My SO does not treat my kids the same as he treats his: Help?

I’d be done if my kid was ever treated like that and it wasn’t fixed after bringing it up the first time. Why are you still there?


Smh sorry but if you cared about your child you wouldn’t allow it get out


Have him get out and change the locks. His money is his th egg m tell him to use it to find his own place. Make sure you let them know it’s not them and tell them to ask their dad


I guess you don’t know it when you are being used, he’s not your husband he’s S,O. so there fore he doesn’t not give a hoot about your child’s feelings or yours. DUMP HIM.


As soon as It just affecting my children like it has, I’d be gone and done :wave::wave:


From personal experience, leave. Its better to be a single mom. It may sound harsh but you are basically putting his needs before your child’s. It may not seem that way to you but you are nonetheless. Things wont get better so dont fool yourself.


How did you have sex with this man to even get pregnant? Like was it a one night stand and bam you’re pregnant? Because he had to have been treating your son like this already…

Say goodbye. Your son and you deserve better

You must leave. There is no way your son will grow up and be a healthy teenager, man in this toxic living environment.


Leave!! Your children come first not the deadbeat dad. If he doesn’t understand this and doesn’t contribute to the household he needs to go. You and your kids deserve better. If your daughter came home with a guy like this what would you tell her to do? You’d tell her to get out.

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Wow …I’d tell him bye! He is a grade A jerk!


No bueno, I hope you figure it out and put your kids before a man that isn’t “decent to them. They deserve that. They deserve for everyone and anyone to be decent to them. This hurts my heart that a child’s hug and affection was turned away. :broken_heart::pensive:

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You need to stand up for Your Son!! Kick your deadbeat boyfriend to the curb, and make him pay child support for the baby you two have together! He will never change!! I feel bad for your son. He’s being mentally, emotionally, and possibly verbally abused, and you, his mother, are basically doing nothing about it! Again, stand up for your son, he needs you!!


Leave. Why would you stay with someone and let them treat you both that way? He’s using you aswell


Nope! No way I’d stay with this man. You might as well kick him out now bc its going to be harder when the baby gets here. And its going to cause even more divide between him and your son.

“It’s to the point you are ABOUT to tell him to leave”… honey you should be way past that point. Get OUT !!!


Sounds like you chose poorly. You are your sons mom and should allow anyone to treat him poorly. Take a stand stop complaining and protect yourself and you children.


How is your son going to feel once this baby comes?
There are many men out there, but you alone are the only person to protect and provide for your son.

Your child comes before anyone. To put it mildly he’s a jerk and absence makes the heart grow fonder. Let him pay his own meals and bills. Don’t give in until he realizes his mistakes.

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You an your children deserve better make him leave end it now!

If it hurts my kids I’d leave

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So you’re saying he contributes nothing to your life or family?
I think the answer is obvious. You’re doing it all without him anyway and he is cruel to your child.
Say bye bye bye.


I just don’t get it? OP would have known what this “man” was like before she got pregnant with their baby.
Why let this “man” treat your son like crap? Your first concern should be your child not your boyfriend.
Leave now I say!


You will get more help being a single mum ??

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Why are you allowing this moron to live off of you and your child your child to suffer. Things will get worse once the baby comes. My advice would be to put him out now and make him pay child support. And give your son some extra cuddles. He probably needs it. I’m glad that you recognize the fact there is a problem. A lot of women would just ignore the fact that’s he’s being an asshole.

The boot. Give him the boot. This will only get worse for you


Your kid’s come first. He seems like a no good man. Offensive to you and your kids and verbaly abusing you while being pregnant and not helping you at all. No you deserve better and need to be peaceful right now that you are pregnant. Take care of yourself and your kids all that matters. :heart:


You answered your own question - get out


Please take he to the commies u are hereing i once was in a relationship and this man did not like my son and i ask him to remove his self from my house and i never pick him back up a man like that will mass your child mine up so thank about it

I think you’ve answered your own question…he’s taking advantage of you…I would leave, with the option of working on your relationship living separately…with any luck he will grow up…that way you know you’ve given it your all if the relationship doesn’t work out xxx


No no and NO!! Don’t ever let a man treat you or your kids that way!!


No no anddddddd no. He needs to go.

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Well, obviously you already know what you need to do. Do it.


Leave him now. It won’t get better and your son will suffer through it if you don’t. He sounds like a narcissist. He obviously hasn’t grown up yet.


Kids first
Man child… shouldn’t even be a priority because he isn’t prioritizing you or your family together at all


There’s all the things. But letting your son be treated like this ONE TIME makes you now part of the problem.
Children don’t think there is something wrong with the adult, but with them.

You need to get that boy away from that “man”

Try it on your own for awhile. It’s nice.


Yes, time for him to go. And send him the one you are hatching for him.

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Wake up. You should never accept your children being treated this way or yourself but if you can put yourself first put them first it will only get worse after the new one comes

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What were you thinking getting pregnant with a stupid ass like him. He is USING YOU. If you continue to let hom stay in your home then you deserve each other.

I don’t think this relationship will last this way. Absolutely take your sons side on this. Very sorry this man child is not helpful and now certainly won’t be when baby comes. I think he needs a reality check.

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Btw while he’s out partying with HIS money , change the locks and put all his belongings outside preferably next to the garbage can.

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He does that now with his daughter when the baby comes it just gonna get worse because now he’ll favor his daughter and new baby and your son’s just gonna be left out still and hurt even more


Put your son first or you will regret it for the rest of your life. I put my SO first and that still has an effect on my daughter. She’s 40 years old and it still does. She looks for approval from men… It is awful to be left out. I wish to God I could change it.

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Oh you poor bugger.
You and your kids deserve So much better.

Not only is he treating your kids badly, but you as well.
Then he’s not helping contribute to the home.

Bye Felicia.:wave::wave::wave:


Why are you having a child with this asshole? Get rid of him… if your son is asking why the daughter can wake you but not him… then the next question will be why does mum let another person be mean to me? Kick his ass out and prioritise your boy…

That is messed up. Not only is your bf miss treating your kids but their own mom is picking her bf over them. You don’t need to worry about your bf but you need to ask yourself why you’re letting it happen. WTF!!!


Fuck him off! It’s only gonna get worse. So what if you’re a single mum … you’ve been there before.

Don’t be scared to be on your own :heart: you will be fine and don’t stress about hurting him. He doesn’t love you, you are his possession. You know the answer Don’t be afraid to put yourself your son and your unborn baby first :revolving_hearts::heart:

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  1. Why are you still with this wanker and 2) Why the heck are you having a child with him? If he treats your kids like this now have you even given a thought to how your kids will feel and cope when this new addition arrives? I think not.

Sounds like you are already doing everything by yourself. You don’t need the stress and abuse. Tell the bum you’re not his mother and to take a hike. You’re a mother to two young sons and an unborn baby they are your priorities.


Why is this even a question? He obviously doesnt treat your son like his own… end of post.


I wouldn’t be supporting everyone when my partner has a job.

KIck his ass out. It is going to get WAY worse, trust me. Don’t look back. He is dangerous. He is a monster.

Why would you allow this man anywhere near your child? Your job is to protect him.


I’m not sure why you put up with any of this. Just leave him.


You already know what to do :sparkling_heart: keep moving forward, you’re gonna be fine.


I’m sad you’ve already reproduced with this shitbag. Its not getting better. Hes a selfish self centered asshole who has the potential to be more abusive. Leave him and protect YOUR kids

Why would you ever consider let alone have a child with this selfish bastard. Get out

why have more with him take yours away from that

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Show the freeloader the door… All you are to him is a free ride… Read what you posted…

Girl need to slam the door on that shit and walk away

I was in your same situation, my son was 8 , I was pregnant, but enough is enough, we have to protect our children, I left and never looked back !!!


Surely hes always done this?
My ex was awful to my son…
He finally said something and that was it. I finished it.
Would never put up.with it again.

I wonder how many people are being hypocrites in this comment feed…

What advice would you give to your friend in the same or similar situation? In reality, your son’s step-father is only in his life because YOU chose him to be - and by your words - he’s actually hurting your son emotionally and that is not fair on your son. I wouldn’t be surprised if your son starts to resent you in years to come (but that damage may already be done).

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Why you still there? Your kids come first and he treats them like shit. bang…reason 1. He doesn’t contribute to the house. Bang…reason 2. He calls you horrible names! Bang…reason 3!

How many more reasons do you need before your kids come first

Pls get out asap.ul be fine without him.i promised

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Girl there’s no other way but the highway. Honey send him on his way, this is not a man you want to even try to play a father role for the child you already have or the one that is coming. Just think how bad your poor little son will be when he’s totally shunned away when the baby gets here. Do not do this to your children, you sound like a loving and responsible mom and you wouldn’t want your babies growing up around such a selfish person with no heart or a care in the world for anything but himself. You, nor your babies should have to endure this type of life and you being the adult, do what you know is only right and get the hell away from this lowlife before it’s too late. Good luck… I’m sure you being the responsible one you will make the right decision. Be strong for your babies you are all they have.


He’s a selfish deadbeat and you need to get him out of your house and away from your babies asap. You don’t need the stress that he brings hun


He sounds like a vile person but tbh none of that matters, he could be the nicest person in the world, but if he didnt treat my son like his own be would be gone.


Just leave he isn’t going to change

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It sounds like your dating a boy. Some boys become men but some will always be boys no matter how old they get

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What a selfish man. I love :heart: my husband don’t get me wrong, but to love me he has to love my children. I have zero tolerance for this type of person. Pray for strength. I would not continue to stay with him. He is keeping the family broken. You know what you have to do! No more of his selfish ways. Very sad!

Look out for your child. Like you said. You are all he has. Put him first.
Leave. He doesn’t need to be in that environment… :disappointed:

Why are putting up with this? He treats your son badly, uses you for money and TREATS YOUR SON BADLY, kick his butt out make sure you have witnesses because he may try to say stuff to other people that never happened better safe than sorry. When a person dates someone that has kids they come as a package deal, I have five kids that my now husband treats like they are his own he loves then and helps look after them and spends money on them like he would if they were his kids. Pregnant or not you have to leave this man you said it yourself you are all your son has no one else will speak up for him and if you think he is hurt now imagine how much he will be hurting when his half brother or sister is treated well and he is treated like crap.


Don’t allow yourself and your kids life to be ruin by this terrible person anymore. Get out. Your kids look up to you with there life and heart :heart:.


You are already supporting the family so you know you can make it on your own with the children. You have 2 sons does he treat the other this way too? I would just tell him this arrangement isn’t working for the family so we need to separate. That you have some decisions to make. You have the children so he will need to find a place to live. Change locks. He might say bad things but basically you can’t afford to be his Sugar Mama plus his treatment of your son anymore!!


Look after yourself and your kids and tell him when it comes to my kids they will win out every time so piss off

Your need to keep a man outweighs your caring for your kids

Why in the world would you allow this to be ok? As a person who has blended family I will give you some advice, your children and you are a PACKAGE DEAL, anyone you end up with MUST accept that basic truth. When I met my husband he was a true single dad (custody of his son and moms involvement was very minimal) his son was 5 and my son was 1 1/2. I have and would NEVER have treated his son that way. In fact in some ways my relationship with the oldest has grown to be perhaps more special (he’s nearly 20 now) as he is the child I got to choose! Your boyfriend sounds like an abusive loser and you MUST put a stop to how he is treating your child. I would pack up my kids and run as fast as I could. No way would I ever let someone affect my child’s self worth, as a child that faced many traumas I can tell you it’s soooooo tough to undo that type of damage, it literally molds who you are and what you expect from others and it took most of my adult life to undo the damage! Please protect this sweet little boy, you are his momma and he deserves someone that will put him before anyone else!

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So, why would you have a child with him!? You will be connected to him for the rest of your life now,good or bad!

He sounds selfish and you should leave him, it wont get any better, only worse…are you willing to stay and watch it get worse for u and ur kids?

Like you said you have to defend your child Ok defend Throw the bum out Give his restricked visitation only He’s just using you After this new baby is born He will be worst to your son He’s not his son For the sake of your children show him the door


Wake up!! Take ur kids and run…dnt know why its taking u this long…


What the devil are u eating on don’t waste no more time on that SOB kick him to the curb

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Why is this even a problem leave the bum. Kids come first and he contributes nothing to the house hold or living expenses he is bumming off of you


He cares only if myself
Leave him

Send him down the road.He is not going to be better.He is a bum.


Runnnnnnnn! Google the word “hypergamy” Have your baby. Learn your self worth. And EXECUTE!

You’ve already answered your own question…all you have to do is put it in action…
It was all over in your first few sentences…NO AFFECTION FOR YOUR

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Girl… your in a messy situation. You have to put yourself and your kids first right now. Your son is the important one here. It’s easier to fix a child than a adult. You know deep down inside what you need to do. Praying for you :pray:

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Sounds like a f’ing jerk. Get rid of him.


I think you answered your own question I’m not being rude but he doesn’t seem to care much luck xx

Don’t wait another minute leave him. He is terrible to your children. If it’s not your house I would leave while he is gone. I wouldn’t even put him on the birth certificate. He doesn’t deserve you, or that baby with the way he treats you and your children. If you have to kick him out I would stay somewhere for a few days, and call him and tell him he needs to leave. Someone that can be that cold to your children you do not know what he might do.

The point that your about to be at should be exactly what you do. You are fully right in standing up for your son. Its inexcusable to put his child before yours and push his child’s needs onto you more than your own childs needs. Caring and loving another man’s kids is fine as long as yours are still first priority.

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Why, exactly, are you with him?


You need to put your children first, not this MOOCH & his children…
Trust me on this~ Leave now. & dont go back. No child needs that kind of man as a figure in their lives~

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Do it! Be strong! And remember to get support for the new baby.

Yup dump him he has no heart for u

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My feelings exactly. Get rid of him. He’s not worth the pain your son is feeling. Your children are more important !!