My partner has strict schedules for our baby and will not let me bring her downstairs before 10 am: Advice?

Very cruel and your partner sounds horrible. Baby needs to be down stairs with rest of the children enjoying family life and all the chaos that goes with it, that’s life and tell him if he doesn’t like it he knows where the door is !!

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Isolation sounds like a great idea for a baby…not

Could there be other issues at play here like post partum depression or anxiety? Could she need some extra support in all of this? I know first hand how hard a baby with reflux can be and this strict routine may be the thing she’s clinging onto to keep her sane in a way. Just a thought


The place in the house where the baby is fed is not that big of a deal, yes keeping to a routine is important but that’s times and stuff. Not making them eat in the exact same spot every single day. That’s ridiculous. and that baby is 50% yours, you have just as much say in what’s done with the baby as she does.

Nope. Take the baby down stairs. It’s morning get up be with the family.

thats the most stupidist thing ever. Child needs to come down stairs for breakfast and to get into routine. Baby needs to get into routine too,


Seems like your partner must more comfortable in her room or don’t want the other kids to play with the baby at that time,try talking to her,tell her the kids have to bond.

Tell her to do one if u wanted a life like a prison u would be in there not your own home! Bang out 10am what a joke that is! Kids should be up washed dressed had breakfast and getting a morning snack by then not just getting let out there room. That’s control stop it now b4 it turns in to somthing else down the line like setting a bed time for yous all

Consider PND it can happen for mum’s and also dad’s and sometimes feels like things are out of control and can cause a little ocd behaviour. Logically little one would be better off downstairs after first feed and then maybe one parent could get a little extra rest or time for a longer shower or bath. This needs to be handled sensitively so as not to upset the other party in a way to persuade that it is going to be beneficial to bring little one down. I had PND and I became obsessed by routine so I know what I am talking about. Regarding reflux also had this with 2 of my 5. It was resolved by using small amounts of solid food. I started weaning early as advised with baby rice, rusk and petit filous. The volume of the milk my 2 needed to fill them up caused the reflux. Rules and guidance change all the time and I can recall being told that a little baby rice from 8 weeks old would do no harm to the next child being born and being told strictly only breast feed for a full 6 months. I followed my own instincts and even though they didn’t have reflux my other 3 all had a little taste of early weaning with rice, rusks etc from 8-10 weeks. They all also slept through the night from the time they were started on a little more of early weaning. Every child is different but I have seen so so many more parents saying their kids have reflux in recent years and I had a very simple solution that worked for my children. Maybe she is feeling really anxious and has a bit of pnd because this behaviour certainly sounds like it. You need to reassure her.


Tell your partner to stay up stairs till 10 and you go downstairs with all your baby and children lol x

I think baby should be up for the day after the 7 am feed.

I think it sounds like mum if maybe having some mental health issues. Perhaps seek help for her

Maybe the downstairs partner wants some time on her own with the 2 older siblings. Maybe she feels like this is precious time with them? I do think tho asking to keep the little one upstairs til 10am is a bit much. Maybe have a chat with her about this and work out a compromise like come down at 8am and then she can have some alone time with the big ones at another part of the day xx

No downstairs until after 10 is someone having a laugh my little girl is up & downstairs by 5:30/6 has been since new born (18m) now !! That’s our routine I wouldn’t dream of keeping my little girl upstairs until almost lunchtime x

Why does your child have to stay upstairs it just doesn’t make sense to me. My 16 month old son has had sleep regression the last couple of days and has been waking up at 5am. I will bring my son straight downstairs and tend to his needs etc, if my partner told me that he couldn’t come downstairs until 10am we would be having serious words and i would tell him to jog on and to go elsewhere if it’s causing too much of an issue for him. Your partner has way too much control of the situation, take the control back and let your partner be in a mood all day and if its affecting your household then tell your partner to go upstairs until they have given their head a wobble and stopped being childish :woman_shrugging:t2:


My daughter has had a good routine since about 8 weeks old, but she goes where ever is needed in the morning, tell him to do one, that’s your baby aswell do what you believe is right, if the LO has a play in the morning, why not? He sounds a bit controlling to be fair🤔

If you have parental responsibility she can’t demand you to do or not do anything with your child. Considering you have two other children I think she needs a stent in the looney bin to say it’s routine… so what your kids start school at midday?! LOL

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What is the baby doing between the 7 and 10 o’clock feed? Is she sound asleep until 10am or is she awake and ready for the day after the 7 o’clock feed ? Maybe it’s mum who needs to stay upstairs and in bed until 10 o’clock and maybe the reason why need to be found out ! she’s a new mum , is she enjoying the rest, does she enjoy that time upstairs with baby , is it maybe the only chance she gets for a bit of calm and quiet throughout the day, is the baby most settled with the reflux at this time to allow mum some quiet time ,

Could be for lots of different reasons not really enough context here :slightly_smiling_face:

Routine is just a guideline not something you can stick to like a regiment. Let him look after the child with out any help and stick to his regiment. Yes he will change his tune.

I’m struggling with the not allowed. … It’s your baby . You do what’s right by that baby . And what suits the family as a whole . As for the controlling partner. Time for the road if you ask me . Or tell your partner to stay up stairs till 10 with the baby you have shit to do


That is crazy! I’m sorry but baby would be downstairs with other siblings all getting ready and being together. I would also tell your partner to do one. It sounds very controlling too


Controlling much :flushed: she’s 5 months now so it’s likely the routine needs tweaking ! It’s going to change as she get older. I find the baby is the one which creates the routine themselves really and you work with it !
I’d honestly just ignore her and bring baby down at 10am and that’s the new routine xx

I had ex like this don’t make noises while downstairs don’t do any house work until after 11am.
Keep baby kid quite as he worked night …
Then would come down moan nothing been done …
So think do is do tell him do one for sure he not telling you keep routine he trying tell you what do not what baby kids want so do what you want thats to long to leave baby up there kids come before any man sorry true x

I’m worried that your partner says ‘it has to be upstairs as that’s the routine’ rather than ‘she’. Sounds like depression/anxiety on her part. Can you not contact your doctor with your concerns? They may be able to arrange for her to see someone for support.

You shouldn’t be keeping the baby upstairs they have slept they need floor play stimulation tell your other half that is what you are doing from now on instead of being stuck upstairs til 10 ridiculous routines dont work all the time also babies get themselves into a routine not the parents an they discover there own needs

I think you should try to talk to your partner. Explain your concerns, & be honest. It’s very hard to think when your tired & figuring things out as all babies are different. A baby buts pressure on any relationship, it’s communication is key going forward. Keep talking only way forward.

Strange… Could she not just walk back upstairs to feed the baby at 10am? I’m confused as to why she has to stay upstairs between feeds?!

That’s absolutely ridiculous. Why? They would just have to be mad. They’ll get over it. This does not make any sense. I understand establishing a routine for your household, but that routine is for a reason, not just because one of the significant others said so.

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I honestly don’t see what the problem is… I could understand if the kids weren’t allowed to do jack shit til the baby got up at ten… but what’s the problem otherwise? I had similar issues with my now two year old as a baby… he needed the consistent sleep at the time. Took two days to switch his sleeping after the Problem he had resolved.

As long as the time is the same, the routine is still in action. The room is not going to affect the baby’s eating habits. Maybe some professional advice might help put her at ease.

Reflux is the biggest cause of cot death. Babies literally suffocate on it in their sleep, parents are unaware, and find out in the morning that there little one has passed away overnight.

Tell your “partner” you’ll do what you like! :roll_eyes:


First and foremost “your not allowed “???as an adult and mum please do not let anybody tell you ever want you are and are not allowed to do regarding your children :raised_hand:t2::raised_hand:t2::raised_hand:t2:

Put your child/children first get rid of your partner your partner sound’s controling! Its your baby too

Babies change things tell them to adjust.

