Your baby, your choice. Not your family’s rules.
Almost any name goes with Lee. My middle name is Lea and my dad’s middle name was Lee. Every time I type Lee, multiple names on my friend list pop up…Amanda Lee, Lory Lee, Lindsey Lee. The only name that I can think of that doesn’t go with Lee is Paisley. Go with what you like.
I would absolutely use the name still and if they don’t like it then she can change it back.
And you allow them to make rules in YOuR family ? Name your child Paisley as you wanted .
Well you can call her plaid
That rule went out the window when she pulled a shady move like she did. Clearly she doesn’t value it because you named your baby that already regardless if she’s here yet or not. I’d be telling them she can change it or too bad.
Do you know for sure your having a girl?
The best way to get her back is naming your baby Paisley as well. Who cares what your family thinks. It’s YOUR BABY.
Break the chain. Use it anyway.
You chose first so she needs to change the name
I would name my child Paisley Lee and pick a different middle name. My son has double names and my family was against it at first. But it fit him well and the family got over it and loves his name now. Your child therefore you have the final say. Also in my opinion if your family is this strict about names then they should have a lot to say to your sister regarding this situation. I would be livid if my sisters did this! Out of my siblings I’m the only one with a boy on both sides of my family.
As long as it s not a jr it should be fine. My husband’s first and middle name is after his two grandfathers. My kids have names from our family members. Also you should be able to do whatever you want name rules are stupid.
Name your kid what you want
I’d leave the family and keep the name lol but I’m a biotch like that🤷♀️imo that’s not family to do something so hurtful on purpose !
Lenora Lee. Call her Lenny or Nora for short
My son Tyler has 2 cousins named Tyler lol
It she your baby or your family’s? Name her what you want.
Option A) Ignore the rule.
Option B) Something with a similar sound like Ainsley, or go in a completely different direction.
I’d be pissy about it too, but you have 30 more weeks to figure out what you’re going to do. Good luck!
Your sister is an AH but in the future I would NEVER tell anyone my proposed name. You can still use the name if you want.
Screw your family rules, use the name Ditch the sis…I did years ago…
Are you 100 percent sure you are having a girl? Ainsley is a beautiful name and has the Paisely vibe!
Screw your family and their stupid rule. They sound like there’s a lot more background and it wouldn’t surprise me if you need to take along distance approach to them.
I had my heart set on naming my first born after my baby sister who died at 2 yrs old but I had 3 girls and the last one was named after her. I think you will know for sure what your babies name will be as the time gets closer and it might surprise you that the one you had your heart set on wasn’t it and you will find the name that’s truly meant for your baby
Sorry! BUT, that’s the dumbest family rule everrrrr!
You could cut ties with her and who the fuck has a no double name rule? Wtf kind of family do you have?
It’s not your FAMILYs child she is yours so call her the name u choose years ago love it’s beautiful btw
Paisley Lee doesn’t really roll off the tongue so maybe she did you a favor. I like Paige Lee
You have your own family now , who cares about your family stupid rule , your sister was the one who broke the rule when she decided to use the name .
I will be naming my daughter Paisley and is she has a problem that she can change her daughters name
You name that child whatever you want.
Praisly Paisaleigh would change it but still be similar however I would name my child what I wanted to name her. When you see her for the first time you will know what her name should be whether it be Paisly or Annabella choose what suits her and you
Daisy, Tinsley, brayley, or other names similar to the last letter being “Y” might help you find one you like. However, you can still have this name if you want. Maybe even as a middle name? I’m sorry this happened, I’m sure it’s frustrating af that she did that.
Um use whatever name you want to. It’s your baby. It doesn’t belong to your sister or family.
Who’s rule is it? You’re an adult right? Name your child what you want.
So you care about a family rule when your family doesn’t care about you. Name your kid what you want!
That sister wouldn’t be family anymore so no rules left to break I mean come on who does that and actually loves their sister with a billion names to choose from.
Name your kid what you like/want. Don’t let others dictate your life.
My daughters name is Paisley Mae
My daughters name is Brielle
Family rules??? No family or friend would be telling me what I could name my baby!! Point blank if that’s the name you have chosen you the name. Or change up it up a bit like PaisLee
My aunt named her child Angela too. Who cares. Name your child what you want. Your parents do not control that
Your family has a RULE BOOK? How silly! Do what you want girl!
Stuff what ya family says,
No double name rule? Who made up a rule about naming children?? My youngest is Paisley. I also liked the name Rowen Jade, Harper, Kinsley
Stupid rule you name her what you want it’s your kid.
Name your baby What you want. I have a Paislee Jean
Give the Paisley clothes away and pick a beautiful old name. Anna, Genevieve, Catherine…do your child a favor and do not saddle her with a cutsie name.
Presley, sorry that happened
Lol what? “fAmILy RuLeSsss” girl name you’re kid whatever you want lol and cut off your shitty sister while you’re at it.
F*** that! Rules are made to be broken.
I would tell the family it’s your kid and name it what you want
How about paislynn Lee it’s close to what you wanted to name her
My cousin is named Koebrie Leigh.
Family rules? Oh boy oh boy
Is the nicest I can go about this. Listen in assuming you are grown and it’s your baby. I’d be upset sure but as far as the rule part of it is a bit much.
I say name it what you want. But Lee doesn’t really go with Paisley. Too much Lee together. There are so many names to choose from. Search around maybe find something you like better. Anyway are you having a girl?
you are that baby’s momma name her what you want shame on your sister for taking your name break that rule its your little family put them first
If it was me I would keep the name. She thinks you won’t that’s one reason why she did it. But if you done decide to Presley is nice name too
Rules are ment to be broken
Um this is sad if you really care about that rule. What, you’ll be outta the family if you use same name? Pfft. I don’t need that negativity in my life. Big OOF.
Seems to me that your sister broke the rule by showing disrespect to you. Name your baby what you want.
Your family has no say in what you name YOUR daughter. Your family knew what you chose. Sister included. She either needs to change the name because she knew that you chose it and chose to be a “b”, your family needs to stand behind you too because they knew as well or everyone needs to get over it. The fact your sister did this is cruel. I would have called her out.
That’s a ridiculous rule in my opinion. Name YOUR child what YOU want!!!
Rules are made to be broken
Paisley Lee is a MOUTHFULL😮💨 I’d personally pick a different name. My daughter’s name is Emma Leigh. Maybe wait until you see her. You may take one look at her and just know what to name her.
Violet. Anna. Mary. Genevieve Lee.
You don’t have Rules in a family. You go and name your baby anything you want.
No that is totally unfair. I had someone do that to me. I always wanted a lily-rose may and then they went and named their child lilly rose while I was pregnant. It hurts and it’s unfair, as they knew I wanted to call my baby that. I seriously can not imagine the hurt and betrayal you are feeling with your sister and family, if they all knew you wanted that name. I would be still naming my daughter paisley and if your family want nothing to do with you then that is their loss. As for your sister she sounds like an entitled person and I would have nothing to do with her ever. But if your sister and family didn’t know then I’m sorry but that is a you problem for not speaking up and I would give your sister the baby stuff with paisley name on it. Then pick a nother name. Kassie-lee, Sophie-lee, Amy-lee, Angie-lee, Kelsey, Emily.
Karleigh Kayleigh Maisleigh Shaylee AnnaLee Brooklee Mailee Wrenlee Woodlee.
But I agree if you want the name use it. Don’t let anyone dictate your child’s name. If it was known you wanted to use that name shame in her. But again, do what you want to do not your family.
Why are you obeying rules! You’re and adult! Name her whatever you like
Grow up name your kid what you want
To hell with your family’s made up rule. Your family didn’t care that your sister stole your name why care what they think or say.
Rule. Schmule. You name your baby whatever you want. In fact, take and use mine if you want. I’ll share! Seriously. You name your child what you want. Maybe just switch it up. Instead of Ava Grace, flip it around. Grace Ava.
When your family starts paying all your bills, is the day I would abide by their “rules” as an adult.
I’m sorry, the only rules that apply to my child are my rules. You should absolutely name your baby Paisley anyway just spell it differently.
Spell it PaysLee I wouldn’t care what my family thinks it’s your baby and you have your own family now
Lmao, your family has a rule? I have the same name as a dog my parents use to have Name your baby whatever you want
I would not live by any ridiculous rule by anyone other than yourself and the baby’s dad. Your Sister knew and did it on purpose.
Who cares about your family rule? You’re an adult with your own family you created, tell your sister off then name your child whatever you want.
strict no double names rule? really? You’re an adult. You do you. Name your kid whatever you want.
Sister is a straight up .(¥^#
Family rule is silly and your sister is wrong. Just my opinion but go with a classic name . There are so many beautiful names without having to be so different and “creative” with names now.
I think the middle name Lee has also gotten played out as well.
I have two boys but if I would have had a girl, I would have named her Josephine or gender neutral Elliot
Good luck
Your the adult your the mother to be you make the decisions your son or daughter you name them it’s your life your kids …. Name them what u want shame on your sister for doing that though
Fck what the family has to say? It’s not the families baby it’s yours
Uh- YOUR baby YOUR choice!
I would name her Paisley or burst wide open. That was just wrong for your sister to do that!
You have your OWN family now. You can do your OWN thing. Your sister is petty asf for doing that to you and knows what she did. I say name your child Paisley and so it proudly. It’s a beautiful name and just because your sister ruined the moment for you doesn’t mean you can’t still go with it. Prayers to you !
Nothing that ends with “Lee” to go with Lee lol
Go with something similar like paycee or Presley
That’s THEIR family rule … not yours. Name your daughter whatever you want.
If you have clothes already made, keep your choosen name.
My nephew is Michael and my sons name is Michael IDGAF
Just because it’s a family
Does not mean it is your family
Rule keep in mind you are starting your own family now !!!
McKenzie Lee, April Lee, Emma Lee, Riley Lee, Aubrey Lee
F your family, it’s your child
If I wanted to name my child Paisley I would .
Well sounds like your sis meant to hurt you by doing so and had no regards for your feelings knowing that "rule ". Anyway I would name my child by the name I always wanted and if they have a problem with that oh well… my family is the one a create not the one who try to impose stupid rules on me nor the one who do things with the only purpose to bother or hurt me.
This made me laugh a little. If you’re an adult, starting your own family why are you even listening to the ‘rules’? If I want to name my child something, nobody else’s opinion matters other than my husband.
Rule? Lol.
Name ur baby paisley. If they do t like ot too bad
Family rules not fn likely. That being said, I always wanted a girl named Lennox.
Your family cannot and should not have any day in what you name your child.
Family said what?! Let’s start with family DID what?! The disrespect has already been done. I wish tf you would honor that “rule” after what was done to you. That’s YOUR CHILD, YOU make the rules honey. They can cry about it later. As for your sister….hmp! So ANYWAY, when is our niece PAISLEY due?! Don’t ever allow anyone to play with you, it will never stop.