You just described my life when I was twenty two also…I had one kid at the time. Now I’m closing in on forty six, single with three kids…trust me when I say this: GET OUT NOW. I threw away some of my best years on some undeserving dirtbag men, and while I have amazing kids to show for it, there’s a lot of life I let slip through my hands that I’m furiously trying to make up for now! Again, GET OUT NOW!
Leave him girl! He will not change.
Leave. Staying will only teach your kids that it’s ok to be treated like that or to treat others like that. The first relationship a child is exposed to is that of its parents.
Learn from the lessons & GET OUT!!! I spent 12 year’s in an abusive relationship & in hindsight…should’ve left after year 4… but I learned so much from that relationship & will NEVER settle for less love than the love that I give!!! I met My best friend & Soulmate after that & we’ve been together 4+ year’s & have a Beautiful baby together. You got this!!!
LEAVE. You are living in a cycle of violence that will never get better.
Check into women’s shelters in your area if you don’t have friends or family to stay with. File a restraining order against him if he won’t leave you alone.
Call police to escort you from the home and/or help you collect your belongings if need be; but get out before it gets worse.
Your not going to make it work you already have he won’t change unless he wants to id be concerned about your children observing this behaviour. Seek professional advice for yourself n your kiddies before its too late.
At this point staying puts you and your children in harms way. You continue to enable him to treat you badly. I applaud you for trying but sometimes it’s not about us it’s about the example you set for your children and what a real relationship looks like.
He can’t reject a break up. It doesn’t work that way, despite what he says or thinks. You have every right to leave this man. Sounds like he’s narcissistic and controlling. I would definitely leave one day while he’s at work. Let him come to you, he will be mad, maybe even threatening or say suicidal things to force you to stay because he knows you have a good heart. Don’t listen to him. These are all manipulation techniques perfected by narccists. He shows up, call the police. File a report. If he continues, get a restraining order. But by no means please, leave this man for you and your children’s sake.
Your choices are what you have to live with but remember your kids are watching and hurting! Put your kids first in making a decision that will make them happier. You got this!!!
Leave. That is not a relationship. It’s a convenienceship. It’s not functional. You resent each other. Time to end it.
It’s always so frustrating to see people putting up with abuse while their children watch them being abused and then we wonder WHERE these men learn to abuse their partners. They watched their mom’s getting abused. STOP THE CYCLE. Quit being selfish and worrying about YOUR happiness and worry about your children watching a drunk, piece of crap abuse their mother
You need to go to a safe house to ride this out. Perhaps a women’s shelter where you can get the support that you and your two little ones need.
Take the choice out of his hands! Pack your stuff put your kids in the car and leave. If he loves you he’ll take the alone time to make the changes. If not then you know where he stands.
He won’t change. You need to part ways I’m afraid.
He don’t want the relationship. He is too young and he feels trapped. His fault though but that’s what happens with young people when they think they know everything. Sweetie you been with him since you were 18 and you have two kids. You don’t even know life! Y’all moved too quick!
Think of your children…showing violence is a bad sign. First…hitting walls…2nd…hitting you…3rd…hitting the children. Physical violence and emotional violence goes together. IT’S TIME TO LEAVE. For your children’s sake.
Get away, you’re worth so much more. I waited until I was 28. Nothing changes, you are in a relationship with a narcissistic idiot by the sounds of it lovely. Make a happy future for you and your babies xxx
Please leave this bastard wot is there to love about him ffs he’s monster n only gona get worse I’m afraid n if he refuses to leave fon the police ASAP x
Nope. Leave. Been there. Done that.
And be honest, there were red flags before this. So take every single advice that says LEAVE.
People like that do not change
my advice… get a CCW. then purchase a firearm. Then leave and file for divorce and full custody.
Then get into some therapy.
Wow…. 8 sentences and y’all already know the entire story, that she is the perpetual victim and he the perpetual abuser who is going yo kill her “one day”. First, read between the lines - 22 years old, together for 4 years with two children, which means they got pregnant right away and had babies back to back - no pressure there, right? And they get together pretty young - sure… what could go wrong with that?
Now think outside of what she is writing. Is this sudden? Could there be a brain injury/trauma/psychosis? Has he alway “drank beer” every night? How much? This, over time can change your behavior. What has she done other than whines to a Facebook group? Has see seen a professional? Marriage councelor? Asked for him to be examined? Looked for the anger management classes and made the appointment he agreed to?
