told me cause then I was young and didn’t have a child. They probably thought I wouldn’t believe them.

Babygirl, he did something with her…or she KNOWS something…get answers and like everyone is saying MOVE ON. You’re about to have your hands full mama. Congrats on the newest addition :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Maybe he tried to hit on your friend and she went off on him and told him no and now he has a resentment towards her.

That equates insecurity. Maybe he’s worried that she will open your eyes to his bullshit. :woman_shrugging:t2:he’s clearly controlling if he won’t allow you to have friends. He’s trying to control you and make you codependent on him in every way. Isolate you from the outside world and others who care about you. Don’t allow an abuse cycle to start. Set healthy boundaries and if it still remains issue understand that the relationship is toxic and it’s time to go.

That’s messed up and a red flag most definitely. Possessive guys are terrible. I’ve been with one. The jealousy is so strong that they won’t let you have a single friend.


They probably had sex.

If he is trying to isolate you from friends and family it is a humongous red flag. It is absolutely a form of emotional abuse, you need marriage counseling ASAP. What you allow will continue. A good relationship has
ebbs and flows it does NOT have great times and horrible lows where you are walking on eggshells to not piss him off. Please for the sake of your children who witness how you are treated get help or get out. Boys will grow up to treat women the same,girls will think this is normal.Prayers Hon.


Something weird happened between them. Talking to the best friend or find something from him cause that’s sus.

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I’d say that maybe they did something BUT I lost my bestfriend of 3 years because her husband treats her like shit and controlls everything she does. While probably still cheating on her :woman_shrugging:t2: He hates me because I saw the shit he was doing and tried to get her to learn her worth. Of course she didn’t but what I’m getting at, is maybe she seen him do something shitty and he wants you to avoid her so she doesn’t tell you. Congrats on your new bundle. Don’t let this asshole ruin another day for you. :black_heart:

Sounds to me like she knows something about him or he made a pass at her and she turned him down and he’s trying to hide it…Ask questions and see both their reactions…


Sounds like my controlling ex bf

Sounds like you dude might have some controlling issues.


Maybe they have a secret they don’t want you to know.


Never lose your best friend over a guy

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Move on. No one should control who you talk to or hang out with.
It will only get worse.
You are better than what he thinks you are.


Does she bring negative energy into your relationship, or always seem to have an opinion about something…idk…most of my old girl friends where always hating on my guy for stupid little things and idk if it was the other way around I’d hate it too…but that’s just one situation maybe he just doesn’t like her…theres tons of reasons why that could be …I’d ask for specific reasons myself

Seems suspicious :angry:if I was me I’d think something happened between the two of them :confused:


What changed between them? Did they become intimate?


Sounds to me like abuse. When a partner tries to isolate you from your friends and family, that is considered emotional abuse. End of story. Change the locks on your door and tell him to have a great life.


What is his issue with your friend. Its not nice he shouldn’t be choosing your friends, I hope u allow he time with his friends, no matter what

Sounds like he’s insecure and you need to nip that in the bud

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Leave, that is alienation and manipulation, it gets worse

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Sounds like the isolation process to me… Run

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A lot of people are insecure including myself .Only The Lord can teach you joy and peace and love that you can then share with another person.:pray::pray:t3::pray:t6::pray:t4::balance_scale::dove::crown::rose:

Why has he suddenly decided he doesn’t like her? Did something happen between them or does she know something?


Remember, all behavior has meaning.

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Leave him where he is at and enjoy your children and whoever you choose to hang with all he has to do is be a father but controlling your social life is unacceptable and him leaving out the house so easy then he can stay out he’s being childish and you don’t deserve that nor your kids


Maybe he tried coming on to her and she shot him down so now he’s all pissed and doesn’t want you around her


It’s time to walk away. That is emotional abuse.


Why doesn’t he suddenly like her? Is he using that as a scapegoat so he will have an excuse to go off and cheat or abandon you? Did the two become intimate? Maybe he made advances towards her and she rejected him. Talk to her


Be glad he’s gone.
When someone shows you who they are pay attention

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The only time I have seen that happen is when the partner fooled around with the best friend resulting in jealousy and controlling behavior.


Red flag… If he all of a sudden doesn’t like her… They may have had something and doesn’t want it to slip out. So he’s trying to break y’alls bond BUT at the same time if she followed through she’s not going to tell you either… There is something so much more to that story for him to not like her… Maybe you tell him about advise she’s giving you and he’s upset about that.

