My partner won't let me discipline their kid, help!?

The boys gonna end up in trouble, not responsible for his actions, until it’s too late, he will end up in jail or dead, idle hands are the devil’s workshop! Guaranteed!!
He will also end up a lonely man because no woman will want him
If hes not teaching his son how to be a responsible man hes fucked

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This will come back and bite him on the bum or the boy might kill himself first. You can either suggest you have a sit down talk with your partner or ignore it all and tell him what happens next is on him if

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Time to move on that boy is running that house

The kid is gonna end up killing himself and/or someone. Then, and only then will the father regret not being a father to his child.

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Not your place. Stop railing on the kid, the real issue is you don’t like your partners parenting style, but won’t/haven’t/unresolved addressing of the issues.

It isn’t going to get any better. If you were going to marry this man this is how your marriage is going to be

That kid should be in a program for troubled kid,that dad needs to have his kid taken or atleast put in a situation where he could be taken and than he needs to be put into parenting classes and the you should leave with your son and find someone else.e

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Ex partner will be sad when his son is in jail or dead. How long are you together? 15 is too old to come in and discipline when the parents not backing you up. Get your kid out before he takes him down too.

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Move on or your life will be hell.


Why the heck are you still with him?

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Bom qdo ja esta nesta idade difícil aceitar regras de madastra ou padrasto, sei bem porque tenho uma filha e sempre teve conflitos com meu esposo que cadastro dela, qdo decidimos morar juntos ela já tinha 13 anos. Mas ele sempre querendo impor, cheio de querer colocar ordem eu sempre deixei claro a educação dela era somente minha. E ela viria em primeiro lugar que ele não colocasse eu contra minha filha, eu escolheria ela. Companheiro trocamos filhos não. E outra qdo ele aceitou sabia dela e de nosso afinidade. Claro sempre deixei claro respeito entre ambos.

Why are you still with your partner, clearly you don’t count in his life … I would run

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Is the relationship worth the aggrevation?

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He should have told you from the beginning. NO-ONE will EVER discipline my son except my husband and myself. If we were ever not together it will stay that way.


Go talk to his mother or someone who is respected in his eyes because your certainly not

Take your son and leave he doesn’t love you

Leave… This man does not respect you. Neither will his kid. Ever.

Move on and find a partner who is deserving of you. Or be a single parent. Clearly, you’re capable and sensible. Don’t waste your time on people who can’t understand the basics of parenting.


I totally agree with your partner…

I would leave this relationship & find a peaceful life.

Csak ez az egyetlen ferfi van a vilagon???

You’re partner needs to go. There’s no PARTNERSHIP

Get another partner…this isn’t a partner …

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He tells u not to discipline him cuz his bitch ex threatens him that she better not be telling her son what to do and then the asshole son takes advantage of the situation and you’re dealing with a pussy who is scared of his ex. Basically you’re just there to cook,clean, chores and sex. Basically you’re the maid. The only time he’s gonna want u to deal with his son is when he finds himself in a situation. Stop being stupid and get the hell outta that relationship. It’ll get worse, trust me!!


Nothing is going to change. He is always going to put his son first and the manipulation is going to continue. Why are you even still there? I certainly would never stick around for somebody who is not going to put me, the adult before a child who is getting into trouble and lying and wants to turn a blind eye to it. Either you stay and enable it or you leave and move on with your life in a less stressful manner


Leave! And you’ll be happier

Holy moly. Your partner sounds like a real catch :expressionless:

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It’s not your place to discipline his son. It’s his. Periof

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People wont learn if they cant make mistakes.

Sounds like he has a big problem. Trust me. It won’t end. Get out of that relationship or get help. I know from experience

Fuck that! Run away from that toxic shit

certainly don’t need the b.s… leave

Partner is different than husband. You keep saying step son. If you aren’t married then now is the time for a smooth getaway…. That’s is too much disrespect for a relationship.

I wouldn’t start trying to discipline someone elses child at 15, it’s just asking for trouble.

