My partner makes me feel worthless

It’s as good as it’s going to get leave and don’t be controlled

Girl…run. Right now. He won’t change and it will only get worse.

Get out!! You deserve better & your children do too

Get out of that relationship. He aint gna change n dont waste your time.

I think you should leave you don’t need that abuse

Get out now! He will not change. Make a plan and just go.

This time a wall next time your face

Run he will never change

He sounds like a narcissist, I’d get out if I were you

Get rid of him .you are worth more than that

Seriously? Did you read your own post? You love him?? How ridiculous. Get the hell out of there NOW

Run as fast as you can

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Definitely leave. Dont be me and stay with someone like that. Wish u luck. Leave leave leave

I’m here if u need help or wanna talk I have a 2 yr old myself.

Make an escape plan and go.

He obviously has Narcissistic Personality Disorder big time. His behavior is all designed to control you and people who have this mental illness cannot love anyone but themselves. Research it. He probably doesn’t have anger issues. He has Narcissistic rage issues. That’s completely different. My advice as a 74 year old Grandpa is to leave him quickly. Find a way out to save you and your kids or he will definitely destroy you. I have many years experience dealing with and researching NPD and I survived it all so I know what I’m talking about. There is no cure for NPD and they are incapable of changing no matter what you might do. You are only 22. You have plenty of time to find a loving mate and repair the rest of your life.


Just by u saying this u no it’s time 2 go!

Get out. Now. And don’t look back.

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Hè wont chançe leave him

Don’t walk away run now while you can it will only get worse

This is all so familiar to me.

Get out now before that wall becomes your face.

Just leave, no one should make you feel worthless :smiling_face_with_tear:

Gurrrllll, you need to go!!! While you still can, first the wall, next could be you or your kids!!!

The next punch will be you. Leave now, go to family, friends or a shelter but leave. Change your phone number, take him off the pick up list for the kids, get a restraining order and start divorce proceedings.


you are in an abusive marriage

Either he goes to the Classes or you leave!!!

  • What You Allow Will Continue … Leave .

You need to leave thing don’t change

Been there done it.Run take the big heart and run .

Get out, this is not going to get better. He has issues, you can’t fix him. This will end in violence. Run.

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He can’t just reject ur breakup. :rofl:

Get out before you or your kids get hurt

If you are scare, they are many organization that can help you.

I think u know what to do , what would u stay with someone like this, walk away

Get out before he seriously hurts you. He a controlling narcissistic. He is emotionally and possibly even could get physically abusive. Tell him until he changes and shows you he can grow up that you can’t be together.

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He punched a hole in your wall…refused to leave.
“Refusing a breakup”
You need to get the fuck out and take your kids and get a restraining order and court order him to anger management before I’d ever let him see the kids and then after only with court supervision.
Let me just save you years: “he’s going to change” no.
“He said it will be different he’s working on it.” No
“It’s for the best interest of the kids.” No.

Get out.
file a restraining order
Change the locks
Go to court.

Get yourself in serious counseling to deal with the “but he said” stuff you will tell yourself to convince yourself this is okay. It isn’t.

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Get out! He’s a control freak.

Git out of dodge … Make a plan …go be happy

Go. Just do what you have to do and go.

Leave. Go to a women’s shelter

These stories are obviously fake but have interesting responses. Good brain exercise, I assume.

RUN! While you still can!

Omg cmon get rid of him you know it’s not right
Before it’s too late

Time to start calling 911 and file for divorce hurts butt you’ll get over it

You have to be very careful of someone who punches walls and is controlling if you trully love him and want to stay with him you tell him he has to go to anger management and if he dosent love you he like controlling you I know it’s hard and i dont like anyone’s marriage breaking up but kids shouldnt be around constant arguing its not good for them and you have to think of them first they are small and can’t take care of themselves he can hes a grown man ,and you shouldnt let anyone take away your happiness I know ive been through it but he was mean to our first son and when I gave up and left I was pregnant with the second one (his). I hate stories like this it makes me sad but you and those babies deserve to be wont be easy unless you have a loving family that will help you some

Get out while you can .
For your children’s sake!!

Oh girl, ruuuuuuuuuuuuuun run and don’t look back.

Don’t walk away……RUN!!!

This is exactly what you need to do while you still can… Loving him isn’t going to get you the respect you want and deserve so if you want to be happy ya gotta go. I grew up in an abusive household, sometimes it was physical and sometimes it was verbal, my anxiety as an adult doesn’t know the difference… My mother is still verbally abusive which is why I have recently cut her off. Ppl like that will kick you while you’re down and/or keep you down and still kick you, if you ever want to be truly happy you have to get away from that… You’re so young yet don’t sell yourself short because some person doesn’t know your worth. Good luck to you and I hope this helps

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Leave when hes at work

Get the hell out of there, and get a restraining order while you are at it. As someone who grew up with a stepdad like this, IT NEVER CHANGES. You don’t want your kids growing up thinking that kind of life is the norm. So if you don’t leave for yourself, PLEASE do so for your kids.

