My sister refuses to put sunscreen on her kids

There are actually two kinds of sunscreen. Chemical and mineral. If your sister is worried about harsh chemicals tell her to use mineral sunscreen.


The amount of recall with sunscreen enjoy

Mind your own business, they arent your kids.


These kids are NOT yours, so I would say mind your own business.


Regular sunscreen has harmful ingredients that can actually cause cancer so I don’t blame her for not using it, BUT there are mineral sunscreens that she should absolutely use.


Badger makes organic sunscreen. It’s uncoated zinc oxide. Other ingredients are things like jojoba, sunflower, orange peel oil, vanilla, etc. It’s literally all natural ingredients


Sun hats and shirts… would make a great gift


I think what’s you’re looking for is Mind Your Own Business. At least she is attentive and has then sit down and rest in the shade for 15 minutes. It sounds like she’s doing better than most people who just sent their kids outside and never keep up with them.


Not your kids, not your decision. My family only uses SPF 15 on the first day at the beach after that we use oil or nothing. We all tan pretty easily so the spf 15 helps on the first day but not needed after that.


She could use reef safe sunscreen. It is safe and has way less chemicals.

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Does she still wear a seat belt even though ppl have died in car wrecks?


I have tried every sunscreen and my oldest is allergic to them all so I never bothered to put sunscreen on any of my other kids. I never wear sunscreen. Both my dad and my oldest sister had skin cancer. My kidd also run around with no shirt on while outside.

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My oldest can’t use a lot of stuff on her skin. We took her to Disney when she was about to turn two. She had an allergic reaction to the sunscreen and then I thought the aloe lotion would help… nope! 2nd degree sunburn across my babies face for her second birthday. It was terrible!

I’m sure you already told your sister how you feel, now it’s time to mind your business. She might know something about her children that you don’t.


Pick your battles and let her figure out what she wants to do with her own kids. Prying is only gonna piss her off unless she directly asks for your advice in the matter

They didn’t have sunscreen when your grandpa was young. They had tanning lotion. He got skin cancer from exposure as a child. My mom had that too. She had a bunch removed. So your sister’s reasoning doesn’t hold up.

Not your kids. My son gets a chemical burn from sunscreen. MYOB.


Blue lizard. Definitely want zinc based, a lot of people avoid zinc simply because it stays white on skin but it’s very effective and very natural. My kids have very sensitive skin so i wanted as natural as possible.


Your grandfather probably started using sunscreen as an adult. The most common types of skin cancer comes from years and years of exposure to the sun. Even early suntan lotions were just designed to help you get darker without burning. Most of us still caught a few bad sunburns over the years and are now paying for it. I had a skin cancer cut out of my shoulder less than a month ago. Your sister needs to either use a good quality sunscreen on her kids, or keep them out of the sun during the time of day when the rays are strongest.

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The amount of time and energy people put into sh*t that is none of their business amazes me smh🤦‍♀️


That’s like not wearing a seatbelt
That 15 minutes does nothing to stop the cellular damage from the sun.
I never understood this logic, they don’t want “chemicals” but they’re okay with the permanent damage the sun causes. Your gramps probably died from exposure as a child that didn’t manifest until later.
I guess all you can do is get them appropriate clothes and hats and hope they wear them. There’s a sunscreen for everyone though, don’t like American sunscreens? Great, I don’t either, Korean and Japanese sunscreen is held to a higher standard and has better ingredients.


Zinc oxide ointment works best to prevent sunburn and moisturize

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Why are y’all acting so salty bc shes concerned ?


I used oil of olay for sensitive skin on my son when he was a baby. It has spf 25 in it. It worked great

Maybe she could invest in some those uv shirts it won’t cover them fully but will help some. I’ve myself just had awful sunburns and that pain ugh. I wouldn’t ever wish it on anyone especially kids. Even if in the shade the burn can still happen. I got my worse one on a cloudy hazy day. I tend to forget to put sunscreen on myself after doing all the kids :woman_facepalming:t4:

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some ppl can be so freak’n rude. it’s her nieces/nephews, her family. if she’s concerned & comes to a so called safe place to ask her question why all the judgemental ignorant remarks? don’t answer, scroll by if you don’t have a clue of any helpful answers & take ur nastiness somewhere else.

what’s she’s doing is exactly right. 15 mins in, 15 mins out. badger and tubby todd are good options tho


It’s literally not your business. Let her care for her kids as she sees fit. She’s their mom. If she doesn’t want it, she doesn’t have to use it.

Gasp! We don’t use it either.


We only use sunscreen if we’re out at the beach :woman_shrugging:


Mind your own business damn Karen

Theyre her kids. Badger is a good one. Shes not wrong. That shit is horrible for you.