Keep out, you will never suceed, and it will drive a wedge between you.
Or move on .

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I would leave , no point in staying when he doesn’t respect you. Let him deal with his son on his own

Just back off everyone will work out.
If your partner says no just back off.

Imagine having this for a step mother. The lads 15, he’s living a good teenage life.

Hehehehe! Hehehehe! Leave before you go NUTSO! You sticking around for what??

Time for a new partner then.

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Step one don’t ask the internet

He’s not your partner. He is a father of a child who lives with you. Partners don’t act this way. Ship him and his offspring out.


Get yourself a new partner. Or let him discipline his own kid and worry about your own. You really shouldn’t be trying to discipline his kid anyway Let them both see what it is like to suffer the consequences of being stupid.

Throw the whole man out

Leave him, he shows a distinct lack of respect towards you, and the way he does it is instilling the same behaviour into his son, who will continue to treat you in the same way. Get out while you can

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I would leave. He as a husband doesn’t respect you and the fact that he disrespects you in front of his son is basically giving his son the go ahead to do that same. Y’all are married sounds like he’s living with you, you would treat him the same way you treat your child. I have a step child and as long as im around she will be treated the same as my son. But if you stay let the dad figure it out :woman_shrugging:t4: don’t get upset, don’t listen, don’t tell him or your husband anything. He’ll find out sooner or later. And hopefully it’s sooner then later.

From a man’s point of view…him and his son are treating you like a bitch and he is a poor excuse of a man and father!! You need to leave before the bad stuff starts to happen!!

You need a husband, not a partner. It’s not your place to discipline his kids. Move out and get a real man.

I would relax. I did those things but once I got into university I became very focused. Bottom line not your kid and the kid is not on your agenda to get things done. You sound like you are wound up really tight.

I mean its not your kid soooo back off?

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Child will be grown soon. Find something else to worry about.

I would not be treated with so much disloyalty and disrespect. I’m suprised you’re even asking what you should do.

Hes going to be in trouble soon and its not your fault

That’s not a home.
That’s a prison.

Leave your partner lol

Brad Cust oh my lord, so glad you are not like this :flushed:

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It’s not your place back off

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Well if your stepson gets into an accident or gets killed, it’s the dads fault for not caring.

Leave your never going to get anywhere

Bang the kids dad :man_shrugging:

Pull the kid aside and tell him you’ll release a sex tape of him and his dad at his school if he doesn’t do what you say and pull his head in.



You need to start by throwing your partner a beating infront of the kid just to exert dominance of the roost. Secondly, your gonna wanna give your step kid a warning shot to the mouth after you’ve mopped the floor with your partner/step kids parent. C-if there’s other step kids in the house see if you can manipulate them to be on your team and relentlessly bully the one kid you don’t like and ofc your partner as well to exert your dominance over the herd. Thirdly, if possible make the step kid move out. If they’re under 12 just move them to the garage or a tent in the yard. Close enough to where you can still chuck cans of beans at them and at your partner. Hope this helps I’m considered somewhat of a “family whisperer” like Ceaser Milan with the dogs except fuck Ceaser he’s a bitch and I’ll say it to his face. Anyways good luck and if you need to borrow any money my cash app is in my bio.

Then he ain’t your partner

You need a new mate !

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Try getting a woman as a partner

Everyone saying its not her place.

As the step parent yes it is her place. This teenagers actions will impact her childs aswell as the whole family. Dad is a idiot who cant see his son do any wrong. What will happen in two years when the teen is 17 and is likely over 6ft and towers over the op? And then theres another kid in the house to consider. Dads not willing to open his eyes to issues being waved in front of his eyes, then hes going to have a uphill battle on his hands when the police start bringing said teen home in the back of police cars…but it wont be little darling teens fault…be someone elses going by daddys view.

150mph in a car at 15. Drinking etc. Was the car stolen?? If not then what 18 year old eho has a car is hanging around with 15year old children???

You either need to kick the son and dad out before the sons behaviour escalets because lets face it, daddy dearest wont do anything to help his darling boy who does no wrong. You need to think of you and your child.

15 is old enough to know better, 15 isnt a little kid. The dads clealry checked out and wont listen to reason etc.

My step dad raised me from when i was 2. My bio dad wasnt around. If a person takes on the responsibility of raising a child, emotionally and financially then yeah…they do have the right to be involved in discipline, more so if the actual father of said ‘child’ is neglecting to raise him correctly.

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Your partner needs to get a backbone and discipline his own son before he ends up in jail, it’s not your job!

Move on. The whole thing is a waste of time. He’s ruining his own child’s life by not setting boundaries. Find your own peace gurl.

Sorry prematurely pushed reply but yup stiiilllll going lol
Tell you kid I didn’t mean to but I did overhear uuu say driving 150 thrill seeker who was driving were uu driving chaaa didn’t know uu could but son if was uu scarey I’m scared because I would never want for you to have a one second oh no life changing moment that because u didn’t mean to but the never know what happened that ur driving caused the murder death of a person that forever in your life you have to carry in heart and mind😔 that is what scares me thier sadness because of a dum one time buutttt if passenger then stuff that then say but its not like you’d care coz yay to your thrill at that time buzzy then dead or wearing nappies in a wheelchair x No offence people scare tactics verbally implanted into the mind of the child that might hopefully create small preventarives for examples as worse maybes for them x find create honest attempt intended trust bonding honesty no matter the sons dad… Yea above said is I hope was a helpful worthy suggestive only and customerise to your household xxxxxxx
Now super chur man guy… Come leave if want to but overcompesating want is from guilt for leaving mother and splitting family is it what ever HE IS BEING GOOD COP Officer Yesyes son and made hero to shut u down in front of him but why could be because u just drill seargant needs dad too… But also he be lazy… Yea too down with the role cool fun your sooo awesomust dad better than burthmum parent and maybe without realising he’s hopeful nothing bad will happen dad who would rather deal with if something s wS to but it won’t consequences in denial living o a hopefull thought guy but bang him one day real good and address the how can he be part of uu but he keeps parts of him to just him like life like child abuse I mostly wrote this in hope that red people might stop with suggestions to leave coz there’s soooo much division let’s encourage unison and I cannot speak of relationships that’s not miy space or gossip coz so there for hmmmmm x hope in all this wrote uu find little takeaways with uu xxx

Divorce him. It’s setting a bad example for your son. Also, for a man who doesn’t like confrontation, he sure seems ok with it to you. Just not when he has to actually be a parent. Get out of there. That man has no respect for you.

God your partner is a ass. He is definitely making your life hard and making it easy for his son to do all those things all is well until his son gets killed or arrested. Your partner needs a woke up call.

He’s raising him to be entitled and he’s gonna make a lazy husband.

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Move on. Also red flag. You referred to him both as my stepson and “his son”. Perhaps he just sees you giving yours preferential treatment. It’s not your place to discipline. Its dad’s to teach his son respect. But perhaps his son will kill someone with an underage DUI and then he’ll cry “but he was such a good boy”.

You are in the wrong place and with the wrong people

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Find a way to get out & don’t look back. Why live in such misery? Their problem is too far gone.


Leave let them be a mess together and pray for the situation. I definitely wouldn’t have my son around someone acting that way where he can see those actions have no consequences! Put your kid first and walk away even if it is to take a break. You may see the grass is greener on the other side less stress and you can focus on the good of life instead of dealing with that bs!


I personally don’t think I would stay in that situation.


I know you’re worried about his son but you have no other choice but to let go. Perhaps you could try saying to your stepson that you care about him and that you are here if he needs you. Make sure to keep your child safe and out of the way because your stepson is going to do what he wants

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First you can ask the son to do things your a parent in the house second you can take away his phone send him to his room etc just do not physically discipline the boy! Third parents should be on the same page and not working against each other. Leave and get away!


Sounds like the child could tell him father the whole truth and the father still wouldn’t do a damn thing about it. I think you should your partner. I don’t see anything changing.

I’d b asking he even bothers picking his son up if he has absolutely no intent on parenting.

This is why your partner should NOT become
Your husband! Find yourself a real man And get rid of the partner you have .


Step one: install cameras all throughout the home WITH audio recording.
Step two: show your partner how he himself shouts and yells at you and then show proof of the sons actions and words.
Step three: step back. If he doesn’t want you to help “parent” his child, fine. You two don’t see eye to eye on these things so back off. If HIS son goes to jail, it’s his fathers fault and I would wash my hands if it.
I would also just cook and clean for myself and myself only if he wants to separate things when it comes to the care of a home and child. How can they expect you to cook and clean up after and fold laundry for someone you can’t help guide. This is like the pregame workout before marriage sooooooo let them handle themselves.
His kid, his rules, he is raising him, so HE can cook for him and shop for him etc etc.
and it’s not your place to discipline at this stage in the game. If you were married your role is supportive of the father and the father sets the rules and consequences. He has to stick to it and follow through but seems your partner wants to be the kids friend and not their parent. It’s going to be a huge issue… watch.
I’d have to sit down and wonder if I appreciate being disrespected in my own home by TWO other people. I’d start looking for another place to live and let them deal with each other.

No thanks! I’d be leaving in a heartbeat! No need to have your child in that mess or yourself! Some day something bad is going to happen and it’s going to be because your step son didn’t have rules and was able to do whatever whenever! He’s playing a dangerous game


Hes going to end up in prison.

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If you are writing to a paper over having control i can see why he doesn’t let you help!!

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Huge red flag there’s something seriously wrong with this I would leave I would not put up with that I would not let a kid run my life like that I mean it’s one thing to let a kid have some Independence and stuff like that I get but this is beyond ridiculous

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You need to remind him that unfortunately some people have to bury thier children due to drunken joy rides :pensive: yes kids will be kids and get into stuff, but thats why parents gotta be parents!!! Is the boys bio mom involved?

So it would have to take for him to be arrested or crash god forbid for him to realize that he should have been a parent to his child and not his friend.

I don’t know the situation regarding the bio mom and if the stepchild is there 24/7 or not, but the dad may be feeling guilty and that’s why he’s letting his son get away with everything. Either way it’s not good, and I would suggest the dad go to counseling, then I would take my own child and leave the house until he decides to be a real father and a respectful partner. I wouldn’t want that kind of influence on my kid.

You can’t care more than his bio parent. Nacho it. You’ve said repeatedly that dad doesn’t want your coming to him, your advice, or your getting onto his kid so let it go. make sure your bio kid is raised right and be glad dad has given you a pass on being responsible for his kid. You hear step kid on the phone, walk away. Don’t ever let him take your vehicle. Until dad is inconvenienced nothing will change. Good luck


Dad gona have a rude wake up call when son is in jail… just let them 2 be whatever they want obvious you have no authority over the situation and wont have any.

He dad won’t save his son from a dangerous future call the police and inform them

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Love one another more it will help

Bottom line. Don’t worry about his son just worry about your own. His son, his rules


What he is doing to his son is child endangerment!! What if they would had wrecked that car?? And hurt someone else!! Once the dad told me don’t even wake his son up for school I would had said :v:t4::v:t4:u can punish me for speaking up but not punish a DRUNK CHILD :flushed::flushed:oh no that would be game over for me


Honestly you an your son are better off leaving that’s a toxic situation if I ever heard one the man needs to be a parent and is choosing not to be plus disrespecting you in front of his child an that’s a big no no it’s sad but there is nothing you can do if the dad chooses not to do anything and by the sound of it his son will either end up in jail or dead and those are things he will have to live with for not interfering when he should have but you don’t deserve to be mistreated in the process leaving would be what I would do and probably something you should consider


Sounds like he feels guilty but still got parent to s o n before he gets in serious trouble he sounds immature

Leave. Let him parent his own child, he’ll grow up to be a spoiled little shit thanks to his father.