My son came to me about seeing someone a few years older than him: Advice?

The first things first as a person that has gone through classes for education I would start with meeting her and I would then sit down and talk to him about all the puberty changes and things and make sure he understands the pros and cons and things. Also enforce that it is ALWAYS safe to come talk to you about anything. This is the age where kids start to question whether going to parents on all of this is good or bad. Good luck momma

I met my husband when I was 15 and he was 18, 26 years later we are still together. Get to know her. Invite her to dinner, somewhat control the situation. 15 is young but keep an open mind and see how they are together. The fact that he felt comfortable talking to you speaks volumes. You have to trust your kid.

I always dating people a few years older then me (15-18, 17-21)ā€¦ my mom always knew about the age difference, we never hid it. His parents knew I was younger. Just keep the dialog open since he trusts you already!!!

No I will not even allow it. Age difference . Our 14 or 15 year old kids still developing and if something goes wrong who is going to suffer. Not her but your son. Coz he is still young and still learning about some things in life that she has already learned. So for me itā€™s a NO NO

I would maybe have a chat and remind him that their age gap could get her into trouble as he is a minor so to be careful as sure none of youā€™s want that but also that she is very welcome and youā€™d like to meet her maybe adding you like that he shared his happy news. Donā€™t make it a big deal or anything negative because it is happy news for him as much as itā€™s not so much for you :see_no_evil: Iā€™d be terrified :joy: even though there is 2 1/2 years between my sons dad and I, he just turned 18 when we got together so not 15 or I wouldnā€™t have looked twice so he must be mature for her to like him :blush:. Get to know her and your gut will tell you if this a good or bad thing.

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How close is he to 16 and how close is she to being 18? A 2-3 year age difference can seem like a lot when teenagers but based on childhood experiences it may not be all that far off as far as maturity. And the older they get the less it will matter. Iā€™m 1.5 years older than my husband. When we were 16 and 18 there were raised eyebrows but now 20 years later nobody bats an eye.

The only problem I see is the legal age thing. I see no problem with a guy dating older women. My bf is 10 years older than me and ex-wife is older than me. A lot guys like older gals. Meet her but lay down some ground rules, such as they have to have a responsible chaperon when they go on dates or hang out, staying in the living room and so forth. This will protect them both with her being 18.

Now get him a condom draw and have that talk. I had four boys plus their friends thank me for that draw years later.

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I started dating my husband when I just turned 16 and he was 17, 1 month till 18. We have now been together 14 yrs, married for 10 yrs and have 4 kids. I say meet her and see.

Why is it okay for an 17 or 18 year old girl to date a 30 year old but not a male to date a girl basically close to his age? Can u say double standard and that makes me ill.

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Iā€™d meet her and form your own opinions. Heā€™s very young so I wouldnā€™t assume itā€™s anything too serious. Just cover all your bases with both of them. Boundaries and stuff. Youā€™ve got this. :heart:

I was almost 15 when J was dating someone almost 18. Worse decision ever and I wish someone had choked that creep out


Iā€™m all for it. My ONLY issue would be, if I were the parent of the girl, if things went wrong with the two of them that someone would come after my kid for dating a minor. Other than that Iā€™m all for what makes people happy! And itā€™s awesome that your son came to you. It shows that you guys have a very open and honest relationship! Thatā€™s how me and my daughters are. I hope it works out for them if you decide that youā€™ll allow it :heart::heart::heart:

My daughter was a sophomore in college and started talking to an 11th graded from her highschool. She was 18, him 16. She was not that much older than him but had basically two years of college behind her. I told her If I was his mother I would not approve . Even though we have known them forever I did not want her to be in the position to be held liable because he was. Minor. She totally understood, then found out he was already labeled a player by classmates so might have dodged a bullet

Yes you should meet her before answering
Itā€™s going to depend on his and her maturity

An 18 year old girl has a lot more freedom and mobility in many cases. Why is she interested in a 15 year old

It completely depends on how sensible your son is. If he is sensible and understands that heā€™s under the legal age of consent and she does too them i would okay it but just be careful. But I would definitely meet her or her parents so you know what sheā€™s like xx

Yah, no. Meet her right away.

Something is up. She must just like that he is young and naive and be a willing participant in her little games. My son pulled this crap and we found naked pics of him on his computer. He had a really, really long talk with him about that being considered child porn and the amount of harm he could cause for everyone by sending those pictures. The girl was already drinking age and her dad was a cop. Serious red flags. She wasnā€™t destroying my families life just to defy her dad and do illegal activities. We put a Kibosh to that right away. Please be careful.

Honestly if you meet her, and your son is happy. Why not. Agree with him coming to you. If you deny him to see herā€¦he may just do it anyways. Open communication at that age and up is key. I was 15 and dated an older boy. I was always more comfortable around older kidā€™s. Doesnā€™t have to be " sinister". He may identify with an older girl over a 14 year old. Just make sure he knows about being safe.

Girls mature faster than boys so it might be a good thing. She might keep him out of trouble and stay on top of her birth control better than a 15 year old girl?

I would be concerned because they are at such different stages in their lives.

Evidently sheā€™s not a mature 18 year old! I would wonder why she is interested in a minor! Thereā€™s a whole lot a minor is not allowed to do until they turn 18. I would watch and ask questions!

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I would meet her and see how you feel. Also, check the state laws because at least here in Illinois it is perfectly legal for an 18 and 15 year old to be together. Itā€™s awesome your son came to you.

How close to 16 is your son? I really donā€™t see an issue, but then again, I started dating my now husband when I was 17 and he was 21. I had already graduated high school

You a lucky mum but I feel sheā€™s off to pubs etc and he sitting waiting his turn so they see this them selves but do suggest to him to this a move on , so wish I could have talked to my mum on me girl meet boy married at 18/21 not pregrant just wanted own place etc

Be open minded and get to know her. I know someone who did date someone younger and need to be aware of the legal complications that could come about if they have sex since she is close to being 18. They ended up having it and the parent brought charges against them. Luckily the court took the facts into account and the person got probation, communnity service and didnā€™t ended up having to register as a sex offender but that may not be the case for everyone else.

Meet her first, with an open mind. The age difference is that large. He trusts you to tell you so thereā€™s a chance he will trust/respect your opinion of her.

Just so your knowledgeable look at the law requirements for where you live at, a lot of states have a Romeo and Juliet law he seems like a good kids he came to with honesty and openess

So cause its a girl should the relationship be ok? Nope! But what make it so bad is most wonā€™t see it as the crime it is. 18 most states is legal adult. Most states it is illegal to engage in relationship with a minor but because she is older most wonā€™t see it as a problem. Well I do and would treat it no different because she is the one that older. All these people talking about she just a couple years older I call bull crap on that because the law donā€™t change just cause its a female thatā€™s older. If more people would look at it as just that the law saids no engagement with minors period then so many of our men wouldnā€™t be locked up and and even more wouldnā€™t be so passive about it because its the female that is older. The standard are not treated the same across the board and its not right. Now it there were no law in place truthfully I would not see an issue of 2 years but you go into she 21 and he 16 or 17 then yes issues. Just my thoughts.

I would say that it depends how mature your 15 year old son is. My son has never been mature in my eyes. My son is 18 now and he is definitely not mature as most 18 year olds. My son has always wanted to either date someone that is way too young or way too old. Bounced from girl to girl and says heā€™s in love with all of them. Now that heā€™s 18 heā€™s decided that heā€™s an adult and he knows everything. Now sheā€™s not currently living with us no more he thought life would be better with his ā€œsperm donorā€ thatā€™s never been in his life. But ok less problems for me. So, if your son is mature enough as a 15 year old to handle a mature adult situation then fine. Just monitor closely since he is still 15 and everything should be fine. But if heā€™s not mature enough then you might want to make him wait a few years. Just my opinion. Hope it helps. Good luck. And of course meet her and see if you even think sheā€™s a ā€œokā€ person and not a trouble maker or someone just out to get pregnant or whatever.

She may be an immature 17 year old (sheā€™s not 18 yet) invite her over and form your own opinion. She may be on the same level as your son.

Let me just start with definitely meet her first. I was 16 most 17 when my husband and I started talking he was 22 fixing to be 23. My mom immediately put her foot down and refused to even meet him or acknowledge how I felt about him when we started dating officially when I turned 17, we had known each other prior as I dated a mutual friend of ours 2 years prior to us talking. I pushed back as any teenager would and ran away from home, I made sure I couldnā€™t be found, my mom didnā€™t hear from me until 5 months after my 18th birthday when I had my first daughter. Weā€™ve been together 13 years and now him and my mom get along really well.

She is an adult. He is a minor. I respect that he felt comfortable to talk ro you about it but honestly heā€™s not ready for that.

Eh just depends on his maturity level and hers as well. I mean you said sheā€™s almost 18 so sheā€™s 17, they were probably in school together. I honestly donā€™t think itā€™s that crazy.

I would meet her to see where her head is. Talk to your son also he should know right now its illegal on her part

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I was 19 dating a 15 year old. Both in highschool. We ended up going our separate ways when I graduated even though he wanted to have my kids. Iā€™m good lol

I met my son to be husband when he was 17 and I was 21. I refused to go on a date until he was 18 (by then I was 22). We now have 2 beautiful children and been together 7 years. Trust your instincts but donā€™t let a couple years scare you too much.

If the boy is mature enough, then I Donā€™t see any problem,but if the girl is very foward,then that could be a problem

I donā€™t think 15 and 17 is too big of a deal honestly. Thatā€™s one grade level. Who didnā€™t date someone a grade above them? As long as theyā€™re mature and responsible (aka respectful of your rules), isnā€™t that what really matters in relation to the age gap?

No no no Iā€™m going thru this right now with my son they have been having sex and now charges have been filed for rape by the da its out of mine and his dads hands so please donā€™t let it happen

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Meet the girl and give her a chance! He is being honest with you, and that stands for a lot! Donā€™t mess that up by scaring him away with anger over it. 17 isnā€™t much older. Just meet her, and find out what kind of person she is. Go from thereā€¦

15 years old his to young to be dating to begin with, put him in sports. No such thing as loosen the leash at that age, thatā€™s why kids are going wild these day, they figure no laws no respect

I had the same situation with my son last year thinking the young lady was his age but she was a senior and allowed him to go the movies lets just say things happened at the movie Theater which I wasnā€™t too happy about the young lady got scared and just disappeared never spoke to my son again

Be careful how you handle this if you forbid this he may do it behind your back which is worse. Ask him how he feels about her and what they have in common

An 18year old woman should be way ahead of him emotionally and sexually. I donā€™t think itā€™s a good mix at all. I would want to meet her as well. I donā€™t know what is safe to express regarding your concerns if you have any after meeting her. Tread carefully. Just ask him for his thoughts on things and support him in making healthy and age appropriate decisions. Donā€™t push and trust your parenting. I think his being so open is a good sign.

Iā€™d say it depends on the consent age for the intimate relationship between them ? All the other stuff u have no control over as per broken hearted = lessons learnt = life = growing up , buuuuuut thereā€™s the pregnancy side of things you can clearly express yr thoughts about NO babies yet. Yes I think a GOOD long chat with yr son is a good thing .

Keep a close eyeā€¦its not just age difference girl mature faster than boysā€¦keep open communication especially about sex and make sure condom are available we may not want to think our kids are doing it but better yo be safe than sorryā€¦good luck!

As a girl who did this when I was 17 I didnt realize the real maturity and goal differences until I went to college and phone calls and texts showed just how big that few years really is at that stage of development. You definately should meet her but I can say there would be a whole nother set of problems than the typical dating scene of his age.

You have 500 comments and mine Most likely wonā€™t get read, but I think (assuming they are in school together and he didnā€™t like, meet her on the computer) That I would personally want to meet her. See what sheā€™s like, but other people are right, she will be leaving for college or work, he canā€™t drive yet, I do think if he was 18 and she was 21 It would be more in his favor. Then at least he could be somewhere near the same mind set. I would mention to him that you think itā€™s great that he talked to you about it, have condoms handy because at that age he can easily be sexually active, mention the down sides and let him know that it will probably end in heartbreak as soon as school is outā€¦ but I believe love is blind and he will most likely have to find out for himself. Thatā€™s just how love works. No matter how good the advice is. You live you learn :sparkling_heart:

I would just say that. You would like to meet her, maybe have a cookout and just talk. Huge bonus points that he actually told you! Itā€™s not a huge age difference, but the 18 part could get tricky.

The only problem I would have is if they were to have sex, would it be legal with the age difference. In Oklahoma, the age of consent 16. If that is the case where you are I may let home know that he may should wait until he is of legal age? If itā€™s different in your area I would just speak to him based on legality there.

for heavens sake my first wife was older than that and my sons partner age difference similar

Its because hes a minor and technically the parent has to know or there would be issues and itā€™s the parents choice until he turns 16

Ask him to have her over for dinner. You can meet her and see for yourself if you would be comfortable with them dating.

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I thank he should have her come over and meet mom and dad both. find out everything you can about her.

I say meet her. I know it was a long time ago but my Dad was 13 and my Mom was 18 when they meet. And still together. My Mom will be 72 in july. Also my brother was 18 and my sister in law was 28.

No no no more no! I allowed my 16 year old to date a girl who just turned 18 and it was a disaster. She was no good for him and caused a lot of trouble for a growing boy

In high school I was a freshman 14 years old and my boyfriend was a senior 17/18 years old. We dated for 7 years but I donā€™t recommend this age gap.

I would watch it. Heā€™ll likely start sneaking and rebel if you donā€™t keep an open mind. If you are open minded you can watch it and put a stop to it if need be

I would meet her, talk with them honestly about being careful because there is that age difference that she can get into a LOT of trouble. The thing with teenagers is, if they want to do it (date, have sex, smoke, drugs, whatever) they will find a way. So i feel its best to be open and honest that way they are not sneaking around to be together and you can monitor.

Iā€™m really shocked at all the noā€™s In my state there is a 4 year law I met my first husband when I was 15 and he was almost 19 and it was legal. Itā€™s not even 4 years older why it is okay for girls to like older guys but not for guys to like older girls?

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They are dating not necessarily having sex. Meet her. Have an open discussion with her and your son. I realize kids are more sexually active now, but not all.

Okay so technically this girl is 17. 15 and 17 are only two years apart. Your just worried about the ā€œ18ā€ number. Itā€™s technically not illegal also. They have to be four years apart to be illegal. I wouldnā€™t worry about it whatsoever.

Watch out for the laws in your state. It could end up with a charge against her if youā€™re not okay with the relationship.

Meet her and talk to her. Sed what her intentions are, how is she going to handle her life and his life together. How long have they been dating? Is he going to be 16 soon? Whenā€™s she turning 19? If need be meet w her parents.

The way I am reading this your sun is 15 and a is dating someone who is who is actually 17 I do not see a problem my first wife why is 5 years younger than I my second wife who passed away what is 16 years older than I. My current wife is 5 years younger than I so I donā€™t see a problem your state may have a Romeo & Juliet clause.

Too wide a gap. I dated a 17 yr old when I was 20, but I was a devoutly religious college kid. It didnā€™t last long because I was very firm in my vow of chastity.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s a bad age difference itā€™s only almost 3 years but Iā€™d definitely meet her or anyone my child is dating

Thatā€™s not a huge age gap. Iā€™d keep an open mind because when you dont let it happen they will do it behind ur back. I was 17 with a 33 year old.

For you ppl out there I met my Husband when I was 16 and he was 20 we are now married 22 years. Like this kid I was honest with my parents. 18 I had my 1st daughter.
It doesnā€™t matter if roles were reversed.
I can tell you I was mature at the age of 12 like I would babysit and cook dinner ect. Its really how mature your child is some 15 year old are like children some are more of an adult than some adults with children are
Use your judgment no one knows your kid than you do.
Just my opinion so donā€™t jump on my comment giving me advice on trolling because IDGAF. Save your time on something else.
Btw My 1st born at the age of 23 is doing awesome and in college for BSN in nursing while having a baby now 2yrs old and husband deployed across seas half the time she was in school. I also have a 20yr girl and 8 yr. boy

Okay so hes 15 amd shes 17 about to be 18. My first question is when will he be 16 because if 16 isnt too far off for him then just accept his relationship for what it is. 2 years isnt too big of an age difference.

Let it be I was 16 and my husband was 18 when we started dating. Weā€™ve been together 10 years this year.

An age difference when they are young seems like a big deal. However itā€™s only 3 years. Keep that in mind. My fiance is 5 years older than me.

Honestly 3 years is not a huge age gap I was 16 when I met my ex he was 18 we were together 12 years had 3 kids if they were both adults nobody would say anything about 3 years hell some couples are 10 years apart

27 years ago my son dated a girl 18 he was 15 they are married for 25 years now.

Im curious if he will respect your wishes if you conclude its a no go. Will he go behind your back? If you think he will rebel maybe at least have the right talks with him about the differences and repercussions?

Oh please my daughter was dating a boy a few years older than her, she too was around 15, and today they are happily married with a house and 2 beautiful children. If he/she is happy what is the big deal

Is he going to school with her. If not ask him to ask her why would she want date a minor that cant vote or own a car. When there plenty adults that can.

My husband was 2 1/ 2 years younger than me. I met him in church. Another couple our ages she was 3 years older than him. I am a widow now but she still has him almost 42 years now. My grandson girlfriend is 3 yrs older. Also a church couple.

My older two kids dad was 22 when we met I was 15 it was a 6 year age difference we got engaged had two kids by the time i was 18 no we arnt together anymore but i honestly think itā€™s all about parents choice in the situation and how mature she and your son are about the relationship

Teenagers are tricky. If you tell him not to see her, he will want to see her more. I would meet the girl and support him. Young love comes and goes. He will probably move on before you know it.

I would have a serious chat about safe sex and the dangers to her of having sex before heā€™s legally old enough to consent. Other than that, wish them well.

Non issue at all, let your son meet friends in all ages, it can help him to grow in all aspect.

Mom Iā€™d let them at least go to church together and sit behind them lol just kidding!

If it was my son, I totally wouldnā€™t be comfortable with it. He is only 15 and she is basically fixing to be an adultā€¦ But itā€™s your son, so Iā€™d just be careful

Meet her shes only a few years older at that age the maturity level is still pretty much the sameā€¦ You might really like herā€¦ Im about 11 years older than my bf but I mean we are adults hes 25 and im 36 his mom and his grandmother at first didnt like that he was dating someone so old as they called meā€¦ But me n him are about the same maturity level or relationship has been the most mature relationship Ive had ā€¦so maybe just meet her before you decide

Iā€™d be glad sheā€™s 3 years older and not 3 years younger at that age :woman_shrugging:

What would you do if he was a girl and the roles were reversed? Thatā€™s the same way you should handle this situation tbh

We meet at 18 and 16.
Now we are 36 and 34.
18 years together,
10 years of Marriage with
3 kids.
A letter of acknowledgement and consent would be good.

My daughter is 18 her bf just turned 16 they have been together almost 2 years, definitely meet the girl and her family and make sure they are okay with the age difference.

Just meet the girl first, get to know her and talk to son about sex and such.

The question that comes to my mind: why is she with him?
Meet her and see how are things goingā€¦

Is he ready to be a father and pay child support? Is he sexually active? Mistakes happen. Does he have a job? If he doesnā€™t have a job or isnā€™t going to school, he has too much time on his hands. This could ruin his life. Prevention and a good plan may be in order.

I was 16 when my hubby turned 19. We have been together for 15yrs.

Donā€™t quote me but that might very well be under statutory rape laws since hes under 16. Also I would definitely check the girl out you never know these days ā€¦just why would an ā€œalmost 18ā€ year old be interested in a 15 year old ???

Let it be. I was 15 and lost my virginity to an 18 yr old and turned out just fine.No kids good job no drink or drugs Iā€™m now 52

I also dated my husband he was 16 and I was 18.

I would say check the laws in your state. In some states it wouldnā€™t be considered statutory rape if the are contemporaries and the person is not 4 to 5 yrs older. Each state law is different.

3 years apart is not bad but with him being so young i would play chauffeur to make sure he dont get in over his head cause the whole sex thing cang cause legal issues

I would not discourage it. It will push him away. I would find ways to support him and also remind them of legal consequences if they disobey your wishes. He is 15, he will probably move on or she will. Just ride it out