My partner got mad that I didn't tell him I went out with my child: Thoughts?

Communication goes a long way. He is overreacting, but it sounds like there’s some underlying issues and this event just sent him over the edge.

Side note, how do you go all day without letting your parent know what you’re up to? Common courtesy.

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I once had a guy get mad at me because I took my son to the beach alone after daycare to play and didn’t tell him until he called. Like I was supposed to invite him on a last minute idea. He was narcissistic and very manipulative.

No not at all…
He is a control freak… do not let him manipulate u into thinking u did anything wrong…
he is in the wrong… end of.

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Ummm wtf? No thanks. That’s ridiculous. Do you live together? Either way eff that noise


You did nothing wrong! Seems like he wants to control you!


No you absolutely did NOT do anything wrong. When my daughter was born I used to take my son out for some one on one mama time. That’s ridiculous that he is saying you’re a liar and not trust worthy. Shame on him that is messed up.

It’s sounds crazy for him to freak out about it but I think it’s more of that you didn’t tell him you were doing this rather than it being about you spending one on one time with your kid. Still, he could’ve nicely said can you give me a heads up next time just in case something happened then I knew where you guys were.

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You done nothing wrong. He has issues

No he is just looking for a reason to get mad and justify whatever it is he is thinking and or doing

Let it pass if this is only one time. Then figure out if too much control by him is an issue.

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Yes married an idiot


Self projection baby, hes got issues

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Seems like there’s some underlying issues not being stated that may have caused question in the relationship but normally I would give a heads up because my Mr deserves to know just in case of an emergency.

I as a wife out of respect for my husband I let him know what I am doing and he does the same.
Today i took one of my daughters and my grandson to a magic show. He didn’t go but I knocked on the bathroom door and yelled I’m leaving to the magic show lol.
It really is a respect thing to let your partner know what you are doing. .maybe he felt disrespected or like u were hiding something. Who knows. I would have been upset if my husband didn’t tell me whatvhe was doing.

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I can see why you’re confused by his behavior. It’s IRRATIONAL! NO you didn’t do anything wrong! Absolutely NOT! DO NOT let him convince you that you did! The issue is your partners and his alone. What you did is completely normal behavior. His isn’t. This is controlling manipulative toxic behavior or outright jealousy. You and your child can’t have fun unless he’s with you? He can go to the movie with his kids but you can’t? Now he doesn’t trust you because you took your child to a movie without his “permission?” That’s NOT RATIONAL thinking. PLEASE think long and hard about your relationship with this man. Is he controlling like this about other things? Is this how you want to live your life? He’s your husband NOT your father. There’s a world of difference. You’re an adult and can make decisions for you and your children. This was just a fun mom/kid day out! Completely normal activity. His reaction however is NOT normal. It’s concerning. Please don’t let yourself be pulled farther into a relationship where your partner slowly takes control of your existence. STAND YOUR GROUND!


He’s got issues you did nothing wrong

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Sounds controling, its respectful to let each other know where your going for safety, but it shouldn’t be a big issue, if you simply forgot, an im sorry i forgot to tell ya should have been sufficient. He sounds controlling and projecting what he is possibly doing, big big red flag

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You didn’t do anything wrong and he sounds like a psycho. Honestly I’d start wondering wtf he was doing that’s making him so mad and focused on my one on one with MY CHILD. But I can be kinda crazy sometimes sooooo don’t mind me lmao :woman_shrugging:t3::joy::joy::joy:

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Hunny he’s hiding something and projecting his behaviors onto you. I’ve dealt with one like this. I couldn’t even simply take my kids to go fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:. Turns out he was doing all kinds of shit behind my back. Your case may not be mine but it sounds awful familiar. I’d proceed with caution because if you can’t even take your child to the movies for one on one time (which is important especially if you have more than one) without him saying the things in your post I’m sorry you need a whole new man or none at all. The man I have now encourages time with not just “his” (they my babies too) but also “mine”.

No you did nothing wrong, I go places without telling my husband. Sometimes live happens, maybe he’s feeling guilty about something and projecting something on to you. Doesn’t make sense.

You didn’t do anything wrong. He’s up to something though


Wow that’s weird why would that get him upset by not telling him it sounds really controlling.