Nooooooo hitting walls, being selfish and making you be enslaved and not thinking of the kids…time to go the alcohol could turn worse and etc and yea…go
He is the type where you will have to leave with out telling him and trust me these types of behaviors don’t change
Leave girl its not easy but figure out a plan first!I left my ex and me and my daughter are doing better alone!
Run as fast as you can , youre so young and have a fantastic future . It will only get worse if you stay x
Get out, one day his anger will hurt you badly if he dont kill you in the process, he aint gonna change, hes set in his ways and he will never see the light
He doesn’t have a choice about the break up. LEAVE
Don’t suffer anymore…………your cards are laid out on the table in front of you.
Please stop making excuses for him. You ARE better off without him. He is abusing you! If he is that controlling, what’s going to happen if he reads your FB post? Seriously? Please be careful. Find some place safe for you and your kids and get out. It will get worse. I know🥺
Talk to a close relative or friend. Get them to help you escape. Tell him nothing about your plans.
You need to leave him, he is controlling you, he is selfish, ignorant, waste of space, you are way to you young to put with moron!!!
GET OUT NOW! Exact same situation, I had friends help me leave. Anyway to leave, leave
Call next link and explain your situation they can soft out emergency accommodation for you and your children. Please get out as soon as you can
Get out of there now. If he’s punching walls who is next.
Leave NOW life’s to short don’t do it for you do it for your kids Run
Run girl like really bail on that piece of shit
Omg sweetie run next he will punch your face
Leave before that man kills you! PLEASE!
Codependents Anonymous meetings online will help you… There is no rhyme or reason to living this way and your children will suffer greatly in their lifetimes unless you can get help for yourself first and foremost and they will thrive through you… You did not cause it you cannot cure it you definitely need help and support.
Leave before that wall is your face
Im pretty sure you know what to do
Please in box me i had the same issue xx
Pack ur and don’t look back!
You deserve much better.
Get out & get happy!
You are worthless until you leave him and become a queen again.
Bye bye!!! Hes gona hurt you or the kids
Quite simply he is an ars#hole …get out now before he destroys your self esteem completely …I’m not going to lie , it won’t be easy with kids to a person like that but it will get easier
Leave for your sake as well as the kids. It will just get worse. Trust me. If you need to talk,vent,cry, you can text me. Mine would go through my phone every morning and night. It got so bad that I basically stayed in the bedroom we was renting(got kicked out of the place we was staying in cause of his drinking) I was afraid to ever voice how I felt for fear of.setting him off. One minute he was wonderful and the next he was mad. We got into 2 really bad physical fights where I went to work with a black eye and busted lip…I still didn’t leave…I cried myself to sleep almost every night. Then one day he said pick my family or him(I was working out of town and my mom had for school i would drive the 2 hours and get them on Friday or Saturday and return them on sunday) that night I stuff and went home to…ita been almost a month and he has begged me to come back and promised everything under the sun but I know it won’t change…
It sounds very familiar.
Sounds toxic, get out asap!
Verity Dcc comments^
Pack up the kids and leave.
You married a narrsicist . Oh you know what I mean .
Ditch him now!!
You’re way too young to waste your life on this loser!!!
Run Forrest Run!!!
Gurl bye leave him pls
You are describing a tyrant that controls you, intimidates you, induces fear, uses power n domination over tactics. Love is not controlling. Set a date that anger management has to be enrolled in. Get yourself together. Google national domestic violence center. Call your local DVAC. Get your safety plan in place.
Leave His
Fuck you trying to make it work!?
He clearly don’t respect u or ur kids
So why should u stay and let ur kids be subjected to him and his angry
Don’t even let him know u gone
Just leave
Wait till he at work and pack ur shit and go
Block him on everything
Don’t tell ur family or his family were u going
Unless the solemy swear tht they won’t tell him
File for divorce
These red flags can get worse until one day he won’t be hitting a wall but you
I’ve left 2 DV relationships with the help of friends and family and moving out when they weren’t home.
If things aren’t better after 4 years they’ll just continue to get worse.
I still have to deal with 1 ex because we have 2 kids together and yes he still causes me stress because he uses the kids to still try and control me but I’m honestly so much happier now being a single mum then when I was with him.
My inbox is open.