While it sucks yes what it boils down to is that it’s her children, her choice. I have a child who’s allergic to every sunscreen we’ve tried, even some prescribed by the pediatrician that’s supposed to be hypoallergenic and in the end she said 15 in, 15 out. And we’ve lived by that. At almost 8 years old she hasn’t been sunburned yet. She knows her limits and when to go inside for the day. I know it’s not quite the same but the point is it’ll be okay.

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Anything mineral based or labeled as a physical sunscreen.

Look for Yes! brand sunscreen. It is VERY white, because zinc is the sunscreen used, so it doesn’t disappear like the chemical brands. But it works.


her kids, mind your own business.


Tell her to use the Yuka app there’s some great recommendations on there.

You can still get sun burned in the shade. Just like you can get the worst sun burn on a cloudy day. I don’t understand this logic!


Get a full body suit… it covers everything!!!

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It’s in gods hands now sis

First of all your grandad didn’t get skin cancer “even though he used sun cream” - I imagine the damage that caused the cancer was done way before he started using sun cream. I agree suncream use should be kept to a minimum and opt for natural products where possible. But what I mostly came here to say was why can’t people just answer the question. The poster asked for some names of chemical free sunscreens - if you know of one just answer her. So many people on here telling her to “mind her own business” or “keep her mouth shut” maybe they should take their own advice.


Wow. If your grandpa got skin cancer you’d think she’d be covering those kids up with something. Even thin light clothing would help keep them from burning, regardless if they are red or not. I get the chemical thing but dang… she may as well smear them with mud or something like the animals do if she is worried about chemicals. Not to mention literally everything we eat has things in it that aren’t good for us.

Either way though, they aren’t your children.

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What sunscreen do you use?

I’m sure the chemicals in the sunscreen you are using on your kids is 100x more harmful than her not using poison on her kids :grimacing:


Beautycounter is my favorite. Badger is my second choice

Not your business Karen


So true about the sunscreens that weren’t available when a grandfather would have been getting the underlying damages!

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Mind your own business.


You can also recommend the uv clothing like fisherman use. They make them for kids too.


I don’t use sunscreen on my son ever lol


You can sit get sun damage in the shade… I know I barely ever go in direct sunlight because I get really bad skin reactions from it. And if I spend more than 30 mins outside I’ll start tanning or burning if I don’t or forget sunscreen


My mom never put sunscreen on me or my sister and were fine. Yes you can get cancer from the sun but sunscreen only works if enough is applied and it’s applied every few hours as directed on the container. You probably only put a thin layer 1 time and think it’s actually doing something. And the play for 15 and rest in the shade for 15 won’t do anything as you can get a sunburn in 5 minutes if it’s the right conditions. If it bothers you that much then buy the kids hats, you can’t force sunscreen on her buy can help her in a way she will acculy use and appreciate.


Shes a lunatic and lunatics will never not do what they want


This white people problems I’m so glad I’m from the Carribean we don’t use dem ting deh natural glow and melanin we have


pure shay butter the best sun screen ever…

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Unless you sisters kids are somehow biologically your own and your still have say over them then it is NONE of your business.


They make shirts nowadays . Like t shirts but the sleeves are long . Oh and look into hats they work wonders

There’s ppl that get bad sunburns … they’re face blow up like a balloon… some are fine… To each their own.

Buy the kids spf swim suits and hats​:blush::sunny:


I mean…are they sunburned? I’m sure they will be fine


I never wore sun screen. They aren’t your kids. Stay put of it


Maybe buy them uv clothing or there’s sunscreen by pure haven that is non toxic


My son has sensory issues, and if he’s not feeling like wearing sunscreen, he wears an SPF swim shirt long sleeve and a fishing hat to cover his face.

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I suggest Alba Botanica. It’s dermatologically tested, cruelty free, 100% vegetarian and loaded with natural botanical ingredients. I use it on my son when we go to the pool or beach.

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their are other sunscreen that are more natural base, vegan and have natural ingredients go to sprouts, whole foods, trader joes and i’m sure their are a few in your area that have similar stores. I get where he’s coming from but at the same time these kids skin are delicate and still need some protection. Have him do some research.


People are so rude saying it’s not your business. To be honest anyone that thinks their child being burnt all summer is ok, is everyone’s problem. I don’t know what she thinks sitting in the shade for 15mins after being exposed for 15 mins is really going to do? The damage is already done in harsh UV… it’s not going to reverse it. Very strange theory. I think you are doing the right things in trying to find something to help keep the kids safe. Sorry not sorry people are jerks.

The best advice i ever got was to mind my own fucking business :100:

It’s her decision. My kids are 12 and 13, they run out of the house before I know it. They will be fine.