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You need an exit plan

You and your children should leave! Focus on your children and healing. Realize you do not have to have a man to be happy. Invest in yourself by getting an education, supporting yourself and your children, and getting your children out of this hell.

Leave. He won’t change

Honey, run. Youre so young in an UNHEALTHY commited relationship. It would be SO much different if yall were happy and in love… But just from your post alone, there is no love, at least on his side. But thats more than enough to leave …

Good luck❤

get the hell out and don’t look back

Yeah no leave. That’s toxic for you and your kids.

If he won’t let you leave then you leave without a word. After time passes so that he can calm down you can discuss custody and visitation of your child

He will never change, I promise you this. Leave. Please leave, take your babies and run before it gets worse than it already is. Be strong mumma, you know it’s wrong. I know the thought of starting again is scary, but it will be worth it. You’re young and can start again hun. You will be ok.

that’s just so many red flags

You KNOW what you need to do. You can do it!!!

Be safe your worth should not be played with.

This is absolutely abuse and there is better out there for you… so for you and your kids sakes, leave him. It’s better to be happy and single than miserable with an abusive partner. Your kids will thank you for it in the future, take care xx

And you married him why? I’m guessing he didn’t just suddenly start acting this way. Get everything in order. All important papers you need. Find a safe place to go. Then when he’s at work, pack bags for you and the kids. Drive to a safe place. No car? Get a ride. File for divorce, file for order of protection, file for full custody. Get yourself and your kids out of there, safely.

It’s time to move on.

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Dont walk, run away from Him. That is all abuse, He isn’t going to change and it will only get worse as time goes.

Just leave. Like you said, you’re 22 and have your whole life ahead of you…do you want to spend the rest of your life like this? All it’s doing is destroying you and your children. They’ll think that’s how normal life is supposed to be and it’s just going to create a cycle. You deserve a good life and so do your children.

Get the heck out of there

Leave. Else it will only get worse.

Yes. You need to change.

leave him for your children its only doing more harm

He is manipulating you stop wasting your years fixing it…

Find your voice NOW.

This website post one loser story after another… unlike

Leave. That’s abuse. Find a safe shelter for you and your kids.

Run. No, actually FLY out of there. Don’t give him the option to “reject your break up”… it’s not his choice. Ghost his ass and save your life.

You and ur children are in danger leave girl stop making excuses leave

This isn’t healthy. You need to make a an and leave while he’s away.

speaking as a police officer with 24 years of seeing this things like this at this point they are only going to get worse and its really time to leave

what is wrong with YOU? consult a lawyer & GET OUT!! ~

U should get to know him when both of you in dating relationships so u wont say anything about him in one roof

I would love to here his story on this ?

leave the prick get out well you can for yours and your kids sake

GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!!! Just hearing how he treats you scares the hell out of me for you and your children. He’s going to start beating you and then he’s going to start beating your children. Do you know what it’s like to get beat by a man? I do. YOU NEED TO LEAVE!!! GO LOVE YOURSELF AND YOUR BABIES until they are grown. DO NOT, let your babies watch you let a man or ANY other human treat you in any way that is not loving. I’m praying for you and your babies. GET OUT NOW!


Leave him and don’t look back, you deserve so much better than him

You are being abused. Get out of there.


Pick up your kids and Run he wants a maid not a wife.don’t ever look back

You need to get out now before he gets violent

The sooner you get away from the better off you will be, I speak from experience, PLEASE TAKE MY ADVICE.

I hope this is a made up story. If not, find a way to leave and go far away.

You need to leave him now. If U stay it can get worse.

Leave, Leave, LEAVE!!! It will be hard but you’ll never regret it !

Get out now, it will only get worse.

Leave and chat with a lawyer

If he only treats you this way, and not bosses, parents, friends, strangers, his kids, then it’s not anger management. He can control his anger. He chooses not to. It will eventually progress from punching the wall, to punching you. Run!

Abuse isn’t just about hitting you. Abuse is about controlling you. Which he is doing. Yelling at you for making friends and then punching a hole in the wall is abuse. It’s more than just an anger issue. It’s a control issue and a man like that will go from just punching holes in the wall to punching you. I know. Trust me.


Leave… leave… leave… ghost him… cut him off entirely… you will get over it i promise… leave… from experience please leave…

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Get out fast…he’s toxic!

Leave, he is a narcissist and your relationship is toxic. Life is too short for bs