Is it love or is it adrenaline?
Leave, leave now!!!
Make him a good meal, give him a few beers and when he knows off Get a bat and knock his ass out. Then leave him there to bleed out…
Too much life left, leave.
Fuck him off he ain’t worth it
Always amazed that women stay with worthless, immature morons.
Leave your not doing kids or you any favors .years go on and on and same ole same ole kills you from inside out…
Leave before you end up beat to crap or dead. Same with your kids.
Run Run Run get legal help and save yourself and your family !!!
Leave, no one changes
Wow! Run like Forrest!
Pack your bags and change your zip code!
When Georgia Smiled » Aspire News App.
This is Robin McGraws app which guides you through everything you need to create a safe exit. Please check this out and start putting safety first!!! Prayers.
You need a therapist
Sweetheart get the hell out of there.
Do something to love yourself & kids more!!
The first thing that comes to mind is, why the hell did you marry this man? You need to take care of yourself, get the hell away from that toxic piece of shit.
You don’t love HIM…you love what you wish he’d be. It will never happen. …LEAVE. You’ll find out what real love is.
I had to break up with my ex 30 times till he finally let me go. And that was over the phone. He would take my purse, my phone, my keys, my shoes, my coat…. He would physically block me from leaving. He called the cops on me for leaving twice and said I was going to hurt myself. What I learned is I had to truly want to leave. When enough is enough you will. Don’t wait for that to happen because that could lead to you getting hurt or dead. All the stuff he did I could go on for days. Don’t make your list as long as mine. I once told him I never felt so alone while he was laying next to me. In the end he wasn’t sorry for what he did he was sorry I left him and that he didn’t have any control over me anymore. Don’t stay for that side that made you love him. He love bombed me so sweet to me never had anyone treat me like that before. But then Christmas came only 3 months together and he flipped so fast I didn’t know what hit me. It hurt bad then what came next hurt worse. Don’t waste your love your health and your life on something that isn’t real. What he learned was that I wasn’t going to be controlled and I wasn’t going to put up with his crap. Our fights were a bit violent. He cared more about a piece of chewing gum half chewed more than me. He basically left me for dead and in very dangerous situations cause he didn’t get his way. He would tell me he’d rather see me hit by a train than some other guy f**king me. A couple times he almost ran over my foot speeding away in his race car. Don’t make my stories yours. I managed to get away and he’s started getting some treatment. I managed to convince him of that. Where as I shouldn’t ever have talked to him again but I worried he’d hurt someone else… or me…. or himself. I still cared about him when I shouldn’t. It’s the hardest thing I had to do but the best thing. I’m still torn apart by it as far as emotionally hurt that he would and could do what he did to me. Don’t be like me it kills me everyday to know how I let him cross my boundaries and self worth. What little I had. I’m in a lot of financial problems because I couldn’t cope. Be safe and talk to someone in person. Make sure at least one person knows everything.
Well find someone else
Girl, throw him away
The next thing he’ll punch is YOU. LEAVE! Your kids don’t deserve to be witness to how he treats you
Pack up your shit & kids and leave. He’s Not Worthy.
Sounds like he has control issues, and trust issues. That’s a tough one. But if you have been going through this for a while, and he says he’ll do this and that to change, and he isn’t doing any of the work to change then most likely he’s not going to. You have to do what’s best for you and your kids. Your young and like you said have a lot of living to do, so make it a happy one. Best of luck to you and you’d kids♥️
Get out of that relationship as soon as possible. They always say they will change when shit hits the fan, but then they never do. That’s just stringing you along so you wouldn’t leave, and the cycle repeats. There are other men who are worthy of a nice loving woman. You are not his property, you are your own person. Your twenties are some of the best years of your life, don’t let anyone take them away from you by making you feel miserable or worthless. I bet your kids would rather have a happy mommy who is single and lives her best life, than have their parents together but miserable. Self care is not selfish.
Welp. I’m 49. I have 2 children w a man I got with back in 1998. We have been on & off since then. I was only 27 when I got with him. I just left him for the 6th time 2 weeks ago. (This is 2021.) Needless to say, all I can say is they usually don’t change through the years. I didn’t realize then what a narcissist was. Well, good luck to you.
Speaking from experience, of being in an abusive marriage for 17 years, this won’t end well!! You are harming yourself and your children. Reach out to you local women’s shelter, get a protection order from the court, leave this man NOW, while you can!
Take it from a expert I called it a day after 25 years if giving chance after chance being disrespected put down and was made miserable every day they DONT CHANGE GET OUT SHUT THE DOOR AND START AGAIN DONT WASTE YOU LIFE LIKE I DID
I wasted 15 years on a person like this ! Left him divorced hm. And found true happiness that has lasted for over 36 years ! My son still has a relationship with his father but says What Took You So Long Too Leave ! He is still the same person - miserable and unkind and a bully ! I am free of any guilt because I know that I would not be alive today if I had stayed !
I was with someone even worse. Pur me in the hospital, I died 3 times on the way. I went to counseling, I said to use it in court. Best thing I ever did. I asked the therapist, why do I feel like I still love him? She answered… It’s not him you love but having a relationship. WOW! Really woke me up!
Get out they don’t change if he has anger issues you need to leave for you and for the kids
I know that it’s wayyyyy easier said than done .
But a few key points:
~you are feeling this way for a reason. Your instincts are screaming at this situation.
~ it looks like he has textbook control and rage issues. Controlling because he flipped knowing that you are around others (which can bring clarity to his chaos). Controlling partners want to always be in control of the narrative. People are questioning his behavior because it’s not okay and he knows that other people will know this… he is trying to isolate you.
~I’m sure that there are good times with the really bad… the inconsistency creates a trauma bond
~ he is trying to intimidate you
~ this really isn’t good for the kids to live with/watch as a role model.
~ the fact that you feel worthless/walking on eggshells and he doesn’t give a damn is equivalent of him viewing you as his object💔.
~ if he hasn’t shown genuine and lasting change to your incredibly valid suffering in your marriage by now, he won’t. Trying to get him to just hear you and understand is a trap… a long, dark emotionally turbulent trap.
~you do still have power even in those times he tries to make you feel worthless and powerless.
Squirrel away money in a separate account or in a place you know he won’t ever find it.
~this isn’t love and definitely not what you or anyone else deserves. There are so many incredible resources on YouTube to help detach yourself emotionally and bring clarity within his chaos.
~ start keeping a record of incidents in a journal. Date, time, situation, actions, how you felt/how the kids felt. This can help you in court if you ever need to go that route.
~ he does have irrational anger issues that are not your job to fix or put up with. Don’t try to provoke just be as uninteresting as you can if he is trying to antagonize you or if you sense that he senses a shift in you (which to him would be a threat to his delusional controlling behavior).
~ do not isolate yourself completely from outside people.
~ make an alternate ego of the confident, strong woman you want to be and start being her.
If you know your worth then nobody can determine your value
~ the longer he sees you putting up with his abuse, the more he thinks it’s okay to push boundaries. The more broken down he thinks you are, the more control he knows he has.
Believe behavior over his words.
** you are still so young with so much time ahead of you. When I was 22 and believed I was stuck in a relationship that became controlling, violent, and scary because of his paranoia, I almost believed my life was just it… it wasn’t. And now that I am 30, that whole mess just seems like a lifetime ago. This will most likely get harder before it becomes easier, but you can do this.
Regardless of what he says about you, regardless of how low he tries to put you. Don’t listen to his poison.
YOU STILL HAVE POWER. You still have control. You are absolutely NOT WORTHLESS. Breaking out of this mentally abusive quicksand will be incredibly difficult but possible.
You think about yourself and your children
The only person who can make you stay is you. Take your children and go to a women’s shelter or to someone you trust. You are in danger, as are your children.
Not gonna change. Violence will escalate. He uses putting you down to control you. You must get away
Don’t wait run for you and children safety.
Wow! Why do you tolerate that? Yiu don’t love him!Throw him out! If he doesn’t leave-you leave. Get smart and develope a back bone!
Run. If not for you, for your babies. Go and go now. Get help from your family.
A leopard never changes it’s spots. No matter what. That’s all I’m saying.
If you seriously need to question it, and you arent happy… Talk to him bout it. If it doesn’t change, you dont see it getting better… Hit the road. Do a trial separation. Dont know what you got til its gone. Lifes too short. I got lied to and cheated on, by a fall down alcoholic. Who in return was mad at me for having trust issues because of her.
15 years I tried and tried to fix it. Now thats done, I moved on, and im happy again.