Girl mind your business and leave that lady alone to raise HER kids


I’m with your sister :slightly_smiling_face:


There was an article a few years ago about how toxic sunscreen is as well as it not really providing protection from skin cancer. You do realize that vitamin D is essential for our bodies.


I don’t use sunscreen on my daughter for other reasons. I don’t need to explain that to anyone including family. They’re her kids, not yours. You can care and give your opinion but to bring this to the internet and to keep pressing your concern, no. Mind your business.


I have never used sunscreen due to all the chemicals!! I have use aloe Vera which feels soooo much better on the skin.

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Coppertone brand, zinc oxide

Damn there’s definitely something really wrong with all the moms telling OP to mind her own business. I treat my nieces and nephews as if they were my own. I’d be concerned if they weren’t wearing sunscreen especially because some of them have fair skin and burn easily.

We don’t use sunscreen often either. It’s good for you to soak of the sun. We only use it if we will be somewhere for a long period of time that has minimum shade. So, ONLY MINERAL SUNSCREENS. Hello Bello, Babo Botanicals, Badger, and only a couple others. (I can’t think of their names).


They make clothes or swim clothes for that I think

Bit I always used they spray kind. Spray it jn my hand and apply. I love the smell of sunscreen :joy::joy:

Rowe Casa Organics VIP

Mineral sunscreens. There’s no harsh chemicals. They’re made from zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Chemicals sunscreens are very harsh on the skin but mineral ones are not. Also, she should protect the kids skin in some form. I’ve had an area burn to 2nd degree 2x because I failed to use sunscreen and it can never see the light of day again, literally. Anymore sun exposure to that skin and it’s game over. It’s been well over 8 years since the last burn and the skin has remained highly sensitive. It’s not fun. Always always always protect yourself from the sun.

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Girl lmao, lmao lmao. My kids rarely, RARELY wear sunscreen. My mil got skin cancer on her nose, guess who religiously wears sunscreen? Mind your own.


Sunscreen is very important but your sister is ignorant


Mind your business and don’t worry about her kids


Mineral sunscreen is best!

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Just search up organic mineral sunscreen. We use Babyganics.

It blows my mind people don’t use sunscreen. Especially you white people lol I’m already having precancerous moles burnt off because I never used to wear sunscreen.

Everything has chemicals in it, but there are brands for kids that don’t have the sane chemicals as adult sunscreen. There are also apps that scan barcodes and tell you which ingredients are harmful or not.


Really?! I mean they ARE HER kids.


Sounds like “she’s” parenting “her” children the way “she” wants too. Karen. Worry about you.


Id research it. So many do have chemicals but the sun can do a lot of damage to your skin and faster than sunscreen would.

Best protection against the sun is a good base tan.
I dont put sun screen on my kids either.
Mind your own :roll_eyes:


Beauty Counter are very safe skin products

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Me and my siblings never wore sunscreen like that throughout our lives and We’re fine - I get your concern but I don’t think you should be worrying yourself as much as you are. Your sister is doing fine, let HER be the parent and just move on

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It’s up to her honestly. They are her kids. I’m sure she’s searched for some. If she hasn’t gotten any of them leave it alone.

Ok she’s not wrong though. I get terrible skin reactions from chemical sunscreen!! Hives, burns you name it! It happens! Sunblock without chemicals is a must however. I was using neutrogena sensitive skin sunblock until they had the cancer component recall in it. So i myself am looking for an organic sunscreen as well! Lol

i never wore sunscreen growing up, and neither did any of my cousins. i wish i had answers for you. i think my mother in law uses banana boat for kids spray sunscreen on my kids though

Thinkbaby is a good brand that is EWG verified. It uses Zinc Oxide instead of Oxybenzone.

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Your more like to get cancer from your sunscreen than you are the sun. Mineral sunscreens are best. I still limit our sunscreen use.


Parenting doesnt come with a handbook. Sometimes as a mom you just have to do what you feel is right for your children. And if she feels sunscreen isnt right for hers than that is her business. But you can always suggest no chemical sunscreen maybe she doesnt know that there are some… but dont take it to facebook to talk about it likes shes a bad mom for not wanting the chemicals on her childrens skin.


Most sun screens cause the cancer. They have so much harsh chemicals in them. She’s doing what’s best for her kids. I would just respect her decision.


I’d google organic chemical sunscreen.My 15 yo daughter has to use 100 proof bc of her skin condition.

Idk y ppl getting on you about CARING about your nieces and nephews… u can just let her know about the mineral sunscreens but just don’t push it …unfortunately she’ll decide what she wants to do for her kids…this doesn’t make you a karen…idk y ppl calling u that… being concerned for your family is not a Karen…just keep it respectful with your sister and don’t push after you tell you found out about mineral sunscreen…good luck :heart: