My partner has had so many kids!

It’s three for now but many more to come. Some men just don’t know the true meaning of being a man. I hope he supports all 3 of his children. He sucks. Be careful out there with guys like him girl.


Girl you already knew he had 2 baby mamas before you…so like what did you expect? Really…you knew. Come on. Too late to judge.


For perspective, I would have 9 if I hadn’t lost 6. Would I have had that many pregnancies if I had my 3 with no losses? No.


Holy shiitte! Perspective! He’s been passed around like a piece of meat?? Did you ever think you’re just the next wrapped package of hamburger in the supermarket row?


I’d be most concerned about STDs.


Unpopular opinion. Were they all different women? We all have pasts. Just cause a woman got pregnant doesn’t mean protection was not used. Protection is not :100:. All 3 of my kids were conceived on birth control (including using condoms). I had my tubes tied and got pregnant two more times. So in order for me to think you need to feel like he settled I think I need more details. Was he careless? Thinking 11 of those babies didn’t matter? Maybe they had miscarriages? More info is needed for me to judge a man. Most men including those that belong to the women on this post saying hes trash have a high body count


Apparently too fertile
That’s his past if he made u aware don’t even worry about it now. Little to late for all that


That’s a f**king baseball team. I’d be more concerned with the fact he hasn’t/doesn’t take his or his partners health into consideration and use protection. I mean are you serious? 14 kids some obviously chose abortion/adoption as you state In your post. Imagine if they kept all those kids the child support the fool would have to pay. Good lord.


Yes it’s a very sad world we live in today :frowning:

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Is this in Palatka? :joy:

Sounds like my brother, he is trash, he can’t hold down a job and has a wife, but still has like 11 kids and sleeps all around, girls, do better and get a good man.

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Who you entangled with Nick Cannon!!! You kill me with the “he has been passed around” he made every single one of 14 choices and no protection at that… You are a woman and know damn well how "passing a man around " would go , especially when children are involved , got a hoe for a dad & a valueless mom. Smfh… Value your self and don’t partake in his bull shit… Unless you thirsty and wanna Sip when they pass…


This seems like a non-negotiable for you. This should have definitely been discussed prior to becoming emotionally or sexually vested in this person, and especially before having his children.


You literally have a choice in your child’s father. You chose wrong


So was this news to you after you got with him? Bcuz if you knew this before getting with him, honey this is on you.

It’s his past and people change. He was a hoe and now he’s found the one to change his ways.

Do you really need to Ask? Wake up!

Tell him that is nothing to be proud of, especially putting those women thru that.

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Nothing to be proud of that those women chose to not have him as a father to those children.


Even though it sounds horrible, he wasn’t with you and what ever he did before you is not a betrayal against you. Don’t go back to his past. Its really only his buisness.


He’s been passed around? Perhaps is the one who has passed around all these women?

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Just a question but how have you been with him and having a child with him without knowing his past? I mean people change but this reads almost like you had a one night stand with someone and decided to stay when you found out you were knocked up. Then found out the truth later and don’t like it. You can either talk to him and work through it or move on. Seems odd you wouldn’t find out sexual history before engaging with him.

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Same thing just happened to me. The man I was with told me after the fact that he has more children than he had originally told me. I am now pregnant and he has taken off.

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Most woman do abort children because of who the father is, and saw it was going no where fast or they knew he would not be a father.

Everybody has a past!! You can live with it or live it without him.

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When was this told to you? I mean if before you and him were serious and you still stayed don’t complain. But if he hid it and told you know, nothing you can do, right? That’s why questions need to be asked before getting together with someone.

You have been with him 3 years and have a baby by him, why are you worried about his past, yes he was a man hoe, but in the last 3 years has he been a good partner, is he a supportive partner, has he been faithful to you, does he help with baby, is he a loving partner and father, if the answer to these is yes, then I don’t see what your problem is, people change, actions speak louder than words, it’s his actions now that count, not his past before you were with him.


Idk, he’s grown… The amount of partners shouldn’t matter. Which part of it bothers you more? Are you mad he was for the abortions? That he still doesn’t wrap it up? That he thought it was a brag?

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You cannot change HIM. Only HE can Change hisself
This reads like he is a Gigolo,Horn dog with no Care/Concern of the WOMEN that he meets.
Just a question but how have you been with him and having a child with him without knowing his past? Seems like you had a one night stand with someone and decided to stay when you found out you were knocked up. Then found out the truth later and don’t like it. You can either talk to him and work through it or move on. Seems odd you wouldn’t find out sexual history before engaging with him especially in this day and time.
You need to know your worth. Get Out while the getting is good. Before there is many years past and it’s not possible plausible.RUN

He’s a reproduction abuser and probably won’t stop


I don’t feel like judging him for his past is fair on any way. Does that mean that you disapprove of who he is now and since you’ve met him before you knew this? He obviously is not that guy he once was and everyone has a past. I’m sure you have slept with other men prior to him and just because the other girls he laid with chose to act how they did and get pregnant or choose not to should not affect how you look at him now. He is with you and not them. He acres for you and had the child with you and not them. If anything they probably taught him what he does NOT want in a woman or mother to his child. Everyone (most/many of us) is given partners who are there to teach us lessons or we them and if he has had his share of lessons and learning how to treat others and how to be treated and what he wants and now can finally be the man he was meant to be with you I’d feel lucky and try my best to not let anything allow me to judge that man negatively for his past and learning in this life because that will only allow poison into the relationship and once you let in a little it tries it’s best to take over. Id try to respect he is human and had a past and that he was able to take those lessons and mistakes made and become a better man for you, with you. I wish you the best on this and hope you can come up on top and make things work for the happiness of your family. :four_leaf_clover:

How did you not know this BEFORE you got pregnant?? It does not bode well for success.


And is he involved with the other 2?

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He sounds gross and that is so tragic that he views his deceased children that way. Buyer beware.


Hmmm that says a lot about him … and why only 3 of the babies were kept…the other women must have seen past the intial charm to see that he probably didnt come across as the best father material. Because that’s a lot of kids to NOT have


Basically that’s a good show of character as well as why HE didn’t tell you sooner


I’ve read this exact post earlier this week.

Simple. I’d have never had his kid to begin with.


Honestly that’s gross because he’s basically telling you he goes around having unprotected sex with helllllaaaa women and does not care about the consequences :nauseated_face:


:woman_facepalming:t4:cause being baby mama # 3, didn’t make you :clown_face:enough… But there you went opening your legs anyways, now that you know he was more of a … Now you’re disgusted :roll_eyes:. everyone has a past, pretty sure you weren’t no innocent… Either. But, y’all go down these red flag roads, & be shocked AF


Who cares, he’s with you

That to me screams run for your life! The kind of parent he is will shape what is going to happen to your child’s future! Hiding this is also a red flag! How does he get 14 people pregnant like he is sleeping around unprotected and you can be exposed to who knows what!


What the hell is wrong with you? This isn’t cool


I mean sounds like he was slutting around the woman he “knocked up” probably were too! And they’ve just told him for help $$ :woman_shrugging:t3: my ex bil got a phone call from some chick he’d slept with at a festival saying she was pregnant was getting rid of it but needed some cash he gave her what he could later found out a few of his friends had ridden the same ride!

So he holds your past against you too then huh?


Mmmm so this is a lot of red flags to me.
#1. This says so much about his parenting if you’ve been together for 3 years and just now found out about these children that shows he isn’t taking care of them or active in their lives.
#2. It sounds like he was very careless about who he slept with and what sort of protection was used BUT I don’t judge people for not using protection because I myself don’t use protection due to side effects I’ve had.
#3. Everyone has a past and it sounds like this man has super sperm or something I know how bad I’d look if every man I’d slept with had gotten me pregnant :rofl::sweat_smile:

Ultimately it’s your choice on whether or not you want to continue a relationship with this man but judging him based on the amount of women he’s slept with referring to him as a “piece of meat” just doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t refer to women with many partners in a negative way so I wouldn’t men either. I’d be more worried about the kids he isn’t taking care of than the number of women.


I was dating a guy that had 3 kids with 3 different women. They were all nagging baby mommas. Luckily, I never had children with him nor got pregnant by him. I didn’t want to deal with all that drama and all those child support obligations. I was like nah…yall can have him…I like my peace. :v: :peace_symbol: you have to decide what you are willing to deal with.


Really depends on the kinda father he is? Is he a very involved dad with your child along with the other 2? Can’t really judge on what he did on the past as it’s his past. Is he an idiot for not using protection yeah sure,but that’s it really. Only thing I could really judge on is how long ago was this past? How quickly between you and the other mothers/14 abortions? Had he really matured? Man upped? That would only be the thing to make me wounder what kinda man he is unde it all,otherwise if he’s a good father to all his 3 child. Not 1,not 2…but all 3 children and also threats you right then I would let it slide after an open discussion with him in how it makes you feel ect,as you are both in a relationship now with eachother and once your happy that’s the main thing isn’t it?


How do you all know he wasn’t in a relationship with all of them girls?maybe none of them girls wanted kids just yet or not at all , how do you know he didn’t keep it from her because its painful for him to think that so many of the girls chose to abort his babies and there is nothing in that question that suggests every pregnancy was with a different girl you can’t blame a guy solely for getting those woman pregnant because if the woman didn’t want kids they should of made sure they where protected themselves and not sleep with no protection at all


And I wouldn’t say he’s been passed around like a piece of meat more that it took him kissing a few frogs before finding the one he wanted to settle with and connected with


It takes 2 to tango there’s such a thing as birth control and condoms while I think that’s alot of children don’t just blame him women also have a responsibility


That’s nasty, hes nasty

I mean. Does he not believe in birth control? If he knows about that many there may be others out there

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If that’s how you feel, that’s how you feel but ultimately it was the women’s choice not to have them and he didn’t want them to begin with so :woman_shrugging:t2: me and my 4 siblings all come from different dads except me and my brother, we’re the only ones with the same dad so it’s not weird or gross in my eyes because it didn’t mean anything to us, we are still siblings, no half bullshit about it. :woman_shrugging:t2: but if it bothers you to have had a child with someone who has different baby mamas than ain’t nothing more to do about it, it’s already happened. :woman_shrugging:t2:

That’s just nasty. So is he

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Another reason why I fully support teaching sex education not just abstinence, free condoms, insurance paying for birth control. Know your partner’s history & child support/alimony commitments.


I’d be more concerned with std/sti than anything. Please get yourself checked. Next, do you want to continue the relationship? Don’t worry about other’s opinions, can YOU look past that? Be smart but try to be fair, and give grace as you would want it given to you.


My s/o had 6 kids (1 adopted) before we had 4 of our own. (And he is an absolutely amazing father)

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Thats life love. And his past… move on


R u freakin crazy???.

Is he a good dad? Do you love him? If the answer is yes then for me there would be no problem. The past is the past nothing you can do to change it accept it and get along with life or if you can’t accept it move along without him :blush:


Everyone has a pass good bad or ugly If you really love this guy as he is then why bring up all his ugly pass if you want to talk about the pass maybe talk about the good things that make him the man he is now the one you fall for.

Oooh, look at all the judgy people!
No point passing blame now about who’s nasty, irresponsible or otherwise. Every single one of us has a PAST…and sure as shit none of it has been perfect for anyone. Accept it as it is…or don’t. Choice is yours.
Presently, is he a good, attentive dad and partner? If so, why the fuck does any of it matter now?


Judgemental group… had this been a single mother with 3 children from different relationships noone would be downing her… just stop. If she had children with him… clearly she feels hes father material… so who cares about his past.


its more disgusting that all these careless people with this man getting pregnant then getting abortions cause they were reckless enough to get pregnant.


So your saying that there have been 14 miscarriages or abortions because he couldn’t leave his manhood in his pants.
Wow! What an absolute d**khead. I’d be grabbing my child and headed for the hills.

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Sounds like you don’t know this man very well & he’s disgusting! Run!

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In 3 years you should have already had that conversation. To me, it sounds like he’s trying to be vulnerable and open up to you. Ultimately the decision not to have those children would have been up to the women, not him. Many people (men & women) have a lot of partners now a days. It sounds like he doesn’t bother to use protection. At this point the only concern to have with that statement would be both of you being checked for std/still. Instead of looking at it as he just settling for you, if you both are happy & in love, perhaps it’s more he finally found you. Perhaps you are what he’s been looking for the whole time. Life is all about perspective. Be open and accepting of one another’s past. Build a strong life together. It’s not always easy for someone to open up their vulnerabilities.

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Everyone has a past and if u continue 2 live in it u won’t ever get anywhere good in the future. U learn from ur mistakes from yesterdays past 2 make a better future tommarrow. The previous comment mentioned perspective and its true if u look at it as he’s settled (negative) u will never feel worthy of the relationship. If u look at it as ur going 2 be his last (positive) ull get more our of the relationship. This sounds like he’s been guilty 4 awhile or maybe he thought these females were the 1. Who knows maybe he’s just careless but remember it takes 2 creating children. 4 whatever reason he doesn’t have all 14 as long as he’s paying his dues 2 the 3 he has does it really matter the choices a female made or were made 4 them?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My partner has had so many kids!

Sounds like children are disposable to him. I wouldn’t be able to stomach someone with such a lack of morals and character. I would be in an asylum if that many of my children were dead at the hand of anyone, let alone the other parent. Horrific. He is a walking death camp. Imagine your kid finding out one day that they have that many dead siblings. :broken_heart:


My first response would be to get tested for STD’s, but I’m sure something would’ve shown up if you had all your prenatal visits prior to having your baby. If you didn’t, (and it is surprising the number of women that don’t, and have their babies at home) I’d be making an appointment tomorrow morning!!! Second, I’d think long and hard about continuing a relationship with someone that has commitment problems. I’d be very skeptical in believing he’s “settling” with you. This kind of person is never satisfied, and will leave you with the responsibility of raising your child with no support from him.