You’re not ALLOWED !!! Sorry darling I would be questioning if I was actually Happy in my relationship first off … Please don’t let anyone tell you what you are & are not Allowed to do… that’s made me sad… if you can’t talk about it & agree on a solution together than somethings wrong… :frowning:
You have as much say as you’re partner darling… You have other children that needs you too… You’ve got this :muscle:t2:

Sounds like a complete control freak tell her **** off !!

Personally i would bring baby down after the 7am feed, to me thats brekkie. 10am feed is babies snack time. Yes its good to have a routine but it takes a few routines to get it nearly right and your other little ones need to see baby. I would put my foot down, if he doesnt like it then thats not your problem but seperating the kiddies is not going to end well long term. X


Wth that is the stupidest thing ever ur partner sounds like an idiot

That sounds crazy … my girls up at 7 she comes down at 7 like all my other children! The baby is Ur child to put Ur foot down xx


Use your voice, you both made the kid. Just take her downstairs the baby doesn’t know what time it is and the last thing you want to do is confuse them with day and night.

It’s isolating the baby and you, away from the rest of the family. Is it really necessary that baby be fed upstairs?

Not allowed? What would she do if you did? Sounds unsafe to have children around if you are scared of her x

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Get rid of partner. That malevolence is not good around any children.

I would tell him to fuc% right off…

She maybe has post natal depression :frowning:

Tell him to get stuffed and poison his breakfast before 10am :joy:

Tell him to fuck off and stop telling you what to do

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Just take your children downstairs when you want to. They’re yours too. Who cares what your partner thinks!

Wows I wudent let him tell me what I can and can’t do

Well I know what I tell her but that’s just me I’m not saying but I know what I tell her

Are you serious? You have to ask?!

Jamie Burrows ohhhh the routine :crazy_face:

Brian Cant in Priscilla?

Sounds controlling. Rethink ur future

The comments on here are disgusting

Your partner needs to :sparkles:fuck off​:sparkles:

That’s not a strict schedule that’s controlling :open_mouth:


Get rid of ur controling partner simple as

You’re not allowed? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Your partner is controlling.

I’d tell ya partner to do one. :joy::grimacing: personally :woman_shrugging:t2:


Your partner sounds a weirdo.
As long as the baby is fed at their scheduled time it really shouldn’t matter where this takes place.

You are an adult, right? And the child’s mother? If yes to these questions, there is no “letting” you involved unless you are allowing it. You are not a child and you are obligated to get your children and yourself away from this “man” immediately for theirs and your well being. ASAP! Contact a domestic abuse shelter if needed if you cannot get help from family/friends.

You’re not “allowed”? This is your child also. Stand your ground. Do not be controlled.


Get yourself a new partner, she is not the right one for you neither for your babies!

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If that baby wakes up at 7am why is he/she left upstairs by themselves in the room until 10am while the other kids and family members are downstairs playing?? That baby needs to socialize as well,not be secluded to the room for 3 hours alone. Imagine how lonely that baby feels :pensive: sounds like you need to put your foot down and change this “routine” to better suit the children, NOT your partner.


Well that’s a wierd time what happens when baby goes to school? Routine should be surrounded by school hours in my opinion !

She sounds like an asshole. Make her stay upstairs til 10am smh

First problem… my LO won’t let me? You’re not a child. No one has the right to dictate what you can and can’t do!! Kids cant come down before 10 am? A good chunk of a parents day is done by then. Your partner is screwed in the head.


This is wrong! Stand your ground!!

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Wtf. A 5 month old not “allowed” out of the room till after 10? Bruh my kids are up and out or their rooms by like 7-8, by 10 they have eaten breakfast, changed clothes, turned a movie on and play for at least an hour with the movie playing in the back ground. Sometimes my kids will sleep till 9-9:30 but I definitely wake them up if it reaches 10 that’s way to late to be getting any kid up and moving. If that baby is up it’s gonna play. Fuck that. Specially with other kids in the house. Great why to neglect a baby.
Sounds like She doesn’t want to deal with her own kid. She needs to see a Doctor/therapist about PP or something cause… :confounded:

Honestly I would tell them to kick fucking rocks

Wtf you mean not allowed? Oh hell no. And wtf died and made her the experience parent? You have two kids she has 1 newborn. Not to mention the control issues I see here. And that’s weird to isolate a child. Not to mention the lack of social skill building she is missing out on while being forced into isolation. Ft!


I’d ignore my husband. If he wants to feed her, he can do whatever he wants

Not allowed is the big flag ! . This baby is a human not a puppy. Go downstairs and upstairs or anywhere you want. Weird control behavior. Do not tolerate it


Change it that’s ridiculous

I mean schedule and routine is good for a child, but it doesn’t have to be strict time constraints. More or less doing certain things in an order so the little one kinda knows what’s coming next. Stand your ground, your s/o is trying to control you and that is a huge red flag.

Kick to the curb🤷🏼‍♀️ who makes a baby stay in a room till 10am anyways .


5 month old should be eating breakfast no?

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Let her do that feed. If its her idea to keep the schedule… let her keep it. Then your other kids aren’t losing you for another hour.

Schedule not as important as babies needs. Do what makes your life easier. Dont make it to where your other kids are resentful. You have had children , your partners should trust and respect your opinion on what a baby needs.

None of that sounds good. Sounds like she has an issue with the baby. Especially if your partner gets in a bad mood. Not healthy for you or your children. Please put your baby’s first.

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Sounds like she could be avoiding… possibly the other two kids that are not hers?

That’s weird and controlling

That’s just weird. Is baby part of the family not??? Upstairs or downstairs is not exactly an important part of a routine…bubs won’t give a crap as long as she gets fed! Stand your ground.

Let her be in a foul mood and tell he right she doesn’t like it to leave. That’s borderline child abuse/neglect in my personal opinion.


"Not allowed":flushed::flushed::flushed: is she your partner or your parent?!?


Not ALLOWED?! That is NOT a partner, you have bigger issues here. Get the partner out and take care of your children.


While routines are a good idea, they can change as the baby does… Partner can’t dictate every thing

Your children are prisoners in their own home…thats sad. Maybe your partner should stay in the bedroom til after 10am and you and the kids can have the rest of the house …if she’s not willing to change that ridiculous “routine” maybe it’s time for her to find a new place to live.


Your baby isn’t allowed downstairs until 10am? Hmmm… in a few years we’ll hear about the mom who locked her kids in a room and neglected them because she didn’t want them in any area of the house by 10am and they didn’t listen. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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Schedules are important yes…but keeping her in the room until 10am??? That seems a bit strange.

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She would just have to be in a bad mood every day because these “rules” are unacceptable, controlling, and honestly just weird and there is no way I would be following them. If myself and my children can’t move freely where I live we won’t be living there anymore. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Do not let anyone dictate what and how you do things for your child.

Thats ridiculous and controlling asf. Put your foot down. Doesnt matter where the hell they eat :roll_eyes:

That is just ridiculous there’s something more going on and it doesn’t sound healthy!

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OK run & run very fast, That is way too controlling , Yes schedules are good with some things, But when a baby or child needs to eat, they need to eat, Question …do you guys have a schedule when to have sex? when you can use the bathroom? Take a shower ?? Just what are you going to do when the older kids have to go to school? Or are they on a different ‘schedule?’ Again run now & run very fast away from him , He is too controlling & you are going right along with him & that is a big problem

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I’ll be damnned it someone…actually if ANYONE told me what I can & cant do with my child. Who the hell wants to sit in 1 room until 10am?! 10 my kids have eaten, drove me crazy, made a mess and are putting shoes on to go play in the yard!


You either need to stand up for your children and yourself or you need to leave. Unacceptable and extremely controlling. In other words, abusive.


What do you mean you’re not allowed to bring your baby downstairs it’s your damn baby tell her to get over herself and stop being controlling. She probably doesn’t want your other kids interacting with her baby. A lot of women are spiteful like that