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He brings it up tell him to let it goo
And stop being a big baby

He is controlling and disgusting I would definitely put a stop to that you can take your child where ever you want with no judgement from anyone.


l get paid over $129 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19665 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Absolutely not. He’s your partner not your keeper so why would he get mad. It’s very important to spend quality one on one time with your kids. Kids sometimes get lost in the shuffle in a big family with all the busyness that goes on. My feeling is any significant other that feels like they need to know where the other one is 24/7 and gets MAD if you don’t ask is the one who may be sketchy. Why the insecurity, why the anger, why the name calling, why the control issue…does maybe a guilty conscious come into play :woman_shrugging:t3:

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l get paid over $129 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19665 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

You didn’t do anything wrong!! Maybe he’s hiding things from you…

If you were out all day and unreachable, and if that was very out of the ordinary for you…I could see him being worried. But to say you lied and he can’t trust you from simply neglecting to mention your plans…that’s over the top. You are an adult and a parent. You can spend a day with your child or with a friend or all alone for that matter. No need to feel guilty. He is overreacting. If it’s a pattern…be concerned.

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I take my Kids out all the time and domt tell my husband lol its not like you need his permission to go see a movie with your kid like come on


Uhhhh ma’am … If possible, I’d be leaving him. That feels very irrational, and ick.


My gf will get off at 5:30 and I sometimes won’t see her for a couple/ few hours. I honestly don’t mind either. :woman_shrugging:t3:
Before I was mature though Ngl I didn’t agree with certain things and wasn’t ready for a relationship. Maybe he’s not either.

What’s wrong is staying with him.

Sounds like he has some trust issues. I mean, when in a relationship, I think it’s just common courtesy to inform your partner. Not ask for permission or keep tabs, but just to let them know. If my husband is at work, I’ll tell him I’m gonna take the kids and …. But I also don’t give him step by step/play by play accounts of my day. It’s not like - we’re pulling in, we’re pulling out, we stopped here - etc. We let each other know when we’re leaving work, usually just to say “do you need anything on my way home”. But we both do it.

Does your partner tell you where he’s going, what he’s doing etc constantly? Because if not, it’s not right of him to expect that from you. Sounds like he either has some trust issues already, or he may be doing something and has a guilty conscience.

Step one: make the other person think they did something wrong.
Step two: punish them for it.
This man is trying to gain control over your movements and behavior
. Please don’t give it to him.


Girl, if you’re asking this question, then u already know the answer!
You know in ur heart!
Please take everyone’s advice!
I see things getting waaay worse…(but I pray they don’t!)

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He sounds jealous, to be honest. that’s red flag behavior.


So he can take his kids to a movie but you can’t? Or he needs to know first?? What that doesn’t make sense. You didn’t do anything wrong he sounds like he’s weirding out. I’d tell him that and move on and he can play whatever weird game this is to himself. When I say move in I am not meaning you have to break up unless you want to I mean go in with your day and ignore this dumb argument till he gets over himself


You should tell each other about your daily plans the day before. Or send a text letting each other know where you are.

He is just trying to control you. Making you feel guilty etc. just RUN :running_woman: away from him.


Tell him to get over it. He can be alone on that battle.


Don’t listen to these idiots telling you to leave him over such a petty issue. There’s one thing that solves your problem and that’s communication. Communicate EVERYTHING with each other and these arguments will be avoidable almost 99% of the time.

Good luck


Are yall together or seperated? Either way he tweaking

No. Your man is weird


Has he said what the issue was? he maybe wanted to see it too? He may have been worried about you? It depends how serious you are as to how much is normal to let the other person know? I would have told my partner and vice Versa if we wanted to go off and do something, not due to trust, but respect xx

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I’ve never had to tell my kids dad what I’m doing with them. I’ve signed them up for lessons, classes, taken them to movies, Disney, parks, shows, etc all without consulting him first. He just asks if we had fun. Him demanding to know what your plans are is not healthy


That’s a controlling behaivor that is not ok. Be careful.


He probably what’s to know bc if how bad the world is these days. What’s to know were your at to kno were his kid is at

You don’t have to tell him anything. He is trying to control you.


You say your kids dad, not your husband or boyfriend or fiance. In the beginning I got the impression that you weren’t with your child’s father. Which I find strange. Because later you state big family etc.
If he was just worried that something might have happened to y’all he would’ve been relieved to see you then would state how lack of communication scared him. With saying he can’t trust you is his insecurities and probably upset that he didn’t have control of you. If this is first time showing this kind of behavior I’d try talking to him. Ask specifically why spending the day with your child caused such an angry reaction. But if he’s always this controlling of your whereabouts, there’s some serious issues. In my opinion. The communication out of respect then there is checking with warden to ok your every move.


