A cast iron pan to his face may make him stop and think. Then again it may just push him over the edge. Usually a bully like he seems to be needs a awakening of some sort. Just leave and don’t look back
Pack it up and go. Not now but RIGHT now.
That’s not a man, that’s your aggressor waiting in the wings.
No looking back. Therapy and forward only.
You have a dysfunctional heart, self perception, and relationship. See a counselor to understand how you’re harming yourself
That’s not normal and not what love is supposed to be. Don’t waste your years on something that will never change.
Please get out while you can. I was with a man for two years, no children thank goodness, but first I was being isolated from my friends and then my family and then he started nitpicking on what I wore. Then would grab me by my arm, and one night it blew up and he broke my nose in three places, fractured my eye socket,broke three of my teeth, and left me unconscious in my apartment. The doctors said he continued to hit me after I lost consciousness. I called my family (the ones he isolated me from bawling and I don’t even remember making the phone call). They helped me get out. Best decision I ever made.
He won’t change be there you really should leave in the long run u will see its the best thing u did right now to much tension for the kids and yourself
He’s emotionally abusive and he’s controlling. It looks like he’s escalating. Find a way out. Now.
Leave, call law enforced if you have to. This will be on a repeat cycle if you don’t. Stick to your guns make him prove for a long time before you ever think about going back.
Run before something bad happens to you . If he is not ashamed to punch holesin the walll then you could be next
Do what ever it takes to Get Out, Now! It will not get better, don’t subject your children to this unhealthy situation.
You are teaching your children about family…. Is this the healthy curriculum you want them to learn, ma’am ?
Been there…get away quickly. Keep yourself and kids safe and leave! He will not change only get worse.
If the relationship is toxic for you it’s even more toxic for your kids. Get out before it gets worse.
You need to Leave But you never tell a man you Going to Leave he could hurt you i had a Bad child hood my Daddy Drink all the time one Day he was Drink and he cut my mama and Brother with a knife she had to have surgery and she Lost a Lot of Blood they had to Give her Blood me and my Brother had to Go to court and testify what my Daddy Did to her i was only 14 years old my Brother had to Get on medication Because of all this By the Grace of God I Don’t take anything. Going threw all this it made me won’t to have a Better Life i Gave my Life to Jesus i Been save for some years now the only thing I can tell you to cry out to God Give it all to him he will Lead you the Right way can’t nobody fix it But Jesus he Loves you with a ever Lasting Love he will never Leave you God won’ts what’s Best for you and your kids Don’t ever Let anybody miss treat you God won’ts us to have Peace and Joy in our Lives Love you praying for you
Take the kids and get out of there. This is toxic to you and your children. Please, you’ve figured out what a bad relationship looks like, now don’t make this mistake in the future.
Get out now. It only gets worse the older they get. You do not want to look back when you are 40 thinking you wasted your life. Do you want your children to grow up thinking it is normal to be treated like a door mat?
Get out. He’s an abuser. It will only get worse. And you have a child to think of.
He’s not gonna change right now cause it doesn’t wanna change. Do what’s best for the children and what’s best will come to you and hopefully someday him…
He will never change leve now before he beats the crap outta you I left a abusive angry man and never regretted it get out now before it’s to late
The first sentence says it all. Not one more day. Your choice.
Get out of there. My house was like that as a kid all through my teenagers and since I was both six or seven I always wanted my parents to separate
In my experience with my ex who had anger issues anger management didn’t really work because he was pressured into it by the courts instead of genuinely wanting to change. He once stood on the main corner in town on a busy day screaming that I was the c-word etc. People were laughing. I just stood there and acted as if I didn’t know him. I wasn’t going to react and turn it into a circus for the public. He once got angry as he was getting ready to take his kids home and said he was going to crash the car not long after a local man had driven his car with his 3 kids in it into a pond and drowned them. He got so mad at my son that he left a vulgar threatening voicemail that landed him in court and on probation. Ironically he would freak out if I got mad at him and if I made a sudden movement he would jump on me and hurt me. He was a miserable excuse for a human being. He promised a million times that he would do better. But he never did. The last time I ever talked to him was a string of abuse because I had sent him a txt letting him know I was going to be visiting friends in the town he lived in so he wasn’t surprised if he saw me. I had left my car parked at home and a friend drove me to the airport. Eventually I worked out the verbal tirade was because he had driven 6 hours thinking it was the perfect time to break in and steal my stuff and was too stupid to realise only my car was there and the house was empty. So he went back home empty handed. Lol!
Pack your shit and grab your kids and leave. This isn’t going to get better, it’s only going to get worse. He’ll run out of wall space to hit and will move on to hitting you. You NEED to get out
Hitting a wall is 1st in physical abuse, then you or your kids! Plan have back up ! Be with people as much as possible
Lets get real here. This dude is no good. He will NEVER change. Or he might, but not the way you want him to, probably will get worse. When he goes to work, take a week and figure out what you’re going to need to leave. Contact an abuse shelter, lots of times they will either escort you for your stuff with the police or get you out while he’s at work. Do NOT entertain the fairy tale in your head that this will change and work out. Been here, done this! GET OUT! While you and your children have a life to get out with. Everyone always says "oh they wouldn’t hurt their kids or they wouldn’t kill their kids… He’s a rager it sounds like. When he’s raging mad he probably doesn’t even know what he’s capable of. They will give you a pfa and all that, but remember, EVERYONE remember, it’s paper, be careful and be aware of your surroundings. Its hard as hell. Im not going to lie, it’s going to be the hardest thing one does, but it’s worth it. And it does get easier! You and your children deserve comfort and safety and not this mental and physical abuse. I dont know who this is but for anyone in this situation, YOU DESERVE BETTER AND THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT! I may be a stranger to most people here but Im always here if anyone needs to talk. I been here. Broken ribs. Beaten. Left outside the hospital ER literally to bleed out by a man. I been stalked, harassed, and the whole 9 yards. If anyone ever needs just someone to reach out to…someone to try to help, I say try because I’m a single mom myself, but I can try to help in other ways, find you local resources even.
No other human being has the right to treat you like that rememeber that you are worth a million times more x
Get out right away. He’s not going to change.
When he goes to work, leave. Don’t tell him, don’t talk to him and just leave. If he’s at the punching the wall stage there’s more to come. Get out now
Get your ass out of there he will never change EVER ,get somewhere safe with your kids
You have 3 children, save your self, & your 2 children , this will become more dangerous!
Your next husband will treat you and your children better if you insist on it
No matter how u look at it this is abuse. Get out while u are still able. It is only gonna get worse. I don’t think u want to become a statistic.
An abuse shelter or an abuse center can help you! They even have people that can meet you at a neutral place on days you can and help you. They can help you find shelter where you and your kids will be safe!
You need to have another child with him. That will make it better.
This is abuse, get out now,you will sooner or later become his target, then the children ,run
Leave. Have the police come and escort you out.
Leave before it causes mental damage to your child too. Hes gaslighting you and hes not gonna change
Figure out a plan to get out…it will only get worse!
Get out sweetie….leave him and if you have to relocate for the sake of you and your kids, then do it.
Get out now!!! That hole in your wall could easily be a broken jaw next time. Sometimes love just isn’t enough, you are young and have to kids to care for. Don’t let them see you go through this.
Leave cause if he hasn’t gone to anger management he never will I speak from a person who was married to one like him
LEAVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! It only gets worse.
Run. Don’t walk away. Don’t waste another minute on someone who isn’t about to change
You need to choose who are you…the mom… Or the wife…make the decision… everything else will kick in…and you will take action…but you need to make your decision now…
Find a shelter that will take you and your kids. Head out as soon as he goes to work. Do it for your kids.
Why question yourself. You know what you have to do and God has given you the power to do it.
There’s only one answer. Dump him and power through it. Get a restraining order or something too
Come on you can figure this out you have to leave him
Is this the way you want your kids to think how a family should be? I did, grew up in the same situation and when I got married I was almost killed because I thought that “family” was supposed to be that way.
Imagine your kids growing up and acting that way.
You’re not a possession that someone can control and just because you’re married to him he does not own you.
He won’t change because you’ve let him slide too many times.
If you don’t have family to help you there are resources out there that will, look for them.
If you think he’s bad now, wait till he realizes that you’re serious about leaving and getting a divorce from him for the sake of your kids, because he sounds like the type that will look for you and I’m sure you’ve heard so many stories where if the man can’t have you nobody will and they’ve killed the wife, the kids and themselves.
That wall could be you or your kids next time…just think about that…
Ur kids watchin u in a toxic relationship does more damage than bein single parent
You’re stronger than you know. More importantly you know what’s best for you & the children now.They’ll thank you for sure someday & you’ll forever have the peace in your heart knowing you protected them…
Get out while u can.there is more to life then that …make yourself happy
Better now than 32 years from now. Your kids are living it too. Do it for them.
Get out now while you Are young
Run and hide in another city before it’s too late
Again why even ask? Run for the hills!!!
Sounds abusive and you need to work on a plan to leave
There’s like 8 red flags here. Time to pack and scat and don’t look back!
Watch him go to therapy or make him watch you walk out the door those kids need a father…
pack your things, grab your kids and leave. he’s spiraling. and that’s going to lead to violence. get away from him while you can.
Leave before it to late, you have 2 kids to think about… leave
Was he liked this before u married him ?
Just leave, why are you still there?
Exit plan …he won’t change . Save yourself and your children
Part avant qu’il soit trop tard
Les enfants ont besoin de leur maman
Sounds like a loser. Find yourself a real man.
The next 22 years will be gone faster than the last only you can decide what will be at the end of the road. Search yourself honestly and ask , are you staying for love as you say or is it fear and obligation that keeps you there? Help is waiting for you for every single issue that can come from your situation. You need only to choose and then put your trust in other people
Leave him right
now. He is not going to change. Your life will be miserable. You deserve better than that .
Run like the wind one day when he’s at work! You can’t live like this. Go
To a woman’s shelter. Good luck:two_hearts:
He won’t change he hasn’t yet so never will leave him
I wasted 15yrs feeling the same . My advice leave,call dv connect. Don’t waste your life
Get out now! IF/WHEN he changes… THEN you can consider a relationship with him…don’t waste your life babe
I am so sorry this is happening. Contact the National Domestic Violence hotline for Advocacy centers and other help in your area thehotline.org
You need to get as far away from him as possible
Leave immediately and don’t look back! He will NEVER CHANGE- it will only get worse. You are too young for this!
I don’t know you but I will one hundred percent help you and your children. Please don’t stay!
He will never change . Save yourself and your kids !!!
Get out of there ASAP before he hurts you or your kids
Leave now before it is even harder. You can do this. Your child and yourself deserve better. You are stronger than you think💪 xoxx
He is a punk for doing this 2 U…leave this clown he is just a boy …go find a real men that is going 2 treat U like a queen…
Get out, girl. The sooner the better. He sounds like an abusive narcissist!
Call the dang cops
Those kids are gonna be 100x more screwed up with a drinking jackass who punches shit all the time & throws fits about you having a life …
What you are teaching them right now:
Boys are seeing dear old dad treat their mom like this & will think THAT is how they treat women
Girls: seeing dear old mom being treated like this and think THAT is how a man is supposed to treat them… .
The only person benefitting from you staying with this guy IS him … It sure as hell ain’t the kids or you…and if a certain type of person sees this stuff going on child abuse ppl will be called & you will have them to deal with… Try explaining you are staying with a man who’s potentially dangerous to your children because of your own selfish reasons…
I’ve spent 18 years in the same relationship
It doesn’t get better
Get out now !!! If he loved you in any form he wouldn’t do the things he does. Leave the sooner the better.
Get out and quit teaching your kids this is acceptable.
First let me applaud you for asking for advice, I take that as a sign you do want to get out and as re asking for help, second I want yo say I haven’t been where you are so I don’t know what you are going through or how hard it is going th o be for you, next I want to say you are strong enough, powerfull enough and I know you are smart enough no matter what anyone tells you. You need to m as ke friends, you need to make reports you need to document everything so if something does happen there is proof something has been happening. You need to start putting money away if you are able to, you need to reach out to agencies that help with this sort of thing and start planning. I know you have stated why you think you need to stay, but you need to think about why you should stay, will he change probably not, but you should start making changes if not for you but for your child and their best interest. I hope you are able to get the confidence to leave and never look back to get out of a relationship that is hurting you and not helping you. Remember you are Strong, you are smart, you are beautiful you are enough
GET OUT!!! He’s not going to change and he’s going to keep you trapped!!! Fly girl!!! Get out now!!!
Girl get out!!! The next hole he punches might be in you!!!
From my experience with it is going to end badly for you or your children in one way or another. Alcohol only makes it worse. If you fear for your safety leave now and save your heartache for later. Your children will thank you.
You will damage your kids more by staying.
Leave. You are too young to live in an unhappy relationship.
Run as fast as you can he will never change
Get out NOW please. You cannot change them! Don’t waste your precious life on someone who treats you like a possession
Leave take the kis and leave you should not have to live like that
Just leave him. He might hurt you later on.
Leave don’t be treated like dirt your in a toxic relationship you will never be happy
Run girl. You deserve better than that.
You need to leave, get help to leave safely.
Its only going to get worse…