He sounds very irresponsible to say the least!

His past is his past…and you’re selling yourself short wondering if he finally just settled for you. You obviously believed he loved you…and you two have a child.
You’re holding him responsible for the supposed pregnancies of all the other women. Those women had a choice to say no and they could have used birth control just as he could have…either way if he has been a good husband to you and he’s a good dad to your baby then you’ll have to decide if after 3 years with him that you cant live with his past.


Ok so let’s be clear he has 3 other children put there. Does he take care of them? Does he help out with them? Is he good with you and your children? You also have to remember the past is the past. As long as hes stepped up and taking responsibility for his kids and changed for the better. Then you really shouldn’t hold his past against him. That’s just wrong.:woman_shrugging:


Sorry, if he walked out on at least 13 other women, he will walk out on you. Women and children are disposable to him.


Does he provide love and support to all of his children. No use for him if he doesn’t. That is enough kids regardless.


That’s information he could have kept to himself…it has no bearing on your relationship. Boasting about impregnating that many and abortion makes him a careless human being who does not value anything…to include the women and their bodies. How many were forced or coerced into abortion and how many more will he do this to.


That’s lot of child support! Past stay in the past but not the children’s. It’s he a good father? If your having doubts take your time. Just follow ur instinct :relieved: good luck!

Red flag but others make a good point that the last is the past. At least he was honest with you about it.

That was very insensitive of him and yes I would be disgusted too. In your own time perhaps you can put that behind you and get back to what brought the two of you together in the first place. Hoping for all the best for you.

Looks like he doesn’t have much respect for women or children how very sad about something I’d want my kids around

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What’s in the past, leave it in the past. You can’t hold something against him, or who he was, that happened before he met you.


Sounds like he should get fixed. We all have a past. But for him to say something like that, I just don’t feel he cares about his kids


I mean how old is he? 14 partners isn’t a lot; 14 pregnancies is a lot but just because he doesn’t know anything about safe sex and birth control doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.


He didn’t make the decision to abort those precious lives the women whose body was carrying them made that decision. He might need to practice birth control or find the right partner but if y’all are in a committed relationship and he is good to you and his children then that’s what matters everyone has a past it’s not like he’s a dead beat dad. If hes been with you for 3 years obviously you have something worth sticking around for that his exes didn’t.

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My mother always told me she hoped I was a Virginia when I married, but not necessarily my husband. Before you criticize him, how many did you sleep with and did you just practice better birth control?

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What a horrible choice to have a child with.
People don’t get to know one another before they pop out another poor child.

If you cnt let it go then you need to tell him how you feel. If your going to choose to make it work then leave it in the past and help him be a better man. Remember the wemon he was with made that final decision also so it not just all on him. Salvation is for all Gods children even the most wicked. Anyone can turn over a new :leaves: for the better when given the right guidance, grace, and chance. You should tell him that’s not something to be proud of if he acts as such.

Not a man I would want around me or my kids :rotating_light: red flag !

I mean, it’s his past. Does he treat you right? Does he support his kids that were born? If the answer is yes to both of them, then why question the relationship? Also, it’s sad that so many women misread this.

First of all it was the past second I would worry more about does he support his other children and last but not least is he in the other children lives if you can’t answer these or if they are no then I would run and not look back


So was he actually in a “relationship” with these women? If so then I too would be afraid he would leave just like he left them. And was he with 1 women and cheated on her and had another kid? I know the past is the past but children aren’t your past, they will forever be in him life. Maybe him being a player is the past. But how old is the youngest one that is not urs together? Just hold one, it might be a bumby ride. Lots of questions with this.

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Shouldn’t you have known this BEFORE letting him ya know… spread his seed more?

Yaaaaaa I would get him condom as gifts at that point and get his family to get him them and I would b worried about anything his carrying and stuff at the end of the day things happen but I would tell him straight out what I felt for me I would have honestly just been like wtf u don’t kno how to use protection like is that something over ur head or wtf

This is the craziest things. He doesn’t think of decease… pregnancies he found a fix sounds like it (damn) but he sounds sloopy

these are the kinds of things to find out before you become “partners”…smdh

Past is past…you and your child are his present and future. Let it go and move on with your life as a couple.

How does he treat you and you baby?

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You weren’t apart of his past sexual experiences, so why care about it?

And you are with him why?

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