Jealous… Controller …

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He could of just called you to see where you where

That’s the beginning of abuse. It’s toxic shit like that that starts it all. Trust me.

My ex would get mad that I would take MY daughter out to do things. We always did stuff with his kids as well. One time, my parents planned for me and my daughter to go with them MONTHS in advance to a pumpkin patch/hay ride on a week we weren’t supposed to have his kids. We ended up getting his kids that week and I still went with my daughter and parents to the pumpkin patch and he was absolutely livid. That was just one instance. It’s like I wasn’t supposed to do anything with my daughter even when we didn’t have his kids. He’d be like “we can wait til we have all of them to do such and such.” Like they got moms too that can take them to do shit. It doesn’t get better and he ended up trying to kill me in the end. Don’t let someone dictate your life like that

No you did not, he’s controlling, I’d leave him in a hard beat the min he tries to make me feel guilty


He’s just looking for reasons to be mad


He is being ridiculous.


If you together then i can see it as something maybe not a big deal but I’d be irritated if your not together then tell him to kiss off

You didn’t did anything wrong, not telling someone something it’s absolutely not lying, he has issues and that is on him

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How old is the kid…do yall have other problems…are there justifiable reasons to doubt you?

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Wow that’s a huge red flag​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
I’d seriously question the controlling nature of what he said, No way I’d sit quiet and just take that! You can’t spend one on one time with your own kid??? just wow, smh
He can’t trust you???!!! What is he 8?
I’d stand your ground and get to the bottom of it and if you don’t like the answers, run girl!


This is a weird way to react Jesus

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You didn’t do anything wrong. He seems to have issues…


Sounds like he is a child! I have one on one time with each of mine and have for years… I don’t play when it comes to my kids. He sounds stupid and childish :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Not at all
I have 3 sons all grown now and sometimes my husband would take 1 of the boys somewhere he alone would want to go. I think it’s your husband who has a serious issue to say you a liar and don’t trust him. You did nothing wrong at all and I hope you both had an awesome time. My husband never had to explain to me that he wanted to do something with 1 of the kids at all…

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First of all you are grown you don’t have to ask permission to go anywhere with your child


Take your children and leave


Run :running_woman: right now it will only get worse


he doesn’t trust you going out with your own kid? I don’t understand how people/partners think they control the other person. sounds like he has control issues, and childish! yuck.


So im not sure if I’m fully understanding, but if you guys have young children and you were leaving its important for him to know your not there to help watch all of them. Especially if you are the one who usually watches everyone. That way he can ensure everyone is safe. I know if I’m leaving I always let my husband know so he knows HE needs to watch the kids because I’m leaving (we have littles as well). I’m wondering if he’s just not communicating about what he’s actually upset about.


He took his children from a previous relationship to the same movie by himself but has an issue with you taking the child you share out for a movie and mom time? Nope run don’t walk.


No you didn’t did he ask you permission to take his kids wth is wrong with him you have the right to spend time with your child what does he have a guilty conscience your an adult

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l get paid over $ 176 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16425 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

You don’t need his approval to take your child somewhere. He doesn’t ask your approval to take his child. He is a narcissist. He has things to hide. He acts like your father instead of your husband. Get rid of him. Your child should always come first.

I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 12805 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


That’s a huge :triangular_flag_on_post:. You did nothing wrong. The way he’s reacting is scary, and obsessive. I would be very concerned. I’d think about leaving.


He’s overreacting. He could have simply asked that next time you let him know where y’all are at so he doesn’t worry. This whole freaking out about trust is waaaaaay too much. He needs to go smoke a blunt or have a beer or read a book or whatever calms him down, geeze.

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No why bother what he says,your child enjoyed it he acts like a spoilt bratt.


So, unless theres missing info, hes controlling.