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Maybe something happened you don’t know about?
If they got along fine, and suddenly not only did he not want to, but yr not aloud to see her either… girl something happened rather an argument or what have you!

Uhh ur family is ur man and the kids not ur friend and her kids


Leave. Before it gets worse. (Speaking from experience)

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Red flag… anytime a guy is trying to control who you hang out with and guilt you out of friendships run away.


An excuse for him to leave :woman_shrugging:

Seems weird. Can I ask you a question could something have happened between the two of them? Seems odd that would come out of nowhere. Seems more like he is trying to hide something you don’t find out about.

Too bad for you, There should be time for you and your friend, Sounds like someone is a bit julouise, I guess you have to choose,

Oh my gosh! THIS is not a hard problem! He is who he is! It won’t get better because you wish it. You need to date long enough to SEE these traits BEFORE you live with him! And living with him is not healthy for you or your children!!..


This red flag is clear as day: controlling you. If you stay, your children will see the control…I’d never let my children see someone manipulate me like that.


You get in trouble?? That’s not a good sign of love in a relationship…
sounds controlling to me…marriage, relationships are not bondage…there’s no chains or rules "you can’t " there should be no choosing between him & friends or family…if it is truly love…you are an adult & he has no right!! Sounds like you need to make a decision about your happiness & your children!!!


I’ve lost a lot of friendships because of the ex’s dislike. Turns out he/they were the problem, as in paranoid schizophrenic,

Run girl…or throw him out. YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE IN DANGER! Make a plan with your beastie and family to help you get away from him safely.

That’s hinkey! No real reason he doesn’t like her?? Umm that’s toxic , controlling and there’s definitely more to that story id be wondering what is up. Does your friend dislike him?? I’d ask her.:woman_shrugging:t2: I wouldn’t let him dictate my friendships if he doesn’t see her than what’s the issue.

Thats narcissistic behavior and Id leave before blame turns into physical harm and then that turns worse. Get out while u recognize it

I hope I don’t upset you, but did something happen between them? I would investigate more into that. And that’s very controlling of him. Does he act that way if you were to make plans with a different friend? Feel him out to see-and if not then I think something happened with him & your friend. He’s trying to get you to stop all communication because he’s afraid she’ll say something to you. Which is horrendous and sad, but it does happen. You deserve better.

Ask your BFF if she knows he is cheating with another female and she found out about it and she doesnt want to tell you…cuz it will hurt you. So this is why he wants her far away from you.

Did something happen between them? Seems odd he would all of the sudden not like her…


Sounds like he fancied her and she rejected him because she wants to stay friends with you. Dump him

If it’s none of those, then he’s already planning on breaking up with you & starting fights on purpose

Been through this. It’s manipulative behavior. It will only get worse if you allow it. I did. He would guilt me and punish me with emotional abuse. "You always choose everyone over me. You’re married now you don’t need friends. If you want to do something you can do it with me…but then never does. Oh and if I wanted to go out with out the kids and it I was out after 9 I was being selfish and shouldn’t have gone in the first place. One time we went to the big e with my sister and her kids and he told me how awful I was for going with out him and that it’s a family thing and I should have checked with him first so he could tell me as much. then proceed to tell me he hates the big e and why would he want to go. And pretty much if it’s not something he’s interested on he’s not doing it and neither should I. He didn’t want to go and he didn’t want the girls and I to go and have fun. He will only get worse and you’ll end up with no support system when he becomes unbearable. Stand your ground and try to ignore his manipulative words I eventually did. It took a lot but I got there. He’s wrong for being so selfish. You’re doing nothing wrong. If he wants to spend time with you he’ll make an effort and he’ll do things for you and the kids out of his comfort zone and if he won’t you have every right to do these things with friends and family. You’re not just ‘hid wife’ and you don’t “belong” to him .

Why doesn’t he like her? Is she an addict or alcoholic? Bad influence on you? Have a bad record? A lesbian?

Get out of relationship it will not get any better.

Truth let him stay at the friend he is manipulate and God works in mysterious ways he is saving you

The FIRST thing an Abuser dose is ISOLATE thier VICTIM from ANYONE WHO WILL STAND UP TO HIM

Yeah sorry to tell you, that will only get worse until you call it quits