So different perspective here than most I guess… I would be upset if my fiance told me “oh yeah ***** (his 13 year old) and I went out and went to the movies and did this and that and all that without you and ***** (our child together)”. But I would have zero issue getting even a text of “hey I’ve got some spare time and spare cash today, so if it’s okay with you (because that’s how we communicate with each other… Not asking permission, just being sure we are on the same page and good with whatever is going on) ***** and I are gonna take some time just me and him for the day”. Absolutely no issue with something like that and I regularly encourage him to do stuff with just ***** because I know being a teenager with split parents and a toddler (and baby on the way) can be difficult and stressful. But I’d be thrown off pretty bad and wouldn’t know how to react and I’d be upset by being told after the fact that hey I made this decision without even letting you know or giving you the respect of making sure we were on the same page/knew what was going on.

I’m not a controlling person. Like at all. In fact, I bend and give to make others happy TOO much. But I am a safety oriented, anxiety ridden person and this would hit me hard. My mind would go to “well now that I know that he doesn’t let me know where he is when it’s out of the norm, what if something happens? What if they wreck and are hurt and I have no idea where to look cause he wasn’t where I thought he was? What if something happened to me or our toddler and no one could reach him or find him?”. So… He may be “over reacting” at face value (as many men and women act angry when the real emotion is fear and/or hurt), but from my perspective as a loving and caring person who is terrified of something happening to someone I love, he may deserve the benefit of the doubt here and perhaps you werent in the wrong" per se, but maybe you also could’ve simply let him know and been on the same page. (of course this is only my opinion because of my personal experience and perspective, and there could be much more to this story and other instances and issues)

We also don’t have the info on what exactly was said, if he was mean or explosive, or anything of that nature. So this is just my take on it, thinking about my fiance doing the same. And I hope it helps you maybe consider from his side WHY he’s reacting like that, and maybe it’s not a control thing at all and y’all just need to have an in depth conversation about communication expectations you have for each other.


No you didn’t really do anything wrong. As a courtesy and a safety thing, I let my SO know where I will be and when I will be home. The world is crazy, and it helps to have someone know. He shouldn’t call you a liar or not worthy of being trusted, that’s a red flag for gaslighting and controlling behavior.

One on one parent time is great, especially with a larger family. Children do better when they know their parents are there for them and want to spend time with them.

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There is a book that might help “Enough is Enough”

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Honestly this is really concerning behavior. Was he at work while you were gone or was he home wondering where you were the whole time? If he was worried because he didn’t know where you were and couldn’t get in touch with you, that’s one thing…although not trusting you and calling you a liar is still alarming! He sounds like he wants to control you and that is a huge red flag. Unfortunately, these types of behaviors don’t go away, they only get worse. Stay safe!

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He’s projecting on to you. He is likely the liar and the one who can’t be trusted.


You did nothing wrong. One on one time is important and good for you for doing so. What is your spouse doing and hiding? Sounds like he’s feeling guilty about something

Gurl you know darn well you ain’t didn’t nothing wrong… how are you a liar if he never asked and you never said anything…is it he can’t trust you or he can’t trust hisself… you child will always be your child partners come and go… make memories
Live love laugh

I’d get rid of em also if he has an issue with me and my child spending time together :heart:

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Kids always come first


There is something wrong with him hes a jerk

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He sounds out of line! My husband and I do one on one things with my oldest daughter all the time! They need it!

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Throw the whole man away.

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No you did something right. Children need time with the parents. Sounds like he is a control freak. Now is the time to make a decision do you want someone to control you for rest of your life or do you want be your own self. If you aren’t married to him get out of the relationship. It gets worse as time goes by.

Nope ur not in the wrong at all! My man would’ve loved to find out that I was out doing that and would’ve been excited to hear about our day!

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That man has some serious issues


Kids come first period! Nothing wrong with spending one on one time with your child. He wouldn’t be my bf anymore if he pulled that shit with me :tipping_hand_woman:

You did nothing wrong!


I have mommy daughter dates and always let my husband know what we are doing. ( for communication purposes)

I think your feelings are valid. I also think such situation has blown outta preportion. Maybe by both parties?

****We are a blended household. Time and finances may need to be considered. Who will watch the baby. In our case. ******

Are you guys dating or married may also be taken into consideration. Partners
For how long. Is this something you’ve never done before? Idk :woman_shrugging:
Communication clears up a lot.
But you should never feel guilty for having one on one time with your child. Ever.

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Dump him. He’s not the one if he’s flipping out about you spending time with your child. There’s no excuse for this.


What the hell sounds like a psycho waiting to come out you don’t have to tell him your every move your with your child for gods sake

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… no? It’s your child you don’t need permission to spend time with them. Your husband is wack.